
210 lines
8.2 KiB

package net.sourceforge.plantuml.servlet;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.servlet.utils.TestUtils;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.servlet.utils.WebappUITestCase;
public class TestWebUI extends WebappUITestCase {
* Verifies that the welcome page has exactly two form with the Bob --> Alice sample
public void testWelcomePage() {
assertTrue("UI loading completed", waitUntilUIIsLoaded());
// ensure the editor text is correct
String text = getEditorValue();
assertEquals(TestUtils.SEQBOBCODE, text);
// ensure the URL field is correct
String url = getURLValue();
assertTrue(url.endsWith("/png/" + TestUtils.SEQBOB));
// ensure the generated image is present
Dimension dim = getImageSize();
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getHeight()); // 145
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getWidth()); // 134
* Verifies that the version image is generated
public void testVersion() {
assertTrue("UI loading completed", waitUntilUIIsLoaded());
// change code and observe result
assertTrue("Auto update done", waitUntilAutoRefreshCompleted());
// ensure the editor text is correct
String text = getEditorValue();
assertEquals(TestUtils.VERSIONCODE, text);
// ensure the URL field is correct
String url = getURLValue();
assertTrue(url.endsWith("/png/" + TestUtils.VERSION));
// ensure the generated image is present
Dimension dim = getImageSize();
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getHeight()); // 242
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getWidth()); // 472
// /**
// * Verifies that when the UML text is empty, ...
// * old behavior: default page and image is generated
// */
// public void testEmptyText() {
// // ...
// }
// /**
// * Verifies that when the encoded URL is empty, ...
// * old behavior: default page and image is generated
// */
// public void testEmptyUrl() {
// // ...
// }
* Verifies that a ditaa diagram is generated
public void testDitaaText() {
assertTrue("UI loading completed", waitUntilUIIsLoaded());
// change code and observe result
setEditorValue("@startditaa \n*--> \n@endditaa");
assertTrue("Auto update done", waitUntilAutoRefreshCompleted());
// ensure the editor text is correct
String text = getEditorValue();
assertEquals("@startditaa \n*--> \n@endditaa", text);
// ensure the URL field is correct
String url = getURLValue();
// ensure the generated image is present
Dimension dim = getImageSize();
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getHeight());
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getWidth());
* Verifies that an image map is produced if the diagram contains a link
public void testImageMap() {
assertTrue("UI loading completed", waitUntilUIIsLoaded());
// change code and observe result
setEditorValue("@startuml\nBob -> Alice : [[]] Hello\n@enduml");
assertTrue("Auto update done", waitUntilAutoRefreshCompleted());
// ensure the editor text is correct
String text = getEditorValue();
assertEquals("@startuml\nBob -> Alice : [[]] Hello\n@enduml", text);
// ensure the URL field is correct
String url = getURLValue();
// ensure the generated image is present
Dimension dim = getImageSize();
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getHeight());
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getWidth());
// ensure the image map is present
WebElement map = getImageMap();
assertEquals(1, Integer.parseInt(map.getAttribute("childElementCount")));
// ensure the map button is visible
WebElement btnMap = driver.findElement("map-diagram-link"));
* Verifies that when the encoded source is specified as an URL parameter
* the diagram is displayed and the source is decoded
public void testUrlParameter() {
driver.get(getServerUrl() + "/form?url=" + TestUtils.SEQBOB);
assertTrue("UI loading completed", waitUntilUIIsLoaded());
// ensure the editor text is correct
String text = getEditorValue();
assertEquals(TestUtils.SEQBOBCODE, text);
// ensure the URL field is correct
String url = getURLValue();
assertTrue(url.endsWith("/png/" + TestUtils.SEQBOB));
// ensure the generated image is present
Dimension dim = getImageSize();
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getHeight());
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getWidth());
* Verifies that an multipage diagram renders correct given index.
* Bob -> Alice : hello
* newpage
* Bob <- Alice : hello
* Bob -> Alice : let's talk
* Bob <- Alice : better not
* Bob -> Alice : <&rain> bye
* newpage
* Bob <- Alice : bye
public void testIndexPage() {
getServerUrl() + "/uml/1/" +
assertTrue("UI loading completed", waitUntilUIIsLoaded());
// ensure the editor text is correct
String text = getEditorValue();
"@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\nnewpage\nBob <- Alice : hello\nBob -> Alice : let's talk\nBob <- Alice : better not\nBob -> Alice : <&rain> bye\nnewpage\nBob <- Alice : bye\n@enduml",
// ensure the URL field is correct
String url = getURLValue();
// ensure the generated image is present
Dimension dim = getImageSize();
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getHeight());
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getWidth());
// ensure the correct index was generated
assertTrue(dim.getHeight() > 200); // 222
assertTrue(dim.getHeight() < 250); // 222
* Verifies that an multipage diagram renders correct even if no index is specified.
* Bob -> Alice : hello
* newpage
* Bob <- Alice : hello
* Bob -> Alice : let's talk
* Bob <- Alice : better not
* Bob -> Alice : <&rain> bye
* newpage
* Bob <- Alice : bye
public void testIndexPageWithNoDefinedIndex() {
getServerUrl() + "/uml/" +
assertTrue("UI loading completed", waitUntilUIIsLoaded());
// ensure the editor text is correct
String text = getEditorValue();
"@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\nnewpage\nBob <- Alice : hello\nBob -> Alice : let's talk\nBob <- Alice : better not\nBob -> Alice : <&rain> bye\nnewpage\nBob <- Alice : bye\n@enduml",
// ensure the URL field is correct
String url = getURLValue();
// ensure the generated image is present
Dimension dim = getImageSize();
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getHeight());
assertNotEquals(0, dim.getWidth());
// ensure the correct index was generated
assertTrue(dim.getHeight() > 100); // 132
assertTrue(dim.getHeight() < 150); // 132