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/* ========================================================================
* PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator
* ========================================================================
* (C) Copyright 2009-2023, Arnaud Roques
* Project Info:
* If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at:
* (only 1$ per month!)
* This file is part of PlantUML.
* PlantUML is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PlantUML distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* Original Author: Arnaud Roques
* Contribution: Miguel Esteves
package net.sourceforge.plantuml.posimo;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.EnsureVisible;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.asciiart.BasicCharArea;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.awt.geom.XCubicCurve2D;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.awt.geom.XPoint2D;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.eps.EpsGraphics;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.Cluster;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.ClusterPosition;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.MinFinder;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.PointAndAngle;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.SvgResult;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.MinMax;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.UPath;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.USegmentType;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.UShape;
public class DotPath implements UShape, Moveable {
static class TriPoints {
public TriPoints(XPoint2D p1, XPoint2D p2, XPoint2D p) {
x1 = p1.getX();
y1 = p1.getY();
x2 = p2.getX();
y2 = p2.getY();
x = p.getX();
y = p.getY();
private final double x1;
private final double y1;
private final double x2;
private final double y2;
private final double x;
private final double y;
// @Override
// public String toString() {
// return "[" + x1 + "," + y1 + " " + x2 + "," + y2 + " " + x + "," + y
// + "]";
// }
private final List<XCubicCurve2D> beziers = new ArrayList<>();
private String comment;
private String codeLine;
public DotPath copy() {
final DotPath result = new DotPath();
for (XCubicCurve2D c : this.beziers)
result.beziers.add(new XCubicCurve2D(c.x1, c.y1, c.ctrlx1, c.ctrly1, c.ctrlx2, c.ctrly2, c.x2, c.y2));
return result;
private static DotPath fromBeziers(List<XCubicCurve2D> beziers) {
final DotPath result = new DotPath();
return result;
public DotPath() {
public DotPath(SvgResult fullSvg) {
if (isPathConsistent(fullSvg.getSvg()) == false)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final int posC = fullSvg.indexOf("C", 0);
if (posC == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final XPoint2D start = fullSvg.substring(1, posC).getNextPoint();
final List<TriPoints> triPoints = new ArrayList<>();
for (Iterator<XPoint2D> it = fullSvg.substring(posC + 1).getPoints(" ").iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final XPoint2D p1 =;
final XPoint2D p2 =;
final XPoint2D p =;
triPoints.add(new TriPoints(p1, p2, p));
double x = start.getX();
double y = start.getY();
for (TriPoints p : triPoints) {
final XCubicCurve2D bezier = new XCubicCurve2D(x, y, p.x1, p.y1, p.x2, p.y2, p.x, p.y);
x = p.x;
y = p.y;
// this.print = triPoints.toString();
public DotPath addCurve(XPoint2D pt1, XPoint2D pt2, XPoint2D pt3, XPoint2D pt4) {
final List<XCubicCurve2D> beziersNew = new ArrayList<>(beziers);
beziersNew.add(new XCubicCurve2D(pt1.getX(), pt1.getY(), pt2.getX(), pt2.getY(), pt3.getX(), pt3.getY(),
pt4.getX(), pt4.getY()));
return fromBeziers(beziersNew);
public DotPath addCurve(XPoint2D pt2, XPoint2D pt3, XPoint2D pt4) {
