mirror of https://github.com/qpdf/qpdf.git synced 2025-03-21 00:52:22 +00:00

Split qpdf.test into multiple test suites

This makes it a lot easier to run parts of the test suite.
This commit is contained in:
Jay Berkenbilt 2022-05-14 16:16:20 -04:00
parent 4b642caf11
commit 173b944ef8
103 changed files with 7343 additions and 5876 deletions

View File

@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ Other (do in any order):
settings for QPDF and QPDFJob. This probably includes adding a
Pl_Ostream pipeline.
* Nice to have:
* Split qpdf.test into multiple tests
* In libtests, separate executables that need the object library
from those that strictly use public API. Move as many of the test
drivers from the qpdf directory into the latter category as long
as doing so isn't too troublesome from a coverage standpoint.
* Rework tests so that nothing is written into the source directory.
* Ideally then the entire build could be done with a read-only
Ideally then the entire build could be done with a read-only
source tree.
Soon: Break ground on "Document-level work"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('appearance_streams');
my $n_tests = 12;
foreach my $f ('need-appearances',
$td->runtest("generate appearances and flatten ($f)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --no-original-object-ids --static-id" .
" --generate-appearances --flatten-annotations=all" .
" $f.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
my $exp = 'appearances-a';
if ($f =~ m/appearances(-.*)$/)
$exp .= $1;
$exp .= '.pdf';
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => $exp});
$td->runtest("more choices",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --no-original-object-ids --static-id" .
" --generate-appearances" .
" more-choices.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# b.pdf still has forms
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "appearances-b.pdf"});
my @choice_values = qw(1 2 11 12 quack);
$n_tests += 3 * scalar(@choice_values);
foreach my $i (@choice_values)
# b.pdf was generated by qpdf and needs appearances
# test_driver 52 writes a.pdf
$td->runtest("set value to $i",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 52 b.pdf $i"},
{$td->STRING => "setting list1 value\ntest 52 done\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("regenerate appearances",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --no-original-object-ids --static-id" .
" --generate-appearances" .
" a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "appearances-$i.pdf"});
$td->runtest("Update resources from /DR",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --no-original-object-ids --static-id" .
" --generate-appearances" .
" resource-from-dr.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "resource-from-dr-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('arg_parsing');
my $n_tests = 13;
$td->runtest("required argument",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --password minimal.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "must be given as --password=pass",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("required argument with choices",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --decode-level minimal.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "must be given as --decode-level=\\{.*all.*\\}",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("required argument with choices",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --decode-level minimal.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "must be given as --decode-level=\\{.*all.*\\}",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
copy("minimal.pdf", '@file.pdf');
$td->runtest("\@file exists and file doesn't",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check \@file.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "check-at-file.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("missing underlay filename",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --underlay --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*underlay file not specified.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("extra overlay filename",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --overlay x x --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*overlay file already specified.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("multiple pages options",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --pages . --password=x -- --pages . --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*--pages may only be specified one time.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("bad numeric range detects unclosed --pages",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --pages . --pages . --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*pages options must be terminated with --.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("bad file detected as unclosed --pages",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --pages . 1 --xyz out"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*pages options must be terminated with --.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("misplaced pages password 1",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --pages . 1 --password=z --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*password must immediately follow a file name.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("misplaced pages password 2",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --pages --password=z . 1 --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*password must immediately follow a file name.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("duplicated pages password",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --pages . --password=z --password=z --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*password already specified.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
# Ignoring -- at the top level was never intended but turned out to
# have been there for a long time so that people relied on it. It is
# intentionally not documented.
$td->runtest("ignore -- at top level",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf -- --check -- minimal.pdf --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*No syntax or stream encoding errors found.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

qpdf/qtest/attachments.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('attachments');
my $n_tests = 37;
open(F, ">auto-txt") or die;
print F "from file";
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 76 minimal.pdf auto-txt"},
{$td->FILE => "test76.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("show attachment",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-attachment=att1 a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "from file", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test76.pdf"});
$td->runtest("list attachments",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --list-attachments a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test76-list.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("list attachments verbose",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --list-attachments --verbose a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test76-list-verbose.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("attachments json",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --json=1 --json-key=attachments a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test76-json.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("remove attachment (test_driver)",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 77 test76.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 77 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test77.pdf"});
$td->runtest("remove attachment (cli)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --remove-attachment=att2 test76.pdf" .
" --static-id --qdf --verbose b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "remove-attachment.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test77.pdf"});
$td->runtest("show missing attachment",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-attachment=att2 b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "qpdf: attachment att2 not found\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("remove missing attachment",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --remove-attachment=att2 b.pdf c.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "qpdf: attachment att2 not found\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("add attachment: bad creation date",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf minimal.pdf a.pdf" .
" --add-attachment auto-txt --creationdate=potato --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*potato is not a valid PDF timestamp.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("add attachment: bad mod date",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf minimal.pdf a.pdf" .
" --add-attachment auto-txt --moddate=potato --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*potato is not a valid PDF timestamp.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("add attachment: bad mod date",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf minimal.pdf a.pdf" .
" --add-attachment auto-txt --mimetype=potato --"},
{$td->REGEXP =>
".*mime type should be specified as type/subtype.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("add attachment: trailing slash",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf minimal.pdf a.pdf" .
" --add-attachment --"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*add attachment: no file specified.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
foreach my $i (qw(1 2 3))
open(F, ">auto-$i") or die;
print F "attachment $i";
my @dates = ("--creationdate=D:20210210091359-05'00'",
$td->runtest("add attachments",
{$td->COMMAND =>
[qw(qpdf minimal.pdf a.pdf --no-original-object-ids),
qw(--verbose --static-id --qdf),
qw(--add-attachment ./auto-1), @dates,
qw(--mimetype=text/plain --),
qw(--add-attachment ./auto-2 --key=auto-Two), @dates, '--',
qw(--add-attachment ./auto-3 --filename=auto-Three.txt),
@dates, '--description=two words', '--']},
{$td->FILE => "add-attachments-1.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("list attachments",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --list-attachments a.pdf --verbose"},
{$td->FILE => "list-attachments-1.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "add-attachments-1.pdf"},
$td->runtest("add attachments: duplicate",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf a.pdf b.pdf --verbose --add-attachment ./auto-1 --"},
{$td->FILE => "add-attachments-duplicate.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("add attachments: replace",
{$td->COMMAND =>
[qw(qpdf a.pdf b.pdf --no-original-object-ids),
qw(--verbose --static-id --qdf),
qw(--add-attachment ./auto-2 --key=auto-1 --replace),
@dates, '--']},
{$td->FILE => "add-attachments-2.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("list attachments",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --list-attachments b.pdf --verbose"},
{$td->FILE => "list-attachments-3.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "add-attachments-2.pdf"},
$td->runtest("copy attachments",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --verbose --no-original-object-ids" .
" --static-id --qdf minimal.pdf b.pdf" .
" --copy-attachments-from a.pdf --"},
{$td->FILE => "copy-attachments-1.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("list attachments",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --list-attachments b.pdf --verbose"},
{$td->FILE => "list-attachments-1.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "add-attachments-1.pdf"},
$td->runtest("copy attachments: duplicate",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --verbose --no-original-object-ids" .
" --static-id --qdf a.pdf c.pdf" .
" --copy-attachments-from b.pdf --"},
{$td->FILE => "copy-attachments-duplicate.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("copy attachments: prefix",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --verbose --no-original-object-ids" .
" --static-id --qdf a.pdf c.pdf" .
" --copy-attachments-from b.pdf --prefix=1- --"},
{$td->FILE => "copy-attachments-2.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("list attachments",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --list-attachments c.pdf --verbose"},
{$td->FILE => "list-attachments-2.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "c.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "copy-attachments-2.pdf"},
$td->runtest("add attachments: current date",
{$td->COMMAND =>
[qw(qpdf minimal.pdf a.pdf --encrypt u o 256 --),
qw(--verbose --add-attachment ./auto-1 --)]},
{$td->FILE => "add-attachments-3.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("list attachments",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --password=u --list-attachments a.pdf --verbose"},
{$td->FILE => "list-attachments-4.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# The object to show here is the one in list-attachments-4.out
$td->runtest("check dates",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-object=6 a.pdf --password=u"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*CreationDate \\(D:\\d+.*ModDate \\(D:\\d+.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("remove multiple attachments",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --verbose --static-id add-attachments-1.pdf a.pdf" .
