/* ======================================================================== * PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator * ======================================================================== * * (C) Copyright 2009-2023, Arnaud Roques * * Project Info: http://plantuml.com * * If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at: * * http://plantuml.com/patreon (only 1$ per month!) * http://plantuml.com/paypal * * This file is part of PlantUML. * * PlantUML is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PlantUML distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. * * * Original Author: Arnaud Roques * * */ package net.sourceforge.plantuml; import java.awt.Font; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.BlocLines; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.regex.Matcher2; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.regex.MyPattern; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.regex.Pattern2; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.creole.Parser; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.LinkStyle; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Rankdir; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Stereotype; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.dot.DotSplines; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.graphic.HorizontalAlignment; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.graphic.color.Colors; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.log.Logme; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.skin.ActorStyle; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.skin.ArrowDirection; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.skin.Padder; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.sprite.Sprite; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.sprite.SpriteImage; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.FromSkinparamToStyle; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.Style; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.StyleBuilder; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.StyleLoader; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.ConditionEndStyle; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.ConditionStyle; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.PackageStyle; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.svg.LengthAdjust; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.UFont; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.UStroke; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.color.HColor; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.color.HColorSet; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.color.HColors; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.color.NoSuchColorException; public class SkinParam implements ISkinParam { // TODO not clear whether SkinParam or ImageBuilder is responsible for defaults public static final String DEFAULT_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO = "none"; // private String skin = "debug.skin"; private String skin = "plantuml.skin"; private StyleBuilder styleBuilder; private SkinParam(UmlDiagramType type) { this.type = type; } public StyleBuilder getCurrentStyleBuilder() { if (styleBuilder == null) { try { this.styleBuilder = getCurrentStyleBuilderInternal(); } catch (IOException e) { Logme.error(e); } } return styleBuilder; } public void muteStyle(Style modifiedStyle) { styleBuilder = getCurrentStyleBuilder().muteStyle(modifiedStyle); } public String getDefaultSkin() { return skin; } public void setDefaultSkin(String newSkin) { this.skin = newSkin; } public StyleBuilder getCurrentStyleBuilderInternal() throws IOException { final StyleLoader tmp = new StyleLoader(this); StyleBuilder result = tmp.loadSkin(this.getDefaultSkin()); if (result == null) result = tmp.loadSkin("plantuml.skin"); return result; } public static int zeroMargin(int defaultValue) { return defaultValue; } private static final String stereoPatternString = "\\<\\<(.*?)\\>\\>"; private static final Pattern2 stereoPattern = MyPattern.cmpile(stereoPatternString); private final Map params = new HashMap(); private final Map paramsPendingForStyleMigration = new LinkedHashMap(); private final Map svgCharSizes = new HashMap(); private Rankdir rankdir = Rankdir.TOP_TO_BOTTOM; private final UmlDiagramType type; private boolean useVizJs; public void copyAllFrom(Map other) { this.params.putAll(other); } public Map values() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(params); } public void setParam(String key, String value) { for (String key2 : cleanForKey(key)) { params.put(key2, StringUtils.trin(value)); applyPendingStyleMigration(); final FromSkinparamToStyle convertor = new FromSkinparamToStyle(key2); convertor.convertNow(value, getCurrentStyleBuilder()); for (Style style : convertor.getStyles()) muteStyle(style); } if ("style".equalsIgnoreCase(key) && "strictuml".