final XCubicCurve2D last = beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1);
final XPoint2D p1 = last.getP2();
return addCurve(p1, pt2, pt3, pt4);
public static boolean isPathConsistent(String init) {
if (init.startsWith("M") == false)
return false;
return true;
// private final String print;
public XPoint2D getStartPoint() {
return beziers.get(0).getP1();
public Set<XPoint2D> sample() {
final Set<XPoint2D> result = new HashSet<>();
for (XCubicCurve2D bez : beziers)
sample(bez, result);
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result);
private static void sample(XCubicCurve2D bez, Set<XPoint2D> result) {
final XPoint2D p1 = bez.getCtrlP1();
final XPoint2D p2 = bez.getCtrlP2();
if (bez.getFlatnessSq() > 0.5 || p1.distance(p2) > 4) {
final XCubicCurve2D left = new XCubicCurve2D();
final XCubicCurve2D right = new XCubicCurve2D();
bez.subdivide(left, right);
sample(left, result);
sample(right, result);
} else {
public PointAndAngle getMiddle() {
XPoint2D result = null;
double angle = 0;
for (XCubicCurve2D bez : beziers) {
final XCubicCurve2D left = new XCubicCurve2D();
final XCubicCurve2D right = new XCubicCurve2D();
bez.subdivide(left, right);
final XPoint2D p1 = left.getP1();
final XPoint2D p2 = left.getP2();
final XPoint2D p3 = right.getP1();
final XPoint2D p4 = right.getP2();
if (result == null || getCost(p1) < getCost(result)) {
result = p1;
angle = BezierUtils.getStartingAngle(left);
if (getCost(p2) < getCost(result)) {
result = p2;
angle = BezierUtils.getEndingAngle(left);
if (getCost(p3) < getCost(result)) {
result = p3;
angle = BezierUtils.getStartingAngle(right);
if (getCost(p4) < getCost(result)) {
result = p4;
angle = BezierUtils.getEndingAngle(right);
return new PointAndAngle(result, angle);
private double getCost(XPoint2D pt) {
final XPoint2D start = getStartPoint();
final XPoint2D end = getEndPoint();
return pt.distanceSq(start) + pt.distanceSq(end);
public void forceStartPoint(double x, double y) {
beziers.get(0).x1 = x;
beziers.get(0).y1 = y;
beziers.get(0).ctrlx1 = x;
beziers.get(0).ctrly1 = y;
public void moveStartPoint(double dx, double dy) {
beziers.get(0).x1 += dx;
beziers.get(0).y1 += dy;
beziers.get(0).ctrlx1 += dx;
beziers.get(0).ctrly1 += dy;
public XPoint2D getEndPoint() {
return beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1).getP2();
public void forceEndPoint(double x, double y) {
beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1).x2 = x;
beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1).y2 = y;
beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1).ctrlx2 = x;
beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1).ctrly2 = y;
public void moveEndPoint(double dx, double dy) {
beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1).x2 += dx;
beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1).y2 += dy;
beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1).ctrlx2 += dx;
beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1).ctrly2 += dy;
public MinFinder getMinFinder() {
final MinFinder result = new MinFinder();
for (XCubicCurve2D c : beziers) {
result.manage(c.x1, c.y1);
result.manage(c.x2, c.y2);
result.manage(c.ctrlx1, c.ctrly1);
result.manage(c.ctrlx2, c.ctrly2);
return result;
public MinMax getMinMax() {
MinMax result = MinMax.getEmpty(false);
for (XCubicCurve2D c : beziers) {
result = result.addPoint(c.x1, c.y1);
result = result.addPoint(c.x2, c.y2);
result = result.addPoint(c.ctrlx1, c.ctrly1);
result = result.addPoint(c.ctrlx2, c.ctrly2);
return result;
public double getMinDist(XPoint2D ref) {
double result = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (XCubicCurve2D c : beziers) {
final double d1 = ref.distance(c.x1, c.y1);
if (d1 < result)
result = d1;
final double d2 = ref.distance(c.x2, c.y2);
if (d2 < result)
result = d2;
final double d3 = ref.distance(c.ctrlx1, c.ctrly1);
if (d3 < result)
