# Distance Selected algorithms require the use of a function for calculating the distance. ### Euclidean Class for calculation Euclidean distance. ![euclidean](https://upload.wikimedia.org/math/8/4/9/849f040fd10bb86f7c85eb0bbe3566a4.png "Euclidean Distance") To calculate Euclidean distance: ``` $a = [4, 6]; $b = [2, 5]; $euclidean = new Euclidean(); $euclidean->distance($a, $b); // return 2.2360679774998 ``` ### Manhattan Class for calculation Manhattan distance. ![manhattan](https://upload.wikimedia.org/math/4/c/5/4c568bd1d76a6b15e19cb2ac3ad75350.png "Manhattan Distance") To calculate Manhattan distance: ``` $a = [4, 6]; $b = [2, 5]; $manhattan = new Manhattan(); $manhattan->distance($a, $b); // return 3 ``` ### Chebyshev Class for calculation Chebyshev distance. ![chebyshev](https://upload.wikimedia.org/math/7/1/2/71200f7dbb43b3bcfbcbdb9e02ab0a0c.png "Chebyshev Distance") To calculate Chebyshev distance: ``` $a = [4, 6]; $b = [2, 5]; $chebyshev = new Chebyshev(); $chebyshev->distance($a, $b); // return 2 ``` ### Minkowski Class for calculation Minkowski distance. ![minkowski](https://upload.wikimedia.org/math/a/a/0/aa0c62083c12390cb15ac3217de88e66.png "Minkowski Distance") To calculate Minkowski distance: ``` $a = [4, 6]; $b = [2, 5]; $minkowski = new Minkowski(); $minkowski->distance($a, $b); // return 2.080 ``` You can provide the `lambda` parameter: ``` $a = [6, 10, 3]; $b = [2, 5, 5]; $minkowski = new Minkowski($lambda = 5); $minkowski->distance($a, $b); // return 5.300 ``` ### Custom distance To apply your own function of distance use `Distance` interface. Example ``` class CustomDistance implements Distance { /** * @param array $a * @param array $b * * @return float */ public function distance(array $a, array $b): float { $distance = []; $count = count($a); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $distance[] = $a[$i] * $b[$i]; } return min($distance); } } ```