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/* ========================================================================
* PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator
* ========================================================================
* (C) Copyright 2009-2020, Arnaud Roques
* Project Info: http://plantuml.com
* If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at:
* http://plantuml.com/patreon (only 1$ per month!)
* http://plantuml.com/paypal
* This file is part of PlantUML.
* PlantUML is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PlantUML distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* Original Author: Arnaud Roques
package net.sourceforge.plantuml.graphic;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.FontParam;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ISkinParam;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.SkinParamUtils;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Stereotype;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.graphic.color.ColorType;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.graphic.color.Colors;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.PName;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.style.Style;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.UFont;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.color.HColor;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.color.HColorUtils;
public class FontConfiguration {
private final EnumSet<FontStyle> styles;
private final UFont currentFont;
private final UFont motherFont;
private final HColor motherColor;
private final HColor hyperlinkColor;
private final HColor currentColor;
private final HColor extendedColor;
private final FontPosition fontPosition;
private final SvgAttributes svgAttributes;
private final boolean hyperlink;
private final boolean useUnderlineForHyperlink;
private final int tabSize;
public String toStringDebug() {
return getFont().toStringDebug() + " " + styles.toString();
public FontConfiguration(UFont font, HColor color, HColor hyperlinkColor, boolean useUnderlineForHyperlink) {
this(font, color, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, 8);
public FontConfiguration(UFont font, HColor color, HColor hyperlinkColor, boolean useUnderlineForHyperlink,
int tabSize) {
this(getStyles(font), font, color, font, color, null, FontPosition.NORMAL, new SvgAttributes(), false,
hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
public static FontConfiguration blackBlueTrue(UFont font) {
return new FontConfiguration(font, HColorUtils.BLACK, HColorUtils.BLUE, true, 8);
public FontConfiguration(ISkinParam skinParam, FontParam fontParam, Stereotype stereo) {
this(SkinParamUtils.getFont(skinParam, fontParam, stereo),
SkinParamUtils.getFontColor(skinParam, fontParam, stereo), skinParam.getHyperlinkColor(),
skinParam.useUnderlineForHyperlink(), skinParam.getTabSize());
public FontConfiguration(ISkinParam skinParam, Style style) {
// User getStyle().getFontConfiguration(skinParam.getIHtmlColorSet()) instead ?
style.value(PName.FontColor).asColor(skinParam.getThemeStyle(), skinParam.getIHtmlColorSet()),
skinParam.getHyperlinkColor(), skinParam.useUnderlineForHyperlink(), skinParam.getTabSize());
// ---
public final boolean useUnderlineForHyperlink() {
return useUnderlineForHyperlink;
// public final HColor getHyperlinkColor() {
// return hyperlinkColor;
// }
// ---
private static EnumSet<FontStyle> getStyles(UFont font) {
final boolean bold = font.isBold();
final boolean italic = font.isItalic();
if (bold && italic) {
return EnumSet.of(FontStyle.ITALIC, FontStyle.BOLD);
if (bold) {
return EnumSet.of(FontStyle.BOLD);
if (italic) {
return EnumSet.of(FontStyle.ITALIC);
return EnumSet.noneOf(FontStyle.class);
public String toString() {
return styles.toString() + " " + currentColor;
private FontConfiguration(EnumSet<FontStyle> styles, UFont motherFont, HColor motherColor, UFont currentFont,
HColor currentColor, HColor extendedColor, FontPosition fontPosition, SvgAttributes svgAttributes,
boolean hyperlink, HColor hyperlinkColor, boolean useUnderlineForHyperlink, int tabSize) {
this.styles = styles;
this.currentFont = currentFont;
this.motherFont = motherFont;
this.currentColor = currentColor;
this.motherColor = motherColor;
this.extendedColor = extendedColor;
this.fontPosition = fontPosition;
this.svgAttributes = svgAttributes;
this.hyperlink = hyperlink;
this.hyperlinkColor = hyperlinkColor;
this.useUnderlineForHyperlink = useUnderlineForHyperlink;
this.tabSize = tabSize;
public FontConfiguration forceFont(UFont newFont, HColor htmlColorForStereotype) {
if (newFont == null) {
return add(FontStyle.ITALIC);
