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/* ========================================================================
* PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator
* ========================================================================
* (C) Copyright 2009, Arnaud Roques
* Project Info: http://plantuml.sourceforge.net
* This file is part of PlantUML.
* PlantUML is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PlantUML distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
* USA.
* [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* in the United States and other countries.]
* Original Author: Arnaud Roques
* Revision $Revision: 6453 $
package net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.dot;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.FileFormat;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.FileUtils;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.ISkinParam;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.OptionFlags;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.SkinParamBackcolored;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.CucaDiagram;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Entity;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.EntityType;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Group;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.GroupHierarchy;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.IEntity;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.cucadiagram.Link;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.png.PngIO;
public final class GroupPngMaker {
private final CucaDiagram diagram;
private final Group group;
private final FileFormat fileFormat;
class InnerGroupHierarchy implements GroupHierarchy {
public Collection<Group> getChildrenGroups(Group parent) {
if (parent == null) {
return diagram.getChildrenGroups(group);
return diagram.getChildrenGroups(parent);
public boolean isEmpty(Group g) {
return diagram.isEmpty(g);
public GroupPngMaker(CucaDiagram diagram, Group group, FileFormat fileFormat) throws IOException {
this.diagram = diagram;
this.group = group;
this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
public void createPng(OutputStream os, List<String> dotStrings) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final Map<Entity, File> imageFiles = new HashMap<Entity, File>();
// final Map<Link, File> imagesLink = new HashMap<Link, File>();
try {
// populateImages(imageFiles);
// populateImagesLink(imagesLink);
final GraphvizMaker dotMaker = createDotMaker(dotStrings);
final String dotString = dotMaker.createDotString();
// if (OptionFlags.getInstance().isKeepTmpFiles()) {
// traceDotString(dotString);
// }
// final boolean isUnderline = dotMaker.isUnderline();
final Graphviz graphviz = GraphvizUtils.create(dotString, "png");
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
final BufferedImage im = ImageIO.read(bais);
// if (isUnderline) {
// new UnderlineTrick(im, new Color(Integer.parseInt("FEFECF", 16)),
// Color.BLACK).process();
// }
PngIO.write(im, os, diagram.getMetadata(), 96);
} finally {
public String createSvg(List<String> dotStrings) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final Map<Entity, File> imageFiles = new HashMap<Entity, File>();
// final Map<Link, File> imagesLink = new HashMap<Link, File>();
try {
// populateImages(imageFiles);
// populateImagesLink(imagesLink);
final GraphvizMaker dotMaker = createDotMaker(dotStrings);
final String dotString = dotMaker.createDotString();
// if (OptionFlags.getInstance().isKeepTmpFiles()) {
// traceDotString(dotString);
// }
// final boolean isUnderline = dotMaker.isUnderline();
final Graphviz graphviz = GraphvizUtils.create(dotString, "svg");
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
String svg = new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
svg = removeSvgXmlHeader(svg);
// // Image management
// final Pattern pImage = Pattern.compile("(?i)<image\\W[^>]*>");
// final Matcher mImage = pImage.matcher(svg);
// final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// while (mImage.find()) {
// final String image = mImage.group(0);
// final String href = CucaDiagramFileMaker.getValue(image, "href");
// final double widthSvg =
// Double.parseDouble(CucaDiagramFileMaker.getValuePx(image,
// "width"));
// final double heightSvg =
// Double.parseDouble(CucaDiagramFileMaker.getValuePx(image,
// "height"));
// final double x =
// Double.parseDouble(CucaDiagramFileMaker.getValue(image, "x")) +
// 20;
// final double y =
// Double.parseDouble(CucaDiagramFileMaker.getValue(image, "y")) +
// 20;
// // final DrawFile drawFile = getDrawFileFromHref(href);
// // final int widthPng = drawFile.getWidthPng();
// // final int heightPng = drawFile.getHeightPng();
// // String svg2 = drawFile.getSvg();
// // final String scale = CucaDiagramFileMaker.getScale(widthSvg,
// heightSvg, widthPng, heightPng);
// // svg2 = svg2
// // .replaceFirst("<[gG]>", "<g transform=\"translate(" + 0 + " "
// + 0 + ") " + scale + "\">");
// String svg2 = "<text>toto</text>";
// svg2 = "<svg x=\"" + x + "\" y=\"" + y + "\">" + svg2 + "</svg>";
// mImage.appendReplacement(sb, svg2);
// }
// mImage.appendTail(sb);
// svg = sb.toString();
return svg.replace('\\', '/');
} finally {
private static String removeSvgXmlHeader(String svg) {
svg = svg.replaceFirst("(?i)<\\?xml[\\s\\S]*?<svg[^>]*>", "");
svg = svg.replaceFirst("(?i)</svg>", "");
return svg;
private void cleanTemporaryFiles(final Map<Entity, File> imageFiles) {
if (OptionFlags.getInstance().isKeepTmpFiles() == false) {
for (File f : imageFiles.values()) {
GraphvizMaker createDotMaker(List<String> dotStrings) {
final List<Link> links = getPureInnerLinks();
ISkinParam skinParam = diagram.getSkinParam();
if (OptionFlags.PBBACK && group.getBackColor() != null) {
skinParam = new SkinParamBackcolored(skinParam, null, group.getBackColor());
final DotData dotData = new DotData(group, links, group.entities(), diagram.getUmlDiagramType(), skinParam,
group.getRankdir(), new InnerGroupHierarchy());
// dotData.putAllImages(images);
// dotData.putAllStaticImages(staticImages);
// dotData.putAllImagesLink(imagesLink);
// return new DotMaker(dotData, dotStrings, fileFormat);
return diagram.getSkinParam().getStrategy().getGraphvizMaker(dotData, dotStrings, fileFormat);
private List<Link> getPureInnerLinks() {
final List<Link> result = new ArrayList<Link>();
for (Link link : diagram.getLinks()) {
final IEntity e1 = link.getEntity1();
final IEntity e2 = link.getEntity2();
if (e1.getParent() == group && e1.getType() != EntityType.GROUP && e2.getParent() == group
&& e2.getType() != EntityType.GROUP) {
return result;