package nonreg.scxml; import; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; /* Test diagram MUST be put between triple quotes """ @startuml state module { state Somp { state entry1 <> state entry2 <> state sin sin -> sin2 } state flop{ state sig_in <> state sig_ff <> state flop_0: sig_ff := 0 state flop_1: sig_ff := 1 [*] -> flop_0 flop_0 -> flop_1 : sig_in } state counter{ state count_start <> state count_done <> state "count_val[3:0]" <> [*] -> count_idle count_idle --> count_ongoing: count_start state count_idle: count_val := 0 state count_ongoing: count_val := count_val +1 count_ongoing -> count_finish: count_val != MAX_VAL state count_finish: count_done:=1 count_finish -> count_idle } state ex <> state exitAx <> exitAx --> entry1 sig_ff -> entry2 : "!" } @enduml """ Expected result MUST be put between triple brackets {{{ }}} */ public class SCXML0003_Test extends ScXmlTest { @Test void testSimple() throws IOException { checkXmlAndDescription("(18 entities)"); } }