FontConfiguration result = new FontConfiguration(styles, newFont, motherColor, newFont, currentColor,
extendedColor, fontPosition, svgAttributes, hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink,
if (htmlColorForStereotype != null) {
result = result.changeColor(htmlColorForStereotype);
return result;
public FontConfiguration changeAttributes(SvgAttributes toBeAdded) {
return new FontConfiguration(styles, motherFont, motherColor, currentFont, currentColor, extendedColor,
fontPosition, svgAttributes.add(toBeAdded), hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink,
private FontConfiguration withHyperlink() {
return new FontConfiguration(styles, motherFont, motherColor, currentFont, currentColor, extendedColor,
fontPosition, svgAttributes, true, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
public FontConfiguration changeColor(HColor newHtmlColor) {
if (hyperlink)
return new FontConfiguration(styles, motherFont, motherColor, currentFont, currentColor, extendedColor,
fontPosition, svgAttributes, hyperlink, newHtmlColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
return new FontConfiguration(styles, motherFont, motherColor, currentFont, newHtmlColor, extendedColor,
fontPosition, svgAttributes, hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
public FontConfiguration mute(Colors colors) {
final HColor color = Objects.requireNonNull(colors).getColor(ColorType.TEXT);
if (color == null) {
return this;
return changeColor(color);
FontConfiguration changeExtendedColor(HColor newExtendedColor) {
return new FontConfiguration(styles, motherFont, motherColor, currentFont, currentColor, newExtendedColor,
fontPosition, svgAttributes, hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
public FontConfiguration changeSize(float size) {
return new FontConfiguration(styles, motherFont, motherColor, currentFont.withSize(size), currentColor,
extendedColor, fontPosition, svgAttributes, hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink,
public FontConfiguration bigger(double delta) {
return changeSize((float) (currentFont.getSize() + delta));
public FontConfiguration changeFontPosition(FontPosition fontPosition) {
return new FontConfiguration(styles, motherFont, motherColor, currentFont, currentColor, extendedColor,
fontPosition, svgAttributes, hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
public FontConfiguration changeFamily(String family) {
return new FontConfiguration(styles, motherFont, motherColor,
new UFont(family, currentFont.getStyle(), currentFont.getSize()), currentColor, extendedColor,
fontPosition, svgAttributes, hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
public FontConfiguration resetFont() {
return new FontConfiguration(styles, motherFont, motherColor, motherFont, motherColor, null,
FontPosition.NORMAL, new SvgAttributes(), hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
public FontConfiguration add(FontStyle style) {
final EnumSet<FontStyle> r = styles.clone();
if (style == FontStyle.PLAIN) {
return new FontConfiguration(r, motherFont, motherColor, currentFont, currentColor, extendedColor, fontPosition,
svgAttributes, hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
public FontConfiguration italic() {
return add(FontStyle.ITALIC);
public FontConfiguration bold() {
return add(FontStyle.BOLD);
public FontConfiguration unbold() {
return remove(FontStyle.BOLD);
public FontConfiguration unitalic() {
return remove(FontStyle.ITALIC);
public FontConfiguration underline() {
return add(FontStyle.UNDERLINE);
public FontConfiguration wave(HColor color) {
return add(FontStyle.WAVE).changeExtendedColor(color);
public FontConfiguration hyperlink() {
if (useUnderlineForHyperlink) {
return add(FontStyle.UNDERLINE).withHyperlink();
return withHyperlink();
public FontConfiguration remove(FontStyle style) {
final EnumSet<FontStyle> r = styles.clone();
return new FontConfiguration(r, motherFont, motherColor, currentFont, currentColor, extendedColor, fontPosition,
svgAttributes, hyperlink, hyperlinkColor, useUnderlineForHyperlink, tabSize);
public UFont getFont() {
UFont result = currentFont;
for (FontStyle style : styles) {
result = style.mutateFont(result);
return fontPosition.mute(result);
public HColor getColor() {
if (hyperlink) {
return hyperlinkColor;
return currentColor;
public HColor getExtendedColor() {
return extendedColor;
public boolean containsStyle(FontStyle style) {
return styles.contains(style);
public int getSpace() {
return fontPosition.getSpace();
public Map<String, String> getAttributes() {
return svgAttributes.attributes();
public double getSize2D() {
return currentFont.getSize2D();
public int getTabSize() {
return tabSize;