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { final InputStream internalIs = StyleLoader.class.getResourceAsStream("/skin/strictuml.skin"); final StyleBuilder styleBuilder = this.getCurrentStyleBuilder(); try { final BlocLines lines = BlocLines.load(internalIs, null); for (Style modifiedStyle : StyleLoader.getDeclaredStyles(lines, styleBuilder)) this.muteStyle(modifiedStyle); } catch (IOException e) { Logme.error(e); } } } public void applyPendingStyleMigration() { for (Entry ent : paramsPendingForStyleMigration.entrySet()) { final FromSkinparamToStyle convertor = new FromSkinparamToStyle(ent.getKey()); convertor.convertNow(ent.getValue(), getCurrentStyleBuilder()); for (Style style : convertor.getStyles()) muteStyle(style); } paramsPendingForStyleMigration.clear(); } public static SkinParam create(UmlDiagramType type) { return new SkinParam(type); } public static SkinParam noShadowing(UmlDiagramType type) { final SkinParam result = new SkinParam(type); result.setParam("shadowing", "false"); return result; } private final Map> cacheCleanForKey = new HashMap>(); List cleanForKey(String key) { List result = cacheCleanForKey.get(key); if (result == null) { result = cleanForKeySlow(key); cacheCleanForKey.put(key, result); } return result; } private static final Pattern patternCleanUnderscoreDot = Pattern.compile("_|\\."); private static final Pattern patternCleanSequence = Pattern.compile("sequence(participant|actor)"); private static final Pattern patternCleanArrow = Pattern .compile("(activity|class|component|object|sequence|state|usecase)arrow"); private static final Pattern patternCleanAlign = Pattern.compile("align$"); List cleanForKeySlow(String key) { key = StringUtils.trin(StringUtils.goLowerCase(key)); key = patternCleanUnderscoreDot.matcher(key).replaceAll(""); key = patternCleanSequence.matcher(key).replaceAll("$1"); key = patternCleanArrow.matcher(key).replaceAll("arrow"); key = patternCleanAlign.matcher(key).replaceAll("alignment"); final Matcher2 mm = stereoPattern.matcher(key); final List result = new ArrayList<>(); while (mm.find()) { final String s = mm.group(1); result.add(key.replaceAll(stereoPatternString, "") + "<<" + s + ">>"); } if (result.size() == 0) result.add(key); return Collections.unmodifiableList(result); } public HColor getHyperlinkColor() { final HColor result = getHtmlColor(ColorParam.hyperlink, null, false); if (result == null) return HColors.BLUE; return result; } public HColor getBackgroundColor() { final HColor result = getHtmlColor(ColorParam.background, null, false); return result != null ? result : HColors.WHITE; } public String getValue(String key) { applyPendingStyleMigration(); for (String key2 : cleanForKey(key)) { final String result = params.get(key2); if (result != null) return result; } return null; } public String getValue(String key, String defaultValue) { final String result = getValue(key); return result == null ? defaultValue : result; } private boolean valueIs(String key, String expected) { return expected.equalsIgnoreCase(getValue(key)); } private boolean isTrue(String key) { return valueIs(key, "true"); } static String humanName(String key) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean upper = true; for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) { final char c = key.charAt(i); if (c == '_') { upper = true; } else { sb.append(upper ? StringUtils.goUpperCase(c) : StringUtils.goLowerCase(c)); upper = false; } } return sb.toString(); } public HColor getHtmlColor(ColorParam param, Stereotype stereotype, boolean clickable) { if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); for (String s : stereotype.getMultipleLabels()) { final String value2 = getValue(param.name() + "color" + "<<" + s + ">>"); if (value2 != null && getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(value2) != null) return getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(value2); } } final String value = getValue(getParamName(param, clickable)); if (value == null) return null; if ((param == ColorParam.background || param == ColorParam.arrowHead) && (value.equalsIgnoreCase("transparent") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("none"))) return HColors.transparent(); if (param == ColorParam.background) return getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(value); assert param != ColorParam.background; return getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(value); } public char getCircledCharacter(Stereotype stereotype) { final String value2 = getValue( "spotchar" + Objects.requireNonNull(stereotype).getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR)); if (value2 != null && value2.length() > 0) return value2.charAt(0); return 0; } public Colors getColors(ColorParam param, Stereotype stereotype) throws NoSuchColorException { if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); final String value2 = getValue(param.name() + "color" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR)); if (value2 != null) return new Colors(value2, getIHtmlColorSet(), param.getColorType()); } final String value = getValue(getParamName(param, false)); if (value == null) return Colors.empty(); return new Colors(value, getIHtmlColorSet(), param.getColorType()); } private String getParamName(ColorParam param, boolean clickable) { String n = param.name(); if (clickable && n.endsWith("Background")) n = n.replaceAll("Background", "ClickableBackground"); else if (clickable && n.endsWith("Border")) n = n.replaceAll("Border", "ClickableBorder"); return n + "color"; } private void checkStereotype(Stereotype stereotype) { // if (stereotype.startsWith("<<") == false || stereotype.endsWith(">>") == // false) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // } } private int getFontSize(Stereotype