scoringFunction = $scoringFunction; $this->k = $k; } public function fit(array $samples, ?array $targets = null): void { if ($targets === null || empty($targets)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The array has zero elements'); } $this->scores = $sorted = $this->scoringFunction->score($samples, $targets); if ($this->k >= count($sorted)) { return; } arsort($sorted); $this->keepColumns = array_slice($sorted, 0, $this->k, true); } public function transform(array &$samples): void { if ($this->keepColumns === null) { return; } foreach ($samples as &$sample) { $sample = array_values(array_intersect_key($sample, $this->keepColumns)); } } public function scores(): array { if ($this->scores === null) { throw new InvalidOperationException('SelectKBest require to fit first to get scores'); } return $this->scores; } }