" --remove-attachment=auto-1 --remove-attachment=auto-Two"},
{$td->FILE => "remove-multiple-attachments.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "remove-multiple-attachments.pdf"});
$td->runtest("remove multiple attachments (json)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --job-json-file=remove-multiple-attachments.json"},
{$td->FILE => "remove-multiple-attachments-json.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "remove-multiple-attachments.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('basic_parsing');
my @goodfiles = ("implicit null", # 1
"direct null", # 2
"unresolved null", # 3
"indirect null", # 4
"indirect bool, real", # 5
"direct bool", # 6
"integer", # 7
"real, ASCIIHexDecode", # 8
"string", # 9
"array", # 10
"dictionary", # 11
"stream", # 12
"nesting, strings, names", # 13
"tokenizing pipeline", # 14
"name", # 15
"object-stream", # 16
"hybrid xref", # 17
"hybrid xref old mode", # 18
"xref with prev", # 19
"lots of compressible objects", # 20
"array with indirect nulls", # 21
my $n_tests = (3 * @goodfiles) + 6;
my %goodtest_overrides = ('14' => 3);
my %goodtest_flags =
('18' => '-ignore-xref-streams',
'20' => '-object-streams=generate',
for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar(@goodfiles); ++$i)
my $n = $goodtest_overrides{$i} || 1;
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver $n good$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "good$i.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
my $xflags = $goodtest_flags{$i} || '';
check_pdf($td, "create qdf",
"qpdf --static-id -qdf $xflags good$i.pdf",
"good$i.qdf", 0);
check_pdf($td, "no normalization",
"qpdf -qdf --static-id --normalize-content=n good7.pdf",
check_pdf($td, "no qdf",
"qpdf --static-id good17.pdf",
check_pdf($td, "no recompression",
"qpdf --static-id --stream-data=preserve good17.pdf",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('bound_checks');
my $n_tests = 3;
$td->runtest("bounds check linearization data 1",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check linearization-bounds-1.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "linearization-bounds-1.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("bounds check linearization data 2",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check linearization-bounds-2.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "linearization-bounds-2.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
# Throws runtime error, not bad_alloc
$td->runtest("sanity check array size",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --check linearization-large-vector-alloc.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "linearization-large-vector-alloc.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},

qpdf/qtest/c_api.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('c_api');
my @capi = (
[2, 'no options'],
[3, 'normalized content'],
[4, 'ignore xref streams'],
[5, 'linearized'],
[6, 'object streams'],
[7, 'qdf'],
[8, 'no original object ids'],
[9, 'uncompressed streams'],
my $n_tests = (2 * @capi) + 5;
foreach my $d (@capi)
my ($n, $description) = @$d;
my $outfile = $description;
$outfile =~ s/ /-/g;
$outfile = "c-$outfile.pdf";
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest $n hybrid-xref.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test $n done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check $description",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => $outfile});
$td->runtest("write to bad file name",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 2 hybrid-xref.pdf '' /:a:/:b:"},
{$td->REGEXP => "error: open /:a:/:b:: .*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("write damaged to bad file name",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 2 append-page-content-damaged.pdf" .
" '' /:a:/:b:"},
{$td->REGEXP =>
"warning:(?s:.*)\n" .
"error: open /:a:/:b:: .*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("write damaged",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 2 append-page-content-damaged.pdf" .
" '' a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-write-damaged.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("empty PDF",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 41 - '' a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 41 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-empty.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('c_api_check');
my @c_check_types = qw(warn clear);
my $n_tests = scalar(@c_check_types);
foreach my $i (@c_check_types)
$td->runtest("C check $i",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 23 c-check-$i-in.pdf '' -"},
{$td->FILE => "c-check-$i.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

qpdf/qtest/c_api_key.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('c_api_key');
my $n_tests = 4;
$td->runtest("C API info key functions",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 16 minimal.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-info1.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-info-out.pdf"});
unlink "a.pdf" or die;
$td->runtest("C API info key functions",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 16 c-info2-in.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-info2.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-info-out.pdf"});
unlink "a.pdf" or die;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('c_api_object_handle');
my $n_tests = 13;
$td->runtest("C check object handles",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 24 minimal.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-object-handles.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => 'a.pdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'c-object-handles-out.pdf'});
$td->runtest("C check object handle creation",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 25 minimal.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 25 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => 'a.pdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'c-object-handle-creation-out.pdf'});
$td->runtest("C indirect objects",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 33 minimal.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 33 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => 'a.pdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'c-indirect-objects-out.pdf'});
$td->runtest("C uninitialized objects",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 26 '' '' ''"},
{$td->FILE => "c-oh-uninitialized-objects.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C string with embedded null",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 27 '' '' ''"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 27 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C wrap and clone objects",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 28 minimal.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 28 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C object handle errors",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 29 minimal.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->FILE => "c-oh-errors.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C unhandled error warning",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 30 bad1.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->FILE => "c-unhandled-error.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C type mismatch warning",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 31 minimal.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->FILE => "c-type-warning.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C get object by ID",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 32 minimal.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 32 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('c_api_page');
my $n_tests = 5;
$td->runtest("C page normal",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 34 11-pages.pdf '' a.pdf minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 34 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => 'a.pdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'c-pages.pdf'});
$td->runtest("C page errors",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 35 11-pages.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->FILE => "c-page-errors.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C inherited page resources",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 36 inherited-rotate.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 36 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C pages cache",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 37 11-pages.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 37 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('c_api_stream');
my $n_tests = 5;
$td->runtest("C read streams",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 38 11-pages.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->FILE => "c-get-stream.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C foreign object",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 39 11-pages.pdf '' a.pdf minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 39 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => 'a.pdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'c-foreign.pdf'});
$td->runtest("C new stream",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 40 minimal.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 40 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => 'a.pdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'c-new-stream.pdf'});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('character_encoding');
my $n_tests = 4;
$td->runtest("PDF doc encoding to Unicode",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_pdf_doc_encoding pdf-doc-to-utf8.in"},
{$td->FILE => "pdf-doc-to-utf8.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("UTF-16 encoding",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_pdf_unicode unicode.in"},
{$td->FILE => "unicode.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("UTF-16 encoding errors",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_pdf_unicode unicode-errors.in"},
{$td->FILE => "unicode-errors.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# UTF-16LE is not allowed by the PDF spec, but it seems that most
# readers accept it.
$td->runtest("UTF-16LE strings",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --list-attachments --verbose utf16le.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "utf16le-attachments.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('check_encryption');
my @check_encryption_password = (
# file, password, is-encrypted, requires-password
["minimal.pdf", "", 2, 2],
["20-pages.pdf", "", 0, 0],
["20-pages.pdf", "user", 0, 3],
my $n_tests = 3 * scalar(@check_encryption_password);
foreach my $d (@check_encryption_password)
my ($file, $pass, $is_encrypted, $requires_password) = @$d;
$td->runtest("is encrypted ($file, pass=$pass)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --is-encrypted --password=$pass $file"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => $is_encrypted});
$td->runtest("requires password ($file, pass=$pass)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --requires-password" .
" --password=$pass $file"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => $requires_password});
# Exercise reading password from file
open(F, ">args") or die;
print F "user\n";
$td->runtest("password from file)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check --password-file=args 20-pages.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "20-pages-check.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
open(F, ">>args") or die;
print F "ignored\n";
$td->runtest("ignore extra args from file)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check --password-file=args 20-pages.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "20-pages-check-password-warning.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
unlink "args";
$td->runtest("password from stdin)",
{$td->COMMAND => "echo user |" .
" qpdf --check --password-file=- 20-pages.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "20-pages-check.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('cleartext_metadata');
my $n_tests = 58;
# args: file, exp_encrypted, exp_cleartext
check_metadata($td, "compressed-metadata.pdf", 0, 0);
check_metadata($td, "enc-base.pdf", 0, 1);
foreach my $f (qw(compressed-metadata.pdf enc-base.pdf))
foreach my $w (qw(compress preserve))
$td->runtest("$w streams ($f)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --stream-data=$w $f a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
check_metadata($td, "a.pdf", 0, 1);
$td->runtest("encrypt normally",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --allow-weak-crypto" .
" --encrypt '' o 128 -- a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
check_metadata($td, "b.pdf", 1, 0);
unlink "b.pdf";
$td->runtest("encrypt V4",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --allow-weak-crypto" .
" --encrypt '' o 128 --force-V4 -- a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
check_metadata($td, "b.pdf", 1, 0);
unlink "b.pdf";
$td->runtest("encrypt with cleartext metadata",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --allow-weak-crypto" .
" --encrypt '' o 128 --cleartext-metadata --" .
" a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
check_metadata($td, "b.pdf", 1, 1);
$td->runtest("preserve encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf b.pdf c.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
check_metadata($td, "c.pdf", 1, 1);
unlink "b.pdf", "c.pdf";
$td->runtest("encrypt with aes and cleartext metadata",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --encrypt '' o 128" .
" --cleartext-metadata --use-aes=y -- a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
check_metadata($td, "b.pdf", 1, 1);
$td->runtest("preserve encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf b.pdf c.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
check_metadata($td, "c.pdf", 1, 1);
unlink "b.pdf", "c.pdf";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('coalesce_contents');
my $n_tests = 8;
$td->runtest("qdf with normalize warnings",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id split-tokens.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "normalize-warnings.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "split-tokens.qdf"});
$td->runtest("coalesce to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id coalesce.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "coalesce.qdf"});
$td->runtest("coalesce contents with qdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id" .
" --coalesce-contents coalesce.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "coalesce-out.qdf"});
$td->runtest("coalesce contents without qdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id" .
" --coalesce-contents coalesce.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "coalesce-out.pdf"});

qpdf/qtest/collate.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('collate');
my @collate = (
["", "three-files", "collate-odd",
"collate-odd.pdf 1-5 minimal.pdf collate-even.pdf 7-1"],
[1, "three-files", "collate-odd",
"collate-odd.pdf 1-5 minimal.pdf collate-even.pdf 7-1"],
[2, "three-files-2", "collate-odd",
"collate-odd.pdf 1-5 minimal.pdf collate-even.pdf 7-1"],
my $n_tests = 2 * scalar(@collate);
foreach my $d (@collate)
my ($n, $description, $first, $args) = @$d;
my $collate = '--collate';
if ($n)
$collate .= "=$n";
$td->runtest("collate pages: $description",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id $collate $first.pdf" .
