/* ======================================================================== * PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator * ======================================================================== * * (C) Copyright 2009-2023, Arnaud Roques * * Project Info: http://plantuml.com * * If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at: * * http://plantuml.com/patreon (only 1$ per month!) * http://plantuml.com/paypal * * This file is part of PlantUML. * * PlantUML is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PlantUML distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. * * * Original Author: Arnaud Roques * Contribution : Hisashi Miyashita * * */ package net.sourceforge.plantuml.classdiagram.command; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.Direction; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.LineLocation; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.StringUtils; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.UmlDiagramType; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.Url; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.UrlBuilder; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.UrlMode; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.CommandExecutionResult; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.SingleLineCommand2; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.regex.RegexConcat; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.regex.RegexLeaf; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.regex.RegexOptional; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.regex.RegexOr; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.command.regex.RegexResult; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Code; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Display; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.IEntity; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Ident; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Link; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.LinkArg; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.LinkDecor; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.LinkType; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.descdiagram.command.CommandLinkElement; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.descdiagram.command.Labels; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.graphic.color.ColorParser; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.graphic.color.ColorType; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.objectdiagram.AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram; import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.color.NoSuchColorException; final public class CommandLinkClass extends SingleLineCommand2 { private static final String SINGLE = "[.\\\\]{0,2}[%pLN_]+(?:[.\\\\]{1,2}[%pLN_]+)*"; private static final String SINGLE_GUILLEMENT = "[%g][.\\\\]{0,2}[%pLN_]+(?:[.\\\\]{1,2}[%pLN_]+)*[%g]"; private static final String SINGLE2 = "(?:" + SINGLE + "|" + SINGLE_GUILLEMENT + ")"; private static final String COUPLE = "\\([%s]*(" + SINGLE2 + ")[%s]*,[%s]*(" + SINGLE2 + ")[%s]*\\)"; public CommandLinkClass(UmlDiagramType umlDiagramType) { super(getRegexConcat(umlDiagramType)); } static private RegexConcat getRegexConcat(UmlDiagramType umlDiagramType) { return RegexConcat.build(CommandLinkClass.class.getName() + umlDiagramType, RegexLeaf.start(), // new RegexOptional( // new RegexConcat( // new RegexLeaf("HEADER", "@([\\d.]+)"), // RegexLeaf.spaceOneOrMore() // )), new RegexOr( // new RegexLeaf("ENT1", getClassIdentifier()), // new RegexLeaf("COUPLE1", COUPLE)), // RegexLeaf.spaceZeroOrMore(), // new RegexOptional(new RegexConcat( // RegexLeaf.spaceOneOrMore(), // new RegexLeaf("[\\[]"), // new RegexLeaf("QUALIFIER1", "([^\\[\\]]+)"), // new RegexLeaf("[\\]]"), // RegexLeaf.spaceOneOrMore() // )), // new RegexOptional(new RegexLeaf("FIRST_LABEL", "[%g]([^%g]+)[%g]")), // RegexLeaf.spaceZeroOrMore(), // new RegexConcat( // new RegexLeaf("ARROW_HEAD1", "((?<=[%s])+[ox]|[)#\\[<*+^}]|\\<_|\\<\\|[\\:\\|]|[<\\[]\\||\\}o|\\}\\||\\|o|\\|\\|)?"), // new RegexLeaf("ARROW_BODY1", "([-=.]+)"), // new RegexLeaf("ARROW_STYLE1", "(?:\\[(" + CommandLinkElement.LINE_STYLE + ")\\])?"), // new RegexLeaf("ARROW_DIRECTION", "(left|right|up|down|le?|ri?|up?|do?)?"), // new RegexOptional(new RegexLeaf("INSIDE", "(0|\\(0\\)|\\(0|0\\))(?=[-=.~])")), // new RegexLeaf("ARROW_STYLE2", "(?:\\[(" + CommandLinkElement.LINE_STYLE + ")\\])?"), // new RegexLeaf("ARROW_BODY2", "([-=.]*)"), // new RegexLeaf("ARROW_HEAD2", "([ox][%s]+|:\\>\\>?|_\\>|[(#\\]>*+^\\{]|[\\|\\:]\\|\\>|\\|[>\\]]|o\\{|\\|\\{|o\\||\\|\\|)?")), // RegexLeaf.spaceZeroOrMore(), // new RegexOptional(new RegexLeaf("SECOND_LABEL", "[%g]([^%g]+)[%g]")), // new RegexOptional(new RegexConcat( // RegexLeaf.spaceOneOrMore(), // new RegexLeaf("[\\[]"), // new RegexLeaf("QUALIFIER2", "([^\\[\\]]+)"), // new RegexLeaf("[\\]]"), // RegexLeaf.spaceOneOrMore() // )), // RegexLeaf.spaceZeroOrMore(), // new RegexOr( // new RegexLeaf("ENT2", getClassIdentifier()), // new RegexLeaf("COUPLE2", COUPLE)), // RegexLeaf.spaceZeroOrMore(), // color().getRegex(), // RegexLeaf.spaceZeroOrMore(), // new RegexLeaf("URL", "(" + UrlBuilder.getRegexp() + ")?"), // RegexLeaf.spaceZeroOrMore(), // new RegexOptional( // new RegexConcat( // new RegexLeaf(":"), // RegexLeaf.spaceZeroOrMore(), // new RegexLeaf("LABEL_LINK", "(.