/* ======================================================================== * PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator * ======================================================================== * * Project Info: http://plantuml.com * * If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at: * * http://plantuml.com/patreon (only 1$ per month!) * http://plantuml.com/paypal * * This file is part of Smetana. * Smetana is a partial translation of Graphviz/Dot sources from C to Java. * * (C) Copyright 2009-2020, Arnaud Roques * * This translation is distributed under the same Licence as the original C program. * * THE ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS ECLIPSE PUBLIC * LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). [Eclipse Public License - v 1.0] * * ANY USE, REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM CONSTITUTES * RECIPIENT'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package smetana.core; import static smetana.core.Macro.ARR_TYPE_BOX; import static smetana.core.Macro.ARR_TYPE_CROW; import static smetana.core.Macro.ARR_TYPE_CURVE; import static smetana.core.Macro.ARR_TYPE_DIAMOND; import static smetana.core.Macro.ARR_TYPE_DOT; import static smetana.core.Macro.ARR_TYPE_GAP; import static smetana.core.Macro.ARR_TYPE_NORM; import static smetana.core.Macro.ARR_TYPE_TEE; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import gen.lib.cdt.dttree__c; import gen.lib.cgraph.attr__c; import gen.lib.cgraph.edge__c; import gen.lib.cgraph.graph__c; import gen.lib.cgraph.id__c; import gen.lib.cgraph.mem__c; import gen.lib.cgraph.node__c; import gen.lib.cgraph.utils__c; import gen.lib.common.arrows__c; import gen.lib.common.shapes__c; import gen.lib.dotgen.dotsplines__c; import gen.lib.label.xlabels__c; import h.ST_Agdesc_s; import h.ST_Agedge_s; import h.ST_Agiddisc_s; import h.ST_Agmemdisc_s; import h.ST_Agnode_s; import h.ST_Agraph_s; import h.ST_Agsubnode_s; import h.ST_Agsym_s; import h.ST_Agtag_s; import h.ST_Pedge_t; import h.ST_arrowname_t; import h.ST_arrowtype_t; import h.ST_boxf; import h.ST_deque_t; import h.ST_dt_s; import h.ST_dtdisc_s; import h.ST_dtmethod_s; import h.ST_elist; import h.ST_nlist_t; import h.ST_pointf; import h.ST_pointnlink_t; import h.ST_polygon_t; import h.ST_port; import h.ST_shape_desc; import h.ST_shape_functions; import h.ST_splineInfo; import h.ST_textfont_t; import h.ST_tna_t; import h.ST_triangle_t; public class Z { private static final ThreadLocal> instances2 = new ThreadLocal>(); public final Map all = new HashMap(); public final ST_dtmethod_s _Dttree = new ST_dtmethod_s(); public final ST_dtmethod_s Dttree = _Dttree; public final ST_dtmethod_s _Dtobag = new ST_dtmethod_s(); public final ST_dtmethod_s Dtobag = _Dtobag; public final ST_dtdisc_s AgDataDictDisc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public final ST_Agdesc_s ProtoDesc = new ST_Agdesc_s(); public ST_Agraph_s ProtoGraph; public final ST_Agtag_s Tag = new ST_Agtag_s(); public final ST_dtdisc_s Ag_mainedge_seq_disc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public final ST_dtdisc_s Ag_subedge_seq_disc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public final ST_dtdisc_s Ag_subedge_id_disc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public final ST_dtdisc_s Ag_subgraph_id_disc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public final ST_Agiddisc_s AgIdDisc = new ST_Agiddisc_s(); public final ST_Agmemdisc_s AgMemDisc = new ST_Agmemdisc_s(); public final ST_dtdisc_s Ag_subnode_id_disc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public final ST_dtdisc_s Ag_subnode_seq_disc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public int HTML_BIT; public int CNT_BITS; public final ST_dtdisc_s Refstrdisc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public final ST_dtdisc_s