
55 lines
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* PlantUML Language Icon Completion Provider *
PlantUmlLanguageFeatures.prototype.getIcons = (function(){
let icons = undefined;
return async function() {
if (icons === undefined) {
icons = await PlantUmlLanguageFeatures.makeRequest("GET", "ui-helper?request=icons");
return icons;
PlantUmlLanguageFeatures.prototype.registerIconCompletion = function() {
const createIconProposals = async (range, filter = undefined) => {
const icons = await this.getIcons();
return icons?.filter(icon => filter ? icon.includes(filter) : true)
.map(icon => {
// NOTE: markdown image path inside suggestions seems to have rendering issues while using relative paths
const iconUrl = PlantUmlLanguageFeatures.absolutePath(
PlantUmlLanguageFeatures.baseUrl + "ui-helper?request=icons.svg#" + icon
return {
label: icon,
kind: monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind.Constant,
documentation: {
//supportHtml: true, // also a possibility but quite limited html
value: "![icon](" + iconUrl + ")   " + icon
insertText: icon + ">",
range: range
}) || [];
monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(PlantUmlLanguageFeatures.languageSelector, {
triggerCharacters: ["&"],
provideCompletionItems: async (model, position) => {
const textUntilPosition = model.getValueInRange({
startLineNumber: position.lineNumber,
startColumn: 1,
endLineNumber: position.lineNumber,
endColumn: position.column,
const match = textUntilPosition.match(/<&([^\s>]*)$/);
if (match) {
const suggestions = await createIconProposals(this.getWordRange(model, position), match[1]);
return { suggestions };
return { suggestions: [] };