stereotype, FontParam... param) { if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); final String value2 = getFirstValueNonNullWithSuffix( "fontsize" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR), param); if (value2 != null && value2.matches("\\d+")) return Integer.parseInt(value2); } String value = getFirstValueNonNullWithSuffix("fontsize", param); if (value == null || value.matches("\\d+") == false) value = getValue("defaultfontsize"); if (value == null || value.matches("\\d+") == false) return param[0].getDefaultSize(this); return Integer.parseInt(value); } private String getFontFamily(Stereotype stereotype, FontParam... param) { if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); final String value2 = getFirstValueNonNullWithSuffix( "fontname" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR), param); if (value2 != null) return StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(value2); } // Times, Helvetica, Courier or Symbol String value = getFirstValueNonNullWithSuffix("fontname", param); if (value != null) return StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(value); if (param[0] != FontParam.CIRCLED_CHARACTER) { value = getValue("defaultfontname"); if (value != null) return StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(value); } return param[0].getDefaultFamily(); } public HColor getFontHtmlColor(Stereotype stereotype, FontParam... param) { String value = null; if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); value = getFirstValueNonNullWithSuffix("fontcolor" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR), param); } if (value == null) value = getFirstValueNonNullWithSuffix("fontcolor", param); if (value == null) value = getValue("defaultfontcolor"); if (value == null) value = param[0].getDefaultColor(); if (value == null) return null; return getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(value); } private String getFirstValueNonNullWithSuffix(String suffix, FontParam... param) { for (FontParam p : param) { final String v = getValue(p.name() + suffix); if (v != null) return v; } return null; } private int getFontStyle(Stereotype stereotype, boolean inPackageTitle, FontParam... param) { String value = null; if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); value = getFirstValueNonNullWithSuffix("fontstyle" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR), param); } if (value == null) value = getFirstValueNonNullWithSuffix("fontstyle", param); if (value == null) value = getValue("defaultfontstyle"); if (value == null) return param[0].getDefaultFontStyle(this, inPackageTitle); int result = Font.PLAIN; if (StringUtils.goLowerCase(value).contains("bold")) result = result | Font.BOLD; if (StringUtils.goLowerCase(value).contains("italic")) result = result | Font.ITALIC; return result; } public UFont getFont(Stereotype stereotype, boolean inPackageTitle, FontParam... fontParam) { if (stereotype != null) checkStereotype(stereotype); final String fontFamily = getFontFamily(stereotype, fontParam); final int fontStyle = getFontStyle(stereotype, inPackageTitle, fontParam); final int fontSize = getFontSize(stereotype, fontParam); return new UFont(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontSize); } public int getCircledCharacterRadius() { final int value = getAsInt("circledCharacterRadius", -1); return value == -1 ? getFontSize(null, FontParam.CIRCLED_CHARACTER) / 3 + 6 : value; } public int classAttributeIconSize() { return getAsInt("classAttributeIconSize", 10); } public static Collection getPossibleValues() { final Set result = new TreeSet<>(); result.add("Monochrome"); // result.add("BackgroundColor"); result.add("CircledCharacterRadius"); result.add("ClassAttributeIconSize"); result.add("DefaultFontName"); result.add("DefaultFontStyle"); result.add("DefaultFontSize"); result.add("DefaultFontColor"); result.add("MinClassWidth"); result.add("MinClassWidth"); result.add("Dpi"); result.add("DefaultTextAlignment"); result.add("Shadowing"); result.add("NoteShadowing"); result.add("Handwritten"); result.add("CircledCharacterRadius"); result.add("ClassAttributeIconSize"); result.add("Linetype"); result.add("PackageStyle"); result.add("ComponentStyle"); result.add("StereotypePosition"); result.add("Nodesep"); result.add("Ranksep"); result.add("RoundCorner"); result.add("TitleBorderRoundCorner"); result.add("MaxMessageSize"); result.add("Style"); result.add("SequenceParticipant"); result.add("ConditionStyle"); result.add("ConditionEndStyle"); result.add("SameClassWidth"); result.add("HyperlinkUnderline"); result.add("Padding"); result.add("BoxPadding"); result.add("ParticipantPadding"); result.add("Guillemet"); result.add("SvglinkTarget"); result.add("DefaultMonospacedFontName"); result.add("TabSize"); result.add("MaxAsciiMessageLength"); result.add("ColorArrowSeparationSpace"); result.add("ResponseMessageBelowArrow"); result.add("GenericDisplay"); result.add("PathHoverColor"); result.add("SwimlaneWidth"); result.add("PageBorderColor"); result.add("PageExternalColor"); result.add("PageMargin"); result.add("WrapWidth"); result.add("SwimlaneWidth"); result.add("SwimlaneWrapTitleWidth"); result.add("FixCircleLabelOverlapping"); result.add("LifelineStrategy"); for (FontParam p : EnumSet.allOf(FontParam.class)) { final String h = humanName(p.name()); result.add(h + "FontStyle"); result.add(h + "FontName"); result.add(h + "FontSize"); result.add(h + "FontColor"); } for (ColorParam p : EnumSet.allOf(ColorParam.class)) { final String h = capitalize(p.name()); result.add(h + "Color"); } for (LineParam p : EnumSet.allOf(LineParam.class)) { final String h = capitalize(p.name()); result.add(h + "Thickness"); } for (AlignmentParam p : EnumSet.allOf(AlignmentParam.class)) { final String h = capitalize(p.name()); result.add(h); } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result); } private static String capitalize(String name) { return StringUtils.goUpperCase(name.substring(0, 1)) + name.substring(1); } public int getDpi() { final int defaultValue = 96; final int dpi = getAsInt("dpi", defaultValue); if (dpi <= 0) return defaultValue; return dpi; } public DotSplines getDotSplines() { final String value = getValue("linetype"); if ("polyline".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return DotSplines.POLYLINE; if ("ortho".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return DotSplines.ORTHO; return DotSplines.SPLINES; } public HorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment(AlignmentParam param, ArrowDirection arrowDirection, boolean isReverseDefine, HorizontalAlignment overrideDefault) { final String value; switch (param) { case sequenceMessageAlignment: value = getArg(getValue(AlignmentParam.sequenceMessageAlignment.name()), 0); break; case sequenceMessageTextAlignment: value = getArg(getValue(AlignmentParam.sequenceMessageAlignment.name()), 1); break; default: value = getValue(param.name()); } if ("first".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { if (arrowDirection == ArrowDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_REVERSE) { if (isReverseDefine) return HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; return HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; } else { if (isReverseDefine) return HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; return HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; } } if ("direction".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { if (arrowDirection == ArrowDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_NORMAL) return HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; if (arrowDirection == ArrowDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_REVERSE) return HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; if (arrowDirection == ArrowDirection.BOTH_DIRECTION) return HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; } if ("reversedirection".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { if (arrowDirection == ArrowDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_NORMAL) return HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT; if (arrowDirection == ArrowDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_REVERSE) return HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; if (arrowDirection == ArrowDirection.BOTH_DIRECTION) return HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; } final HorizontalAlignment result = HorizontalAlignment.fromString(value); if (result == null && param == AlignmentParam.noteTextAlignment) return getDefaultTextAlignment(overrideDefault == null ? HorizontalAlignment.LEFT : overrideDefault); else if (result == null && param == AlignmentParam.stateMessageAlignment) return getDefaultTextAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); else if (result == null) return param.getDefaultValue(); return result; } public HorizontalAlignment getDefaultTextAlignment(HorizontalAlignment defaultValue) { final String value = getValue("defaulttextalignment"); final HorizontalAlignment result = HorizontalAlignment.fromString(value); if (result == null) return defaultValue; return result; } public HorizontalAlignment getStereotypeAlignment() { final String value = getValue("stereotypealignment"); final HorizontalAlignment result = HorizontalAlignment.fromString(value); if (result == null) return HorizontalAlignment.CENTER; return result; } private String getArg(String value, int i) { if (value == null) return null; final String[] split = value.split(":"); if (i >= split.length) return split[0]; return split[i]; } public boolean shadowing(Stereotype stereotype) { if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); final String value2 = getValue("shadowing" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR)); if (value2 != null) return value2.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } final String value = getValue("shadowing"); if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return false; if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return true; if (strictUmlStyle()) return false; return true; } public boolean shadowingForNote(Stereotype stereotype) { if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); final String value2 = getValue("note" + "shadowing" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR)); if (value2 != null) return value2.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } final String value2 = getValue("note" + "shadowing"); if (value2 != null) return value2.