" --pages $args -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$description-collate-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Copy;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('compare_pdfs');
my $n_compare_pdfs = 5;
# Check compare_pdfs to make sure that it works properly. Each call
# to compare_pdfs is worth three test cases.
compare_pdfs($td, "p1-a-p2-b.pdf", "p1-a-p2-b.pdf");
compare_pdfs($td, "p1-a.pdf", "p1-a.pdf");
compare_pdfs($td, "p1-a.pdf", "p1-b.pdf", 1);
compare_pdfs($td, "p1-a.pdf", "p1-a-p2-b.pdf", 1);
compare_pdfs($td, "p1-a-p2-a.pdf", "p1-a-p2-b.pdf", 1);
$td->report(calc_ntests(0, $n_compare_pdfs));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
unshift(@INC, '../../libtests/qtest/arg_parser');
require completion_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('completion');
# Tests to exercise QPDFArgParser belong in arg_parser.test in
# libtests. These tests are supposed to be specific to the qpdf cli.
# Since they were written prior to moving QPDFArgParser into the
# library, there are several tests here that also exercise
# QPDFArgParser logic.
my @completion_tests = (
['', 0, 'bad-input-1'],
['', 1, 'bad-input-2'],
['', 2, 'bad-input-3'],
['qpdf', 2, 'bad-input-4'],
['qpdf ', undef, 'top'],
['qpdf -', undef, 'top-arg'],
['qpdf --enc', undef, 'enc'],
['qpdf --encrypt ', undef, 'encrypt'],
['qpdf --encrypt u ', undef, 'encrypt-u'],
['qpdf --encrypt u o ', undef, 'encrypt-u-o'],
['qpdf @encrypt-u o ', undef, 'encrypt-u-o'],
['qpdf --encrypt u o 40 --', undef, 'encrypt-40'],
['qpdf --encrypt u o 128 --', undef, 'encrypt-128'],
['qpdf --encrypt u o 256 --', undef, 'encrypt-256'],
['qpdf --encrypt u o bad --', undef, 'encrypt-bad'],
['qpdf --split-pag', undef, 'split'],
['qpdf --decode-l', undef, 'decode-l'],
['qpdf --decode-lzzz', 15, 'decode-l'],
['qpdf --decode-level=', undef, 'decode-level'],
['qpdf --decode-level=g', undef, 'decode-level-g'],
['qpdf --check -', undef, 'later-arg'],
['qpdf infile outfile oops --ch', undef, 'usage-empty'],
['qpdf --encrypt \'user " password\' ', undef, 'quoting'],
['qpdf --encrypt \'user password\' ', undef, 'quoting'],
['qpdf --encrypt "user password" ', undef, 'quoting'],
['qpdf --encrypt "user pass\'word" ', undef, 'quoting'],
['qpdf --encrypt user\ password ', undef, 'quoting'],
my $n_tests = 2 * scalar(@completion_tests);
my $completion_filter =
"perl ../../../libtests/qtest/arg_parser/filter-completion.pl";
foreach my $c (@completion_tests)
my ($cmd, $point, $description) = @$c;
my $out = "completion-$description.out";
my $zout = "completion-$description-zsh.out";
if (! -f $zout)
$zout = $out;
$td->runtest("bash completion: $description",
{$td->COMMAND => [@{bash_completion("qpdf", $cmd, $point)}],
$td->FILTER => "$completion_filter $out"},
{$td->FILE => "$out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("zsh completion: $description",
{$td->COMMAND => [@{zsh_completion("qpdf", $cmd, $point)}],
$td->FILTER => "$completion_filter $zout"},
{$td->FILE => "$zout", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('compression_level');
my $n_tests = 4;
check_pdf($td, "recompress with level",
"qpdf --static-id --recompress-flate --compression-level=9" .
" --object-streams=generate minimal.pdf",
"minimal-9.pdf", 0);
check_pdf($td, "recompress with level",
"qpdf --static-id --recompress-flate --compression-level=1" .
" --object-streams=generate minimal.pdf",
"minimal-1.pdf", 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('content_preservation');
my @files = ("encrypted-with-images.pdf", # encrypted
my @flags = (["-qdf", # 1
["-qdf --normalize-content=n", # 2
"qdf not normalized"],
["-qdf --stream-data=preserve", # 3
"qdf not uncompressed"],
["-qdf --stream-data=preserve --normalize-content=n", # 4
"qdf not normalized or uncompressed"],
["--stream-data=uncompress", # 5
["--normalize-content=y", # 6
["--stream-data=uncompress --normalize-content=y", # 7
"uncompressed and normalized"],
["-decrypt", # 8
["-linearize", # 9
["-allow-weak-crypto -encrypt \"\" owner 128 --", # 10
["-linearize -allow-weak-crypto -encrypt \"\" o 128 --", # 11
"linearized and encrypted"],
["", # 12
"no arguments"],
my $n_tests = 1 + (@files * @flags * 2 * 3);
my $n_compare_pdfs = 1 + (@files * @flags * 2);
foreach my $file (@files)
my $base = basename($file, '.pdf');
foreach my $o (qw(disable generate))
my $n = 0;
my $oflags = "--object-streams=$o";
my $odescrip = "os:" . substr($o, 0, 1);
my $osuf = ($o eq 'generate' ? "-ogen" : "");
foreach my $d (@flags)
my ($flags, $fdescrip) = @$d;
system("rm -f *.pnm");
$td->runtest("$file ($odescrip $fdescrip)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf $flags $oflags $file a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check status",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$base.$n$osuf.check",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check with C API",
{$td->COMMAND => [qw(qpdf-ctest 1 a.pdf), "", ""]},
{$td->FILE => "$base.$n$osuf.c-check",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
compare_pdfs($td, $file, "a.pdf");
$td->runtest("convert inline-images to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" --qdf inline-images.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
compare_pdfs($td, "inline-images.pdf", "a.pdf");
$td->report(calc_ntests($n_tests, $n_compare_pdfs));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('copy_annotations');
my $n_tests = 39;
$td->runtest("complex copy annotations",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" fxo-red.pdf --overlay form-fields-and-annotations.pdf" .
" --repeat=1 -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "overlay-copy-annotations.pdf"});
foreach my $page (1, 2, 5, 6)
$td->runtest("copy annotations single page ($page)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" --pages . $page --" .
" fxo-red.pdf --overlay form-fields-and-annotations.pdf" .
" --repeat=1 -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "overlay-copy-annotations-p$page.pdf"});
foreach my $d ([1, "appearances-1.pdf"],
[2, "appearances-1-rotated.pdf"])
my ($n, $file1) = @$d;
$td->runtest("copy/transfer with defaults",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 80 $file1 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 80 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output A",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test80a$n.pdf"});
$td->runtest("check output B",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test80b$n.pdf"});
$td->runtest("page extraction with fields",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --empty" .
" --pages fields-two-pages.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "fields-pages-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("page splitting with fields",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id" .
" --split-pages fields-two-pages.pdf split-out.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
for (my $i = 1; $i <= 2; ++$i)
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "fields-split-$i.pdf"});
$td->runtest("keeping some fields",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id fields-two-pages.pdf" .
" --pages . 1 minimal.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "kept-some-fields.pdf"});
$td->runtest("not keeping any fields",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id kept-some-fields.pdf" .
" --pages . 2 -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "kept-no-fields.pdf"});
$td->runtest("other file first",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --no-original-object-ids" .
" --static-id fields-two-pages.pdf" .
" --pages ./fields-two-pages.pdf . 1 -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "other-file-first.pdf"});
$td->runtest("field conflict resolution",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf form-fields-and-annotations.pdf" .
" --pages . 1,1 ./form-fields-and-annotations.pdf 1,1 --" .
" --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "resolved-field-conflicts.pdf"});
# field-resource-conflict.pdf was crafted so that an appearance stream
# had an existing resource that it actually referenced in the
# appearance stream whose name, /F1_1, clashed with the result of
# resolving conflicts in /DR. It's a crazy corner case, but it if it
# ever happened, it would be really hard to track down, and it could
# arise through multiple passes through qpdf with intervening edits.
$td->runtest("appearance stream resource conflict",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf field-resource-conflict.pdf" .
" --pages . 1,1 ./field-resource-conflict.pdf --" .
" --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "resolved-appearance-conflicts.pdf"});
$td->runtest("resource conflicts + flatten",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf field-resource-conflict.pdf" .
" --pages . 1,1 ./field-resource-conflict.pdf --" .
" --generate-appearances --flatten-annotations=all" .
" --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "resolved-appearance-conflicts-generate.pdf"});
$td->runtest("default DA/Q",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf form-fields-and-annotations.pdf" .
" --pages . default-da-q.pdf --" .
" --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" --generate-appearances a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "default-da-q-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("DA/appearance stream errors",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf field-parse-errors.pdf" .
" --pages ./field-parse-errors.pdf --" .
" --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "field-parse-errors.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "field-parse-errors-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("Direct DR and annotations",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf direct-dr.pdf --split-pages" .
" --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" split-out.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-1.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "direct-dr-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('copy_foreign_objects');
my $n_tests = 11;
foreach my $d ([25, 1], [26, 2], [27, 3])
my ($testn, $outn) = @$d;
$td->runtest("copy objects $outn",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver $testn" .
" minimal.pdf copy-foreign-objects-in.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "copy-foreign-objects-$testn.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "copy-foreign-objects-out$outn.pdf"});
$td->runtest("copy objects error",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 28" .
" copy-foreign-objects-in.pdf minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "copy-foreign-objects-errors.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Issue 449 involved indirect /Filter or /DecodeParms in streams that
# had their stream data replaced. The hand-generated
# indirect-filter.pdf file more or less reproduces the situation but
# doesn't result in the same internal error that 449 did with 10.0.1.
# The file issue-449.pdf was minimized by hand from a test case and
# does produce an internal error, though the exact reason is unclear.
# It seems to just have to do with the order in which things are
# copied.
$td->runtest("indirect filters",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 69 indirect-filter.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 69 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
foreach my $i (0, 1)
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "auto-$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "indirect-filter-out-$i.pdf"});
$td->runtest("issue 449",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 69 issue-449.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 69 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('custom_pipeline');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("output to custom pipeline",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 33 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 33 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "custom-pipeline.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('dangling_refs');
my @dangling = (qw(minimal dangling-refs));
my $n_tests = 2 * scalar(@dangling);
foreach my $f (@dangling)
$td->runtest("dangling refs: $f",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 53 $f.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$f-dangling.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$f-dangling-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('decode_levels');
my $n_tests = 14;
# image-streams.pdf is the output of examples/pdf-create.
# examples/pdf-create validates the actual image data.
# image-streams-small.pdf was manually created by editing
# pdf-create.cc to reduce width and height to 40x8 and ignoring
# errors. Its purpose was to get a small file with images with
# different filters for fuzz testing.
foreach my $l (qw(none generalized specialized all))
$td->runtest("image-streams: $l",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf image-streams.pdf --compress-streams=n" .
