* @copyright MMXII Andreas Fischer * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License */ abstract class Crypt_Hash_TestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { static public function setUpBeforeClass() { require_once('Crypt/Hash.php'); if (!defined('CRYPT_HASH_MODE')) { define('CRYPT_HASH_MODE', CRYPT_HASH_MODE_INTERNAL); } } public function setUp() { if (defined('CRYPT_HASH_MODE') && CRYPT_HASH_MODE !== CRYPT_HASH_MODE_INTERNAL) { $this->markTestSkipped('Skipping test because CRYPT_HASH_MODE is not defined as CRYPT_HASH_MODE_INTERNAL.'); } } protected function assertHashesTo(Crypt_Hash $hash, $message, $expected) { $this->assertEquals( strtolower($expected), bin2hex($hash->hash($message)), sprintf("Failed asserting that '%s' hashes to '%s'.", $message, $expected) ); } protected function assertHMACsTo(Crypt_Hash $hash, $key, $message, $expected) { $hash->setKey($key); $this->assertEquals( strtolower($expected), bin2hex($hash->hash($message)), sprintf("Failed asserting that '%s' HMACs to '%s' with key '%s'.", $message, $expected, $key) ); } }