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* @author Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
* @copyright 2014 Jim Wigginton
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License
use phpseclib3\File\ASN1;
class Unit_File_ASN1Test extends PhpseclibTestCase
* on older versions of \phpseclib3\File\ASN1 this would yield a PHP Warning
* @group github275
public function testAnyString()
$KDC_REP = [
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => [
'pvno' => [
'constant' => 0,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY],
'msg-type' => [
'constant' => 1,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY],
'padata' => [
'constant' => 2,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY],
'crealm' => [
'constant' => 3,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY],
'cname' => [
'constant' => 4,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY],
'ticket' => [
'constant' => 5,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY],
'enc-part' => [
'constant' => 6,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY]
$AS_REP = [
'cast' => 11,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true
] + $KDC_REP;
'GsJJnROhh8JAiN7pdvlnkxCYKdG6UgdfK/K0NZ+yz+Xg4kgFO1cQ4XYT4Fm3MTmOHzlFmbzlVkUqBI/RnWA9YTREC9Q7Mf' .
'PPYfRxRG/C6FlahxHCOKj9GUj7bXg7Oq3Sm+QsKTS2bZT05biNf1s7tPCkdIOO0AAd7hvTCpTNAKl+OLN4cpA6pwwk5c3h' .
'58Ce5/Uri5yBmrfwgkCD5AJUAI/WH56SEEvpifLc6C96w/7y2krAiZm5PyEO0HVhTzUjKGSHoSMb+Z3HI/ul+G9z0Z4qDu' .
'NjvgP0jKdrKiwWN00NjpiQ0byZd4y6aCASEwggEdoAMCAReiggEUBIIBEHyi8DIbdcfw2DpniBJ3Sh8dDaEbQx+gWx3omC' .
'TBEyts4sQGTwgQcqkWfeer8M+SkZs/GGZq2YYkyeF+9b6TxlYuX145NuB3KcyzaS7VNrX37E5nGgG8K6r5gTFOhLCqsjjv' .
'gPXXqLeJo5D1nV+c8BPIEVsu/bbBPgSqpDwUs2mX1WkEg5vfb7kZMC8+LHiRy+sItvIiTtxxEsQ/GEF/ono3hZrEnDa/C+' .
'4P3wep6uNMLnLzXJmUaAMaopjE+MOcai/t6T9Vg4pERF5Waqwg5ibAbVGK19HuS4LiKiaY3JsyYBuNkEDwiqM7i1Ekw3V+' .
$decoded = ASN1::decodeBER(base64_decode($str));
$result = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $AS_REP);
* on older versions of \phpseclib3\File\ASN1 this would produce a null instead of an array
* @group github275
public function testIncorrectString()
$PA_DATA = [
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => [
'padata-type' => [
'constant' => 1,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER
'padata-value' => [
'constant' => 2,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
$PrincipalName = [
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => [
'name-type' => [
'constant' => 0,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER
'name-string' => [
'constant' => 1,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'min' => 0,
'max' => -1,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING] // should be \phpseclib3\File\ASN1::TYPE_GENERAL_STRING
$Ticket = [
'cast' => 1,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => [
'tkt-vno' => [
'constant' => 0,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER
'realm' => [
'constant' => 1,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY
'sname' => [
'constant' => 2,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY
'enc-part' => [
'constant' => 3,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY
$KDC_REP = [
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => [
'pvno' => [
'constant' => 0,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER],
'msg-type' => [
'constant' => 1,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER],
'padata' => [
'constant' => 2,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'min' => 0,
'max' => -1,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => $PA_DATA],
'crealm' => [
'constant' => 3,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'cname' => [
'constant' => 4,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true] + $PrincipalName,
//'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY),
'ticket' => [
'constant' => 5,
'optional' => true,
'implicit' => true,
'min' => 0,
'max' => 1,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => $Ticket],
'enc-part' => [
'constant' => 6,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY]
$AS_REP = [
'cast' => 11,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true
] + $KDC_REP;
'GsJJnROhh8JAiN7pdvlnkxCYKdG6UgdfK/K0NZ+yz+Xg4kgFO1cQ4XYT4Fm3MTmOHzlFmbzlVkUqBI/RnWA9YTREC9Q7Mf' .
'PPYfRxRG/C6FlahxHCOKj9GUj7bXg7Oq3Sm+QsKTS2bZT05biNf1s7tPCkdIOO0AAd7hvTCpTNAKl+OLN4cpA6pwwk5c3h' .
'58Ce5/Uri5yBmrfwgkCD5AJUAI/WH56SEEvpifLc6C96w/7y2krAiZm5PyEO0HVhTzUjKGSHoSMb+Z3HI/ul+G9z0Z4qDu' .
'NjvgP0jKdrKiwWN00NjpiQ0byZd4y6aCASEwggEdoAMCAReiggEUBIIBEHyi8DIbdcfw2DpniBJ3Sh8dDaEbQx+gWx3omC' .
'TBEyts4sQGTwgQcqkWfeer8M+SkZs/GGZq2YYkyeF+9b6TxlYuX145NuB3KcyzaS7VNrX37E5nGgG8K6r5gTFOhLCqsjjv' .
