/* ======================================================================== * PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator * ======================================================================== * * (C) Copyright 2009-2024, Arnaud Roques * * Project Info: https://plantuml.com * * If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at: * * https://plantuml.com/patreon (only 1$ per month!) * https://plantuml.com/paypal * * This file is part of PlantUML. * * PlantUML is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PlantUML distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. * * * Original Author: Arnaud Roques * * */ package net.sourceforge.plantuml.xmi; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.abel.Entity; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.abel.Link; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.classdiagram.ClassDiagram; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.decoration.LinkDecor; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.creole.Display; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.utils.Log; public class XmiClassDiagramScript extends XmiClassDiagramAbstract implements XmlDiagramTransformer { private static class MemberData { public final String name; public final String id; public final String kind; public MemberData(String name, String id, String kind) { super(); this.name = name; this.id = id; this.kind = kind; } } protected final Map> members = new HashMap<>(); public XmiClassDiagramScript(ClassDiagram classDiagram) throws ParserConfigurationException { super(classDiagram); addPackage(ownedElementRoot, classDiagram.getRootGroup()); for (final Link link : classDiagram.getLinks()) addLink(link); } final protected Element createElementPackage(Entity group) { final Element umlPackage = document.createElement("UML:Package"); umlPackage.setAttribute("xmi.id", group.getUid()); umlPackage.setAttribute("name", group.getDisplay().get(0).toString()); final Element namespaceOwnedElement = document.createElement("UML:Namespace.ownedElement"); umlPackage.appendChild(namespaceOwnedElement); addPackage(namespaceOwnedElement, group); return umlPackage; } private void addPackage(Element element, Entity group) { for (final Entity ent : group.leafs()) { final Element cla = createEntityNode(ent); if (cla == null) continue; element.appendChild(cla); if (members.containsKey(ent.getUid()) == false) members.put(ent.getUid(), new ArrayList()); NodeList attrs = cla.getElementsByTagName("UML:Attribute"); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { Element child = (Element) attrs.item(i); members.get(ent.getUid()).add( new MemberData(child.getAttribute("name"), child.getAttribute("xmi.id"), child.getTagName())); } NodeList ops = cla.getElementsByTagName("UML:Operation"); for (int i = 0; i < ops.getLength(); i++) { Element child = (Element) ops.item(i); members.get(ent.getUid()).add( new MemberData(child.getAttribute("name"), child.getAttribute("xmi.id"), child.getTagName())); } done.add(ent); } for (final Entity childGroup : group.groups()) { final Element result = createElementPackage(childGroup); element.appendChild(result); done.add(childGroup); } } private void addLink(Link link) { if (link.isHidden() || link.isInvis()) return; if (!link.getType().getStyle().isNormal()) { // this is some kind of dashed line, which means it is a dependency Element dependency = createDependency(link); ownedElementRoot.appendChild(dependency); return; } final String assId = "ass" + classDiagram.getUniqueSequence(); if (link.getType().getDecor1() == LinkDecor.EXTENDS || link.getType().getDecor2() == LinkDecor.EXTENDS) { addExtension(link, assId); return; } UMLAggregationKind aggregation = UMLAggregationKind.None; if (link.getType().getDecor1() == LinkDecor.COMPOSITION) { aggregation = UMLAggregationKind.Composite; } if (link.getType().getDecor2() == LinkDecor.COMPOSITION) { aggregation = UMLAggregationKind.Composite; } if (link.getType().getDecor1() == LinkDecor.AGREGATION) { aggregation = UMLAggregationKind.Aggregation; } if (link.getType().getDecor2() == LinkDecor.AGREGATION) { aggregation = UMLAggregationKind.Aggregation; } final Element association = document.createElement("UML:Association"); association.setAttribute("xmi.id", assId); // association.setAttribute("namespace", // CucaDiagramXmiMaker.getModel(classDiagram)); if (Display.isNull(link.getLabel()) == false) association.setAttribute("name", forXMI(link.getLabel())); final