mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 15:18:39 +00:00
the code that's being removed has its origins in 65193d9a25baa59bc34479322a694f2cf1f16180. in that commit the packet length is set outside of the while loop. this would continue to be the case until https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib/pull/945.
795 lines
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795 lines
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* @author Andreas Fischer <bantu@phpbb.com>
* @copyright 2014 Andreas Fischer
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
class Functional_Net_SFTPUserStoryTest extends PhpseclibFunctionalTestCase
static protected $scratchDir;
static protected $exampleData;
static protected $exampleDataLength;
static protected $buffer;
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
self::$scratchDir = uniqid('phpseclib-sftp-scratch-');
self::$exampleData = str_repeat('abcde12345', 1000);
self::$exampleDataLength = 10000;
public function testBadHostname()
$sftp = new Net_SFTP('bad host name');
$sftp->login('username', 'password');
public function testConstructor()
$sftp = new Net_SFTP($this->getEnv('SSH_HOSTNAME'));
'Could not construct NET_SFTP object.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testConstructor
public function testPasswordLogin($sftp)
$username = $this->getEnv('SSH_USERNAME');
$password = $this->getEnv('SSH_PASSWORD');
$sftp->login($username, $password),
'SSH2/SFTP login using password failed.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testPasswordLogin
public function testPwdHome($sftp)
'Failed asserting that pwd() returns home directory after login.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testPwdHome
public function testMkDirScratch($sftp)
$dirname = self::$scratchDir;
"Failed asserting that a new scratch directory $dirname could " .
'be created.'
"Failed asserting that a new scratch directory $dirname could " .
'not be created (because it already exists).'
return $sftp;
* @depends testMkDirScratch
public function testChDirScratch($sftp)
'Failed asserting that working directory could be changed ' .
'to scratch directory %s.',
$pwd = $sftp->pwd();
'Failed asserting that the home directory is a prefix of the ' .
'current working directory.'
'Failed asserting that the scratch directory name is a suffix ' .
'of the current working directory.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testChDirScratch
public function testStatOnDir($sftp)
'Failed asserting that the cwd has a non-empty stat.'
return $sftp;
static function demoCallback($length)
$r = substr(self::$buffer, 0, $length);
self::$buffer = substr(self::$buffer, $length);
if (strlen($r)) {
return $r;
return null;
* @depends testStatOnDir
public function testPutSizeGetFileCallback($sftp)
self::$buffer = self::$exampleData;
$sftp->put('file1.txt', array(__CLASS__, 'demoCallback'), NET_SFTP_CALLBACK),
'Failed asserting that example data could be successfully put().'
'Failed asserting that put example data has the expected length'
'Failed asserting that get() returns expected example data.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testStatOnDir
public function testPutSizeGetFile($sftp)
$sftp->put('file1.txt', self::$exampleData),
'Failed asserting that example data could be successfully put().'
'Failed asserting that put example data has the expected length'
'Failed asserting that get() returns expected example data.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testPutSizeGetFile
public function testTouch($sftp)
'Failed asserting that touch() successfully ran.'
'Failed asserting that touch()\'d file exists'
return $sftp;
* @depends testTouch
public function testTruncate($sftp)
'Failed asserting that touch() successfully ran.'
$sftp->truncate('file3.txt', 1024 * 1024),
'Failed asserting that touch() successfully ran.'
1024 * 1024,
'Failed asserting that truncate()\'d file has the expected length'
return $sftp;
* @depends testTruncate
* @group github850
public function testChModOnFile($sftp)
$sftp->chmod(0755, 'file1.txt'),
'Failed asserting that chmod() was successful.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testChModOnFile
public function testChDirOnFile($sftp)
'Failed to assert that the cwd cannot be changed to a file'
return $sftp;
* @depends testChDirOnFile
public function testFileExistsIsFileIsDirFile($sftp)
'Failed asserting that file_exists() on example file returns true.'
'Failed asserting that is_file() on example file returns true.'
