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/* ========================================================================
* PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator
* ========================================================================
* (C) Copyright 2009-2024, Arnaud Roques
* Project Info: https://plantuml.com
* If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at:
* https://plantuml.com/patreon (only 1$ per month!)
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* This file is part of PlantUML.
* PlantUML is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PlantUML distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* Translated and refactored by: Arnaud Roques
This is a Java port of https://github.com/asciimath/asciimathml/blob/master/asciimath-based/ASCIIMathTeXImg.js
ASCIIMathTeXImg.js itself is based on ASCIIMathML, Version 1.4.7 Aug 30, 2005, (c) Peter Jipsen http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen
Modified with TeX conversion for IMG rendering Sept 6, 2006 (c) David Lippman http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/dlippman
Updated to match ver 2.2 Mar 3, 2014
Latest at https://github.com/mathjax/asciimathml
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package net.sourceforge.plantuml.math;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
public class ASCIIMathTeXImg {
private int AMnestingDepth;
private int AMpreviousSymbol;
private int AMcurrentSymbol;
private String slice(String str, int start, int end) {
if (end > str.length()) {
return str.substring(start);
return str.substring(start, end);
private String slice(String str, int start) {
return str.substring(start);
private String substr(String str, int pos, int len) {
if (pos + len > str.length()) {
return str.substring(pos);
return str.substring(pos, pos + len);
static private final int CONST = 0, UNARY = 1, BINARY = 2, INFIX = 3, LEFTBRACKET = 4, RIGHTBRACKET = 5, SPACE = 6,
UNDEROVER = 7, DEFINITION = 8, LEFTRIGHT = 9, TEXT = 10; // token types
static class Tupple {
private final String input;
private final String tag;
private final String output;
private final String tex;
private final int ttype;
private final String[] rewriteleftright;
private final Collection<String> flags;
private Tupple(String[] rewriteleftright, String input, String tag, String output, String tex, int ttype,
String... flags) {
this.input = input;
this.tag = tag;
this.output = output;
this.tex = tex;
this.ttype = ttype;
this.flags = Arrays.asList(flags);
this.rewriteleftright = rewriteleftright;
private Tupple(String input, String tag, String output, String tex, int ttype, String... flags) {
this.input = input;
this.tag = tag;
this.output = output;
this.tex = tex;
this.ttype = ttype;
this.flags = Arrays.asList(flags);
this.rewriteleftright = null;
public boolean hasFlag(String flagName) {
return flags.contains(flagName);
private static final Tupple AMsqrt = new Tupple("sqrt", "msqrt", "sqrt", null, UNARY);
private static final Tupple AMroot = new Tupple("root", "mroot", "root", null, BINARY);
private static final Tupple AMfrac = new Tupple("frac", "mfrac", "/", null, BINARY);
private static final Tupple AMdiv = new Tupple("/", "mfrac", "/", null, INFIX);
private static final Tupple AMover = new Tupple("stackrel", "mover", "stackrel", null, BINARY);
private static final Tupple AMsub = new Tupple("_", "msub", "_", null, INFIX);
private static final Tupple AMsup = new Tupple("^", "msup", "^", null, INFIX);
private static final Tupple AMtext = new Tupple("text", "mtext", "text", null, TEXT);
private static final Tupple AMmbox = new Tupple("mbox", "mtext", "mbox", null, TEXT);
private static final Tupple AMquote = new Tupple("\"", "mtext", "mbox", null, TEXT);
private static final List<Tupple> AMsymbols = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new Tupple[] { //
// some greek symbols
new Tupple("alpha", "mi", "\u03B1", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("beta", "mi", "\u03B2", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("chi", "mi", "\u03C7", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("delta", "mi", "\u03B4", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Delta", "mo", "\u0394", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("epsi", "mi", "\u03B5", "epsilon", CONST), //
