#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex TAG="snapshot" DATE_TIME_UTC=$(date -u +"%F at %T (UTC)") gh release delete "${TAG}" -y || true git tag --force "${TAG}" git push --force origin "${TAG}" mv plantuml.jar plantuml-SNAPSHOT.jar mv plantuml-javadoc.jar plantuml-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar mv plantuml-sources.jar plantuml-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar echo -n "${DATE_TIME_UTC}" > plantuml-SNAPSHOT-timestamp.lock cat <<-EOF >notes.txt This is a pre-release of [the latest development work](https://github.com/plantuml/plantuml/commits/). ⚠️ **It is not ready for general use** ⚠️ ⏱ _Snapshot taken the ${DATE_TIME_UTC}_ EOF gh release create --prerelease --target "${GITHUB_SHA}" --title "${TAG}" --notes-file notes.txt "${TAG}" \ plantuml-SNAPSHOT.jar \ plantuml-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar \ plantuml-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar \ plantuml-SNAPSHOT-timestamp.lock echo "::notice title=release snapshot::Snapshot released at ${GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/releases/tag/${TAG} and taken the ${DATE_TIME_UTC}"