'' '' A mostly monochrome theme with monospaced font, that adds more structure and tidiness with better shapes control, brought by monospaced font '' '' Original Author: Denis Bondarenko feat Matthew Leather '' !$THEME = "mono" ' Theme colors !if %not(%variable_exists("$CLR_BG")) !$CLR_BG = "white" !endif ' For icons bg in legend. usage: <THM_BG> !ifndef THM_BG !define THM_BG #$CLR_BG !endif ' Highlighted background !if %not(%variable_exists("$CLR_BG_EMPH")) !$CLR_BG_EMPH = "#eee" !endif ' Main foreground color !if %not(%variable_exists("$CLR_FG")) !$CLR_FG = "black" !endif ' Less hued, 3 levels !if %not(%variable_exists("$CLR_FG_DIMMED")) !$CLR_FG_DIMMED = "#666" !endif !if %not(%variable_exists("$CLR_FG_DIMMED_2")) !$CLR_FG_DIMMED_2 = "#999" !endif !if %not(%variable_exists("$CLR_FG_DIMMED_3")) !$CLR_FG_DIMMED_3 = "#ccc" !endif ' Hyperlinks color !if %not(%variable_exists("$CLR_HYPERLINK")) !$CLR_HYPERLINK = "#333" !endif ' Theme fonts ' Basic font !ifndef $FNT ' Multiple fallback fonts defined !$FNT_MONO = "Courier" !$FNT_MONO = "Courier New" !$FNT = "DejaVu Sans Mono" !$FNT = "monospace" !$FNT = "Rec Mono Linear" ' The preferred theme font !$FNT = "Hack" !endif ' Monospaced font !ifndef $FNT_MONO ' A different font can be used ' !$FNT_MONO = "Rec Mono Semicasual" !$FNT_MONO = $FNT !endif ' Theme body <style> root { BackgroundColor $CLR_BG FontColor $CLR_FG FontName $FNT HyperLinkColor $CLR_HYPERLINK LineColor $CLR_FG LineThickness 1 Margin 5 } document { caption { LineThickness 0 } footer { LineThickness 0 } header { LineThickness 0 } title { FontSize 22 LineThickness 0 } } node { ' MaximumWidth 300 } ganttDiagram { closed { BackGroundColor $CLR_BG_EMPH } task { BackGroundColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED_2 LineColor $CLR_FG unstarted { BackGroundColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED_3 LineColor $CLR_FG } } note { LineThickness .5 } timeline { LineThickness .5 LineColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED_3 } separator { } } </style> ' skinparam is flattened to support YAML, JSON diagram types skinparam { shadowing false useBetaStyle true arrowLollipopColor $CLR_FG backgroundColor $CLR_BG lifelineStrategy nosolid defaultFontName $FNT defaultMonospacedFontName $FNT_MONO hyperlinkColor $CLR_HYPERLINK headerFontColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED_2 headerFontName $FNT footerFontColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED_2 footerFontName $FNT legendBorderThickness 0 legendBorderColor transparent noteFontColor $CLR_FG noteFontName $FNT packageBorderColor $CLR_FG packageFontColor $CLR_FG packageFontName $FNT nodeStereotypeFontColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED nodeStereotypeFontName $FNT nodeStereotypeFontSize 10 componentStereotypeFontColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED componentStereotypeFontName $FNT componentStereotypeFontSize 10 participantPadding 10 actorStereotypeFontColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED actorStereotypeFontName $FNT actorStereotypeFontSize 10 useCaseStereoTypeFontColor $CLR_FG useCaseStereoTypeFontName $FNT classBackgroundColor $CLR_BG classBorderColor $CLR_FG classFontColor $CLR_FG classFontName $FNT classAttributeFontColor $CLR_FG classAttributeFontName $FNT classStereotypeFontColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED classStereotypeFontName $FNT classStereotypeFontSize 10 objectBorderColor $CLR_FG activityBackgroundColor $CLR_BG activityBarColor $CLR_FG activityBorderColor $CLR_FG activityFontColor $CLR_FG activityFontName $FNT sequenceLifeLineBorderColor $CLR_FG stateBackgroundColor $CLR_BG stateBorderColor $CLR_FG boundaryFontColor $CLR_FG boxPadding 5 circledCharacterFontColor $CLR_FG circledCharacterFontName $FNT_MONO circledCharacterFontSize 10 circledCharacterRadius 8 stereotypeFontColor $CLR_FG_DIMMED stereotypeFontName $FNT stereotypeFontSize 10 stereotypeABackgroundColor $CLR_BG stereotypeABorderColor $CLR_FG stereotypeCBackgroundColor $CLR_BG stereotypeCBorderColor $CLR_FG stereotypeEBackgroundColor $CLR_BG stereotypeEBorderColor $CLR_FG stereotypeIBackgroundColor $CLR_BG stereotypeIBorderColor $CLR_FG stereotypeNBackgroundColor $CLR_BG stereotypeNBorderColor $CLR_FG iconPackageColor $CLR_FG iconPackageBackgroundColor $CLR_BG iconPrivateColor $CLR_FG iconPrivateBackgroundColor $CLR_BG iconProtectedColor $CLR_FG iconProtectedBackgroundColor $CLR_BG iconPublicColor $CLR_FG iconPublicBackgroundColor $CLR_BG }