new Tupple("varepsilon", "mi", "\u025B", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("eta", "mi", "\u03B7", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("gamma", "mi", "\u03B3", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Gamma", "mo", "\u0393", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("iota", "mi", "\u03B9", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("kappa", "mi", "\u03BA", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("lambda", "mi", "\u03BB", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Lambda", "mo", "\u039B", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("lamda", "mi", "lambda", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("Lamda", "mi", "Lambda", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("mu", "mi", "\u03BC", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("nu", "mi", "\u03BD", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("omega", "mi", "\u03C9", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Omega", "mo", "\u03A9", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("phi", "mi", "\u03C6", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("varphi", "mi", "\u03D5", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Phi", "mo", "\u03A6", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("pi", "mi", "\u03C0", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Pi", "mo", "\u03A0", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("psi", "mi", "\u03C8", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Psi", "mi", "\u03A8", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("rho", "mi", "\u03C1", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("sigma", "mi", "\u03C3", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Sigma", "mo", "\u03A3", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("tau", "mi", "\u03C4", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("theta", "mi", "\u03B8", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("vartheta", "mi", "\u03D1", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Theta", "mo", "\u0398", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("upsilon", "mi", "\u03C5", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("xi", "mi", "\u03BE", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("Xi", "mo", "\u039E", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("zeta", "mi", "\u03B6", null, CONST), //
// binary operation symbols
new Tupple("*", "mo", "\u22C5", "cdot", CONST), //
new Tupple("**", "mo", "\u2217", "ast", CONST), //
new Tupple("***", "mo", "\u22C6", "star", CONST), //
new Tupple("//", "mo", "/", "/", CONST, "val", "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("\\\\", "mo", "\\", "backslash", CONST), //
new Tupple("setminus", "mo", "\\", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("xx", "mo", "\u00D7", "times", CONST), //
new Tupple("|><", "mo", "\u22C9", "ltimes", CONST), //
new Tupple("><|", "mo", "\u22CA", "rtimes", CONST), //
new Tupple("|><|", "mo", "\u22C8", "bowtie", CONST), //
new Tupple("-:", "mo", "\u00F7", "div", CONST), //
new Tupple("divide", "mo", "-:", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("@", "mo", "\u2218", "circ", CONST), //
new Tupple("o+", "mo", "\u2295", "oplus", CONST), //
new Tupple("ox", "mo", "\u2297", "otimes", CONST), //
new Tupple("o.", "mo", "\u2299", "odot", CONST), //
new Tupple("sum", "mo", "\u2211", null, UNDEROVER), //
new Tupple("prod", "mo", "\u220F", null, UNDEROVER), //
new Tupple("^^", "mo", "\u2227", "wedge", CONST), //
new Tupple("^^^", "mo", "\u22C0", "bigwedge", UNDEROVER), //
new Tupple("vv", "mo", "\u2228", "vee", CONST), //
new Tupple("vvv", "mo", "\u22C1", "bigvee", UNDEROVER), //
new Tupple("nn", "mo", "\u2229", "cap", CONST), //
new Tupple("nnn", "mo", "\u22C2", "bigcap", UNDEROVER), //
new Tupple("uu", "mo", "\u222A", "cup", CONST), //
new Tupple("uuu", "mo", "\u22C3", "bigcup", UNDEROVER), //
new Tupple("overset", "mover", "stackrel", null, BINARY), //
new Tupple("underset", "munder", "stackrel", null, BINARY), //
// binary relation symbols
new Tupple("!=", "mo", "\u2260", "ne", CONST), //
new Tupple(":=", "mo", ":=", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("lt", "mo", "<", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("gt", "mo", ">", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("<=", "mo", "\u2264", "le", CONST), //
new Tupple("lt=", "mo", "\u2264", "leq", CONST), //
new Tupple("gt=", "mo", "\u2265", "geq", CONST), //
new Tupple(">=", "mo", "\u2265", "ge", CONST), //
new Tupple("-<", "mo", "\u227A", "prec", CONST), //
new Tupple("-lt", "mo", "\u227A", null, CONST), //
new Tupple(">-", "mo", "\u227B", "succ", CONST), //
