type = $type; $this->kernel = $kernel; $this->cost = $cost; $this->nu = $nu; $this->degree = $degree; $this->gamma = $gamma; $this->coef0 = $coef0; $this->epsilon = $epsilon; $this->tolerance = $tolerance; $this->cacheSize = $cacheSize; $this->shrinking = $shrinking; $this->probabilityEstimates = $probabilityEstimates; $rootPath = realpath(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [__DIR__, '..', '..'])).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->binPath = $rootPath.'bin'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'libsvm'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->varPath = $rootPath.'var'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } public function setBinPath(string $binPath): void { $this->ensureDirectorySeparator($binPath); $this->verifyBinPath($binPath); $this->binPath = $binPath; } public function setVarPath(string $varPath): void { if (!is_writable($varPath)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The specified path "%s" is not writable', $varPath)); } $this->ensureDirectorySeparator($varPath); $this->varPath = $varPath; } public function train(array $samples, array $targets): void { $this->samples = array_merge($this->samples, $samples); $this->targets = array_merge($this->targets, $targets); $trainingSet = DataTransformer::trainingSet($this->samples, $this->targets, in_array($this->type, [Type::EPSILON_SVR, Type::NU_SVR], true)); file_put_contents($trainingSetFileName = $this->varPath.uniqid('phpml', true), $trainingSet); $modelFileName = $trainingSetFileName.'-model'; $command = $this->buildTrainCommand($trainingSetFileName, $modelFileName); $output = []; exec(escapeshellcmd($command).' 2>&1', $output, $return); unlink($trainingSetFileName); if ($return !== 0) { throw new LibsvmCommandException( sprintf('Failed running libsvm command: "%s" with reason: "%s"', $command, array_pop($output)) ); } $this->model = (string) file_get_contents($modelFileName); unlink($modelFileName); } public function getModel(): string { return $this->model; } /** * @return array|string * * @throws LibsvmCommandException */ public function predict(array $samples) { $predictions = $this->runSvmPredict($samples, false); if (in_array($this->type, [Type::C_SVC, Type::NU_SVC], true)) { $predictions = DataTransformer::predictions($predictions, $this->targets); } else { $predictions = explode(PHP_EOL, trim($predictions)); } if (!is_array($samples[0])) { return $predictions[0]; } return $predictions; } /** * @return array|string * * @throws LibsvmCommandException */ public function predictProbability(array $samples) { if (!$this->probabilityEstimates) { throw new InvalidOperationException('Model does not support probabiliy estimates'); } $predictions = $this->runSvmPredict($samples, true); if (in_array($this->type, [Type::C_SVC, Type::NU_SVC], true)) { $predictions = DataTransformer::probabilities($predictions, $this->targets); } else { $predictions = explode(PHP_EOL, trim($predictions)); } if (!is_array($samples[0])) { return $predictions[0]; } return $predictions; } private function runSvmPredict(array $samples, bool $probabilityEstimates): string { $testSet = DataTransformer::testSet($samples); file_put_contents($testSetFileName = $this->varPath.uniqid('phpml', true), $testSet); file_put_contents($modelFileName = $testSetFileName.'-model', $this->model); $outputFileName = $testSetFileName.'-output'; $command = $this->buildPredictCommand( $testSetFileName, $modelFileName, $outputFileName, $probabilityEstimates ); $output = []; exec(escapeshellcmd($command).' 2>&1', $output, $return); unlink($testSetFileName); unlink($modelFileName); $predictions = (string) file_get_contents($outputFileName); unlink($outputFileName); if ($return !== 0) { throw new LibsvmCommandException( sprintf('Failed running libsvm command: "%s" with reason: "%s"', $command, array_pop($output)) ); } return $predictions; } private function getOSExtension(): string { $os = strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)); if ($os === 'WIN') { return '.exe'; } elseif ($os === 'DAR') { return '-osx'; } return ''; } private function buildTrainCommand(string $trainingSetFileName, string $modelFileName): string { return sprintf( '%ssvm-train%s -s %s -t %s -c %s -n %F -d %s%s -r %s -p %F -m %F -e %F -h %d -b %d %s %s', $this->binPath, $this->getOSExtension(), $this->type, $this->kernel, $this->cost, $this->nu, $this->degree, $this->gamma !== null ? ' -g '.$this->gamma : '', $this->coef0, $this->epsilon, $this->cacheSize, $this->tolerance, $this->shrinking, $this->probabilityEstimates, escapeshellarg($trainingSetFileName), escapeshellarg($modelFileName) ); } private function buildPredictCommand( string $testSetFileName, string $modelFileName, string $outputFileName, bool $probabilityEstimates ): string { return sprintf( '%ssvm-predict%s -b %d %s %s %s', $this->binPath, $this->getOSExtension(), $probabilityEstimates ? 1 : 0, escapeshellarg($testSetFileName), escapeshellarg($modelFileName), escapeshellarg($outputFileName) ); } private function ensureDirectorySeparator(string &$path): void { if (substr($path, -1) !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } private function verifyBinPath(string $path): void { if (!is_dir($path)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The specified path "%s" does not exist', $path)); } $osExtension = $this->getOSExtension(); foreach (['svm-predict', 'svm-scale', 'svm-train'] as $filename) { $filePath = $path.$filename.$osExtension; if (!file_exists($filePath)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('File "%s" not found', $filePath)); } if (!is_executable($filePath)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('File "%s" is not executable', $filePath)); } } } }