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); return shadowing(stereotype); } private final Map sprites = new HashMap(); public Collection getAllSpriteNames() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(new TreeSet<>(sprites.keySet())); } public void addSprite(String name, Sprite sprite) { sprites.put(name, sprite); } public Sprite getSprite(String name) { Sprite result = sprites.get(name); if (result == null) result = SpriteImage.fromInternal(name); return result; } public PackageStyle packageStyle() { final String value = getValue("packageStyle"); final PackageStyle p = PackageStyle.fromString(value); if (p == null) return PackageStyle.FOLDER; return p; } public ComponentStyle componentStyle() { if (strictUmlStyle()) return ComponentStyle.UML2; final String value = getValue("componentstyle"); if ("uml1".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return ComponentStyle.UML1; if ("uml2".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return ComponentStyle.UML2; if ("rectangle".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return ComponentStyle.RECTANGLE; return ComponentStyle.UML2; } public boolean stereotypePositionTop() { return !valueIs("stereotypePosition", "bottom"); } public boolean useSwimlanes(UmlDiagramType type) { if (type != UmlDiagramType.ACTIVITY) return false; return swimlanes(); } public boolean swimlanes() { return isTrue("swimlane") || isTrue("swimlanes"); } public double getNodesep() { // TODO strange, this returns a double but only accepts integer values return getAsInt("nodesep", 0); } public double getRanksep() { // TODO strange, this returns a double but only accepts integer values return getAsInt("ranksep", 0); } public double getDiagonalCorner(CornerParam param, Stereotype stereotype) { final String key = param.getDiagonalKey(); Double result = getCornerInternal(key, param, stereotype); if (result != null) return result; result = getCornerInternal(key, param, null); if (result != null) return result; if (param == CornerParam.DEFAULT) return 0; return getDiagonalCorner(CornerParam.DEFAULT, stereotype); } public double getRoundCorner(CornerParam param, Stereotype stereotype) { final String key = param.getRoundKey(); Double result = getCornerInternal(key, param, stereotype); if (result != null) return result; result = getCornerInternal(key, param, null); if (result != null) return result; if (param == CornerParam.DEFAULT) return 0; return getRoundCorner(CornerParam.DEFAULT, stereotype); } private Double getCornerInternal(String key, CornerParam param, Stereotype stereotype) { if (stereotype != null) key += stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR); final String value = getValue(key); if (value != null && value.matches("\\d+")) return Double.parseDouble(value); return null; } public UStroke getThickness(LineParam param, Stereotype stereotype) { LinkStyle style = null; if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); final String styleValue = getValue( param.name() + "style" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR)); if (styleValue != null) style = LinkStyle.fromString2(styleValue); final String value2 = getValue( param.name() + "thickness" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR)); if (value2 != null && value2.matches("[\\d.]+")) { if (style == null) style = LinkStyle.NORMAL(); return style.goThickness(Double.parseDouble(value2)).getStroke3(); } } final String value = getValue(param.name() + "thickness"); if (value != null && value.matches("[\\d.]+")) { if (style == null) style = LinkStyle.NORMAL(); return style.goThickness(Double.parseDouble(value)).getStroke3(); } if (style == null) { final String styleValue = getValue(param.name() + "style"); if (styleValue != null) style = LinkStyle.fromString2(styleValue); } if (style != null && style.isNormal() == false) return style.getStroke3(); return null; } public LineBreakStrategy maxMessageSize() { String value = getValue("wrapmessagewidth"); if (value == null) value = getValue("maxmessagesize"); return new LineBreakStrategy(value); } public LineBreakStrategy wrapWidth() { final String value = getValue("wrapwidth"); return new LineBreakStrategy(value); } public LineBreakStrategy swimlaneWrapTitleWidth() { final String value = getValue("swimlanewraptitlewidth"); return new LineBreakStrategy(value); } public boolean strictUmlStyle() { return valueIs("style", "strictuml"); } public boolean forceSequenceParticipantUnderlined() { return valueIs("sequenceParticipant", "underline"); } public ConditionStyle getConditionStyle() { final String value = getValue("conditionStyle"); final ConditionStyle p = ConditionStyle.fromString(value); if (p == null) return ConditionStyle.INSIDE_HEXAGON; return p; } public ConditionEndStyle getConditionEndStyle() { final String value = getValue("conditionEndStyle"); final ConditionEndStyle p = ConditionEndStyle.fromString(value); if (p == null) return ConditionEndStyle.DIAMOND; return p; } public double minClassWidth() { return getAsInt("minclasswidth", 0); } public boolean sameClassWidth() { return isTrue("sameclasswidth"); } public final Rankdir getRankdir() { return rankdir; } public final void setRankdir(Rankdir rankdir) { this.rankdir = rankdir; } public boolean useOctagonForActivity(Stereotype stereotype) { String value = getValue("activityshape"); if (stereotype != null) { checkStereotype(stereotype); final String value2 = getValue("activityshape" + stereotype.getLabel(Guillemet.DOUBLE_COMPARATOR)); if (value2 != null) value = value2; } if ("roundedbox".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return false; if ("octagon".