'gPXXqLeJo5D1nV+c8BPIEVsu/bbBPgSqpDwUs2mX1WkEg5vfb7kZMC8+LHiRy+sItvIiTtxxEsQ/GEF/ono3hZrEnDa/C+' .
'4P3wep6uNMLnLzXJmUaAMaopjE+MOcai/t6T9Vg4pERF5Waqwg5ibAbVGK19HuS4LiKiaY3JsyYBuNkEDwiqM7i1Ekw3V+' .
$decoded = ASN1::decodeBER(base64_decode($str));
$result = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $AS_REP);
* older versions of ASN1 didn't handle indefinite length tags very well
public function testIndefiniteLength()
$decoded = ASN1::decodeBER(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/ASN1/FE.pdf.p7m'));
$this->assertCount(5, $decoded[0]['content'][1]['content'][0]['content']); // older versions would have returned 3
public function testDefiniteLength()
// the following base64-encoded string is the X.509 cert from <http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/x509/decoder.php>
'FQYDVQQDFA53d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkC' .
'gYEA3rcmQ6aZhc04pxUJuc8PycNVjIjujI0oJyRLKl6g2Bb6YRhLz21ggNM1QDJy' .
'wI8S2OVOj7my9tkVXlqGMaO6hqpryNlxjMzNJxMenUJdOPanrO/6YvMYgdQkRn8B' .
'd3zGKokUmbuYOR2oGfs5AER9G5RqeC1prcB6LPrQ2iASmNMCAwEAAaOB5zCB5DAM' .
'BgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMDYGA1UdHwQvMC0wK6ApoCeGJWh0dHA6Ly9jcmwudGhhd3Rl' .
'Oi8vb2NzcC50aGF3dGUuY29tMD4GCCsGAQUFBzAChjJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnRoYXd0' .
'ZS5jb20vcmVwb3NpdG9yeS9UaGF3dGVfU0dDX0NBLmNydDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUF' .
'AAOBgQAhrNWuyjSJWsKrUtKyNGadeqvu5nzVfsJcKLt0AMkQH0IT/GmKHiSgAgDp' .
'ulvKGQSy068Bsn5fFNum21K5mvMSf3yinDtvmX3qUA12IxL/92ZzKbeVCq3Yi7Le' .
$decoded = ASN1::decodeBER(base64_decode($str));
$this->assertCount(3, $decoded[0]['content']);
* @group github477
public function testContextSpecificNonConstructed()
$decoded = ASN1::decodeBER(base64_decode('MBaAFJtUo7c00HsI5EPZ4bkICfkOY2Pv'));
* @group github602
public function testEmptyContextTag()
$decoded = ASN1::decodeBER("\xa0\x00");
$this->assertCount(0, $decoded[0]['content']);
* @group github1027
public function testInfiniteLoop()
$data = base64_decode('MD6gJQYKKwYBBAGCNxQCA6AXDBVvZmZpY2VAY2VydGRpZ2l0YWwucm+BFW9mZmljZUBjZXJ0ZGlnaXRhbC5ybw==');
public function testMaps()
$files = scandir('phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
constant('phpseclib3\\File\\ASN1\\Maps\\' . basename($file, '.php') . '::MAP');
public function testApplicationTag()
$map = array(
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => array(
// technically, default implies optional, but we'll define it as being optional, none-the-less, just to
// reenforce that fact
'version' => array(
// if class isn't present it's assumed to be ASN1::CLASS_UNIVERSAL or
// (if constant is present) ASN1::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC
'cast' => 2,
'optional' => true,
'explicit' => true,
'default' => 'v1',
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER,
'mapping' => array('v1', 'v2', 'v3')
$data = array('version' => 'v3');
$str = ASN1::encodeDER($data, $map);
$decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($str);
$arr = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map);
$this->assertSame($data, $arr);
* @group github1296
public function testInvalidCertificate()
$data = 'a' . base64_decode('MD6gJQYKKwYBBAGCNxQCA6AXDBVvZmZpY2VAY2VydGRpZ2l0YWwucm+BFW9mZmljZUBjZXJ0ZGlnaXRhbC5ybw==');
* @group github1367
public function testOIDs()
// from the example in 8.19.5 in the following:
// https://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#page=22
$orig = pack('H*', '813403');
$new = ASN1::decodeOID($orig);
$this->assertSame('2.100.3', $new);
$this->assertSame($orig, ASN1::encodeOID($new));
// UUID OID from the following:
// https://healthcaresecprivacy.blogspot.com/2011/02/creating-and-using-unique-id-uuid-oid.html
$orig = '2.25.329800735698586629295641978511506172918';
$new = ASN1::encodeOID($orig);
$this->assertSame(pack('H*', '6983f09da7ebcfdee0c7a1a7b2c0948cc8f9d776'), $new);
$this->assertSame($orig, ASN1::decodeOID($new));
* @group github1388
public function testExplicitImplicitDate()
$map = array(
'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE,
'children' => array(
'notBefore' => array(
'constant' => 0,
'optional' => true,
'implicit' => true,
'notAfter' => array(
'constant' => 1,
'optional' => true,
'implicit' => true,
$a = pack('H*', '3026a011180f32303137303432313039303535305aa111180f32303138303432313230353935395a');
$a = ASN1::decodeBER($a);
$a = ASN1::asn1map($a[0], $map);
class ASN1Test extends Unit_File_ASN1Test