maxDepth = $maxDepth; } /** * @param array $samples * @param array $targets */ public function train(array $samples, array $targets) { $this->samples = array_merge($this->samples, $samples); $this->targets = array_merge($this->targets, $targets); $this->featureCount = count($this->samples[0]); $this->columnTypes = $this->getColumnTypes($this->samples); $this->labels = array_keys(array_count_values($this->targets)); $this->tree = $this->getSplitLeaf(range(0, count($this->samples) - 1)); } protected function getColumnTypes(array $samples) { $types = []; for ($i=0; $i<$this->featureCount; $i++) { $values = array_column($samples, $i); $isCategorical = $this->isCategoricalColumn($values); $types[] = $isCategorical ? self::NOMINAL : self::CONTINUOS; } return $types; } /** * @param null|array $records * @return DecisionTreeLeaf */ protected function getSplitLeaf($records, $depth = 0) { $split = $this->getBestSplit($records); $split->level = $depth; if ($this->actualDepth < $depth) { $this->actualDepth = $depth; } $leftRecords = []; $rightRecords= []; $remainingTargets = []; $prevRecord = null; $allSame = true; foreach ($records as $recordNo) { $record = $this->samples[$recordNo]; if ($prevRecord && $prevRecord != $record) { $allSame = false; } $prevRecord = $record; if ($split->evaluate($record)) { $leftRecords[] = $recordNo; } else { $rightRecords[]= $recordNo; } $target = $this->targets[$recordNo]; if (! in_array($target, $remainingTargets)) { $remainingTargets[] = $target; } } if (count($remainingTargets) == 1 || $allSame || $depth >= $this->maxDepth) { $split->isTerminal = 1; $classes = array_count_values($remainingTargets); arsort($classes); $split->classValue = key($classes); } else { if ($leftRecords) { $split->leftLeaf = $this->getSplitLeaf($leftRecords, $depth + 1); } if ($rightRecords) { $split->rightLeaf= $this->getSplitLeaf($rightRecords, $depth + 1); } } return $split; } /** * @param array $records * @return DecisionTreeLeaf[] */ protected function getBestSplit($records) { $targets = array_intersect_key($this->targets, array_flip($records)); $samples = array_intersect_key($this->samples, array_flip($records)); $samples = array_combine($records, $this->preprocess($samples)); $bestGiniVal = 1; $bestSplit = null; $features = $this->getSelectedFeatures(); foreach ($features as $i) { $colValues = []; foreach ($samples as $index => $row) { $colValues[$index] = $row[$i]; } $counts = array_count_values($colValues); arsort($counts); $baseValue = key($counts); $gini = $this->getGiniIndex($baseValue, $colValues, $targets); if ($bestSplit == null || $bestGiniVal > $gini) { $split = new DecisionTreeLeaf(); $split->value = $baseValue; $split->giniIndex = $gini; $split->columnIndex = $i; $split->records = $records; $bestSplit = $split; $bestGiniVal = $gini; } } return $bestSplit; } /** * @return array */ protected function getSelectedFeatures() { $allFeatures = range(0, $this->featureCount - 1); if ($this->numUsableFeatures == 0) { return $allFeatures; } $numFeatures = $this->numUsableFeatures; if ($numFeatures > $this->featureCount) { $numFeatures = $this->featureCount; } shuffle($allFeatures); $selectedFeatures = array_slice($allFeatures, 0, $numFeatures, false); sort($selectedFeatures); return $selectedFeatures; } /** * @param string $baseValue * @param array $colValues * @param array $targets */ public function getGiniIndex($baseValue, $colValues, $targets) { $countMatrix = []; foreach ($this->labels as $label) { $countMatrix[$label] = [0, 0]; } foreach ($colValues as $index => $value) { $label = $targets[$index]; $rowIndex = $value == $baseValue ? 0 : 1; $countMatrix[$label][$rowIndex]++; } $giniParts = [0, 0]; for ($i=0; $i<=1; $i++) { $part = 0; $sum = array_sum(array_column($countMatrix, $i)); if ($sum > 0) { foreach ($this->labels as $label) { $part += pow($countMatrix[$label][$i] / floatval($sum), 2); } } $giniParts[$i] = (1 - $part) * $sum; } return array_sum($giniParts) / count($colValues); } /** * @param array $samples * @return array */ protected function preprocess(array $samples) { // Detect and convert continuous data column values into // discrete values by using the median as a threshold value $columns = []; for ($i=0; $i<$this->featureCount; $i++) { $values = array_column($samples, $i); if ($this->columnTypes[$i] == self::CONTINUOS) { $median = Mean::median($values); foreach ($values as &$value) { if ($value <= $median) { $value = "<= $median"; } else { $value = "> $median"; } } } $columns[] = $values; } // Below method is a strange yet very simple & efficient method // to get the transpose of a 2D array return array_map(null, ...$columns); } /** * @param array $columnValues * @return bool */ protected function isCategoricalColumn(array $columnValues) { $count = count($columnValues); // There are two main indicators that *may* show whether a // column is composed of discrete set of values: // 1- Column may contain string values // 2- Number of unique values in the column is only a small fraction of // all values in that column (Lower than or equal to %20 of all values) $numericValues = array_filter($columnValues, 'is_numeric'); if (count($numericValues) != $count) { return true; } $distinctValues = array_count_values($columnValues); if (count($distinctValues) <= $count / 5) { return true; } return false; } /** * This method is used to set number of columns to be used * when deciding a split at an internal node of the tree.
* If the value is given 0, then all features are used (default behaviour), * otherwise the given value will be used as a maximum for number of columns * randomly selected for each split operation. * * @param int $numFeatures * @return $this * @throws Exception */ public function setNumFeatures(int $numFeatures) { if ($numFeatures < 0) { throw new \Exception("Selected column count should be greater or equal to zero"); } $this->numUsableFeatures = $numFeatures; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getHtml() { return $this->tree->__toString(); } /** * @param array $sample * @return mixed */ protected function predictSample(array $sample) { $node = $this->tree; do { if ($node->isTerminal) { break; } if ($node->evaluate($sample)) { $node = $node->leftLeaf; } else { $node = $node->rightLeaf; } } while ($node); return $node ? $node->classValue : $this->labels[0]; } }