Since the front-end received much more code (features) than first expected, the files became much too large. For this reason, the JS and CSS code has now been split by component and thus into several small files. However, since there are now many small files, a JS and CSS bundle tool had to come :D.
- export diagram
* add a diagram export dialog where you can choose the file name
and download type (code, png, pdf, ...)
* set default download type to code
* open file save dialog via menu or Ctrl+S (or Meta+S for Mac)
- import diagram
* similar to [](
* open a PlantUML diagram image, use metat data to get diagram code
and load this diagram (Note: meta data is currently only supported
by PNG and SVG diagram files)
* support drag&drop
* add diagram import dialog
- since three are now multiple options/action -> create a little
editor menu
- add documentation (including gif examples)
- auto refresh function
- light and dark theme
- monaco editor (vscode) with "apex" as syntax highlighting language
* apex seems to work quite fine (better than no highlighting)
* future possibility: own plantuml language syntax support
* future possibility: autocomplete (to much work but maybe partial)
- implemented example for `!theme ...`
- implemented example for `<&icon>`
* future possibility: code validation
- implemented example for `@start...` and `@end...`:
* should be the first or last command
* should be of the some type (e.g. `@startyaml` and @endyaml)
* should be used exactly once per document/diagram
- editor and preview is splitable into two windows like the
"Extract window" functionality on
- multi index / multi paging diagram support
- diagram can be displayed/rended as PNG, SVG, ASCII Art or PDF
- Ctrl+s download the PlantUML Code as code file (diagram.puml)
- Ctrl+, opens the settings and Esc closes the settings