+)") // )), RegexLeaf.end()); } private static ColorParser color() { return ColorParser.simpleColor(ColorType.LINE); } private static String getClassIdentifier() { return "(" + getSeparator() + "?[%pLN_$]+(?:" + getSeparator() + "[%pLN_$]+)*|[%g][^%g]+[%g])"; } public static String getSeparator() { return "(?:\\.|::|\\\\|\\\\\\\\)"; } @Override protected CommandExecutionResult executeArg(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, LineLocation location, RegexResult arg) throws NoSuchColorException { final String ent1String = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT1", 0), "\""); final String ent2String = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT2", 0), "\""); if (ent1String == null && ent2String == null) return executeArgSpecial3(diagram, arg); if (ent1String == null) return executeArgSpecial1(diagram, arg); if (ent2String == null) return executeArgSpecial2(diagram, arg); Ident ident1 = diagram.buildLeafIdentSpecial(ent1String); Ident ident2 = diagram.buildLeafIdentSpecial(ent2String); Ident ident1pure = Ident.empty().add(ent1String, diagram.getNamespaceSeparator()); Ident ident2pure = Ident.empty().add(ent2String, diagram.getNamespaceSeparator()); Code code1 = diagram.V1972() ? ident1 : diagram.buildCode(ent1String); Code code2 = diagram.V1972() ? ident2 : diagram.buildCode(ent2String); if (isGroupButNotTheCurrentGroup(diagram, code1, ident1) && isGroupButNotTheCurrentGroup(diagram, code2, ident2)) { return executePackageLink(diagram, arg); } String port1 = null; String port2 = null; if (diagram.V1972()) { if ("::".equals(diagram.getNamespaceSeparator())) { if (removeMemberPartIdentSpecial(diagram, ident1) != null) { port1 = ident1.getLast(); ident1 = removeMemberPartIdentSpecial(diagram, ident1); code1 = ident1; } if (removeMemberPartIdentSpecial(diagram, ident2) != null) { port2 = ident2.getLast(); ident2 = removeMemberPartIdentSpecial(diagram, ident2); code2 = ident1; } } else { if (removeMemberPartIdent(diagram, ident1) != null) { port1 = ident1.getPortMember(); ident1 = removeMemberPartIdent(diagram, ident1); code1 = ident1; } if (removeMemberPartIdent(diagram, ident2) != null) { port2 = ident2.getPortMember(); ident2 = removeMemberPartIdent(diagram, ident2); code2 = ident2; } } } else { if (removeMemberPartLegacy1972(diagram, ident1) != null) { port1 = ident1.getPortMember(); code1 = removeMemberPartLegacy1972(diagram, ident1); ident1 = ident1.removeMemberPart(); } if (removeMemberPartLegacy1972(diagram, ident2) != null) { port2 = ident2.getPortMember(); code2 = removeMemberPartLegacy1972(diagram, ident2); ident2 = ident2.removeMemberPart(); } } final IEntity cl1 = getFoo1(diagram, code1, ident1, ident1pure); final IEntity cl2 = getFoo1(diagram, code2, ident2, ident2pure); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Direction dir = getDirection(arg); final int queue; if (dir == Direction.LEFT || dir == Direction.RIGHT) queue = 1; else queue = getQueueLength(arg); final Labels labels = new Labels(arg); final String kal1 = arg.get("QUALIFIER1", 0); final String kal2 = arg.get("QUALIFIER2", 0); final LinkArg linkArg = LinkArg .build(labels.getDisplay(), queue, diagram.getSkinParam().classAttributeIconSize() > 0) .withQuantifier(labels.getFirstLabel(), labels.getSecondLabel()) .withDistanceAngle(diagram.getLabeldistance(), diagram.getLabelangle()).withKal(kal1, kal2); Link link = new Link(diagram.getSkinParam().getCurrentStyleBuilder(), cl1, cl2, linkType, linkArg); if (arg.get("URL", 0) != null) { final UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(diagram.getSkinParam().getValue("topurl"), UrlMode.STRICT); final Url url = urlBuilder.getUrl(arg.get("URL", 0)); link.setUrl(url); } link.setPortMembers(port1, port2); if (dir == Direction.LEFT || dir == Direction.UP) link = link.getInv(); link.setLinkArrow(labels.getLinkArrow()); link.setColors(color().getColor(arg, diagram.getSkinParam().getIHtmlColorSet())); link.applyStyle(arg.getLazzy("ARROW_STYLE", 0)); link.setCodeLine(location); addLink(diagram, link, arg.get("HEADER", 0)); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); } private IEntity getFoo1(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, Code code, Ident ident, Ident pure) { if (isGroupButNotTheCurrentGroup(diagram, code, ident)) { if (diagram.V1972()) return diagram.getGroupVerySmart(ident); // final Code tap = ident.toCode(diagram); return diagram.getGroup(code); } if (diagram.V1972()) { final IEntity result = pure.size() == 1 ? diagram.getLeafVerySmart(ident) : diagram.getLeafStrict(ident); if (result != null) return result; } return diagram.getOrCreateLeaf(ident, code, null, null); } private boolean