result = d3;
final double d4 = ref.distance(c.ctrlx2, c.ctrly2);
if (d4 < result)
result = d4;
return result;
public Line2D getEndTangeante() {
final XCubicCurve2D last = beziers.get(beziers.size() - 1);
double dx = last.x2 - last.ctrlx2;
double dy = last.y2 - last.ctrly2;
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
dx = last.x2 - last.x1;
dy = last.y2 - last.y1;
return new Line2D.Double(last.x2, last.y2, last.x2 + dx, last.y2 + dy);
public double getEndAngle() {
final Line2D tan = getEndTangeante();
final double theta1 = Math.atan2(tan.getY2() - tan.getY1(), tan.getX2() - tan.getX1());
return theta1;
public double getStartAngle() {
final Line2D tan = getStartTangeante();
final double theta1 = Math.atan2(tan.getY2() - tan.getY1(), tan.getX2() - tan.getX1());
return theta1;
public Line2D getStartTangeante() {
final XCubicCurve2D first = beziers.get(0);
double dx = first.ctrlx1 - first.x1;
double dy = first.ctrly1 - first.y1;
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
dx = first.x2 - first.x1;
dy = first.y2 - first.y1;
return new Line2D.Double(first.x1, first.y1, first.x1 + dx, first.y1 + dy);
public DotPath addBefore(XCubicCurve2D before) {
final List<XCubicCurve2D> copy = new ArrayList<>(beziers);
copy.add(0, before);
return fromBeziers(copy);
private DotPath addBefore(DotPath other) {
final List<XCubicCurve2D> copy = new ArrayList<>(beziers);
copy.addAll(0, other.beziers);
return fromBeziers(copy);
public DotPath addAfter(XCubicCurve2D after) {
final List<XCubicCurve2D> copy = new ArrayList<>(beziers);
return fromBeziers(copy);
public DotPath addAfter(DotPath other) {
final List<XCubicCurve2D> copy = new ArrayList<>(beziers);
return fromBeziers(copy);
public void draw(Graphics2D g2d, double x, double y) {
final GeneralPath p = new GeneralPath();
for (XCubicCurve2D bez : beziers) {
final CubicCurve2D.Double bez2 = new CubicCurve2D.Double(x + bez.x1, y + bez.y1, x + bez.ctrlx1,
y + bez.ctrly1, x + bez.ctrlx2, y + bez.ctrly2, x + bez.x2, y + bez.y2);
p.append(bez2, true);
public void manageEnsureVisible(double x, double y, EnsureVisible visible) {
for (XCubicCurve2D bez : beziers) {
visible.ensureVisible(x + bez.x1, y + bez.y1);
visible.ensureVisible(x + bez.x2, y + bez.y2);
public void drawOk(EpsGraphics eps, double x, double y) {
// boolean first = true;
for (XCubicCurve2D bez : beziers) {
bez = new XCubicCurve2D(x + bez.x1, y + bez.y1, x + bez.ctrlx1, y + bez.ctrly1, x + bez.ctrlx2,
y + bez.ctrly2, x + bez.x2, y + bez.y2);
eps.epsLine(bez.x1, bez.y1, bez.x2, bez.y2);
public void draw(EpsGraphics eps, double x, double y) {
final boolean dashed = false;
boolean first = true;
for (XCubicCurve2D bez : beziers) {
bez = new XCubicCurve2D(x + bez.x1, y + bez.y1, x + bez.ctrlx1, y + bez.ctrly1, x + bez.ctrlx2,
y + bez.ctrly2, x + bez.x2, y + bez.y2);
if (first) {
eps.movetoNoMacro(bez.x1, bez.y1);
first = dashed;
eps.curvetoNoMacro(bez.ctrlx1, bez.ctrly1, bez.ctrlx2, bez.ctrly2, bez.x2, bez.y2);
public UPath toUPath() {
final UPath result = new UPath(comment, codeLine);
boolean start = true;
for (XCubicCurve2D bez : beziers) {
if (start) {
result.add(new double[] { bez.x1, bez.y1 }, USegmentType.SEG_MOVETO);
start = false;
result.add(new double[] { bez.ctrlx1, bez.ctrly1, bez.ctrlx2, bez.ctrly2, bez.x2, bez.y2 },
return result;
public void draw(BasicCharArea area, double pixelXPerChar, double pixelYPerChar) {
for (XCubicCurve2D bez : beziers)
if (bez.x1 == bez.x2)
area.drawVLine('|', (int) (bez.x1 / pixelXPerChar), (int) (bez.y1 / pixelYPerChar),
(int) (bez.y2 / pixelYPerChar));
else if (bez.y1 == bez.y2)
area.drawHLine('-', (int) (bez.y1 / pixelYPerChar), (int) (bez.x1 / pixelXPerChar),
(int) (bez.x2 / pixelXPerChar));
static String toString(XCubicCurve2D c) {
return "(" + c.x1 + "," + c.y1 + ") " + "(" + c.ctrlx1 + "," + c.ctrly1 + ") " + "(" + c.ctrlx2 + "," + c.ctrly2
