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// Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Jay Berkenbilt
// This file is part of qpdf. This software may be distributed under
// the terms of version 2 of the Artistic License which may be found
// in the source distribution. It is provided "as is" without express
// or implied warranty.
2012-06-21 17:47:41 +00:00
#include <qpdf/DLL.h>
#include <qpdf/Types.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <qpdf/PointerHolder.hh>
#include <qpdf/Buffer.hh>
#include <qpdf/InputSource.hh>
#include <qpdf/QPDFObject.hh>
class Pipeline;
class QPDF;
class QPDF_Dictionary;
class QPDF_Array;
class QPDFTokenizer;
class QPDFObjectHandle
// This class is used by replaceStreamData. It provides an
// alternative way of associating stream data with a stream. See
// comments on replaceStreamData and newStream for additional
// details.
class StreamDataProvider
virtual ~StreamDataProvider()
// The implementation of this function must write the
// unencrypted, raw stream data to the given pipeline. Every
// call to provideStreamData for a given stream must write the
// same data. The number of bytes written must agree with the
// length provided at the time the StreamDataProvider object
// was associated with the stream. The object ID and
// generation passed to this method are those that belong to
// the stream on behalf of which the provider is called. They
// may be ignored or used by the implementation for indexing
// or other purposes. This information is made available just
// to make it more convenient to use a single
// StreamDataProvider object to provide data for multiple
// streams.
virtual void provideStreamData(int objid, int generation,
Pipeline* pipeline) = 0;
// This class is used by parse to decrypt strings when reading an
// object that contains encrypted strings.
class StringDecrypter
virtual ~StringDecrypter()
virtual void decryptString(std::string& val) = 0;
// This class is used by parseContentStream. Callers must
// instantiate a subclass of this with handlers defined to accept
// QPDFObjectHandles that are parsed from the stream.
class ParserCallbacks
virtual ~ParserCallbacks()
virtual void handleObject(QPDFObjectHandle) = 0;
virtual void handleEOF() = 0;
bool isInitialized() const;
// Exactly one of these will return true for any object. Keyword
// and InlineImage are only allowed in content streams.
bool isBool();
bool isNull();
bool isInteger();
bool isReal();
bool isName();
bool isString();
bool isKeyword();
bool isInlineImage();
bool isArray();
bool isDictionary();
bool isStream();
bool isReserved();
// This returns true in addition to the query for the specific
// type for indirect objects.
bool isIndirect();
// True for everything except array, dictionary, stream, word, and
// inline image.
bool isScalar();
// Public factory methods
// Construct an object of any type from a string representation of
// the object. Throws QPDFExc with an empty filename and an
// offset into the string if there is an error. Any indirect
// object syntax (obj gen R) will cause a logic_error exception to
// be thrown. If object_description is provided, it will appear
// in the message of any QPDFExc exception thrown for invalid
// syntax.
static QPDFObjectHandle parse(std::string const& object_str,
std::string const& object_description = "");
// Construct an object as above by reading from the given
// InputSource at its current position and using the tokenizer you
// supply. Indirect objects and encrypted strings are permitted.
// This method is intended to be called by QPDF for parsing
// objects that are ready from the object's input stream.
static QPDFObjectHandle parse(PointerHolder<InputSource> input,
std::string const& object_description,
QPDFTokenizer&, bool& empty,
StringDecrypter* decrypter,
QPDF* context);
// Helpers for parsing content streams
static void parseContentStream(QPDFObjectHandle stream_or_array,
ParserCallbacks* callbacks);
// Type-specific factories
static QPDFObjectHandle newNull();
static QPDFObjectHandle newBool(bool value);
static QPDFObjectHandle newInteger(long long value);
static QPDFObjectHandle newReal(std::string const& value);
static QPDFObjectHandle newReal(double value, int decimal_places = 0);
2012-06-27 03:34:15 +00:00
static QPDFObjectHandle newName(std::string const& name);
static QPDFObjectHandle newString(std::string const& str);
static QPDFObjectHandle newKeyword(std::string const&);
static QPDFObjectHandle newInlineImage(std::string const&);
static QPDFObjectHandle newArray();
static QPDFObjectHandle newArray(
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> const& items);
static QPDFObjectHandle newDictionary();
static QPDFObjectHandle newDictionary(
std::map<std::string, QPDFObjectHandle> const& items);
// Create a new stream and associate it with the given qpdf
// object. A subsequent call must be made to replaceStreamData()
// to provide data for the stream. The stream's dictionary may be
// retrieved by calling getDict(), and the resulting dictionary
// may be modified. Alternatively, you can create a new
// dictionary and call replaceDict to install it.
