* * Larger values of lr may overshoot the optimum or even cause divergence * while small values slows down the convergence and increases the time * required for the training * * @var float */ protected $learningRate = 0.001; /** * Minimum amount of change in the weights and error values * between iterations that needs to be obtained to continue the training * * @var float */ protected $threshold = 1e-4; /** * Enable/Disable early stopping by checking the weight & cost values * to see whether they changed large enough to continue the optimization * * @var bool */ protected $enableEarlyStop = true; /** * List of values obtained by evaluating the cost function at each iteration * of the algorithm * * @var array */ protected $costValues = []; /** * Initializes the SGD optimizer for the given number of dimensions */ public function __construct(int $dimensions) { // Add one more dimension for the bias parent::__construct($dimensions + 1); $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * Sets minimum value for the change in the theta values * between iterations to continue the iterations.
* * If change in the theta is less than given value then the * algorithm will stop training * * @return $this */ public function setChangeThreshold(float $threshold = 1e-5) { $this->threshold = $threshold; return $this; } /** * Enable/Disable early stopping by checking at each iteration * whether changes in theta or cost value are not large enough * * @return $this */ public function setEarlyStop(bool $enable = true) { $this->enableEarlyStop = $enable; return $this; } /** * @return $this */ public function setLearningRate(float $learningRate) { $this->learningRate = $learningRate; return $this; } /** * @return $this */ public function setMaxIterations(int $maxIterations) { $this->maxIterations = $maxIterations; return $this; } /** * Optimization procedure finds the unknow variables for the equation A.ϴ = y * for the given samples (A) and targets (y).
* * The cost function to minimize and the gradient of the function are to be * handled by the callback function provided as the third parameter of the method. */ public function runOptimization(array $samples, array $targets, \Closure $gradientCb) : array { $this->samples = $samples; $this->targets = $targets; $this->gradientCb = $gradientCb; $currIter = 0; $bestTheta = null; $bestScore = 0.0; $this->costValues = []; while ($this->maxIterations > $currIter++) { $theta = $this->theta; // Update the guess $cost = $this->updateTheta(); // Save the best theta in the "pocket" so that // any future set of theta worse than this will be disregarded if ($bestTheta == null || $cost <= $bestScore) { $bestTheta = $theta; $bestScore = $cost; } // Add the cost value for this iteration to the list $this->costValues[] = $cost; // Check for early stop if ($this->enableEarlyStop && $this->earlyStop($theta)) { break; } } $this->clear(); // Solution in the pocket is better than or equal to the last state // so, we use this solution return $this->theta = $bestTheta; } protected function updateTheta() : float { $jValue = 0.0; $theta = $this->theta; foreach ($this->samples as $index => $sample) { $target = $this->targets[$index]; $result = ($this->gradientCb)($theta, $sample, $target); list($error, $gradient, $penalty) = array_pad($result, 3, 0); // Update bias $this->theta[0] -= $this->learningRate * $gradient; // Update other values for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->dimensions; ++$i) { $this->theta[$i] -= $this->learningRate * ($gradient * $sample[$i - 1] + $penalty * $this->theta[$i]); } // Sum error rate $jValue += $error; } return $jValue / count($this->samples); } /** * Checks if the optimization is not effective enough and can be stopped * in case large enough changes in the solution do not happen */ protected function earlyStop(array $oldTheta): bool { // Check for early stop: No change larger than threshold (default 1e-5) $diff = array_map( function ($w1, $w2) { return abs($w1 - $w2) > $this->threshold ? 1 : 0; }, $oldTheta, $this->theta ); if (array_sum($diff) == 0) { return true; } // Check if the last two cost values are almost the same $costs = array_slice($this->costValues, -2); if (count($costs) == 2 && abs($costs[1] - $costs[0]) < $this->threshold) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns the list of cost values for each iteration executed in * last run of the optimization */ public function getCostValues() : array { return $this->costValues; } /** * Clears the optimizer internal vars after the optimization process. */ protected function clear() { $this->samples = []; $this->targets = []; $this->gradientCb = null; } }