Element connection = document.createElement("UML:Association.connection"); final Element end1 = createAssociationEnd(assId, link.getType().getDecor2(), link.getQuantifier1(), link.getEntity1(), aggregation); connection.appendChild(end1); final Element end2 = createAssociationEnd(assId, link.getType().getDecor1(), link.getQuantifier2(), link.getEntity2(), aggregation); connection.appendChild(end2); association.appendChild(connection); ownedElementRoot.appendChild(association); } private Element createAssociationEnd(final String assId, final LinkDecor decor, final String quantifier, Entity entity, UMLAggregationKind aggregation) { final Element end = document.createElement("UML:AssociationEnd"); end.setAttribute("xmi.id", "end" + classDiagram.getUniqueSequence()); end.setAttribute("association", assId); // end1.setAttribute("type", link.getEntity1().getUid()); if (quantifier != null) end.setAttribute("name", forXMI(quantifier)); // TODO this is the multiplicity, handle that correctly end.setAttribute("participant", entity.getUid()); if (aggregation != UMLAggregationKind.None) end.setAttribute("aggregation", aggregation.name); boolean navigable = decor != LinkDecor.NOT_NAVIGABLE && decor != LinkDecor.NONE; end.setAttribute("isNavigable", Boolean.toString(navigable)); return end; } private void addExtension(Link link, String assId) { final Element association = document.createElement("UML:Generalization"); association.setAttribute("xmi.id", assId); if (link.getLabel() != null) association.setAttribute("name", forXMI(link.getLabel())); if (link.getType().getDecor1() == LinkDecor.EXTENDS) generalizationChildParent(association, link.getEntity1().getUid(), link.getEntity2().getUid()); else if (link.getType().getDecor2() == LinkDecor.EXTENDS) generalizationChildParent(association, link.getEntity2().getUid(), link.getEntity1().getUid()); else throw new IllegalStateException(); ownedElementRoot.appendChild(association); } private Element createDependency(Link link) { // determine kind and direction if (link.isInverted()) { return createDependencyClientSupplier(link.getEntity2(), link.getPortName2(), link.getEntity1(), link.getPortName1()); } else { return createDependencyClientSupplier(link.getEntity1(), link.getPortName1(), link.getEntity2(), link.getPortName2()); } } private Element createRef(Entity entity, String member) { if (member == null) { // directly to entity Element ref = document.createElement("UML:Class"); ref.setAttribute("xmi.idref", entity.getUid()); return ref; } List mbers = members.get(entity.getUid()); if (mbers == null) { Log.info(String.format("Could not find entity %s in member list", entity.getName())); return null; } for (MemberData m : mbers) { if (m.name.contains(member)) { Element ref = document.createElement(m.kind); ref.setAttribute("xmi.idref", m.id); return ref; } } // All members must have been added to the map Log.error(String.format("Could not find the member %s in the object %s", member, entity.getName())); return null; } private Element createDependencyClientSupplier(Entity clientEntity, String clientPort, Entity supplierEntity, String supplierPort) { String depID = classDiagram.getUniqueSequence("dep"); Element dependency = document.createElement("UML:Dependency"); dependency.setAttribute("xmi.id", depID); Element client = document.createElement("UML:Dependency.client"); Element supplier = document.createElement("UML:Dependency.supplier"); Element clientRef = createRef(clientEntity, clientPort); if (clientRef != null) client.appendChild(clientRef); Element supplierRef = createRef(supplierEntity, supplierPort); if (supplierRef != null) supplier.appendChild(supplierRef); dependency.appendChild(client); dependency.appendChild(supplier); return dependency; } private void generalizationChildParent(Element association, String uidChild, String uidParent) { final Element child = document.createElement("UML:Generalization.child"); final Element parent = document.createElement("UML:Generalization.parent"); final Element classChild = document.createElement("UML:Class"); classChild.setAttribute("xmi.idref", uidChild); final Element classParent = document.createElement("UML:Class"); classParent.setAttribute("xmi.idref", uidParent); parent.appendChild(classParent); child.appendChild(classChild); association.appendChild(child); association.appendChild(parent); // association.setAttribute("child", uidChild); // association.setAttribute("parent", uidParent); } }