Hdisc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public ST_dt_s Refdict_default; public ST_Agraph_s Ag_dictop_G; public final ST_arrowname_t Arrowsynonyms[] = new ST_arrowname_t[] { create_arrowname_t(null, 0) }; public final ST_arrowname_t Arrownames[] = new ST_arrowname_t[] { create_arrowname_t("normal", ARR_TYPE_NORM), create_arrowname_t("none", ARR_TYPE_GAP), create_arrowname_t(null, 0) }; public final ST_arrowname_t Arrowmods[] = new ST_arrowname_t[] { create_arrowname_t(null, 0) }; public final ST_arrowtype_t Arrowtypes[] = new ST_arrowtype_t[] { createArrowtypes(ARR_TYPE_NORM, 1.0, arrows__c.arrow_type_normal), createArrowtypes(ARR_TYPE_CROW, 1.0, arrows__c.arrow_type_crow), createArrowtypes(ARR_TYPE_TEE, 0.5, arrows__c.arrow_type_tee), createArrowtypes(ARR_TYPE_BOX, 1.0, arrows__c.arrow_type_box), createArrowtypes(ARR_TYPE_DIAMOND, 1.2, arrows__c.arrow_type_diamond), createArrowtypes(ARR_TYPE_DOT, 0.8, arrows__c.arrow_type_dot), createArrowtypes(ARR_TYPE_CURVE, 1.0, arrows__c.arrow_type_curve), createArrowtypes(ARR_TYPE_GAP, 0.5, arrows__c.arrow_type_gap), createArrowtypes(0, 0.0, null)}; public __ptr__ Show_boxes; public int CL_type; public boolean Concentrate; public int MaxIter; public int State; public int EdgeLabelsDone; public double Initial_dist; public ST_Agsym_s G_activepencolor, G_activefillcolor, G_selectedpencolor, G_selectedfillcolor, G_visitedpencolor, G_visitedfillcolor, G_deletedpencolor, G_deletedfillcolor, G_ordering, G_peripheries, G_penwidth, G_gradientangle, G_margin; public ST_Agsym_s N_height, N_width, N_shape, N_color, N_fillcolor, N_activepencolor, N_activefillcolor, N_selectedpencolor, N_selectedfillcolor, N_visitedpencolor, N_visitedfillcolor, N_deletedpencolor, N_deletedfillcolor, N_fontsize, N_fontname, N_fontcolor, N_margin, N_label, N_xlabel, N_nojustify, N_style, N_showboxes, N_sides, N_peripheries, N_ordering, N_orientation, N_skew, N_distortion, N_fixed, N_imagescale, N_layer, N_group, N_comment, N_vertices, N_z, N_penwidth, N_gradientangle; public ST_Agsym_s E_weight, E_minlen, E_color, E_fillcolor, E_activepencolor, E_activefillcolor, E_selectedpencolor, E_selectedfillcolor, E_visitedpencolor, E_visitedfillcolor, E_deletedpencolor, E_deletedfillcolor, E_fontsize, E_fontname, E_fontcolor, E_label, E_xlabel, E_dir, E_style, E_decorate, E_showboxes, E_arrowsz, E_constr, E_layer, E_comment, E_label_float, E_samehead, E_sametail, E_arrowhead, E_arrowtail, E_headlabel, E_taillabel, E_labelfontsize, E_labelfontname, E_labelfontcolor, E_labeldistance, E_labelangle, E_tailclip, E_headclip, E_penwidth; public int N_nodes, N_edges; public int Minrank, Maxrank; public int S_i; public int Search_size; public final ST_nlist_t Tree_node = new ST_nlist_t(); public final ST_elist Tree_edge = new ST_elist(); public ST_Agedge_s Enter; public int Low, Lim, Slack; public int Rankdir; public boolean Flip; public final ST_pointf Offset = new ST_pointf(); public int nedges, nboxes; public int routeinit; public CArray ps; public int maxpn; public CArray polypoints; public int polypointn; public CArray edges; public int edgen; public final ST_boxf[] boxes = ST_boxf.malloc(1000); public int MinQuit; public double Convergence; public ST_Agraph_s Root; public int GlobalMinRank, GlobalMaxRank; public boolean ReMincross; public CArrayOfStar TE_list; public int TI_list[]; public ST_Agnode_s Last_node_decomp; public ST_Agnode_s Last_node_rank; public char Cmark; public int trin, tril; public CArray tris; public int pnln, pnll; public ST_pointnlink_t pnls[]; public ST_pointnlink_t pnlps[]; public final ST_port Center = new ST_port(); public final ST_polygon_t p_ellipse = new ST_polygon_t(); public final ST_polygon_t p_box = new ST_polygon_t(); public final ST_shape_functions poly_fns = new ST_shape_functions(); public final ST_shape_functions record_fns = new ST_shape_functions(); public