# Settings Via the menu or Ctrl + , (or Meta + , in the case of a Mac) you can open the Setting dialog. ## Theme _The sun is too bright? You live on the dark side or only in the basement?_ Choose between the `dark` and `light` theme. ![theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml/plantuml-server/master/docs/WebUI/gifs/settings-theme.gif) ## Rendering Type You want always to work and see only the SVG version? Not Problem. Choose the rendering type you want to see. ![rendering-type](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml/plantuml-server/master/docs/WebUI/gifs/settings-rendering-type.gif) ## Editor Watcher Timeout You can change the Editor Watcher Timeout, by default it is `500 ms`. ## Editor Options You can change the options of the editor: ```yaml { automaticLayout: true, fixedOverflowWidgets: true, minimap: { enabled: false }, scrollbar: { alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: false }, scrollBeyondLastLine: false, tabSize: 2, theme: "vs", // "vs-dark" } ```