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return true; return false; } private final HColorSet htmlColorSet = HColorSet.instance(); public HColorSet getIHtmlColorSet() { return htmlColorSet; } public UStroke useUnderlineForHyperlink() { if (valueIs("hyperlinkunderline", "false") == false) return new UStroke(); return null; } public int groupInheritance() { final int value = getAsInt("groupinheritance", Integer.MAX_VALUE); return value <= 1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : value; } public Guillemet guillemet() { final String value = getValue("guillemet"); return Guillemet.GUILLEMET.fromDescription(value); } public boolean handwritten() { return isTrue("handwritten"); } public String getSvgLinkTarget() { return getValue("svglinktarget", "_top"); } public String getPreserveAspectRatio() { return getValue("preserveaspectratio", DEFAULT_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO); } public String getMonospacedFamily() { return getValue("defaultMonospacedFontName", Parser.MONOSPACED); } public int getTabSize() { return getAsInt("tabsize", 8); } public int maxAsciiMessageLength() { return getAsInt("maxasciimessagelength", -1); } public int colorArrowSeparationSpace() { return getAsInt("colorarrowseparationspace", 0); } public SplitParam getSplitParam() { final String border = getValue("pageBorderColor"); final String external = getValue("pageExternalColor"); final HColor borderColor = border == null ? null : getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(border); final HColor externalColor = external == null ? null : getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(external); int margin = getAsInt("pageMargin", 0); return new SplitParam(borderColor, externalColor, margin); } public int swimlaneWidth() { final String value = getValue("swimlanewidth"); if ("same".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return SWIMLANE_WIDTH_SAME; if (value != null && value.matches("\\d+")) return Integer.parseInt(value); return 0; } public UmlDiagramType getUmlDiagramType() { return type; } public HColor hoverPathColor() { final String value = getValue("pathhovercolor"); if (value == null) return null; return getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(value); } public double getPadding() { final String name = "padding"; return getAsDouble(name); } public double getPadding(PaddingParam param) { final String name = param.getSkinName(); return getAsDouble(name); } private double getAsDouble(final String name) { final String value = getValue(name); if (value != null && value.matches("\\d+(\\.\\d+)?")) return Double.parseDouble(value); return 0; } private int getAsInt(String key, int defaultValue) { final String value = getValue(key); if (value != null && value.matches("\\d+")) return Integer.parseInt(value); return defaultValue; } public boolean useRankSame() { return false; } public boolean displayGenericWithOldFashion() { return valueIs("genericDisplay", "old"); } public boolean responseMessageBelowArrow() { return isTrue("responsemessagebelowarrow"); } public TikzFontDistortion getTikzFontDistortion() { final String value = getValue("tikzFont"); return TikzFontDistortion.fromValue(value); } public boolean svgDimensionStyle() { return !valueIs("svgdimensionstyle", "false"); } public boolean fixCircleLabelOverlapping() { return isTrue("fixcirclelabeloverlapping"); } public void setUseVizJs(boolean useVizJs) { this.useVizJs = useVizJs; } public boolean isUseVizJs() { return useVizJs; } public Padder sequenceDiagramPadder() { final double padding = getAsDouble("SequenceMessagePadding"); final double margin = getAsDouble("SequenceMessageMargin"); final String borderColor = getValue("SequenceMessageBorderColor"); final String backgroundColor = getValue("SequenceMessageBackGroundColor"); if (padding == 0 && margin == 0 && borderColor == null && backgroundColor == null) return Padder.NONE; final HColor border = borderColor == null ? null : getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(borderColor); final HColor background = backgroundColor == null ? null : getIHtmlColorSet().getColorOrWhite(backgroundColor); final double roundCorner = getRoundCorner(CornerParam.DEFAULT, null); return Padder.NONE.withMargin(margin).withPadding(padding).withBackgroundColor(background) .withBorderColor(border).withRoundCorner(roundCorner); } public ActorStyle actorStyle() { final String value = getValue("actorstyle"); if ("awesome".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return ActorStyle.AWESOME; if ("hollow".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return ActorStyle.HOLLOW; return ActorStyle.STICKMAN; } public void setSvgSize(String origin, String sizeToUse) { svgCharSizes.put(StringUtils.manageUnicodeNotationUplus(origin), StringUtils.manageUnicodeNotationUplus(sizeToUse)); } public String transformStringForSizeHack(String s) { for (Entry ent : svgCharSizes.entrySet()) s = s.replace(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue()); return s; } public LengthAdjust getlengthAdjust() { final String value = getValue("lengthAdjust"); if ("spacingAndGlyphs".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return LengthAdjust.SPACING_AND_GLYPHS; if ("spacing".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return LengthAdjust.SPACING; if ("none".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return LengthAdjust.NONE; return LengthAdjust.defaultValue(); } }