" --decode-level=$l a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check image-streams: $l",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 39 a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "image-streams-$l.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("image-streams: C",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 20 image-streams.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 20 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check image-streams: C",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 39 a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "image-streams-specialized.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Bad JPEG data
$td->runtest("check finds bad jpeg data",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check bad-jpeg.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-jpeg-check.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("precheck detects bad jpeg data",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --decode-level=all" .
" bad-jpeg.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-jpeg.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check file",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-jpeg-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("get data",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-object=6" .
" --filtered-stream-data bad-jpeg.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-jpeg-show.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('decode_parameters');
my $n_tests = 6;
# Make sure we ignore decode parameters that we don't understand
$td->runtest("unknown decode parameters",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check fax-decode-parms.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "fax-decode-parms.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("ignore broken decode parms with no filters",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check broken-decode-parms-no-filter.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "broken-decode-parms-no-filter.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("stream with indirect decode parms",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id indirect-decode-parms.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check file",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "indirect-decode-parms-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("decode parameters empty list",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id empty-decode-parms.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check file",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "empty-decode-parms-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('deterministic_id');
my $n_tests = 11;
foreach my $d ('nn', 'ny', 'yn', 'yy')
my $linearize = ($d =~ m/^y/);
my $ostream = ($d =~ m/y$/);
$td->runtest("deterministic ID: linearize/ostream=$d",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf -deterministic-id" .
($linearize ? " -linearize" : "") .
" -object-streams=" . ($ostream ? "generate" : "disable") .
" deterministic-id-in.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "deterministic-id-$d.pdf"});
$td->runtest("deterministic ID with encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf -deterministic-id encrypted-with-images.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "qpdf: INTERNAL ERROR: QPDFWriter::generateID" .
" has no data for deterministic ID." .
" This may happen if deterministic ID and" .
" file encryption are requested together.\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("deterministic ID (C API)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 19 deterministic-id-in.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 19 done\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "deterministic-id-nn.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('disable_filter_on_write');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("no filter on write",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 70 filter-on-write.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 70 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "filter-on-write-out.pdf"});

qpdf/qtest/encryption.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('encryption');
my $n_tests = 0;
# $n_tests incremented below
# The enc-file.pdf files were encrypted using Acrobat 5.0, not the
# qpdf library. The files are decrypted using qpdf, then re-encrypted
# using qpdf with specific flags. The /P value is checked. The
# resulting files were saved and manually checked with Acrobat 5.0 to
# ensure that the security settings were as intended.
# The enc-XI-file.pdf files were treated the same way but with Acrobat
# XI instead of Acrobat 5.0. They were used to create test files with
# newer encryption formats.
# Values: basename, password, encryption flags, /P Encrypt key,
# extract-for-accessibility, extract-for-any-purpose,
# print-low-res, print-high-res, modify-assembly, modify-forms,
# modify-annotate, modify-other, modify-all
my @encrypted_files =
(['base', ''], # 1
['R3,V2', '', # 2
'-accessibility=n -extract=n -print=full -modify=all', -532,
1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
['R3,V2,U=view,O=view', 'view', # 3
'-accessibility=y -extract=n -print=none -modify=none', -3392,
1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
['R3,V2,O=master', 'master', # 4
'-accessibility=n -extract=y -print=none -modify=annotate', -2576,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
['R3,V2,O=master', '', # 5
'-accessibility=n -extract=n -print=none -modify=form', -2624,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
['R3,V2,U=view,O=master', 'view', # 6
'-accessibility=n -extract=n -print=none -modify=assembly', -2880,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
['R3,V2,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 7
'-accessibility=n -print=low', -2564,
1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
['R3,V2,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 8
'-modify=all -assemble=n', -1028,
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
['R3,V2,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 9
'-modify=none -form=y', -1068,
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
['R3,V2,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 10
'-modify=annotate -assemble=n', -1036,
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
['R3,V2,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 11
'-form=n', -260,
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],
['R3,V2,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 12
'-annotate=n', -36,
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0],
['R3,V2,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 13
'-modify-other=n', -12,
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
['R2,V1', '', # 14
'-print=n -modify=n -extract=n -annotate=n', -64,
1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
['R2,V1,U=view,O=view', 'view', # 15
'-print=y -modify=n -extract=n -annotate=n', -60,
1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
['R2,V1,O=master', 'master', # 16
'-print=n -modify=y -extract=n -annotate=n', -56,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
['R2,V1,O=master', '', # 17
'-print=n -modify=n -extract=y -annotate=n', -48,
0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
['R2,V1,U=view,O=master', 'view', # 18
'-print=n -modify=n -extract=n -annotate=y', -32,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
['R2,V1,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 19
'', -4,
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
['long-password', 'asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf qwer'], # 20
['long-password', 'asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf qw'], # 21
['XI-base', ''], # 22
['XI-R6,V5,O=master', '', # 23
'-extract=n -print=none -modify=assembly', -2368,
0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
['XI-R6,V5,O=master', 'master', # 24
'-extract=n -print=none -modify=assembly', -2368,
1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
['XI-R6,V5,U=view,O=master', 'view', # 25
'-print=low', -2052,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
['XI-R6,V5,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 26
'-print=low', -2052,
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
['XI-R6,V5,U=view,O=master', 'master', # 27
'-accessibility=n', -4, # -accessibility=n has no effect
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
['XI-long-password', 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'], # 28; -accessibility=n has no effect
['XI-long-password', 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv'], # 29
['XI-R6,V5,U=wwwww,O=wwwww', 'wwwww', # 30
'', -4,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
$n_tests += 8 + (2 * (@encrypted_files)) + (7 * (@encrypted_files - 6)) + 9;
$td->runtest("encrypted file",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 2 encrypted-with-images.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "encrypted1.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("preserve encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf encrypted-with-images.enc"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("recheck encrypted file",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 2 encrypted-with-images.enc"},
{$td->FILE => "encrypted1.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("empty owner password",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --encrypt u '' 256 -- minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*is insecure.*--allow-insecure.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("allow insecure",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --encrypt u '' 256 --allow-insecure --" .
" minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check insecure",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "insecure-passwords.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Test that long passwords that are one character too short fail. We
# test the truncation cases in the loop below by using passwords
# longer than the supported length.
$td->runtest("significant password characters (V < 5)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check enc-long-password.pdf" .
" --password='asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf q'"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*invalid password.*", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 2});
$td->runtest("significant password characters (V = 5)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check enc-XI-long-password.pdf" .
" --password=qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*invalid password.*", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 2});
my $enc_base = undef;
my $enc_n = 0;
foreach my $d (@encrypted_files)
my ($file, $pass, $xeflags, $P, $match_owner, $match_user,
$accessible, $extract, $printlow, $printhigh,
$modifyassembly, $modifyform, $modifyannot,
$modifyother, $modifyall) = @$d;
my $f = sub { $_[0] ? "allowed" : "not allowed" };
my $jf = sub { $_[0] ? "true" : "false" };
my $enc_details = "";
my $enc_json =
"{\n" .
" \"version\": 2,\n" .
" \"parameters\": {\n" .
" \"decodelevel\": \"generalized\"\n" .
" },\n" .
" \"encrypt\": {\n" .
" \"capabilities\": {\n";
if ($match_owner)
$enc_details .= "Supplied password is owner password\n";
if ($match_user)
$enc_details .= "Supplied password is user password\n";
$enc_details .=
"extract for accessibility: " . &$f($accessible) . "\n" .
"extract for any purpose: " . &$f($extract) . "\n" .
"print low resolution: " . &$f($printlow) . "\n" .
"print high resolution: " . &$f($printhigh) . "\n" .
"modify document assembly: " . &$f($modifyassembly) . "\n" .
"modify forms: " . &$f($modifyform) . "\n" .
"modify annotations: " . &$f($modifyannot) . "\n" .
"modify other: " . &$f($modifyother) . "\n" .
"modify anything: " . &$f($modifyall) . "\n";
$enc_json .=
" \"accessibility\": " . &$jf($accessible) . ",\n" .
" \"extract\": " . &$jf($extract) . ",\n" .
" \"modify\": " . &$jf($modifyall) . ",\n" .
" \"modifyannotations\": " . &$jf($modifyannot) . ",\n" .
" \"modifyassembly\": " . &$jf($modifyassembly) . ",\n" .
" \"modifyforms\": " . &$jf($modifyform) . ",\n" .
" \"modifyother\": " . &$jf($modifyother) . ",\n" .
" \"printhigh\": " . &$jf($printhigh) . ",\n" .
" \"printlow\": " . &$jf($printlow) . "\n" .
" },\n" .
" \"encrypted\": true,\n" .
" \"ownerpasswordmatched\": ---opm---,\n" .
" \"parameters\": {\n" .
" \"P\": ---P---,\n" .
" \"R\": ---R---,\n" .
" \"V\": ---V---,\n" .
" \"bits\": ---bits---,\n" .
" \"filemethod\": \"---method---\",\n" .
" \"key\": null,\n" .
" \"method\": \"---method---\",\n" .
" \"streammethod\": \"---method---\",\n" .
" \"stringmethod\": \"---method---\"\n" .
" },\n" .
" \"userpasswordmatched\": ---upm---\n" .
" }\n" .
if ($file =~ m/XI-/)
$enc_details .=
"stream encryption method: AESv3\n" .
"string encryption method: AESv3\n" .
"file encryption method: AESv3\n";
# Test writing to stdout
$td->runtest("decrypt $file",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id -qdf --object-streams=disable" .
" --no-original-object-ids" .
