language: php php: - 5.3.3 - 5.3 - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - hhvm env: global: # Defines CODE_COVERAGE_PASSPHRASE which is the passphrase for unlocking # the travis/code_coverage_id_rsa RSA private key. - secure: "jtQTZKQBnzUlp/jz7NlM6470ZDnLGVAs53sgvIm4tcYqf9TWSXSXjIYvFsrS\nKPR2eyZaAevYysUkIGRFTUXTlG6tC36YngMp9+6FPxASl8mnGXsTbKcm613B\n59vD3242pgIgqhhmgFQ0c8gbvnE8PuF2aS4/hluP3r+AxhWN56E=" before_script: - travis/ - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' != 'hhvm' ]; then travis/; fi" - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '5.5' ]; then composer install --dev --no-interaction; fi" script: - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '5.5' ]; then vendor/bin/phpcs -s --extensions=php --standard=build/code-sniffer-ruleset.xml phpseclib/; fi" - sh -c "if [ '$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION' = '5.5' ]; then vendor/bin/phpcs -s --extensions=php --standard=build/code-sniffer-ruleset-tests.xml tests/; fi" - travis/ after_success: - sh -c "if $TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS; then travis/; fi"