+ ") " + "(" + c.x2 + "," + c.y2 + ") ";
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (XCubicCurve2D c : beziers) {
sb.append(" - ");
return sb.toString();
public static XCubicCurve2D reverse(XCubicCurve2D curv) {
return new XCubicCurve2D(curv.getX2(), curv.getY2(), curv.getCtrlX2(), curv.getCtrlY2(), curv.getCtrlX1(),
curv.getCtrlY1(), curv.getX1(), curv.getY1());
public DotPath reverse() {
final List<XCubicCurve2D> reverse = new ArrayList<>(beziers);
final List<XCubicCurve2D> copy = new ArrayList<>();
for (XCubicCurve2D cub : reverse)
return fromBeziers(copy);
public void moveSvek(double deltaX, double deltaY) {
for (int i = 0; i < beziers.size(); i++) {
final XCubicCurve2D c = beziers.get(i);
beziers.set(i, new XCubicCurve2D(c.x1 + deltaX, c.y1 + deltaY, c.ctrlx1 + deltaX, c.ctrly1 + deltaY,
c.ctrlx2 + deltaX, c.ctrly2 + deltaY, c.x2 + deltaX, c.y2 + deltaY));
public final List<XCubicCurve2D> getBeziers() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(beziers);
public DotPath simulateCompound(Cluster head, Cluster tail) {
// if (OptionFlags.USE_COMPOUND) {
// throw new IllegalStateException();
// }
if (head == null && tail == null) {
return this;
// System.err.println("head=" + head + " tail=" + tail);
DotPath me = this;
if (tail != null) {
// System.err.println("beziers1=" + this.toString());
final ClusterPosition clusterPosition = tail.getClusterPosition();
if (clusterPosition.contains(getStartPoint())) {
final DotPath result = new DotPath();
int idx = 0;
while (idx + 1 < this.beziers.size() && clusterPosition.contains(this.beziers.get(idx).getP2())) {
if (clusterPosition.contains(this.beziers.get(idx).getP1()) == false)
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (clusterPosition.contains(this.beziers.get(idx).getP2())) {
// System.err.println("strange1");
} else {
assert clusterPosition.contains(this.beziers.get(idx).getP1());
assert clusterPosition.contains(this.beziers.get(idx).getP2()) == false;
XCubicCurve2D current = this.beziers.get(idx);
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
// System.err.println("length=" + length(current));
final XCubicCurve2D part1 = new XCubicCurve2D();
final XCubicCurve2D part2 = new XCubicCurve2D();
current.subdivide(part1, part2);
assert part1.getP2().equals(part2.getP1());
if (clusterPosition.contains(part1.getP2())) {
current = part2;
} else {
result.beziers.add(0, part2);
current = part1;
for (int i = idx + 1; i < this.beziers.size(); i++)
me = result;
if (head != null) {
// System.err.println("beziers2=" + me.toString());
final DotPath result = new DotPath();
final ClusterPosition clusterPosition = head.getClusterPosition();
if (clusterPosition.contains(getEndPoint())) {
for (XCubicCurve2D current : me.beziers) {
if (clusterPosition.contains(current.getP2()) == false) {
} else {
if (clusterPosition.contains(current.getP1())) {
// System.err.println("strange2");
return me;
assert clusterPosition.contains(current.getP1()) == false;
assert clusterPosition.contains(current.getP2());
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
// System.err.println("length=" + length(current));
final XCubicCurve2D part1 = new XCubicCurve2D();
final XCubicCurve2D part2 = new XCubicCurve2D();
current.subdivide(part1, part2);
assert part1.getP2().equals(part2.getP1());
if (clusterPosition.contains(part1.getP2())) {
current = part1;
} else {
current = part2;
// System.err.println("k=" + k + " result=" + result.toString());
// System.err.println("Final Result=" + result.toString());
return result;
return me;
public boolean isLine() {
for (XCubicCurve2D curve : beziers)
if (curve.getFlatnessSq() > 0.001)
return false;
return true;
public void setCommentAndCodeLine(String comment, String codeLine) {
this.comment = comment;
this.codeLine = codeLine;