--- name: Documentation request about: Identify an area for improvement in documentation --- **What is the URL of the documentation?** - **Example:** https://github.com/evantill/docker-cheerpj/blob/main/README.md#example-of-using-cheerpj-on-your-computer - *Note:* This URL includes the web page and the section of the documentation. **What can be improved?** A clear and concise description of what can be improved. Examples: - "I don't understand where the ${XYZ} variable is set." - "There seems to be a step missing between 'X' and 'Z'. I don't know how to get to 'Z'." - "When I run `command sub-command ...` I get the following error:" - "I don't know what is meant by 'gerble barb gazoink` in the instructions". **Additional context** Add any other context or screenshots to help describe the documentation improvement. If you think the documentation improvement is operating system specific, please indicate which operating system is being used.