'Failed asserting that is_dir() on example file returns false.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testFileExistsIsFileIsDirFile
public function testFileExistsIsFileIsDirFileNonexistent($sftp)
'Failed asserting that a nonexistent file does not exist.'
'Failed asserting that is_file() on nonexistent file returns false.'
'Failed asserting that is_dir() on nonexistent file returns false.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testFileExistsIsFileIsDirFileNonexistent
public function testSortOrder($sftp)
"Failed asserting that a new scratch directory temp could " .
'be created.'
$sftp->setListOrder('filename', SORT_DESC);
$list = $sftp->nlist();
$expected = array('.', '..', 'temp', 'file3.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file1.txt');
'Failed asserting that list sorted correctly.'
$sftp->setListOrder('filename', SORT_ASC);
$list = $sftp->nlist();
$expected = array('.', '..', 'temp', 'file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt');
'Failed asserting that list sorted correctly.'
$sftp->setListOrder('size', SORT_DESC);
$files = $sftp->nlist();
$last_size = 0x7FFFFFFF;
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($sftp->is_file($file)) {
$cur_size = $sftp->size($file);
'Failed asserting that nlist() is in descending order'
$last_size = $cur_size;
return $sftp;
* @depends testSortOrder
public function testResourceXfer($sftp)
$fp = fopen('res.txt', 'w+');
$sftp->get('file1.txt', $fp);
$sftp->put('file4.txt', $fp);
'Failed asserting that a file downloaded into a resource and reuploaded from a resource has the correct data'
return $sftp;
* @depends testResourceXfer
public function testSymlink($sftp)
$sftp->symlink('file3.txt', 'symlink'),
'Failed asserting that a symlink could be created'
return $sftp;
* @depends testSymlink
public function testStatLstatCache($sftp)
$stat = $sftp->stat('symlink');
$lstat = $sftp->lstat('symlink');
'Failed asserting that stat and lstat returned different output for a symlink'
return $sftp;
* @depends testStatLstatCache
public function testLinkFile($sftp)
'Failed asserting that symlink is a link'
'Failed asserting that symlink is a file'
'Failed asserting that symlink is not a directory'
return $sftp;
* @depends testLinkFile
public function testReadlink($sftp)
'Failed asserting that a symlink\'s target could be read'
return $sftp;
* @depends testReadlink
* @group github716
public function testStatOnCWD($sftp)
$stat = $sftp->stat('.');
'Failed asserting that stat on . returns an array'
$lstat = $sftp->lstat('.');
'Failed asserting that lstat on . returns an array'
return $sftp;
* on older versions this would result in a fatal error
* @depends testStatOnCWD
* @group github402
public function testStatcacheFix($sftp)
// Name used for both directory and file.
$name = 'stattestdir';
$this->assertStringEndsWith(self::$scratchDir . '/' . $name, $sftp->pwd());
$this->assertStringEndsWith(self::$scratchDir, $sftp->pwd());
$this->assertTrue($sftp->delete($name, true));
return $sftp;
* @depends testStatcacheFix
public function testChDirUpHome($sftp)
'Failed asserting that directory could be changed one level up.'
'Failed asserting that pwd() returns home directory.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testChDirUpHome
public function testFileExistsIsFileIsDirDir($sftp)
'Failed asserting that file_exists() on scratch dir returns true.'
'Failed asserting that is_file() on example file returns false.'
'Failed asserting that is_dir() on example file returns true.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testFileExistsIsFileIsDirDir
public function testTruncateLargeFile($sftp)
$filesize = (4 * 1024 + 16) * 1024 * 1024;
$filename = 'file-large-from-truncate-4112MiB.txt';
$this->assertTrue($sftp->truncate($filename, $filesize));
$this->assertSame($filesize, $sftp->size($filename));
return $sftp;
* @depends testTruncateLargeFile
public function testRmDirScratch($sftp)
'Failed asserting that non-empty scratch directory could ' .
'not be deleted using rmdir().'
return $sftp;
* @depends testRmDirScratch
public function testDeleteRecursiveScratch($sftp)
'Failed asserting that non-empty scratch directory could ' .