" --password=\"$pass\" enc-$file.pdf -" .
" > $file.enc"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
if ($file =~ m/base$/)
$enc_base = $file;
$td->runtest("check ID",
{$td->COMMAND => "perl check-ID.pl $file.enc"},
{$td->STRING => "ID okay\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check against base",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"sh ./diff-encrypted $enc_base.enc $file.enc"},
{$td->STRING => "okay\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
if ($file =~ m/^(?:XI-)?R(\d),V(\d)(?:,U=(\w+))?(?:,O=(\w+))?$/)
my $R = $1;
my $V = $2;
my $upass = $3 || "";
my $opass = $4 || "";
my $bits = (($V == 5) ? 256 : ($V == 2) ? 128 : 40);
my $method = $bits == 256 ? "AESv3" : "RC4";
my $opm = ($pass eq $opass ? "true" : "false");
my $upm = ($pass eq $upass ? "true" : "false");
$enc_json =~ s/---R---/$R/;
$enc_json =~ s/---P---/$P/;
$enc_json =~ s/---V---/$V/;
$enc_json =~ s/---bits---/$bits/;
$enc_json =~ s/---method---/$method/g;
$enc_json =~ s/---opm---/$opm/;
$enc_json =~ s/---upm---/$upm/;
my $eflags = "--allow-weak-crypto" .
" -encrypt \"$upass\" \"$opass\" $bits $xeflags --";
if (($opass eq "") && ($bits == 256))
$eflags =~ s/--$/--allow-insecure --/;
if (($pass ne $upass) && ($V >= 5))
# V >= 5 can no longer recover user password with owner
# password.
$upass = "";
my $accessibility_warning = "";
if (($R > 3) && ($eflags =~ /accessibility=n/))
$accessibility_warning =
"qpdf: -accessibility=n is ignored" .
" for modern encryption formats\n";
$td->runtest("encrypt $file",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids -qdf" .
" $eflags $file.enc $file.enc2"},
{$td->STRING => $accessibility_warning,
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check /P enc2 ($enc_n)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --show-encryption --password=\"$pass\"" .
" $file.enc2"},
{$td->STRING => "R = $R\nP = $P\n" .
"User password = $upass\n$enc_details",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("json encrypt key ($enc_n)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --json --json-key=encrypt" .
" --password=\"$pass\"" .
" $file.enc2"},
{$td->STRING => $enc_json, $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("decrypt again",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids -qdf" .
" --password=\"$pass\"" .
" $file.enc2 $file.enc3"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
{$td->FILE => "$file.enc"},
{$td->FILE => "$file.enc3"});
$td->runtest("preserve encryption",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --password=\"$pass\"" .
" $file.enc2 $file.enc4"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check /P enc4 ($enc_n)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --show-encryption --password=\"$pass\"" .
" $file.enc4"},
{$td->STRING => "R = $R\nP = $P\n" .
"User password = $upass\n$enc_details",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption enc-base.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "File is not encrypted\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("invalid password",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf -qdf --password=quack" .
" enc-R2,V1,U=view,O=view.pdf a.qdf"},
{$td->STRING =>
"qpdf: enc-R2,V1,U=view,O=view.pdf: invalid password\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("C API: invalid password",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 2 enc-R2,V1,U=view,O=view.pdf '' a.qdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-invalid-password.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
my @cenc = (
[11, 'hybrid-xref.pdf', "''", 'r2', "", ""],
[12, 'hybrid-xref.pdf', "''", 'r3', "", ""],
[15, 'hybrid-xref.pdf', "''", 'r4', "", ""],
[17, 'hybrid-xref.pdf', "''", 'r5', "", "owner3"],
[18, 'hybrid-xref.pdf', "''", 'r6', "", "user4"],
[13, 'c-r2.pdf', 'user1', 'decrypt with user',
"user password: user1\n", ""],
[13, 'c-r3.pdf', 'owner2', 'decrypt with owner',
"user password: user2\n", ""],
[13, 'c-r5-in.pdf', 'user3', 'decrypt R5 with user',
"user password: user3\n", ""],
[13, 'c-r6-in.pdf', 'owner4', 'decrypt R6 with owner',
"user password: \n", ""],
$n_tests += 2 * @cenc;
foreach my $d (@cenc)
my ($n, $infile, $pass, $description, $output, $checkpass) = @$d;
my $outfile = $description;
$outfile =~ s/ /-/g;
my $pdf_outfile = "c-$outfile.pdf";
my $check_outfile = "c-$outfile.out";
$td->runtest("C API encryption: $description",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest $n $infile $pass a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => $output . "C test $n done\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
if (-f $pdf_outfile)
$td->runtest("check $description content",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => $pdf_outfile});
# QPDF doesn't provide any way to make the random bits in
# /Perms static, so we have no way to predictably create a
# /V=5 encrypted file. It's not worth adding this...the test
# suite is adequate without having a statically predictable
# file.
$td->runtest("check $description",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --check a.pdf --password=$checkpass"},
{$td->FILE => $check_outfile, $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Test combinations of linearization and encryption. Note that we do
# content checks on encrypted and linearized files in various
# combinations below. Here we are just making sure that they are
# linearized and/or encrypted as desired.
$td->runtest("linearize encrypted file",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --linearize encrypted-with-images.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption a.pdf",
$td->FILTER => "grep -v allowed | grep -v Supplied"},
{$td->STRING => "R = 3\nP = -4\nUser password = \n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check linearization",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check-linearization a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "a.pdf: no linearization errors\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("linearize and encrypt file",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --linearize --encrypt user owner 128 --use-aes=y --" .
" lin-special.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption --password=owner a.pdf",
$td->FILTER => "grep -v allowed | grep -v method | grep -v Supplied"},
{$td->STRING => "R = 4\nP = -4\nUser password = user\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check linearization",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check-linearization" .
" --password=user a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "a.pdf: no linearization errors\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Test --check-linearization of non-linearized file
$n_tests += 1;
$td->runtest("check linearization of non-linearized file",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check-linearization minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "minimal.pdf is not linearized\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Test AES encryption in various ways.
$n_tests += 18;
$td->runtest("encrypt with AES",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --encrypt '' o 128 --use-aes=y --" .
" enc-base.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption a.pdf",
$td->FILTER => "grep -v allowed | grep -v method | grep -v Supplied"},
{$td->STRING => "R = 4\nP = -4\nUser password = \n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("convert original to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" --qdf --min-version=1.6 enc-base.pdf a.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("convert encrypted to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" --qdf a.pdf b.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => 'a.qdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'b.qdf'});
$td->runtest("linearize with AES and object streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --encrypt '' o 128 --use-aes=y --" .
" --linearize --object-streams=generate enc-base.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption a.pdf",
$td->FILTER => "grep -v allowed | grep -v method | grep -v Supplied"},
{$td->STRING => "R = 4\nP = -4\nUser password = \n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("linearize original",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --linearize --object-streams=generate" .
" enc-base.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("convert linearized original to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" --qdf --object-streams=generate --min-version=1.6" .
" b.pdf a.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("convert encrypted to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" --qdf --object-streams=generate a.pdf b.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => 'a.qdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'b.qdf'});
$td->runtest("force version on aes encrypted",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --force-version=1.4 a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "aes-forced-check.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("make sure there is no xref stream",
{$td->COMMAND => "grep /ObjStm b.pdf | wc -l"},
{$td->REGEXP => "\\s*0\\s*", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("encrypt with V=5,R=5",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --encrypt user owner 256 --force-R5 -- " .
"minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check a.pdf --password=owner"},
{$td->FILE => "V5R5.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("encrypt with V=5,R=6",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --encrypt user owner 256 -- " .
"minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check a.pdf --password=user"},
{$td->FILE => "V5R6.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Look at some actual V4 files
$n_tests += 17;
foreach my $d (['--force-V4', 'V4'],
['--cleartext-metadata', 'V4-clearmeta'],
['--use-aes=y', 'V4-aes'],
['--cleartext-metadata --use-aes=y', 'V4-aes-clearmeta'])
my ($args, $out) = @$d;
$td->runtest("encrypt $args",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-aes-iv --static-id" .
" --allow-weak-crypto --encrypt '' '' 128 $args --" .
" enc-base.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("show encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$out-encryption.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Crypt Filter
$td->runtest("decrypt with crypt filter",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --decrypt --static-id" .
" metadata-crypt-filter.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => 'a.pdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'decrypted-crypt-filter.pdf'});
$td->runtest("nontrivial crypt filter",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --qdf --decrypt --static-id" .
" nontrivial-crypt-filter.pdf --password=asdfqwer a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => 'a.pdf'},
{$td->FILE => 'nontrivial-crypt-filter-decrypted.pdf'});
$td->runtest("show nontrivial EFF",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption" .
" nontrivial-crypt-filter.pdf --password=asdfqwer"},
{$td->FILE => "nontrivial-crypt-filter.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Copy encryption parameters
$n_tests += 10;
$td->runtest("create reference qdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --no-original-object-ids minimal.pdf a.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("create encrypted file",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --encrypt user owner 128 --use-aes=y --extract=n --" .
" minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("copy encryption parameters",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 30 minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 30 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption b.pdf --password=owner"},
{$td->FILE => "copied-encryption.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("convert to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf b.pdf b.qdf" .
" --password=owner --no-original-object-ids"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("compare qdf",
{$td->COMMAND => "sh ./diff-ignore-ID-version a.qdf b.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "okay\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("copy encryption with qpdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --copy-encryption=a.pdf".
" --encryption-file-password=user" .
" minimal.pdf c.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output encryption",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption c.pdf --password=owner"},
{$td->FILE => "copied-encryption.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("convert to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf c.pdf c.qdf" .
