
Convert Zip packages to repositories and if they exist update and tag them.


Get needed access token

Get a token from https://git.vdm.dev/user/settings/applications

$ export SETUP_TOKEN="xxxxxxxxxxtokenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$ sudo curl -L "https://git.vdm.dev/api/v1/repos/octoleo/octozipo/raw/src/octozipo?access_token=${SETUP_TOKEN}" -o /usr/local/bin/octozipo
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/octozipo
  • Global environment file can be set at: /home/$USER/.config/octozipo/.env
  • OR/And Per projects environment file .octozipo inside the same directory as the zip files


  • VDM_ORG: git.vdm.dev/[ORG] in the repository path (default: joomla)
  • VDM_ZIP_DIR: the full path to where you have placed all the zipped files (default: current dir)
  • VDM_GIT_URL: the base URI of your gitea system (default: git.vdm.dev)
  • VDM_PUSH_CREATE: switch to push-create repositories that don't already exist (default: false)


To see the help menu

$ octozipo -h

To update

$ octozipo --update

Help Menu (Octozipo)

Usage: octozipo [OPTION...]
   -o | --org=[ORG]
        directory of the org/user repository
        default: joomla
        example: octozipo -o=joomla
        example: octozipo --org=joomla
   -z | --zip-dir=<full-path-to-directory>
        full path to directory of the zip files
        default: $PWD
        example: octozipo -z=/home/username/zipfiles
        example: octozipo --zip-dir=/home/username/zipfiles
   -g | --git-url=<url>
        git remote repository base url
        default: git.vdm.dev
        example: octozipo -g=git.vdm.dev
        example: octozipo --git-url=git.vdm.dev
   -m | --mapper=<file>
        load the mapping file
        that convert zip names to repo names
        example: octozipo --mapper=/src/.mapper
   -e | --env=<file>
        load the environment variables file
        example: octozipo --env=/src/.env
   -p | --push-create
        switch to try push create new repositories
        this may not work with github
        example: octozipo -p
        example: octozipo --push-create
   -s | --spacer=<char>
        set the spacer used in repo name
        default: -
        example: octozipo -s _
        example: octozipo --spacer=_
        set the git commit date
        default: Actual Date
        example: octozipo --git-date="Feb 14 03:18:31"
        switch to keep the repository directory
        example: octozipo --keep-repo
        switch to keep the zip file
        example: octozipo --keep-zip
        use the name found in the xml as the repository name
        example: octozipo --use-xml-name
   -d | --dry
        dry run of the program
        example: octozipo --dry
   -q | --quiet
        mute all output messages
        example: octozipo --quiet
        tp print out all config details
        example: octozipo --debug
        to update your install
        example: octozipo --update
        to uninstall this script
        example: octozipo --uninstall
        display this help menu
        example: octozipo -h
        example: octozipo --help
                        Octozipo v2.0.0


Execute the script in the directory where your zip files are found

$ octozipo -o joomla -p

This will target the git.vdm.dev/joomla organization and if a package is unzipped and not found it will push to create that repository.


$ octozipo --uninstall

Free Software License

@copyright  Copyright (C) 2021 Llewellyn van der Merwe. All rights reserved.
@license    GNU General Public License version 2; see LICENSE.txt
This script unzips packages and convert them to repositories or if they exist updates them.
Readme 88 KiB
Shell 100%