isGroupButNotTheCurrentGroup(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, Code code, Ident ident) { if (diagram.V1972()) { if (diagram.getCurrentGroup().getCodeGetName().equals(code.getName())) return false; return diagram.isGroupVerySmart(ident); } else { if (diagram.getCurrentGroup().getCodeGetName().equals(code.getName())) return false; return diagram.isGroup(code); } } private Ident removeMemberPartIdentSpecial(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, Ident ident) { if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident)) return null; final Ident before = ident.parent(); if (before == null) return null; if (diagram.leafExistSmart(before) == false) return null; return before; } private Ident removeMemberPartIdent(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, Ident ident) { if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident)) return null; final Ident before = ident.removeMemberPart(); if (before == null) return null; if (diagram.leafExistSmart(before) == false) return null; return before; } private Code removeMemberPartLegacy1972(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, Ident ident) { if (diagram.leafExist(ident)) return null; final Ident before = ident.removeMemberPart(); if (before == null) return null; final Code code = before.toCode(diagram); if (diagram.leafExist(code) == false) return null; return code; } private void addLink(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, Link link, String weight) { diagram.addLink(link); if (weight == null) { // final LinkType type = link.getType(); // --|> highest // --*, -->, --o normal // ..*, ..>, ..o lowest // if (type.isDashed() == false) { // if (type.contains(LinkDecor.EXTENDS)) { // link.setWeight(3); // } // if (type.contains(LinkDecor.ARROW) || // type.contains(LinkDecor.COMPOSITION) // || type.contains(LinkDecor.AGREGATION)) { // link.setWeight(2); // } // } } else { link.setWeight(Double.parseDouble(weight)); } } private CommandExecutionResult executePackageLink(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) throws NoSuchColorException { final String ent1String = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT1", 0), "\""); final String ent2String = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT2", 0), "\""); final IEntity cl1 = diagram.V1972() ? diagram.getGroupVerySmart(diagram.buildLeafIdent(ent1String)) : diagram.getGroup(diagram.buildCode(ent1String)); final IEntity cl2 = diagram.V1972() ? diagram.getGroupVerySmart(diagram.buildLeafIdent(ent2String)) : diagram.getGroup(diagram.buildCode(ent2String)); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Direction dir = getDirection(arg); final int queue; if (dir == Direction.LEFT || dir == Direction.RIGHT) queue = 1; else queue = getQueueLength(arg); final Display labelLink = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0)); final String firstLabel = arg.get("FIRST_LABEL", 0); final String secondLabel = arg.get("SECOND_LABEL", 0); final LinkArg linkArg = LinkArg.build(labelLink, queue, diagram.getSkinParam().classAttributeIconSize() > 0); final Link link = new Link(diagram.getSkinParam().getCurrentStyleBuilder(), cl1, cl2, linkType, linkArg.withQuantifier(firstLabel, secondLabel).withDistanceAngle(diagram.getLabeldistance(), diagram.getLabelangle())); link.setColors(color().getColor(arg, diagram.getSkinParam().getIHtmlColorSet())); diagram.resetPragmaLabel(); link.applyStyle(arg.getLazzy("ARROW_STYLE", 0)); addLink(diagram, link, arg.get("HEADER", 0)); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); } private CommandExecutionResult executeArgSpecial1(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { if (diagram.V1972()) return executeArgSpecial1972Ident1(diagram, arg); final String name1A = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("COUPLE1", 0)); final String name1B = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("COUPLE1", 1)); final Code clName1A = diagram.buildCode(name1A); final Code clName1B = diagram.buildCode(name1B); if (diagram.leafExist(clName1A) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName1A); if (diagram.leafExist(clName1B) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName1B); final String idShort = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT2", 0), "\""); final Code ent2 = diagram.buildCode(idShort); final IEntity cl2 = diagram.getOrCreateLeaf(diagram.buildLeafIdent(idShort), ent2, null, null); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Display label = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0)); final boolean result = diagram.associationClass(1, name1A, name1B, cl2, linkType, label); if (result == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("Cannot have more than 2 assocications"); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); } private CommandExecutionResult executeArgSpecial1972Ident1(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { final String name1A = arg.get("COUPLE1", 0); final String name1B = arg.get("COUPLE1", 1); final Ident ident1A = diagram.buildLeafIdent(name1A); final