" --password=owner --no-original-object-ids"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("compare qdf",
{$td->COMMAND => "sh ./diff-ignore-ID-version a.qdf c.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "okay\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Files with attachments
my @attachments = (
$n_tests += 4 * @attachments + 3;
foreach my $f (@attachments)
my $pass = '';
my $tpass = '';
if ($f =~ m/U=([^,\.]+)/)
$pass = "--password=$1";
$tpass = $1;
$td->runtest("decrypt $f",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --decrypt $pass $f a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("extract attachments",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 35 a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "attachments.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("copy $f",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf $pass $f a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("extract attachments",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 35 a.pdf $tpass"},
{$td->FILE => "attachments.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("unfilterable with crypt",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_driver 36 unfilterable-with-crypt.pdf attachment"},
{$td->FILE => "unfilterable-with-crypt-before.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
unlink "a.pdf";
$td->runtest("decrypt file",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf -decrypt --password=attachment" .
" unfilterable-with-crypt.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("copy of unfilterable with crypt",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_driver 36 a.pdf attachment"},
{$td->FILE => "unfilterable-with-crypt-after.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Raw encryption key
my @enc_key = (['user', '--password=user3'],
['owner', '--password=owner3'],
['hex', '--password-is-hex-key --password=35ea16a48b6a3045133b69ac0906c2e8fb0a2cc97903ae17b51a5786ebdba020']);
$n_tests += scalar(@enc_key);
foreach my $d (@enc_key)
my ($description, $pass) = @$d;
$td->runtest("use/show encryption key ($description)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --check --show-encryption-key c-r5-in.pdf $pass"},
{$td->FILE => "c-r5-key-$description.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Miscellaneous encryption tests
$n_tests += 3;
$td->runtest("set encryption before set filename",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 63 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 63 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check file's validity",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check --password=u a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "encrypt-before-filename.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("handle missing/invalid Length",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check bad-encryption-length.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-encryption-length.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('encryption_parameters');
my $n_tests = 13;
# Encrypt files whose /ID strings are other than 32 bytes long (bug
# 2991412). Also linearize these files, which was reported in a
# separate bug by email.
foreach my $file (qw(short-id long-id))
$td->runtest("encrypt $file.pdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --allow-weak-crypto".
" --encrypt '' pass 40 -- $file.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check $file.pdf",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check --show-encryption-key a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$file-check.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("linearize $file.pdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --deterministic-id --linearize $file.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$file-linearized.pdf"});
$td->runtest("check $file.pdf",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$file-linearized-check.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# A user provided a file that was missing /ID in its trailer even
# though it is encrypted and also has a space instead of a newline
# after its xref keyword. This file has those same properties.
$td->runtest("check broken file",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check invalid-id-xref.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "invalid-id-xref.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
# A file was emailed privately with issue 96. short-O-U.pdf was
# created by copying encryption parameters from that file. It exhibits
# the same behavior as the original file.
$td->runtest("short /O or /U",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --password=19723102477 --check short-O-U.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "short-O-U.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# A file was sent to me privately as part of issue 212. This file was
# encrypted and had /R=3 and /V=1 and was using a 40-bit key. qpdf was
# failing to work properly on files with /R=3 and 40-bit keys. The
# test file is not this private file, but the encryption parameters
# were copied from it. Like the bug file, qpdf < 8.1 can't decrypt it.
$td->runtest("/R 3 with 40-bit key",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --password=623 --check --show-encryption-key" .
" encrypted-40-bit-R3.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "encrypted-40-bit-R3.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('error_condition');
my $n_tests = 0;
# $n_tests incremented after initialization of badfiles below.
my @badfiles = ("not a PDF file", # 1
"no startxref", # 2
"bad primary xref offset", # 3
"invalid xref syntax", # 4
"invalid xref entry", # 5
"free table inconsistency", # 6
"no trailer dictionary", # 7
"bad secondary xref", # 8
"no /Size in trailer", # 9
"/Size not integer", # 10
"/Prev not integer", # 11
"/Size inconsistency", # 12
"bad {", # 13
"bad }", # 14
"bad ]", # 15
"bad >>", # 16
"dictionary errors", # 17
"bad )", # 18
"bad >", # 19
"invalid hexstring character", # 20
"invalid name token", # 21
"no /Length for stream dictionary", # 22
"/Length not integer", # 23
"expected endstream", # 24
"bad obj declaration (objid)", # 25
"bad obj declaration (generation)", # 26
"bad obj declaration (obj)", # 27
"expected endobj", # 28
"null in name", # 29
"invalid stream /Filter", # 30
"unknown stream /Filter", # 31
"obj/gen mismatch", # 32
"invalid stream /Filter and xref", # 33
"obj/gen in wrong place", # 34
"object stream of wrong type", # 35
"bad dictionary key", # 36
"space before xref", # 37
"startxref to space then eof", # 38
$n_tests += @badfiles + 8;
# Test 6 contains errors in the free table consistency, but we no
# longer have any consistency check for this since it is not important
# neither Acrobat nor other PDF viewers really care. Tests 12 and 28
# have error conditions that used to be fatal but are now considered
# non-fatal.
my %badtest_overrides = ();
for(6, 12..15, 17, 18..32, 34..37)
$badtest_overrides{$_} = 0;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar(@badfiles); ++$i)
my $status = $badtest_overrides{$i};
$status = 2 unless defined $status;
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 0 bad$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad$i.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => $status},
$td->runtest("Suppress warnings",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --no-warn bad14.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3});
$td->runtest("Suppress warnings",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --no-warn --warning-exit-0 bad14.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("Suppress warnings with --check",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check --no-warn bad14.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad14-check-no-warn.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("C API: errors",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 2 bad1.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-read-errors.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C API: warnings writing",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 2 bad33.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-write-warnings.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C API: no recovery",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 10 bad33.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c-no-recovery.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("integer type checks",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 62 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 62 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("getValueAs... accessor checks",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 85 -"},
{$td->STRING => "test 85 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$n_tests += @badfiles + 11;
# Recovery tests. These are mostly after-the-fact -- when recovery
# was implemented, some degree of recovery was possible on many of the
# files. Mostly the recovery does not actually repair the error,
# though in some cases it may. Acrobat Reader would not be able to
# recover any of these files any better.
my %recover_failures = ();
for (1, 7, 16)
$recover_failures{$_} = 1;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar(@badfiles); ++$i)
my $status = 0;
if (exists $recover_failures{$i})
$status = 2;
$td->runtest("recover " . $badfiles[$i-1],
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 1 bad$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad$i-recover.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => $status},
# See if we can recover the cross reference table on a file that has
# been appended to even when it deletes and reuses objects. We can't
# completely do it in the case of deleted objects, but we can get
# mostly there.
$td->runtest("good replaced page contents",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id -qdf --no-original-object-ids" .
" append-page-content.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "append-page-content-good.qdf"});
$td->runtest("damaged replaced page contents",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id -qdf --no-original-object-ids" .
" append-page-content-damaged.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "append-page-content-damaged.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "append-page-content-damaged.qdf"});
$td->runtest("run check on damaged file",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check append-page-content-damaged.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "append-page-content-damaged-check.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check with C API",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 1 append-page-content-damaged.pdf '' ''"},
{$td->FILE => "append-page-content-damaged-c-check.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("recoverable xref errors",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --check --show-xref xref-errors.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "xref-errors.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("xref loop with append",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --deterministic-id append-xref-loop.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "append-xref-loop.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "append-xref-loop-fixed.pdf"});
$td->runtest("endobj not at newline",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --deterministic-id endobj-at-eol.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "endobj-at-eol.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "endobj-at-eol-fixed.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('exceptions');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("check exception handling",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 61 -"},
{$td->FILE => "exceptions.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check certain exception types",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 81 -"},
{$td->STRING => "test 81 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('extensions_dictionary');
my @ext_inputs = ('minimal.pdf', 'extensions-adbe.pdf',
'extensions-other.pdf', 'extensions-adbe-other.pdf');
my @new_versions = ('1.3', '1.6', '1.7.1', '1.7.2', '1.7.3',
'1.8', '1.8.0', '1.8.2', '1.8.5');
my $n_tests = (4 * @new_versions + 3) * @ext_inputs;
foreach my $input (@ext_inputs)
my $base = $input;
$base =~ s/\.pdf$//;
if ($base eq 'minimal')
$base = 'extensions-none';
foreach my $version (@new_versions)
foreach my $op (qw(min force))
$td->runtest("$input: $op version to $version",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id" .
" --$op-version=$version $input a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check version information ($op $version)",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 34 a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$base-$op-$version.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
if (($op eq 'force') && ($version eq '1.8.5'))
# Look at the actual file for a few cases to make sure
# qdf and non-qdf output are okay
$td->runtest("check file",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$base-$op-$version.pdf"});
$td->runtest("$input: $op version to $version",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id" .
" --$op-version=$version $input a.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check file",
{$td->FILE => "a.qdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$base-$op-$version.qdf"});

qpdf/qtest/extraction.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('extraction');
my $n_tests = 13;
$td->runtest("show xref",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-xref"},
{$td->FILE => "show-xref.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("show pages",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-pages"},
{$td->FILE => "show-pages.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-pages --with-images"},
{$td->FILE => "show-pages-images.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf shared-images.pdf" .
" --show-pages --with-images"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-images-show.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-object=5,0"},
{$td->FILE => "show-page-1.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-object=7 --raw-stream-data"},
{$td->FILE => "show-page-1-content-raw.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-object=7 --filtered-stream-data"},
{$td->FILE => "show-page-1-content-filtered.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-object=7,0 --filtered-stream-data --normalize-content=y"},
{$td->FILE => "show-page-1-content-normalized.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-object=8 --raw-stream-data"},
{$td->FILE => "show-page-1-image.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("unfilterable stream data",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf unfilterable.pdf" .
" --show-object=4 --filtered-stream-data"},
{$td->FILE => "show-unfilterable.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-object=12"},
{$td->FILE => "show-xref-by-id.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf encrypted-with-images.pdf" .