new Tupple("-<=", "mo", "\u2AAF", "preceq", CONST), //
new Tupple(">-=", "mo", "\u2AB0", "succeq", CONST), //
new Tupple("in", "mo", "\u2208", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("!in", "mo", "\u2209", "notin", CONST), //
new Tupple("sub", "mo", "\u2282", "subset", CONST), //
new Tupple("sup", "mo", "\u2283", "supset", CONST), //
new Tupple("sube", "mo", "\u2286", "subseteq", CONST), //
new Tupple("supe", "mo", "\u2287", "supseteq", CONST), //
new Tupple("-=", "mo", "\u2261", "equiv", CONST), //
new Tupple("~=", "mo", "\u2245", "stackrel{\\sim}{=}", CONST), //
new Tupple("cong", "mo", "~=", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("~~", "mo", "\u2248", "approx", CONST), //
new Tupple("prop", "mo", "\u221D", "propto", CONST), //
// logical symbols
new Tupple("and", "mtext", "and", null, SPACE), //
new Tupple("or", "mtext", "or", null, SPACE), //
new Tupple("not", "mo", "\u00AC", "neg", CONST), //
new Tupple("=>", "mo", "\u21D2", "Rightarrow", CONST), //
new Tupple("implies", "mo", "=>", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("if", "mo", "if", null, SPACE), //
new Tupple("<=>", "mo", "\u21D4", "Leftrightarrow", CONST), //
new Tupple("iff", "mo", "<=>", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("AA", "mo", "\u2200", "forall", CONST), //
new Tupple("EE", "mo", "\u2203", "exists", CONST), //
new Tupple("_|_", "mo", "\u22A5", "bot", CONST), //
new Tupple("TT", "mo", "\u22A4", "top", CONST), //
new Tupple("|--", "mo", "\u22A2", "vdash", CONST), //
new Tupple("|==", "mo", "\u22A8", "models", CONST), //
// grouping brackets
new Tupple("(", "mo", "(", null, LEFTBRACKET, "val"), //
new Tupple(")", "mo", ")", null, RIGHTBRACKET, "val"), //
new Tupple("[", "mo", "[", null, LEFTBRACKET, "val"), //
new Tupple("]", "mo", "]", null, RIGHTBRACKET, "val"), //
new Tupple("{", "mo", "{", "lbrace", LEFTBRACKET), //
new Tupple("}", "mo", "}", "rbrace", RIGHTBRACKET), //
new Tupple("|", "mo", "|", null, LEFTRIGHT, "val"), //
new Tupple("(:", "mo", "\u2329", "langle", LEFTBRACKET), //
new Tupple(":)", "mo", "\u232A", "rangle", RIGHTBRACKET), //
new Tupple("<<", "mo", "\u2329", "langle", LEFTBRACKET), //
new Tupple(">>", "mo", "\u232A", "rangle", RIGHTBRACKET), //
new Tupple("{:", "mo", "{:", null, LEFTBRACKET, "invisible"), //
new Tupple(":}", "mo", ":}", null, RIGHTBRACKET, "invisible"), //
// miscellaneous symbols
new Tupple("int", "mo", "\u222B", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("dx", "mi", "{:d x:}", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("dy", "mi", "{:d y:}", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("dz", "mi", "{:d z:}", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("dt", "mi", "{:d t:}", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("oint", "mo", "\u222E", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("del", "mo", "\u2202", "partial", CONST), //
new Tupple("grad", "mo", "\u2207", "nabla", CONST), //
new Tupple("+-", "mo", "\u00B1", "pm", CONST), //
new Tupple("O/", "mo", "\u2205", "emptyset", CONST), //
new Tupple("oo", "mo", "\u221E", "infty", CONST), //
new Tupple("aleph", "mo", "\u2135", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("...", "mo", "...", "ldots", CONST), //
new Tupple(":.", "mo", "\u2234", "therefore", CONST), //
new Tupple(":'", "mo", "\u2235", "because", CONST), //
new Tupple("/_", "mo", "\u2220", "angle", CONST), //
new Tupple("/_\\", "mo", "\u25B3", "triangle", CONST), //
new Tupple("\\ ", "mo", "\u00A0", null, CONST, "val"), //
new Tupple("frown", "mo", "\u2322", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("%", "mo", "%", "%", CONST, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("quad", "mo", "\u00A0\u00A0", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("qquad", "mo", "\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0\u00A0", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("cdots", "mo", "\u22EF", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("vdots", "mo", "\u22EE", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("ddots", "mo", "\u22F1", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("diamond", "mo", "\u22C4", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("square", "mo", "\u25A1", "boxempty", CONST), //
new Tupple("|__", "mo", "\u230A", "lfloor", CONST), //
new Tupple("__|", "mo", "\u230B", "rfloor", CONST), //
new Tupple("|~", "mo", "\u2308", "lceil", CONST), //
new Tupple("lceiling", "mo", "|~", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("~|", "mo", "\u2309", "rceil", CONST), //