CArray tnas; public int tnan; public final ST_shape_desc Shapes[] = { __Shapes__("box", poly_fns, p_box), __Shapes__("ellipse", poly_fns, p_ellipse), __Shapes__("record", record_fns, null), __Shapes__(null, null, null) }; public final ST_dtdisc_s Ag_mainedge_id_disc = new ST_dtdisc_s(); public final ST_deque_t dq = new ST_deque_t(); public final ST_Agdesc_s Agdirected = new ST_Agdesc_s(); public final ST_splineInfo sinfo = new ST_splineInfo(); public ST_Agnode_s lastn; /* last node argument */ public ST_polygon_t poly; public int last, outp, sides; public final ST_pointf O = new ST_pointf(); /* point (0,0) */ public CArray vertex; public double xsize, ysize, scalex, scaley, box_URx, box_URy; public final ST_textfont_t tf = new ST_textfont_t(); public CArray pointfs; public CArray pointfs2; public int numpts; public int numpts2; public int[] Count; public int C; public int ctr = 1; public final ST_Agsubnode_s template = new ST_Agsubnode_s(); public final ST_Agnode_s dummy = new ST_Agnode_s(); public ST_Agraph_s G_ns; public ST_Agraph_s G_decomp; public int opl; public int opn_route; public int opn_shortest; public CArray ops_route; public CArray ops_shortest; public CString reclblp; public int isz; public CArray ispline; public static Z z() { return instances2.get().peekFirst(); } public static void open() { LinkedList list = instances2.get(); if (list == null) { list = new LinkedList(); instances2.set(list); } list.addFirst(new Z()); } public static void close() { instances2.get().removeFirst(); } private ST_shape_desc __Shapes__(String s, ST_shape_functions shape_functions, ST_polygon_t polygon) { ST_shape_desc result = new ST_shape_desc(); result.name = s == null ? null : new CString(s); result.fns = shape_functions; result.polygon = polygon; return result; } private final static ST_arrowtype_t createArrowtypes(int type, double lenfact, CFunction function) { final ST_arrowtype_t result = new ST_arrowtype_t(); result.type = type; result.lenfact = lenfact; result.gen = function; return result; } private final static ST_arrowname_t create_arrowname_t(String name, int type) { final ST_arrowname_t result = new ST_arrowname_t(); result.name = name == null ? null : new CString(name); result.type = type; return result; } private Z() { _Dttree.searchf = dttree__c.dttree; _Dttree.type = 0000004; _Dtobag.searchf = dttree__c.dttree; _Dtobag.type = 0000010; AgDataDictDisc.key = ST_Agsym_s.createOFFSET("name"); AgDataDictDisc.size = -1; AgDataDictDisc.link = ST_Agsym_s.createOFFSET("link"); AgDataDictDisc.makef = null; AgDataDictDisc.freef = attr__c.freesym; AgDataDictDisc.comparf = null; AgDataDictDisc.hashf = null; ProtoDesc.directed = 1; ProtoDesc.strict = 0; ProtoDesc.no_loop = 1; ProtoDesc.maingraph = 0; ProtoDesc.flatlock = 1; ProtoDesc.no_write = 1; Ag_mainedge_seq_disc.key = OFFSET.zero(); Ag_mainedge_seq_disc.size = 0; Ag_mainedge_seq_disc.link = new OFFSET("seq_link"); // seq_link is the third // field in Agedge_t Ag_mainedge_seq_disc.makef = null; Ag_mainedge_seq_disc.freef = null; Ag_mainedge_seq_disc.comparf = edge__c.agedgeseqcmpf; Ag_mainedge_seq_disc.hashf = null; Ag_mainedge_seq_disc.memoryf = utils__c.agdictobjmem; Ag_mainedge_seq_disc.eventf = null; Ag_subedge_seq_disc.key = OFFSET.zero(); Ag_subedge_seq_disc.size = 0; Ag_subedge_seq_disc.link = OFFSET.externalHolder(); Ag_subedge_seq_disc.makef = null; Ag_subedge_seq_disc.freef = null; Ag_subedge_seq_disc.comparf = edge__c.agedgeseqcmpf; Ag_subedge_seq_disc.hashf = null; Ag_subedge_seq_disc.memoryf = utils__c.agdictobjmem; Ag_subedge_seq_disc.eventf = null; Ag_subedge_id_disc.key = OFFSET.zero(); Ag_subedge_id_disc.size = 0; Ag_subedge_id_disc.link = OFFSET.externalHolder(); Ag_subedge_id_disc.makef = null; Ag_subedge_id_disc.freef = null; Ag_subedge_id_disc.comparf = edge__c.agedgeidcmpf; Ag_subedge_id_disc.hashf = null; Ag_subedge_id_disc.memoryf = utils__c.agdictobjmem; Ag_subedge_id_disc.eventf = null; Ag_subgraph_id_disc.key = OFFSET.zero(); Ag_subgraph_id_disc.size = 0; Ag_subgraph_id_disc.link = new OFFSET("link"); // link is the third field in // Agraph_t Ag_subgraph_id_disc.makef = null; Ag_subgraph_id_disc.freef = null; Ag_subgraph_id_disc.comparf = graph__c.agraphidcmpf; Ag_subgraph_id_disc.hashf = null; Ag_subgraph_id_disc.memoryf = utils__c.agdictobjmem; Ag_subgraph_id_disc.eventf = null; AgIdDisc.open = id__c.idopen; AgIdDisc.map = id__c.idmap; AgIdDisc.alloc = id__c.idalloc; AgIdDisc.free = id__c.idfree; AgIdDisc.print = id__c.idprint; AgIdDisc.close = id__c.idclose; AgIdDisc.idregister = id__c.idregister; AgMemDisc.open = mem__c.memopen; AgMemDisc.alloc = mem__c.memalloc; AgMemDisc.resize = mem__c.memresize; AgMemDisc.free = mem__c.memfree; AgMemDisc.close = null; Ag_subnode_id_disc.key = OFFSET.zero(); Ag_subnode_id_disc.size = 0; Ag_subnode_id_disc.link = new OFFSET("id_link"); // id_link is the second // field in Agsubnode_t Ag_subnode_id_disc.makef = null; Ag_subnode_id_disc.freef = null; Ag_subnode_id_disc.comparf = node__c.agsubnodeidcmpf; Ag_subnode_id_disc.hashf = null; Ag_subnode_id_disc.memoryf = utils__c.agdictobjmem; Ag_subnode_id_disc.eventf = null; Ag_subnode_seq_disc.key = OFFSET.zero(); Ag_subnode_seq_disc.size = 0; Ag_subnode_seq_disc.link = new OFFSET("seq_link"); // link is the first // field in // Agsubnode_t Ag_subnode_seq_disc.makef = null; Ag_subnode_seq_disc.freef = node__c.free_subnode; Ag_subnode_seq_disc.comparf = node__c.agsubnodeseqcmpf; Ag_subnode_seq_disc.hashf = null; Ag_subnode_seq_disc.memoryf = utils__c.agdictobjmem; Ag_subnode_seq_disc.eventf = null; Refstrdisc.key = new OFFSET("s"); // *s is the third field in refstr_t Refstrdisc.size = -1; Refstrdisc.link = OFFSET.zero(); Refstrdisc.makef = null; Refstrdisc.freef = utils__c.agdictobjfree; Refstrdisc.comparf = null; Refstrdisc.hashf = null; Refstrdisc.memoryf = utils__c.agdictobjmem; Refstrdisc.eventf = null; Hdisc.key = new OFFSET("key"); Hdisc.size = 4; Hdisc.link = OFFSET.externalHolder(); Hdisc.makef = null; Hdisc.freef = null; Hdisc.comparf = xlabels__c.icompare; Hdisc.hashf = null; Hdisc.memoryf = null; Hdisc.eventf = null; Center.p.x = 0; Center.p.y = 0; Center.theta = -1; Center.bp = null; Center.defined = false; Center.constrained = false; Center.clip = true; Center.dyna = false; Center.order = 0; Center.side = 0; p_ellipse.regular = false; p_ellipse.peripheries = 1; p_ellipse.sides = 1; p_ellipse.orientation = 0.; p_ellipse.distortion = 0.; p_ellipse.skew = 0.; p_box.regular = false; p_box.peripheries = 1; p_box.sides = 4; p_box.orientation = 0.; p_box.distortion = 0.; p_box.skew = 0.; poly_fns.initfn = shapes__c.poly_init; poly_fns.freefn = shapes__c.poly_free; poly_fns.portfn = shapes__c.poly_port; poly_fns.insidefn = shapes__c.poly_inside; poly_fns.pboxfn = shapes__c.poly_path; poly_fns.codefn = shapes__c.poly_gencode; record_fns.initfn = shapes__c.record_init; record_fns.freefn = shapes__c.record_free; record_fns.portfn = shapes__c.record_port; record_fns.insidefn = shapes__c.record_inside; record_fns.pboxfn = shapes__c.record_path; record_fns.codefn = shapes__c.record_gencode; Ag_mainedge_id_disc.key = OFFSET.zero(); Ag_mainedge_id_disc.size = 0; Ag_mainedge_id_disc.link = new OFFSET("id_link"); // id_link is the second // field in Agedge_t Ag_mainedge_id_disc.makef = null; Ag_mainedge_id_disc.freef = null; Ag_mainedge_id_disc.comparf = edge__c.agedgeidcmpf; Ag_mainedge_id_disc.hashf = null; Ag_mainedge_id_disc.memoryf = utils__c.agdictobjmem; Ag_mainedge_id_disc.eventf = null; Agdirected.directed = 1; Agdirected.strict = 0; Agdirected.no_loop = 0; Agdirected.maingraph = 1; sinfo.swapEnds = dotsplines__c.swap_ends_p; sinfo.splineMerge = dotsplines__c.spline_merge; ispline = null; isz = 0; } }