" --show-object=12 --filtered-stream-data"},
{$td->FILE => "show-xref-by-id-filtered.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("show trailer",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf minimal.pdf --show-object=trailer"},
{$td->FILE => "show-trailer.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('filter_abbreviations');
my $n_tests = 2;
# Stream filter abbreviations from table H.1
$td->runtest("stream filter abbreviations",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id filter-abbreviation.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "filter-abbreviation.out"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('final_version');
my $n_tests = 1;
$td->runtest("check final version",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 54 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 54 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

qpdf/qtest/fix_qdf.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('fix_qdf');
my $n_tests = 5;
for (my $n = 1; $n <= 2; ++$n)
$td->runtest("fix-qdf $n",
{$td->COMMAND => "fix-qdf fix$n.qdf"},
{$td->FILE => "fix$n.qdf.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("identity fix-qdf $n",
{$td->COMMAND => "fix-qdf fix$n.qdf.out"},
{$td->FILE => "fix$n.qdf.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("fix-qdf with big object stream", # > 255 objects in a stream
{$td->COMMAND => "fix-qdf big-ostream.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "big-ostream.pdf",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('flatten_annotations');
my $n_tests = 0;
# manual-appearances was created by hand-coding appearance streams
# with graphics that make it easy to test matrix calculations. The
# result of flattening the annotations was compared visually with
# okular. Some PDF viewers don't actually display the original version
# correctly. The pages are as follows:
# - page 1: normal
# - page 2: rotate 90 with /F 20 (NoRotate)
# - page 3: non-trivial matrix
# - page 4: non-trivial matrix, rotate
# - page 5: rotate 180 with /F 20
# - page 6: rotate 90, /F 20, non-trivial matrix
# - page 7: flags: top is print, middle is screen, bottom is hidden
# - page 8: rotate 270 with /F 20
# - page 9: normal -- available for additional testing
# form-filled-by-acrobat was filled in using the Acrobat Reader
# android app. One of its appearance streams is actually an image.
# need-appearances.pdf is based on field-types.pdf with manual edits
# to turn on NeedAppearances, change /V for several fields, and add
# the comment annotation from comment-annotation.pdf. The test output
# includes a flattened version of the comment annotation but not of
# the form fields. Changes:
# - field-types.pdf has /NeedAppearances true
# - text1: blank -> abc
# - r1: 1 -> 2
# - list1: blank -> five
# - combolist1: blank -> pi
# - drop1: blank -> elephant
# - combodrop1: blank -> delta
my @annotation_files = (
$n_tests += 2 * scalar(@annotation_files);
foreach my $f (@annotation_files)
my $exp_out = {$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0};
if (-f "$f-warn.out")
$exp_out = {$td->FILE => "$f-warn.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3};
$td->runtest("flatten $f",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" --flatten-annotations=all $f.pdf a.pdf"},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$f-out.pdf"});
$n_tests += 4;
foreach my $f (qw(screen print))
$td->runtest("flatten for $f",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" --flatten-annotations=$f manual-appearances.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "manual-appearances-$f-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('form_xobject');
my $n_tests = 22;
$td->runtest("form xobject creation",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 55 fxo-red.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 55 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "form-xobjects-out.pdf"});
foreach (my $i = 56; $i <= 59; ++$i)
# See comments in test_driver.cc for a verbal description of what
# the resulting files should look like.
$td->runtest("overlay transformations",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver $i fxo-red.pdf fxo-blue.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test $i done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "fx-overlay-$i.pdf"});
foreach (my $i = 64; $i <= 67; ++$i)
# See comments in test_driver.cc for a verbal description of what
# the resulting files should look like.
$td->runtest("overlay shrink/expand",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_driver $i fxo-bigsmall.pdf fxo-smallbig.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test $i done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "fx-overlay-$i.pdf"});
my @uo_cases = (
'--underlay fxo-green.pdf --repeat=z --to=1-14 --' .
' --overlay fxo-blue.pdf --', # 1
'--overlay fxo-green.pdf --from= --repeat=r2,r1 --' .
' --underlay fxo-blue.pdf --from=z-1 --', # 2
'--overlay fxo-green.pdf --from= --repeat=r2,r1 --' .
' --underlay fxo-blue.pdf --from=z-1 -- --coalesce-contents', # 3
'--overlay fxo-green.pdf --', # 4
'--underlay fxo-green.pdf --to=3-7 --', # 5
'--overlay fxo-blue.pdf --to=1,1,1,1 --from=1-4 --' .
' --pages . 1 --', #6
'--overlay 20-pages.pdf --password=user --', #7
$n_tests += 2 * scalar(@uo_cases);
for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar(@uo_cases); ++$i)
my $args = $uo_cases[$i-1];
my $outbase = "uo-$i";
$td->runtest("overlay/underlay $i",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --qdf --no-original-object-ids" .
" --verbose fxo-red.pdf a.pdf $args"},
{$td->FILE => "$outbase.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$outbase.pdf"});
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 71 nested-form-xobjects.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "nested-form-xobjects.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("page operations on form xobject",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 72 nested-form-xobjects.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page-ops-on-form-xobject.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("overlay on page with no resources",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --deterministic-id page-with-no-resources.pdf" .
" --overlay minimal.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check overlay with no resources output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "overlay-no-resources.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('from_scratch');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("basic qpdf from scratch",
{$td->COMMAND => "pdf_from_scratch 0"},
{$td->STRING => "test 0 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "from-scratch-0.pdf"});

qpdf/qtest/get_xref.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('get_xref');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("without object streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_xref minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "minimal-xref.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("with object streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_xref digitally-signed.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "digitally-signed-xref.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('image_optimization');
my @image_opt = (
['image-streams', 'image-streams', ''],
['small-images', 'defaults', ''],
['small-images', 'min-width',
'--oi-min-width=150 --oi-min-height=0 --oi-min-area=0'],
['small-images', 'min-height',
'--oi-min-width=0 --oi-min-height=150 --oi-min-area=0'],
['small-images', 'min-area',
'--oi-min-width=0 --oi-min-height=0 --oi-min-area=30000'],
['small-images', 'min-area-all',
'--oi-min-width=0 --oi-min-height=0 --oi-min-area=30000'],
['large-inline-image', 'inline-images',
['large-inline-image', 'inline-images-all-size',
'--oi-min-width=0 --oi-min-height=0 --oi-min-area=0 --ii-min-bytes=0'],
['large-inline-image', 'inline-images-keep-some', ''],
['large-inline-image', 'inline-images-keep-all', '--keep-inline-images'],
['unsupported-optimization', 'unsupported',
'--oi-min-width=0 --oi-min-height=0 --oi-min-area=0'],
my $n_tests = 2 * scalar(@image_opt);
foreach my $d (@image_opt)
my ($f, $description, $args) = @$d;
$td->runtest("optimize images: $description",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --optimize-images --verbose" .
" $args $f.pdf a.pdf",
$td->FILTER => "perl filter-optimize-images.pl"},
{$td->FILE => "optimize-images-$description.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check json: $description",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --json --json-key=pages a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "optimize-images-$description-json.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Copy;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('inline_images');
my $n_compare_pdfs = 0;
my $n_tests = 10;
# The file large-inline-image.pdf is a hand-crafted file with several
# inline images of various sizes including one that is two megabytes,
# encoded in base85, and has a base85-encoding that contains EI
# surrounded by delimiters several times. This exercises the EI
# detection code added in qpdf 8.4.
$td->runtest("complex inline image parsing",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id large-inline-image.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "large-inline-image.qdf"});
$td->runtest("eof in inline image",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id eof-in-inline-image.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "eof-inline-qdf.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "eof-in-inline-image.qdf"});
$td->runtest("externalize eof in inline image",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --externalize-inline-images" .
" --static-id eof-in-inline-image.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "eof-inline-qdf.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "eof-in-inline-image-ii.qdf"});
$td->runtest("externalize damaged image",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --externalize-inline-images" .
" --compress-streams=n --static-id" .
" damaged-inline-image.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "damaged-inline-image-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("named colorspace",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --externalize-inline-images" .
" --ii-min-bytes=0 inline-image-colorspace-lookup.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "inline-image-colorspace-lookup-out.pdf"});
my @eii_tests = (
['inline-images', 80],
['large-inline-image', 1024],
['nested-form-xobjects-inline-images', 20],
$n_tests += 4 * scalar(@eii_tests);
$n_compare_pdfs += 2 * scalar(@eii_tests);
foreach my $d (@eii_tests)
my ($file, $threshold) = @$d;
$td->runtest("inline image $file (all)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --externalize-inline-images" .
" --ii-min-bytes=0 $file.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$file-ii-all.pdf"});
compare_pdfs($td, "$file.pdf", "a.pdf");
$td->runtest("inline image $file (some)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --externalize-inline-images" .
