@startuml '' NAME = Sunlust '' DESCRIPTION = sunlust theme based off of the [solarized theme](https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) '' AUTHOR = Artem V. Ageev '' LICENCE = GPL 3+ !$THEME = 'sunlust' !if %not(%variable_exists("$BGCOLOR")) !$BGCOLOR = '#fdf6e3' !endif scale max 2000 * 2000 !$colors = { "font" : "#657b83", "bg" : "#fdf6e3", "yellow" : "#b58900", "yellow_bg" : "#BUSINESS", "orange" : "#cb4b16", "orange_bg" : "#STRATEGY", "red" : "#dc322f", "red_bg" : "#IMPLEMENTATION", "violet" : "#6c71c4", "violet_bg" : "#MOTIVATION", "blue" : "#268bd2", "blue_bg" : "#APPLICATION", "green" : "#859900", "green_bg" : "#TECHNOLOGY" } !$shapes = { "TECHNOLOGY" : { "color" : "#859900", "shapes" : [ "Node", "File"] }, "APPLICATION" : { "color" : "#268bd2", "shapes" : [ "Participant", "Rectangle", "Component" ] }, "BUSINESS" : { "color" : "#b58900", "shapes" : [ "Actor", "Note", "Hexagon", "Boundary", "Control", "Entity" ] }, "IMPLEMENTATION" : { "color" : "#dc322f", "shapes" : [ "Class", "Map", "Json" ] }, "MOTIVATION" : { "color" : "#6c71c4", "shapes" : [ "Cloud", "Frame", "Collections", "Database", "Queue" ] }, "STRATEGY" : { "color" : "#STRATEGY", "shapes" : [ "Partition", "Folder", "Card" ] } } !$thickness = 2 skinparam { noteTextAlignment left actorStyle awesome Dpi 100 Shadowing false BackgroundColor $colors.bg WrapWidth 200 RoundCorner 15 Swimlane { BorderColor $colors.font Thickness $thickness WrapTitleWidth 150 } Arrow { Color $colors.font Thickness $thickness } Default { TextAlignment center FontName Dejavu Serif } Legend { FontName VL Gothic BorderColor transparent BackgroundColor transparent } Sequence { MessageAlign direction ArrowThickness $thickness LifeLineBorderColor $colors.yellow BoxBorderThickness $thickness } !foreach $shape in %splitstr('Activity.State', '.') $shape { BackgroundColor transparent Border { Color $colors.violet Thickness $thickness } Diamond { BorderColor $colors.red BackgroundColor transparent } } !endfor !foreach $key in %get_json_keys($shapes) !foreach $shape in $shapes[$key].shapes $shape { BackgroundColor #$key Border { Color $shapes[$key].color Thickness $thickness } } !endfor !endfor } @enduml