/* ======================================================================== * PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator * ======================================================================== * * (C) Copyright 2009-2024, Arnaud Roques * * Project Info: https://plantuml.com * * If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at: * * https://plantuml.com/patreon (only 1$ per month!) * https://plantuml.com/paypal * * This file is part of PlantUML. * * PlantUML is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PlantUML distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. * * * Original Author: Arnaud Roques * */ package net.sourceforge.plantuml.bpm; import net.atmp.InnerStrategy; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.activitydiagram3.ftile.BoxStyle; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.activitydiagram3.ftile.vertical.FtileBox; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.activitydiagram3.ftile.vertical.FtileCircleStart; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.activitydiagram3.ftile.vertical.FtileDiamond; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.UTranslate; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.color.HColor; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.color.HColors; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.creole.Display; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.drawing.UGraphic; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.font.FontConfiguration; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.font.StringBounder; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.font.UFont; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.geom.HorizontalAlignment; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.geom.MinMax; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.geom.XDimension2D; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.geom.XRectangle2D; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.shape.AbstractTextBlock; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.shape.TextBlock; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.klimt.shape.ULine; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.skin.ColorParam; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.skin.SkinParamUtils; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.ISkinParam; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.SName; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.Style; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.StyleSignatureBasic; public class BpmElement extends AbstractConnectorPuzzle implements ConnectorPuzzle { private final String id; private final BpmElementType type; private final Display display; public BpmElement(String id, BpmElementType type, String label) { this.id = id; this.type = type; this.display = Display.getWithNewlines(label); } public BpmElement(String id, BpmElementType type) { this(id, type, null); } @Override public String toString() { if (id == null) { return type.toString() + "(" + display + ")"; } return type.toString() + "(" + id + ")"; } public BpmElementType getType() { return type; } public final Display getDisplay() { return display; } public TextBlock toTextBlock(ISkinParam skinParam) { final TextBlock raw = toTextBlockInternal(skinParam); return new AbstractTextBlock() { public void drawU(UGraphic ug) { raw.drawU(ug); ug = ug.apply(HColors.RED); for (Where w : Where.values()) { if (have(w)) { drawLine(ug, w, raw.calculateDimension(ug.getStringBounder())); } } } public XRectangle2D getInnerPosition(String member, StringBounder stringBounder, InnerStrategy strategy) { return raw.getInnerPosition(member, stringBounder, strategy); } public XDimension2D calculateDimension(StringBounder stringBounder) { return raw.calculateDimension(stringBounder); } public MinMax getMinMax(StringBounder stringBounder) { return raw.getMinMax(stringBounder); } }; } private void drawLine(UGraphic ug, Where w, XDimension2D total) { final double width = total.getWidth(); final double height = total.getHeight(); if (w == Where.WEST) { ug.apply(new UTranslate(-10, height / 2)).draw(ULine.hline(10)); } if (w == Where.EAST) { ug.apply(new UTranslate(width, height / 2)).draw(ULine.hline(10)); } if (w == Where.NORTH) { ug.apply(new UTranslate(width / 2, -10)).draw(ULine.vline(10)); } if (w == Where.SOUTH) { ug.apply(new UTranslate(width / 2, height)).draw(ULine.vline(10)); } } private StyleSignatureBasic getSignatureCircle() { return StyleSignatureBasic.of(SName.root, SName.element, SName.activityDiagram, SName.circle); } private Style getStyle(ISkinParam skinParam) { return getSignatureCircle().getMergedStyle(skinParam.getCurrentStyleBuilder()); } public TextBlock toTextBlockInternal(ISkinParam skinParam) { if (type == BpmElementType.START) { return new FtileCircleStart(skinParam, null, getStyle(skinParam)); } if (type == BpmElementType.MERGE) { final HColor borderColor = SkinParamUtils.getColor(skinParam, null, ColorParam.activityBorder); final HColor backColor = SkinParamUtils.getColor(skinParam, null, ColorParam.activityBackground); return new FtileDiamond(skinParam, backColor, borderColor, null); } if (type == BpmElementType.DOCKED_EVENT) { final UFont font = UFont.serif(14); return FtileBox.create(skinParam, display, null, BoxStyle.PLAIN, null); } final UFont font = UFont.serif(14); final FontConfiguration fc = FontConfiguration.create(font, HColors.RED, HColors.RED, null); if (Display.isNull(display)) { return Display.getWithNewlines(type.toString()).create(fc, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, skinParam); } return display.create(fc, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, skinParam); } private XDimension2D dimension; public XDimension2D getDimension(StringBounder stringBounder, ISkinParam skinParam) { if (dimension == null) { dimension = toTextBlock(skinParam).calculateDimension(stringBounder); } return dimension; } public final String getId() { return id; } }