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namespace Phpml\Classification\Linear;
use Phpml\Helper\Predictable;
use Phpml\Classification\Classifier;
use Phpml\Preprocessing\Normalizer;
class Perceptron implements Classifier
use Predictable;
* The function whose result will be used to calculate the network error
* for each instance
* @var string
protected static $errorFunction = 'outputClass';
* @var array
protected $samples = [];
* @var array
protected $targets = [];
* @var array
protected $labels = [];
* @var int
protected $featureCount = 0;
* @var array
protected $weights;
* @var float
protected $learningRate;
* @var int
protected $maxIterations;
* @var Normalizer
protected $normalizer;
* Minimum amount of change in the weights between iterations
* that needs to be obtained to continue the training
* @var float
protected $threshold = 1e-5;
* Initalize a perceptron classifier with given learning rate and maximum
* number of iterations used while training the perceptron <br>
* Learning rate should be a float value between 0.0(exclusive) and 1.0(inclusive) <br>
* Maximum number of iterations can be an integer value greater than 0
* @param int $learningRate
* @param int $maxIterations
public function __construct(float $learningRate = 0.001, int $maxIterations = 1000,
bool $normalizeInputs = true)
if ($learningRate <= 0.0 || $learningRate > 1.0) {
throw new \Exception("Learning rate should be a float value between 0.0(exclusive) and 1.0(inclusive)");
if ($maxIterations <= 0) {
throw new \Exception("Maximum number of iterations should be an integer greater than 0");
if ($normalizeInputs) {
$this->normalizer = new Normalizer(Normalizer::NORM_STD);
$this->learningRate = $learningRate;
$this->maxIterations = $maxIterations;
* Sets minimum value for the change in the weights
* between iterations to continue the iterations.<br>
* If the weight change is less than given value then the
* algorithm will stop training
* @param float $threshold
public function setChangeThreshold(float $threshold = 1e-5)
$this->threshold = $threshold;
* @param array $samples
* @param array $targets
public function train(array $samples, array $targets)
$this->labels = array_keys(array_count_values($targets));
if (count($this->labels) > 2) {
throw new \Exception("Perceptron is for binary (two-class) classification only");
if ($this->normalizer) {
// Set all target values to either -1 or 1
$this->labels = [1 => $this->labels[0], -1 => $this->labels[1]];
foreach ($targets as $target) {
$this->targets[] = $target == $this->labels[1] ? 1 : -1;
// Set samples and feature count vars
$this->samples = array_merge($this->samples, $samples);
$this->featureCount = count($this->samples[0]);
// Init weights with random values
$this->weights = array_fill(0, $this->featureCount + 1, 0);
foreach ($this->weights as &$weight) {
$weight = rand() / (float) getrandmax();
// Do training
* Adapts the weights with respect to given samples and targets
* by use of perceptron learning rule
protected function runTraining()
$currIter = 0;
$bestWeights = null;
$bestScore = count($this->samples);
$bestWeightIter = 0;
while ($this->maxIterations > $currIter++) {
$weights = $this->weights;
$misClassified = 0;
foreach ($this->samples as $index => $sample) {
$target = $this->targets[$index];
$prediction = $this->{static::$errorFunction}($sample);
$update = $target - $prediction;
if ($target != $prediction) {
// Update bias
$this->weights[0] += $update * $this->learningRate; // Bias
// Update other weights
for ($i=1; $i <= $this->featureCount; $i++) {
$this->weights[$i] += $update * $sample[$i - 1] * $this->learningRate;
// Save the best weights in the "pocket" so that
// any future weights worse than this will be disregarded
if ($bestWeights == null || $misClassified <= $bestScore) {
$bestWeights = $weights;
$bestScore = $misClassified;
$bestWeightIter = $currIter;
// Check for early stop
if ($this->earlyStop($weights)) {
// The weights in the pocket are better than or equal to the last state
// so, we use these weights
$this->weights = $bestWeights;
* @param array $oldWeights
* @return boolean
protected function earlyStop($oldWeights)
// Check for early stop: No change larger than 1e-5
$diff = array_map(
function ($w1, $w2) {
return abs($w1 - $w2) > 1e-5 ? 1 : 0;
$oldWeights, $this->weights);
if (array_sum($diff) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Calculates net output of the network as a float value for the given input
* @param array $sample
* @return int
protected function output(array $sample)
$sum = 0;
foreach ($this->weights as $index => $w) {
if ($index == 0) {
$sum += $w;
} else {
$sum += $w * $sample[$index - 1];
return $sum;
* Returns the class value (either -1 or 1) for the given input
* @param array $sample
* @return int
protected function outputClass(array $sample)
return $this->output($sample) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
* @param array $sample
* @return mixed
protected function predictSample(array $sample)
if ($this->normalizer) {
$samples = [$sample];
$sample = $samples[0];
$predictedClass = $this->outputClass($sample);
return $this->labels[ $predictedClass ];