# VFS (Virtual File System) Virtual File System [![Master branch build status][ico-build]][travis] [![Published version][ico-package]][package] [![PHP ~5.4][ico-engine]][lang] [![MIT Licensed][ico-license]][license] **VFS** is a virtual file system for PHP built using the stream wrapper API. Streams are exposed just as typical `file://` or `http://` streams are to PHP's built-in functions and keywords like `fopen` and `require`. This implementation attempts to stay true to the typical streams, including triggering warnings and handling edge cases appropriately. It can be installed in whichever way you prefer, but I recommend [Composer][package]. ```json { "require": { "adlawson/vfs": "*" } } ``` ## Documentation After creating and mounting the file system, you have the option of manipulating the virtual file system either via PHP's built-in functions, the VFS interfaces, or interfaces provided by another file system library. ```php new File('Hello, World!')]); $fs->get('/')->add('foo', $foo); // Get contents of `/foo/bar.txt` $fs->get('/foo/bar.txt')->getContent(); // Hello, World! file_get_contents('vfs://foo/bar.txt'); // Hello, World! // Add `/foo/bar` and `/foo/bar/baz.php` mkdir('vfs://foo/bar'); file_put_contents('vfs://foo/bar.php', 'mkdir('vfs://foo/bar/baz'); $laravel = new Illuminate\Filesystem(); $laravel->isDirectory('vfs://foo/bar/baz'); //true // Triggers PHP warnings on error just like typical streams rename('vfs://path/to/nowhere', 'vfs://path/to/somewhere'); // PHP Warning: rename(vfs://path/to/nowhere,vfs://path/to/somewhere): No such file or directory in /srv/index.php on line 1; triggered in /srv/src/Logger/PhpErrorLogger.php on line 32 ``` ### Example use cases If you need to ask what you'd use a virtual file system for, you probably don't need one, but just in case, I've compiled a small list of examples: - Testing file system libraries without writing to disc - Runtime evaluation without `eval` (via `write` and `require`) - ...we need some more! ### Todo Current tasks are listed on the [github issues][issues] page, but some are listed here for reference: - Symlinks - File locks - Permissions/ACL ## Contributing Contributions are accepted via Pull Request, but passing unit tests must be included before it will be considered for merge. ```bash $ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adlawson/vagrantfiles/master/php/Vagrantfile $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh ... $ cd /srv $ composer install $ vendor/bin/phpunit ``` ### License The content of this library is released under the **MIT License** by **Andrew Lawson**.
You can find a copy of this license in [`LICENSE`][license] or at http://opensource.org/licenses/mit. [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/adlawson/vfs.php [lang]: http://php.net [package]: https://packagist.org/packages/adlawson/vfs [ico-license]: http://img.shields.io/packagist/l/adlawson/vfs.svg?style=flat [ico-package]: http://img.shields.io/packagist/v/adlawson/vfs.svg?style=flat [ico-build]: http://img.shields.io/travis/adlawson/vfs.php/master.svg?style=flat [ico-engine]: http://img.shields.io/badge/php-~5.4-8892BF.svg?style=flat [issues]: https://github.com/adlawson/vfs.php/issues [license]: LICENSE