'be deleted using recursive delete().'
return $sftp;
* @depends testDeleteRecursiveScratch
public function testRmDirScratchNonexistent($sftp)
'Failed asserting that nonexistent scratch directory could ' .
'not be deleted using rmdir().'
return $sftp;
* @depends testRmDirScratchNonexistent
* @group github706
public function testDeleteEmptyDir($sftp)
'Failed asserting that scratch directory could ' .
'be created.'
'Failed asserting that stat on an existant empty directory returns an array'
'Failed asserting that empty scratch directory could ' .
'be deleted using recursive delete().'
'Failed asserting that stat on a deleted directory returns false'
'Failed asserting that non-existent directory could not ' .
'be deleted using recursive delete().'
return $sftp;
* @depends testDeleteEmptyDir
* @group github735
public function testStatVsLstat($sftp)
$this->assertTrue($sftp->put('text.txt', 'zzzzz'));
$this->assertTrue($sftp->symlink('text.txt', 'link.txt'));
$this->assertTrue($sftp->symlink('subdir', 'linkdir'));
// pre-populate the stat cache
$stat = $sftp->stat('link.txt');
$this->assertSame($stat['type'], NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR);
$stat = $sftp->lstat('link.txt');
$this->assertSame($stat['type'], NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK);
$stat = $sftp->stat('linkdir');
$this->assertSame($stat['type'], NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY);
$stat = $sftp->lstat('link.txt');
$this->assertSame($stat['type'], NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK);
$stat = $sftp->stat('link.txt');
$this->assertSame($stat['type'], NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR);
$stat = $sftp->lstat('link.txt');
$this->assertSame($stat['type'], NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK);
$stat = $sftp->stat('linkdir');
$this->assertSame($stat['type'], NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY);
$stat = $sftp->lstat('link.txt');
$this->assertSame($stat['type'], NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK);
return $sftp;
* @depends testStatVsLstat
* @group github830
public function testUploadOffsets($sftp)
$sftp->put('offset.txt', 'res.txt', NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE, 0, 10);
substr(self::$exampleData, 10),
'Failed asserting that portions of a file could be uploaded.'
$sftp->put('offset.txt', 'res.txt', NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE, self::$exampleDataLength - 100);
substr(self::$exampleData, 10, -90) . self::$exampleData,
'Failed asserting that you could upload into the middle of a file.'
return $sftp;
* @depends testUploadOffsets
public function testReadableWritable($sftp)
$sftp->chmod(0000, 'offset.txt');
$sftp->chmod(0777, 'offset.txt');
return $sftp;
* @depends testReadableWritable
* @group github999
public function testExecNlist($sftp)
$sftp->exec('ping google.com -c 5');
return $sftp;
* @depends testExecNlist
public function testRawlistDisabledStatCache($sftp)
$this->assertTrue($sftp->put('text.txt', 'zzzzz'));
$this->assertTrue($sftp->put('leaf.txt', 'yyyyy'));
$list_cache_enabled = $sftp->rawlist('.', true);
$list_cache_disabled = $sftp->rawlist('.', true);
$this->assertEquals($list_cache_enabled, $list_cache_disabled, 'The files should be the same regardless of stat cache', 0.0, 10, true);
return $sftp;
* @depends testRawlistDisabledStatCache
public function testChownChgrp($sftp)
$stat = $sftp->stat(self::$scratchDir);
$this->assertTrue($sftp->chown(self::$scratchDir, $stat['uid']));
$this->assertTrue($sftp->chgrp(self::$scratchDir, $stat['gid']));
$stat2 = $sftp->stat(self::$scratchDir);
$this->assertSame($stat['uid'], $stat2['uid']);
$this->assertSame($stat['gid'], $stat2['gid']);
return $sftp;
* @depends testChownChgrp
* @group github1934
public function testCallableGetWithLength($sftp)
$sftp->put('test.txt', 'zzzzz');
$sftp->get('test.txt', function($data) {}, 0, 1);