new Tupple("rceiling", "mo", "~|", null, DEFINITION), //
new Tupple("CC", "mo", "\u2102", "mathbb{C}", CONST, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("NN", "mo", "\u2115", "mathbb{N}", CONST, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("QQ", "mo", "\u211A", "mathbb{Q}", CONST, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("RR", "mo", "\u211D", "mathbb{R}", CONST, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("ZZ", "mo", "\u2124", "mathbb{Z}", CONST, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("f", "mi", "f", null, UNARY, "func", "val"), //
new Tupple("g", "mi", "g", null, UNARY, "func", "val"), //
new Tupple("''", "mo", "''", null, 0, "val"), //
new Tupple("'''", "mo", "'''", null, 0, "val"), //
new Tupple("''''", "mo", "''''", null, 0, "val"), //
// standard functions
new Tupple("lim", "mo", "lim", null, UNDEROVER), //
new Tupple("Lim", "mo", "Lim", null, UNDEROVER), //
new Tupple("sin", "mo", "sin", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("cos", "mo", "cos", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("tan", "mo", "tan", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("arcsin", "mo", "arcsin", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("arccos", "mo", "arccos", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("arctan", "mo", "arctan", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("sinh", "mo", "sinh", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("cosh", "mo", "cosh", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("tanh", "mo", "tanh", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("cot", "mo", "cot", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("coth", "mo", "coth", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("sech", "mo", "sech", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("csch", "mo", "csch", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("sec", "mo", "sec", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("csc", "mo", "csc", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("log", "mo", "log", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("ln", "mo", "ln", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple(new String[] { "|", "|" }, "abs", "mo", "abs", null, UNARY, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple(new String[] { "\\|", "\\|" }, "norm", "mo", "norm", null, UNARY, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple(new String[] { "\\lfloor", "\\rfloor" }, "floor", "mo", "floor", null, UNARY, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple(new String[] { "\\lceil", "\\rceil" }, "ceil", "mo", "ceil", null, UNARY, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("Sin", "mo", "sin", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Cos", "mo", "cos", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Tan", "mo", "tan", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Arcsin", "mo", "arcsin", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Arccos", "mo", "arccos", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Arctan", "mo", "arctan", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Sinh", "mo", "sinh", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Sosh", "mo", "cosh", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Tanh", "mo", "tanh", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Cot", "mo", "cot", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Sec", "mo", "sec", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Csc", "mo", "csc", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Log", "mo", "log", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("Ln", "mo", "ln", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple(new String[] { "|", "|" }, "Abs", "mo", "abs", null, UNARY, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("det", "mo", "det", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("exp", "mo", "exp", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("dim", "mo", "dim", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("mod", "mo", "mod", "text{mod}", CONST, "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("gcd", "mo", "gcd", null, UNARY, "func"), //
new Tupple("lcm", "mo", "lcm", "text{lcm}", UNARY, "func", "notexcopy"), //
new Tupple("lub", "mo", "lub", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("glb", "mo", "glb", null, CONST), //
new Tupple("min", "mo", "min", null, UNDEROVER), //