static QPDFObjectHandle newStream(QPDF* qpdf);
// Create a new stream and associate it with the given qpdf
// object. Use the given buffer as the stream data. The stream
// dictionary's /Length key will automatically be set to the size
// of the data buffer. If additional keys are required, the
// stream's dictionary may be retrieved by calling getDict(), and
// the resulting dictionary may be modified. This method is just
2012-07-29 18:32:54 +00:00
// a convenient wrapper around the newStream() and
// replaceStreamData(). It is a convenience methods for streams
// that require no parameters beyond the stream length. Note that
// you don't have to deal with compression yourself if you use
// QPDFWriter. By default, QPDFWriter will automatically compress
// uncompressed stream data. Example programs are provided that
// illustrate this.
static QPDFObjectHandle newStream(QPDF* qpdf, PointerHolder<Buffer> data);
// Create new stream with data from string. This method will
// create a copy of the data rather than using the user-provided
// buffer as in the PointerHolder<Buffer> version of newStream.
static QPDFObjectHandle newStream(QPDF* qpdf, std::string const& data);
// A reserved object is a special sentinel used for qpdf to
// reserve a spot for an object that is going to be added to the
// QPDF object. Normally you don't have to use this type since
// you can just call QPDF::makeIndirectObject. However, in some
// cases, if you have to create objects with circular references,
// you may need to create a reserved object so that you can have a
// reference to it and then replace the object later. Reserved
// objects have the special property that they can't be resolved
// to direct objects. This makes it possible to replace a
// reserved object with a new object while preserving existing
// references to them. When you are ready to replace a reserved
// object with its replacement, use QPDF::replaceReserved for this
// purpose rather than the more general QPDF::replaceObject. It
// is an error to try to write a QPDF with QPDFWriter if it has
// any reserved objects in it.
static QPDFObjectHandle newReserved(QPDF* qpdf);
// Accessor methods. If an accessor method that is valid for only
// a particular object type is called on an object of the wrong
// type, an exception is thrown.
// Methods for bool objects
bool getBoolValue();
// Methods for integer objects
long long getIntValue();
// Methods for real objects
std::string getRealValue();
// Methods that work for both integer and real objects
bool isNumber();
double getNumericValue();
// Methods for name objects; see also name and array objects
std::string getName();
// Methods for string objects
std::string getStringValue();
std::string getUTF8Value();
// Methods for content stream objects
std::string getKeywordValue();
std::string getInlineImageValue();
// Methods for array objects; see also name and array objects
int getArrayNItems();
QPDFObjectHandle getArrayItem(int n);
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> getArrayAsVector();
// Methods for dictionary objects
bool hasKey(std::string const&);
QPDFObjectHandle getKey(std::string const&);
std::set<std::string> getKeys();
std::map<std::string, QPDFObjectHandle> getDictAsMap();
// Methods for name and array objects
bool isOrHasName(std::string const&);
// Return the QPDF object that owns an indirect object. Returns
// null for a direct object.
QPDF* getOwningQPDF();
2012-06-21 20:14:34 +00:00
// Create a shallow copy of an object as a direct object. Since
// this is a shallow copy, for dictionaries and arrays, any keys
// or items that were indirect objects will still be indirect
// objects that point to the same place.
QPDFObjectHandle shallowCopy();
// Mutator methods. Use with caution.