Ident ident1B = diagram.buildLeafIdent(name1B); if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident1A) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + ident1A.getName()); if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident1B) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + ident1B.getName()); final String idShort = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT2", 0), "\""); final Ident ident2 = diagram.buildLeafIdent(idShort); final IEntity cl2 = diagram.getOrCreateLeaf(ident2, ident2, null, null); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Display label = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0)); final boolean result = diagram.associationClass(1, name1A, name1B, cl2, linkType, label); if (result == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("Cannot have more than 2 assocications"); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); } private CommandExecutionResult executeArgSpecial1972Ident2(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { final String name2A = arg.get("COUPLE2", 0); final String name2B = arg.get("COUPLE2", 1); final Ident ident2A = diagram.buildLeafIdent(name2A); final Ident ident2B = diagram.buildLeafIdent(name2B); if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident2A) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + ident2A.getName()); if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident2B) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + ident2B.getName()); final String idShort = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT1", 0), "\""); final Ident ident1 = diagram.buildLeafIdent(idShort); final IEntity cl1 = diagram.getOrCreateLeaf(ident1, ident1, null, null); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Display label = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0)); final boolean result = diagram.associationClass(2, name2A, name2B, cl1, linkType, label); if (result == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("Cannot have more than 2 assocications"); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); } private CommandExecutionResult executeArgSpecial1972Ident3(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { final String name1A = arg.get("COUPLE1", 0); final String name1B = arg.get("COUPLE1", 1); final String name2A = arg.get("COUPLE2", 0); final String name2B = arg.get("COUPLE2", 1); final Ident ident1A = diagram.buildLeafIdent(name1A); final Ident ident1B = diagram.buildLeafIdent(name1B); final Ident ident2A = diagram.buildLeafIdent(name2A); final Ident ident2B = diagram.buildLeafIdent(name2B); if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident1A) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + ident1A.getName()); if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident1B) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + ident1B.getName()); if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident2A) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + ident2A.getName()); if (diagram.leafExistSmart(ident2B) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + ident2B.getName()); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Display label = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0)); return diagram.associationClass(name1A, name1B, name2A, name2B, linkType, label); } private CommandExecutionResult executeArgSpecial3(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { if (diagram.V1972()) return executeArgSpecial1972Ident3(diagram, arg); final String name1A = arg.get("COUPLE1", 0); final String name1B = arg.get("COUPLE1", 1); final String name2A = arg.get("COUPLE2", 0); final String name2B = arg.get("COUPLE2", 1); final Code clName1A = diagram.buildCode(name1A); final Code clName1B = diagram.buildCode(name1B); final Code clName2A = diagram.buildCode(name2A); final Code clName2B = diagram.buildCode(name2B); if (diagram.leafExist(clName1A) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName1A); if (diagram.leafExist(clName1B) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName1B); if (diagram.leafExist(clName2A) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName2A); if (diagram.leafExist(clName2B) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName2B); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Display label = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0)); return diagram.associationClass(name1A, name1B, name2A, name2B, linkType, label); } private CommandExecutionResult executeArgSpecial2(AbstractClassOrObjectDiagram diagram, RegexResult arg) { if (diagram.V1972()) return executeArgSpecial1972Ident2(diagram, arg); final String name2A = arg.get("COUPLE2", 0); final String name2B = arg.get("COUPLE2", 1); final Code clName2A = diagram.buildCode(name2A); final Code clName2B = diagram.buildCode(name2B); if (diagram.leafExist(clName2A) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName2A); if (diagram.leafExist(clName2B) == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("No class " + clName2B); final String idShort = StringUtils.eventuallyRemoveStartingAndEndingDoubleQuote(arg.get("ENT1", 0), "\""); final Code ent1 = diagram.buildCode(idShort); final IEntity cl1 = diagram.getOrCreateLeaf(diagram.buildLeafIdent(idShort), ent1, null, null); final LinkType linkType = getLinkType(arg); final Display label = Display.getWithNewlines(arg.get("LABEL_LINK", 0)); final boolean result = diagram.associationClass(2, name2A, name2B, cl1, linkType, label); if (result == false) return CommandExecutionResult.error("Cannot have more than 2 assocications"); return CommandExecutionResult.ok(); } private LinkDecor getDecors1(String s) { if (s == null) { return LinkDecor.NONE; } s = StringUtils.trin(s); if ("<|".