new Tupple("max", "mo", "max", null, UNDEROVER), //
// arrows
new Tupple("uarr", "mo", "\u2191", "uparrow", CONST), //
new Tupple("darr", "mo", "\u2193", "downarrow", CONST), //
new Tupple("rarr", "mo", "\u2192", "rightarrow", CONST), //
new Tupple("->", "mo", "\u2192", "to", CONST), //
new Tupple(">->", "mo", "\u21A3", "rightarrowtail", CONST), //
new Tupple("->>", "mo", "\u21A0", "twoheadrightarrow", CONST), //
new Tupple(">->>", "mo", "\u2916", "twoheadrightarrowtail", CONST), //
new Tupple("|->", "mo", "\u21A6", "mapsto", CONST), //
new Tupple("larr", "mo", "\u2190", "leftarrow", CONST), //
new Tupple("harr", "mo", "\u2194", "leftrightarrow", CONST), //
new Tupple("rArr", "mo", "\u21D2", "Rightarrow", CONST), //
new Tupple("lArr", "mo", "\u21D0", "Leftarrow", CONST), //
new Tupple("hArr", "mo", "\u21D4", "Leftrightarrow", CONST), //
// commands with argument
AMsqrt, AMroot, AMfrac, AMdiv, AMover, AMsub, AMsup,
new Tupple("cancel", "menclose", "cancel", null, UNARY), //
new Tupple("Sqrt", "msqrt", "sqrt", null, UNARY), //
new Tupple("hat", "mover", "\u005E", null, UNARY, "acc"), //
new Tupple("bar", "mover", "\u00AF", "overline", UNARY, "acc"), //
new Tupple("vec", "mover", "\u2192", null, UNARY, "acc"), //
new Tupple("tilde", "mover", "~", null, UNARY, "acc"), //
new Tupple("dot", "mover", ".", null, UNARY, "acc"), //
new Tupple("ddot", "mover", "..", null, UNARY, "acc"), //
new Tupple("ul", "munder", "\u0332", "underline", UNARY, "acc"), //
new Tupple("ubrace", "munder", "\u23DF", "underbrace", UNARY, "acc"), //
new Tupple("obrace", "mover", "\u23DE", "overbrace", UNARY, "acc"), //
AMtext, AMmbox, AMquote, //
new Tupple("color", "mstyle", null, null, BINARY), //
} //
private static String[] AMnames;
private static void AMinitSymbols() {
int symlen = AMsymbols.size();
for (int i = 0; i < symlen; i++) {
if (AMsymbols.get(i).tex != null && !(AMsymbols.get(i).hasFlag("notexcopy"))) {
Tupple tmp = AMsymbols.get(i).hasFlag("acc")
? new Tupple(AMsymbols.get(i).tex, AMsymbols.get(i).tag, AMsymbols.get(i).output, null,
AMsymbols.get(i).ttype, "acc")
: new Tupple(AMsymbols.get(i).tex, AMsymbols.get(i).tag, AMsymbols.get(i).output, null,
private static void refreshSymbols() {
Collections.sort(AMsymbols, new Comparator<Tupple>() {
public int compare(Tupple o1, Tupple o2) {
return o1.input.compareTo(o2.input);
AMnames = new String[AMsymbols.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < AMsymbols.size(); i++)
AMnames[i] = AMsymbols.get(i).input;
private String AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(String str, int n) {
// remove n characters and any following blanks
String st;
if (str.length() > n && str.charAt(n) == '\\' && str.charAt(n + 1) != '\\' && str.charAt(n + 1) != ' ')
st = slice(str, n + 1);
st = slice(str, n);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < st.length() && st.charAt(i) <= 32; i = i + 1)
return slice(st, i);
private int AMposition(String[] arr, String str, int n) {
// return position >=n where str appears or would be inserted
// assumes arr is sorted
int i = 0;
if (n == 0) {
int h, m;
n = -1;
h = arr.length;
while (n + 1 < h) {
m = (n + h) >> 1;
if (arr[m].compareTo(str) < 0)
n = m;
h = m;
return h;
} else {
for (i = n; i < arr.length && arr[i].compareTo(str) < 0; i++)
return i; // i=arr.length || arr[i]>=str
private Tupple AMgetSymbol(String str) {
// return maximal initial substring of str that appears in names
// return null if there is none
int k = 0; // new pos
int j = 0; // old pos
int mk = 0; // match pos
String st;
String tagst;
String match = "";
boolean more = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= str.length() && more; i++) {
st = str.substring(0, i); // initial substring of length i
j = k;
k = AMposition(AMnames, st, j);
if (k < AMnames.length && slice(str, 0, AMnames[k].length()).equals(AMnames[k])) {
match = AMnames[k];
mk = k;
i = match.length();
more = k < AMnames.length && slice(str, 0, AMnames[k].length()).compareTo(AMnames[k]) >= 0;
AMpreviousSymbol = AMcurrentSymbol;
if (match.equals("") == false) {
AMcurrentSymbol = AMsymbols.get(mk).ttype;
return AMsymbols.get(mk);
// if str[0] is a digit or - return maxsubstring of digits.digits
AMcurrentSymbol = CONST;
k = 1;
st = slice(str, 0, 1);
boolean integ = true;
while ("0".compareTo(st) <= 0 && st.compareTo("9") <= 0 && k <= str.length()) {
st = slice(str, k, k + 1);
if (st.equals(".")) {
st = slice(str, k, k + 1);
if ("0".compareTo(st) <= 0 && st.compareTo("9") <= 0) {
integ = false;
while ("0".compareTo(st) <= 0 && st.compareTo("9") <= 0 && k <= str.length()) {