// Recursively copy this object, making it direct. Throws an
// exception if a loop is detected or any sub-object is a stream.
void makeDirect();
// Mutator methods for array objects
void setArrayItem(int, QPDFObjectHandle const&);
void setArrayFromVector(std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> const& items);
// Insert an item before the item at the given position ("at") so
// that it has that position after insertion. If "at" is equal to
// the size of the array, insert the item at the end.
void insertItem(int at, QPDFObjectHandle const& item);
void appendItem(QPDFObjectHandle const& item);
// Remove the item at that position, reducing the size of the
// array by one.
void eraseItem(int at);
// Mutator methods for dictionary objects
// Replace value of key, adding it if it does not exist
void replaceKey(std::string const& key, QPDFObjectHandle const&);
// Remove key, doing nothing if key does not exist
void removeKey(std::string const& key);
// If the object is null, remove the key. Otherwise, replace it.
void replaceOrRemoveKey(std::string const& key, QPDFObjectHandle);
// Methods for stream objects
QPDFObjectHandle getDict();
// Returns filtered (uncompressed) stream data. Throws an
// exception if the stream is filtered and we can't decode it.
PointerHolder<Buffer> getStreamData();
// Returns unfiltered (raw) stream data.
PointerHolder<Buffer> getRawStreamData();
// Write stream data through the given pipeline. A null pipeline
// value may be used if all you want to do is determine whether a
// stream is filterable. If filter is false, write raw stream
// data and return false. If filter is true, then attempt to
// apply all the decoding filters to the stream data. If we are
// successful, return true. Otherwise, return false and write raw
// data. If filtering is requested and successfully performed,
// then the normalize and compress flags are used to determine
// whether stream data should be normalized and compressed. In
// all cases, if this function returns false, raw data has been
// written. If it returns true, then any requested filtering has
// been performed. Note that if the original stream data has no
// filters applied to it, the return value will be equal to the
// value of the filter parameter. Callers may use the return
// value of this function to determine whether or not the /Filter
// and /DecodeParms keys in the stream dictionary should be
// replaced if writing a new stream object.
bool pipeStreamData(Pipeline*, bool filter,
bool normalize, bool compress);
// Replace a stream's dictionary. The new dictionary must be
// consistent with the stream's data. This is most appropriately
// used when creating streams from scratch that will use a stream
// data provider and therefore start with an empty dictionary. It
// may be more convenient in this case than calling getDict and
// modifying it for each key. The pdf-create example does this.
void replaceDict(QPDFObjectHandle);
// Replace this stream's stream data with the given data buffer,
// and replace the /Filter and /DecodeParms keys in the stream
// dictionary with the given values. (If either value is empty,
// the corresponding key is removed.) The stream's /Length key is
// replaced with the length of the data buffer. The stream is
// interpreted as if the data read from the file, after any
// decryption filters have been applied, is as presented.
void replaceStreamData(PointerHolder<Buffer> data,
QPDFObjectHandle const& filter,
QPDFObjectHandle const& decode_parms);
// Replace the stream's stream data with the given string.
// This method will create a copy of the data rather than using
// the user-provided buffer as in the PointerHolder<Buffer> version
// of replaceStreamData.
void replaceStreamData(std::string const& data,
QPDFObjectHandle const& filter,
QPDFObjectHandle const& decode_parms);
// As above, replace this stream's stream data. Instead of
// directly providing a buffer with the stream data, call the
// given provider's provideStreamData method. See comments on the
// StreamDataProvider class (defined above) for details on the
// method. The data must be consistent with filter and
// decode_parms as provided. Although it is more complex to use
// this form of replaceStreamData than the one that takes a
// buffer, it makes it possible to avoid allocating memory for the
// stream data. Example programs are provided that use both forms
// of replaceStreamData.
// Note about stream length: for any given stream, the provider
// must provide the same amount of data each time it is called.
// This is critical for making linearization work properly.
// Versions of qpdf before 3.0.0 required a length to be specified
// here. Starting with version 3.0.0, this is no longer necessary
// (or permitted). The first time the stream data provider is
// invoked for a given stream, the actual length is stored.
// Subsequent times, it is enforced that the length be the same as
// the first time.
