# Additional fonts inside the PlantUML docker container It is possible to make additional fonts available to PlantUML by mapping them via a volume within the docker container. Since the base image from the docker container is using Ubuntu, fonts can easily be provided by just adding them somewhere inside the `~/.local/share/fonts` directory. **Tipp**: to not overwrite the container fonts add the additional files inside an own sub-folder, e.g., `custom` or `host`. In the following you can find an example how to provide all fonts of your host machine in the PlantUML docker container for Jetty and Tomcat. ## Jetty In the case of the Jetty docker container the home directory is `/var/lib/jetty`. ```yaml services: plantuml-server: image: plantuml/plantuml-server:jetty container_name: plantuml-server ports: - "80:8080" environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin - BASE_URL=plantuml volumes: - /usr/share/fonts:/var/lib/jetty/.local/share/fonts/host:ro ``` ## Tomcat In the case of the Tomcat docker container the home directory is `/root`. _Yes, the tomcat container is running as `root` which is basically a really bad idea w.r.t. security. Create a pull request and maintain it if you want to change that._ ```yaml services: plantuml-server: image: plantuml/plantuml-server:tomcat container_name: plantuml-server ports: - "80:8080" environment: - TZ=Europe/Berlin - BASE_URL=plantuml volumes: - /usr/share/fonts:/root/.local/share/fonts/host:ro ``` ## Verification The following command will print a list of all available fonts inside the docker container: ```bash docker exec -it plantuml-server fc-list ``` To find a special font add a grep filter to the command: ```bash docker exec -it plantuml-server fc-list | grep "" ``` Naturally, it is also possible to check this via PlantUML itself by rendering the following diagram: ```plantuml @startuml listfonts @enduml ``` **Note**: If you have added a lot of fonts: (a) this diagram may take a few seconds to generate, and (b) eventually the PNG image may be clipped. To avoid the latter, render the diagram as an SVG image.