st = slice(str, k, k + 1);
if ((integ && k > 1) || k > 2) {
st = slice(str, 0, k - 1);
tagst = "mn";
} else {
k = 2;
st = slice(str, 0, 1); // take 1 character
tagst = (("A".compareTo(st) > 0 || st.compareTo("Z") > 0)
&& ("a".compareTo(st) > 0 || st.compareTo("z") > 0) ? "mo" : "mi");
if (st.equals("-") && AMpreviousSymbol == INFIX) {
AMcurrentSymbol = INFIX;
return new Tupple(st, tagst, st, null, UNARY, "func", "val");
return new Tupple(st, tagst, st, null, CONST, "val"); // added val bit
private String AMTremoveBrackets(String node) {
String st;
if (node.charAt(0) == '{' && node.charAt(node.length() - 1) == '}') {
int leftchop = 0;
st = substr(node, 1, 5);
if (st.equals("\\left")) {
st = "" + node.charAt(6);
if (st.equals("(") || st.equals("[") || st.equals("{")) {
leftchop = 7;
} else {
st = substr(node, 6, 7);
if (st.equals("\\lbrace")) {
leftchop = 13;
} else {
st = "" + node.charAt(1);
if (st.equals("(") || st.equals("[")) {
leftchop = 2;
if (leftchop > 0) {
st = node.substring(node.length() - 8);
if (st.equals("\\right)}") || st.equals("\\right]}") || st.equals("\\right.}")) {
node = "{" + node.substring(leftchop);
node = node.substring(0, node.length() - 8) + "}";
} else if (st.equals("\\rbrace}")) {
node = "{" + node.substring(leftchop);
node = node.substring(0, node.length() - 14) + "}";
return node;
private String AMTgetTeXsymbol(Tupple symb) {
String pre;
if (symb.hasFlag("val")) {
pre = "";
} else {
pre = "\\";
if (symb.tex == null) {
// can't remember why this was here. Breaks /delta /Delta to removed
// return (pre+(pre==''?symb.input:symb.input.toLowerCase()));
return (pre + symb.input);
} else {
return (pre + symb.tex);
private String[] AMTparseSexpr(String str) {
Tupple symbol;
int i;
String node, st;
String newFrag = "";
String result[];
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, 0);
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str); // either a token or a bracket or empty
if (symbol == null || symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET && AMnestingDepth > 0) {
return new String[] { null, str };
if (symbol.ttype == DEFINITION) {
str = symbol.output + AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
switch (symbol.ttype) {
case CONST:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
String texsymbol = AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol);
if (texsymbol.charAt(0) == '\\' || symbol.tag.equals("mo"))
return new String[] { texsymbol, str };
else {
return new String[] { "{" + texsymbol + "}", str };
case LEFTBRACKET: // read (expr+)
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
result = AMTparseExpr(str, true);
int leftchop = 0;
if (substr(result[0], 0, 6).equals("\\right")) {
st = "" + result[0].charAt(6);
if (st.equals(")") || st.equals("]") || st.equals("}")) {
leftchop = 6;
} else if (st == ".") {
leftchop = 7;
} else {
st = substr(result[0], 6, 7);
if (st.equals("\\rbrace")) {
leftchop = 13;
if (leftchop > 0) {
result[0] = result[0].substring(leftchop);
if (symbol.hasFlag("invisible"))
node = "{" + result[0] + "}";
else {
node = "{" + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + result[0] + "}";
} else {
if (symbol.hasFlag("invisible"))
node = "{\\left." + result[0] + "}";
else {
node = "{\\left" + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + result[0] + "}";
return new String[] { node, result[1] };
case TEXT:
if (symbol != AMquote)
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
if (str.charAt(0) == '{')
i = str.indexOf("}");
else if (str.charAt(0) == '(')
i = str.indexOf(")");
else if (str.charAt(0) == '[')
i = str.indexOf("]");
else if (symbol == AMquote)
i = str.substring(1).indexOf("\"") + 1;
i = 0;
if (i == -1)
i = str.length();
st = str.substring(1, i);
if (st.charAt(0) == ' ') {
newFrag = "\\ ";
newFrag += "\\text{" + st + "}";
if (st.charAt(st.length() - 1) == ' ') {
newFrag += "\\ ";
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, i + 1);
return new String[] { newFrag, str };
case UNARY:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
result = AMTparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0] == null)
return new String[] { "{" + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + "}", str };
if (symbol.hasFlag("func")) { // functions hack
st = "" + str.charAt(0);
if (st.equals("^") || st.equals("_") || st.equals("/") || st.equals("|") || st.equals(",")
|| (symbol.input.length() == 1 && symbol.input.matches("\\w") && !st.equals("("))) {