// If you have gotten a compile error here while building code
// that worked with older versions of qpdf, just omit the length
// parameter. You can also simplify your code by not having to
// compute the length in advance.
void replaceStreamData(PointerHolder<StreamDataProvider> provider,
QPDFObjectHandle const& filter,
QPDFObjectHandle const& decode_parms);
// return 0 for direct objects
int getObjectID() const;
int getGeneration() const;
std::string unparse();
std::string unparseResolved();
// Convenience routines for commonly performed functions
// Throws an exception if this is not a Page object. Returns an
// empty map if there are no images or no resources. This
// function does not presently support inherited resources. If
// this is a significant concern, call
// pushInheritedAttributesToPage() on the QPDF object that owns
// this page. See comment in the source for details. Return
// value is a map from XObject name to the image object, which is
// always a stream.
std::map<std::string, QPDFObjectHandle> getPageImages();
// Returns a vector of stream objects representing the content
// streams for the given page. This routine allows the caller to
// not care whether there are one or more than one content streams
// for a page. Throws an exception if this is not a Page object.
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> getPageContents();
// Add the given object as a new content stream for this page. If
// parameter 'first' is true, add to the beginning. Otherwise,
// add to the end. This routine automatically converts the page
// contents to an array if it is a scalar, allowing the caller not
// to care what the initial structure is. Throws an exception if
// this is not a Page object.
void addPageContents(QPDFObjectHandle contents, bool first);
// Initializers for objects. This Factory class gives the QPDF
// class specific permission to call factory methods without
// making it a friend of the whole QPDFObjectHandle class.
class Factory
friend class QPDF;
static QPDFObjectHandle newIndirect(QPDF* qpdf,
int objid, int generation)
return QPDFObjectHandle::newIndirect(qpdf, objid, generation);
// object must be dictionary object
static QPDFObjectHandle newStream(
QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation,
QPDFObjectHandle stream_dict, qpdf_offset_t offset, size_t length)
return QPDFObjectHandle::newStream(
qpdf, objid, generation, stream_dict, offset, length);
friend class Factory;
// Accessor for raw underlying object -- only QPDF is allowed to
// call this.
class ObjAccessor
friend class QPDF;
static PointerHolder<QPDFObject> getObject(QPDFObjectHandle& o)
return o.obj;
friend class ObjAccessor;
// Provide access to specific classes for recursive
// reverseResolved().
class ReleaseResolver
friend class QPDF_Dictionary;
friend class QPDF_Array;
static void releaseResolved(QPDFObjectHandle& o)
friend class ReleaseResolver;
// Convenience routine: Throws if the assumption is violated.
void assertInitialized() const;
void assertNull();
void assertBool();
void assertInteger();
void assertReal();
void assertName();
void assertString();
void assertKeyword();
void assertInlineImage();
void assertArray();
void assertDictionary();
void assertStream();
void assertReserved();
void assertIndirect();
void assertScalar();
void assertNumber();
bool isPageObject();
bool isPagesObject();
void assertPageObject();
QPDFObjectHandle(QPDF*, int objid, int generation);
// Private object factory methods
static QPDFObjectHandle newIndirect(QPDF*, int objid, int generation);
static QPDFObjectHandle newStream(
QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation,
QPDFObjectHandle stream_dict, qpdf_offset_t offset, size_t length);
void assertType(char const* type_name, bool istype) const;
void dereference();
void makeDirectInternal(std::set<int>& visited);
void releaseResolved();
static QPDFObjectHandle parseInternal(
PointerHolder<InputSource> input,
std::string const& object_description,
QPDFTokenizer& tokenizer, bool& empty,
StringDecrypter* decrypter, QPDF* context,
bool in_array, bool in_dictionary,
bool content_stream);
static void parseContentStream_internal(
QPDFObjectHandle stream, ParserCallbacks* callbacks);
bool initialized;
QPDF* qpdf; // 0 for direct object
int objid; // 0 for direct object
int generation;
PointerHolder<QPDFObject> obj;
bool reserved;