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.EXTENDS; if ("<|:".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.DEFINEDBY; if ("<||".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.REDEFINES; if ("}".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.CROWFOOT; if ("}o".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.CIRCLE_CROWFOOT; if ("}|".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.LINE_CROWFOOT; if ("|o".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.CIRCLE_LINE; if ("||".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.DOUBLE_LINE; if ("<".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.ARROW; if ("^".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.EXTENDS; if ("+".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.PLUS; if ("o".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.AGREGATION; if ("x".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.NOT_NAVIGABLE; if ("*".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.COMPOSITION; if ("#".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.SQUARE; if (")".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.PARENTHESIS; return LinkDecor.NONE; } private LinkDecor getDecors2(String s) { if (s == null) return LinkDecor.NONE; s = StringUtils.trin(s); if ("|>".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.EXTENDS; if (":|>".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.DEFINEDBY; if ("||>".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.REDEFINES; if (">".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.ARROW; if ("{".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.CROWFOOT; if ("o{".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.CIRCLE_CROWFOOT; if ("|{".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.LINE_CROWFOOT; if ("o|".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.CIRCLE_LINE; if ("||".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.DOUBLE_LINE; if ("^".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.EXTENDS; if ("+".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.PLUS; if ("o".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.AGREGATION; if ("x".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.NOT_NAVIGABLE; if ("*".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.COMPOSITION; if ("#".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.SQUARE; if ("(".equals(s)) return LinkDecor.PARENTHESIS; return LinkDecor.NONE; } private LinkType getLinkType(RegexResult arg) { final LinkDecor decors1 = getDecors1(getArrowHead1(arg)); final LinkDecor decors2 = getDecors2(getArrowHead2(arg)); LinkType result = new LinkType(decors2, decors1); if (arg.get("ARROW_BODY1", 0).contains(".") || arg.get("ARROW_BODY2", 0).contains(".")) result = result.goDashed(); final String middle = arg.get("INSIDE", 0); if ("0".equals(middle)) result = result.withMiddleCircle(); else if ("0)".equals(middle)) result = result.withMiddleCircleCircled1(); else if ("(0".equals(middle)) result = result.withMiddleCircleCircled2(); else if ("(0)".equals(middle)) result = result.withMiddleCircleCircled(); return result; } private int getQueueLength(RegexResult arg) { String s = getFullArrow(arg); s = s.replaceAll("[^-.=]", ""); return s.length(); } private Direction getDirection(RegexResult arg) { // final LinkDecor decors1 = getDecors1(getArrowHead1(arg)); // final LinkDecor decors2 = getDecors2(getArrowHead2(arg)); String s = getFullArrow(arg); s = s.replaceAll("[^-.=\\w]", ""); if (s.startsWith("o")) s = s.substring(1); if (s.endsWith("o")) s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); Direction result = StringUtils.getQueueDirection(s); // if (isInversed(decors1, decors2) && s.matches(".*\\w.*")) { // result = result.getInv(); // } return result; } private String getArrowHead1(RegexResult arg) { return getArrowHead(arg, "ARROW_HEAD1"); } private String getArrowHead2(RegexResult arg) { return getArrowHead(arg, "ARROW_HEAD2"); } private String getArrowHead(RegexResult arg, final String key) { return notNull(arg.get(key, 0)); } private String getFullArrow(RegexResult arg) { return getArrowHead1(arg) + notNull(arg.get("ARROW_BODY1", 0)) + notNull(arg.get("ARROW_DIRECTION", 0)) + notNull(arg.get("ARROW_BODY2", 0)) + getArrowHead2(arg); } public static String notNull(String s) { if (s == null) return ""; return s; } }