return new String[] { "{" + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + "}", str };
} else {
node = "{" + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + "{" + result[0] + "}}";
return new String[] { node, result[1] };
result[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result[0]);
if (symbol.input.equals("sqrt")) { // sqrt
return new String[] { "\\sqrt{" + result[0] + "}", result[1] };
} else if (symbol.input.equals("cancel")) { // cancel
return new String[] { "\\cancel{" + result[0] + "}", result[1] };
} else if (symbol.rewriteleftright != null) { // abs, floor, ceil
return new String[] { "{\\left" + symbol.rewriteleftright[0] + result[0] + "\\right"
+ symbol.rewriteleftright[1] + '}', result[1] };
} else if (symbol.hasFlag("acc")) { // accent
return new String[] { AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + "{" + result[0] + "}", result[1] };
} else { // font change command
return new String[] { "{" + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + "{" + result[0] + "}}", result[1] };
case BINARY:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
result = AMTparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0] == null)
return new String[] { '{' + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + '}', str };
result[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result[0]);
String[] result2 = AMTparseSexpr(result[1]);
if (result2[0] == null)
return new String[] { '{' + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + '}', str };
result2[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result2[0]);
if (symbol.input.equals("color")) {
newFrag = "{\\color{" + result[0].replaceAll("[\\{\\}]", "") + "}" + result2[0] + "}";
} else if (symbol.input.equals("root")) {
newFrag = "{\\sqrt[" + result[0] + "]{" + result2[0] + "}}";
} else {
newFrag = "{" + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + "{" + result[0] + "}{" + result2[0] + "}}";
return new String[] { newFrag, result2[1] };
case INFIX:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
return new String[] { symbol.output, str };
case SPACE:
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
return new String[] { "{\\quad\\text{" + symbol.input + "}\\quad}", str };
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
result = AMTparseExpr(str, false);
st = "" + result[0].charAt(result[0].length() - 1);
if (st.equals("|")) { // its an absolute value subterm
node = "{\\left|" + result[0] + "}";
return new String[] { node, result[1] };
} else { // the "|" is a \mid
node = "{\\mid}";
return new String[] { node, str };
// alert("default");
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
return new String[] { "{" + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol) + "}", str };
private String[] AMTparseIexpr(String str) {
Tupple symbol, sym1, sym2;
String result[];
String node;
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, 0);
sym1 = AMgetSymbol(str);
result = AMTparseSexpr(str);
node = result[0];
str = result[1];
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol.ttype == INFIX && !symbol.input.equals("/")) {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
result = AMTparseSexpr(str);
if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
result[0] = "{}";
result[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result[0]);
str = result[1];
if (symbol.input.equals("_")) {
sym2 = AMgetSymbol(str);
if (sym2.input.equals("^")) {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, sym2.input.length());
String[] res2 = AMTparseSexpr(str);
res2[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(res2[0]);
str = res2[1];
node = "{" + node;
node += "_{" + result[0] + "}";
node += "^{" + res2[0] + "}";
node += "}";
} else {
node += "_{" + result[0] + "}";
} else { // must be ^
node = node + "^{" + result[0] + "}";
if (sym1.hasFlag("func")) {
sym2 = AMgetSymbol(str);
if (sym2.ttype != INFIX && sym2.ttype != RIGHTBRACKET) {
result = AMTparseIexpr(str);
node = "{" + node + result[0] + "}";
str = result[1];
return new String[] { node, str };
private String[] AMTparseExpr(String str, boolean rightbracket) {
String result[];
Tupple symbol;
String node;
// var symbol, node, result, i, nodeList = [],
String newFrag = "";
boolean addedright = false;
do {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, 0);
result = AMTparseIexpr(str);
node = result[0];
str = result[1];
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
if (symbol.ttype == INFIX && symbol.input.equals("/")) {
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
result = AMTparseIexpr(str);
if (result[0] == null) // show box in place of missing argument
result[0] = "{}";
result[0] = AMTremoveBrackets(result[0]);
str = result[1];
node = AMTremoveBrackets(node);
node = "\\frac" + "{" + node + "}";
node += "{" + result[0] + "}";
newFrag += node;
symbol = AMgetSymbol(str);
} else if (node != null)
newFrag += node;
} while ((((symbol.ttype != RIGHTBRACKET) && (symbol.ttype != LEFTRIGHT || rightbracket))
|| AMnestingDepth == 0) && (symbol.output == null || symbol.output.equals("") == false));
if (symbol.ttype == RIGHTBRACKET || symbol.ttype == LEFTRIGHT) {
int len = newFrag.length();
if (len > 2 && newFrag.charAt(0) == '{' && newFrag.indexOf(',') > 0) {
char right = newFrag.charAt(len - 2);
if (right == ')' || right == ']') {
char left = newFrag.charAt(6);
if ((left == '(' && right == ')' && !symbol.output.equals("}")) || (left == '[' && right == ']')) {
String mxout = "\\begin{matrix}";
List<Integer> pos = new ArrayList<>(); // position of commas
boolean matrix = true;
int mxnestingd = 0;
List<List<Integer>> subpos = new ArrayList<>();
subpos.add(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(0)));
int lastsubposstart = 0;
int mxanynestingd = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < len - 1; i++) {
if (newFrag.charAt(i) == left)
if (newFrag.charAt(i) == right) {
if (mxnestingd == 0 && i + 3 < newFrag.length() && newFrag.charAt(i + 2) == ','
&& newFrag.charAt(i + 3) == '{') {
pos.add(i + 2);
lastsubposstart = i + 2;
while (subpos.size() <= lastsubposstart)
subpos.set(lastsubposstart, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(i + 2)));
if (newFrag.charAt(i) == '[' || newFrag.charAt(i) == '(' || newFrag.charAt(i) == '{') {
if (newFrag.charAt(i) == ']' || newFrag.charAt(i) == ')' || newFrag.charAt(i) == '}') {
if (newFrag.charAt(i) == ',' && mxanynestingd == 1) {
if (mxanynestingd < 0) { // happens at the end of the row
if (lastsubposstart == i + 1) { // if at end of row, skip to next row
} else { // misformed something - abandon treating as a matrix
matrix = false;
int lastmxsubcnt = -1;
if (mxnestingd == 0 && pos.size() > 0 && matrix) {
for (int i = 0; i < pos.size() - 1; i++) {
List<String> subarr = null;
if (i > 0)
mxout += "\\\\";
if (i == 0) {
// var subarr = newFrag.substr(pos[i]+7,pos[i+1]-pos[i]-15).split(',');
if (subpos.get(pos.get(i)).size() == 1) {
subarr = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(
substr(newFrag, pos.get(i) + 7, pos.get(i + 1) - pos.get(i) - 15)));
} else {
subarr = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(
newFrag.substring(pos.get(i) + 7, subpos.get(pos.get(i)).get(1))));
for (int j = 2; j < subpos.get(pos.get(i)).size(); j++) {
subarr.add(newFrag.substring(subpos.get(pos.get(i)).get(j - 1) + 1,
subpos.get(pos.get(i)).get(subpos.get(pos.get(i)).size() - 1) + 1,
pos.get(i + 1) - 8));
} else {
// var subarr = newFrag.substr(pos[i]+8,pos[i+1]-pos[i]-16).split(',');
if (subpos.get(pos.get(i)).size() == 1) {
subarr = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(
substr(newFrag, pos.get(i) + 8, pos.get(i + 1) - pos.get(i) - 16)));
} else {
subarr = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(
newFrag.substring(pos.get(i) + 8, subpos.get(pos.get(i)).get(1))));
for (int j = 2; j < subpos.get(pos.get(i)).size(); j++) {
subarr.add(newFrag.substring(subpos.get(i).get(j - 1) + 1,
subpos.get(pos.get(i)).get(subpos.get(pos.get(i)).size() - 1) + 1,
pos.get(i + 1) - 8));
if (lastmxsubcnt > 0 && subarr.size() != lastmxsubcnt) {
matrix = false;
} else if (lastmxsubcnt == -1) {
lastmxsubcnt = subarr.size();
// mxout += subarr.join('&');
for (int z = 0; z < subarr.size(); z++) {
mxout += subarr.get(z);
if (z < subarr.size() - 1)
mxout += "&";
mxout += "\\end{matrix}";
if (matrix) {
newFrag = mxout;
str = AMremoveCharsAndBlanks(str, symbol.input.length());
if (!symbol.hasFlag("invisible")) {
node = "\\right" + AMTgetTeXsymbol(symbol);
newFrag += node;
addedright = true;
} else {
newFrag += "\\right.";
addedright = true;
if (AMnestingDepth > 0 && !addedright) {
newFrag += "\\right."; // adjust for non-matching left brackets
// todo: adjust for non-matching right brackets
return new String[] { newFrag, str };
private String patchColor(String latex) {
return latex.replace("\\color{", "\\textcolor{");
public String getTeX(String asciiMathInput) {
AMnestingDepth = 0;
AMpreviousSymbol = 0;
AMcurrentSymbol = 0;
final String result = AMTparseExpr(asciiMathInput, false)[0];
return patchColor(result);
static {