" --ii-min-bytes=$threshold $file.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$file-ii-some.pdf"});
compare_pdfs($td, "$file.pdf", "a.pdf");
$td->report(calc_ntests($n_tests, $n_compare_pdfs));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('interactive_form');
my @form_tests = (
# Atril (MATE Document Viewer) 1.20.1 dumps appearance streams
# when modifying form fields, leaving /NeedAppearances true.
my $n_tests = scalar(@form_tests) + 6;
# Many of the form*.pdf files were created by converting the
# LibreOffice document storage/form.odt to PDF and then manually
# modifying the resulting PDF in various ways. That file would be good
# starting point for generation of more complex forms should that be
# required in the future. The file storage/form.pdf is a direct export
# from LibreOffice with no modifications. The files
# storage/field-types.odt and storage/field-types.pdf are the basis of
# field-types.pdf used elsewhere in the test suite.
foreach my $f (@form_tests)
$td->runtest("form test: $f",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 43 $f.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "form-$f.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("fill fields",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 44 form-no-need-appearances.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "form-no-need-appearances.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "form-no-need-appearances-filled.pdf"});
$td->runtest("button fields",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 51 button-set.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "button-set.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "button-set-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("broken button fields",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 51 button-set-broken.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "button-set-broken.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "button-set-broken-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('invalid_objects');
my $n_tests = 3;
$td->runtest("closed input source",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 73 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test73.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("empty object",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf -show-object=7,0 empty-object.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "empty-object.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("object with zero offset",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check zero-offset.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "zero-offset.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},

qpdf/qtest/json.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Compare;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('json');
my @json_files = (
['outlines-with-actions', []],
['outlines-with-old-root-dests', []],
['page-labels-and-outlines', []],
['page-labels-num-tree', []],
['image-streams', []],
['image-streams-small', []],
['field-types', []],
['field-types', ['--show-encryption-key']],
['image-streams', ['--decode-level=all']],
['image-streams', ['--decode-level=specialized']],
['page-labels-and-outlines', ['--json-key=qpdf']],
['page-labels-and-outlines', ['--json-key=pages']],
['page-labels-and-outlines', ['--json-key=pagelabels']],
['page-labels-and-outlines', ['--json-key=outlines']],
['--json-key=outlines', '--json-key=pages']],
['--json-key=qpdf', '--json-object=trailer']],
['--json-key=qpdf', '--json-object=trailer', '--json-object=2 0 R']],
['field-types', ['--json-key=acroform']],
['need-appearances', ['--json-key=acroform']],
['V4-aes', ['--json-key=encrypt']],
['V4-aes', ['--json-key=encrypt', '--show-encryption-key']],
my $n_tests = 25 + (2 * scalar(@json_files));
foreach my $d (@json_files)
my ($file, $xargs) = @$d;
my $out = "json-$file";
my @v1_xargs = ();
foreach my $x (@$xargs)
my $y = $x;
$y =~ s/^.*=//;
$y =~ s/\s.*//;
$out .= "-$y";
if ($x eq '--json-key=qpdf')
push(@v1_xargs, '--json-key=objects');
push(@v1_xargs, $x);
my $in = "$file.pdf";
$td->runtest("json v1 $out",
{$td->COMMAND =>
['qpdf', '--json=1', '--test-json-schema',
@v1_xargs, $in]},
{$td->FILE => "$out-v1.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("json v2 $out",
{$td->COMMAND =>
['qpdf', '--json=2', '--test-json-schema', @$xargs, $in]},
{$td->FILE => "$out-v2.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("bad json stream data (inline)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --json=2 --test-json-schema" .
" --json-stream-data=inline bad-data.pdf > a.json"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-data-json.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check (inline)",
{$td->FILE => "a.json"},
{$td->FILE => "json-bad-data-json-inline-v2.out"},
$td->runtest("bad json stream data (file)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --json=2 --test-json-schema" .
" --json-stream-data=file --json-stream-prefix=auto" .
" bad-data.pdf > a.json"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-data-json.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check (file)",
{$td->FILE => "a.json"},
{$td->FILE => "json-bad-data-json-file-v2.out"},
$td->runtest("check stream (file)",
{$td->FILE => "auto-4"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-data-4.out"});
foreach my $l (qw(none generalized specialized all))
if ($l ne 'all')
# We don't want a dependency on the exact value of the
# uncompressed jpeg, which can differ depending on which jpeg
# library is use.
$td->runtest("image-streams json inline: $l",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf image-streams-small.pdf --json=2" .
" --decode-level=$l --json-stream-data=inline"},
{$td->FILE => "json-image-streams-$l-inline-v2.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("image-streams json file: $l",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf image-streams-small.pdf --json=2" .
" --decode-level=$l --json-stream-data=file" .
" --json-stream-prefix=auto --json-key=qpdf" .
" --json-object=12 --json-object=16 --json-object=18"},
{$td->FILE => "json-image-streams-$l-file-v2.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# object 12: /FlateDecode
# object 16: /DCTDecode
# object 18: /RunLengthDecode
my %exp_compression = (
'12' => {'none' => 1},
'16' => {'none' => 1, 'generalized' => 1, 'specialized' => 1},
'18' => {'none' => 1, 'generalized' => 1},
foreach my $obj (qw(12 16 18))
my $compressed = (exists $exp_compression{$obj}{$l});
my $suf = $compressed ? "compressed" : "uncompressed";
if (($obj eq '16') && (! $compressed))
# Rather than testing the uncompressed DCT, just make sure
# it is different from the compressed DCT.
my $same = (compare(
"image-streams-small-$obj-compressed.out") ?
"same" : "different");
$td->runtest("check stream data ($obj, $l)",
{$td->STRING => $same},
{$td->STRING => "same"});
$td->runtest("check stream data ($obj, $l)",
{$td->FILE => "auto-$obj"},
{$td->FILE => "image-streams-small-$obj-$suf.out"});
$td->runtest("use --to-json option",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --to-json image-streams-small.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "image-streams-small-to-json.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('keep_files_open');
my $n_tests = 4;
{ # local scope
open(F, "<minimal.pdf") or die;
local $/ = undef;
binmode F;
my $content = <F>;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= 51; ++$i)
open(F, sprintf(">%03d-kfo.pdf", $i)) or die;
binmode F;
print F $content;
$td->runtest("automatic disable keep files open",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --verbose --static-id --empty" .
" --keep-files-open-threshold=50" .
" --pages *kfo.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "disable-kfo.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("don't disable keep files open",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --verbose --static-id --empty" .
" --pages 01*kfo.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "enable-kfo.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("explict keep files open",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --verbose --static-id --keep-files-open=y --empty" .
" --pages 00?-kfo.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "kfo-y.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("explicit keep files open = n",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --verbose --static-id --keep-files-open=n --empty" .
" --pages 00?-kfo.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "kfo-n.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

qpdf/qtest/large_file.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('large_file');
my $large_file_test_path = $ENV{'QPDF_LARGE_FILE_TEST_PATH'} || undef;
if (defined($large_file_test_path))
$large_file_test_path = File::Spec->rel2abs($large_file_test_path);
$large_file_test_path =~ s!\\!/!g;
my $nlarge = 1;
if (defined $large_file_test_path)
$nlarge = 2;
$td->notify("--- Skipping tests on actual large files ---");
my $n_tests = $nlarge * 13;
for (my $large = 0; $large < $nlarge; ++$large)
if ($large)
$td->notify("--- Running tests on actual large files ---");
$td->notify("--- Running large file tests on small files ---");
my $size = ($large ? "large" : "small");
my $file = $large ? "$large_file_test_path/a.pdf" : "a.pdf";
$td->runtest("write test file",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_large_file write $size '$file'"},
{$td->FILE => "large_file.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("read test file",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_large_file read $size '$file'"},
{$td->FILE => "large_file.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --suppress-recovery --check '$file'",
$td->FILTER => "grep -v checking"},
{$td->FILE => "large_file-check-normal.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
for my $ostream (0, 1)
for my $linearize (0, 1)
if (($ostream == 0) && ($linearize == 0))
# Original file has no object streams and is not linearized.
my $args = "";
my $omode = $ostream ? "generate" : "disable";
my $lin = $linearize ? "--linearize" : "";
my $newfile = "$file-new";
$td->runtest("transform: ostream=$ostream, linearize=$linearize",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --stream-data=preserve" .
" --object-streams=$omode" .
" $lin '$file' '$newfile'"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("read: ostream=$ostream, linearize=$linearize",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_large_file read $size '$newfile'"},
{$td->FILE => "large_file.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
my $check_out =
? ($ostream
? "large_file-check-ostream-linearized.out"
: "large_file-check-linearized.out")
: ($ostream
? "large_file-check-ostream.out"
: "large_file-check-normal.out"));
$td->runtest("check: ostream=$ostream, linearize=$linearize",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --suppress-recovery --check '$newfile'",
$td->FILTER => "grep -v checking"},
{$td->FILE => $check_out, $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
unlink $newfile;
# Clobber xref
open(F, "+<$file") or die;
seek(F, -50, 2);
my $pos = tell F;
my $buf;
read(F, $buf, 50);
die unless $buf =~ m/^(.*startxref\n)\d+/s;
$pos += length($1);
seek(F, $pos, 0) or die;
print F "oops" or die;
my $cmd = +{$td->COMMAND => "test_large_file read $size '$file'"};
if ($large)
$cmd->{$td->FILTER} = "sed -e 's,$large_file_test_path/,,'";
$td->runtest("reconstruct xref table",
{$td->FILE => "large_file_xref_reconstruct.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
unlink $file;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('library_version');
my $n_tests = 3;
$td->runtest("qpdf version",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --version"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*qpdf version \\S+\n.*", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("qpdf copyright contains version too",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --copyright"},
{$td->REGEXP => "(?s)qpdf version \\S+\n.*Apache.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C API: qpdf version",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest --version"},
{$td->REGEXP => "qpdf-ctest version \\S+\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('linearization');
my $n_tests = 0;
# $n_tests incremented after initialization of @linearized_files and
# @to_linearize.
# *'ed files were linearized with Pdlin.
my @linearized_files =
('lin0', # not linearized
'lin1', # * outlines, page labels, pdlin
'lin2', # * lin1 with null and newline
'lin3', # same file saved with acrobat
'lin4', # * lin1 with no /PageMode
'lin5', # lin3 with embedded thumbnails
'lin6', # * lin5 with pdlin
'lin7', # lin5 with /PageMode /UseThumbs
'lin8', # * lin7 with pdlin
'lin9', # * shared objects, indirect null
'badlin1', # parameter dictionary errors
my @to_linearize =
('lin-special', # lots of weird cases -- see file comments
'delete-and-reuse', # deleted, reused objects
'lin-delete-and-reuse', # linearized, then delete and reuse
'object-stream', # contains object streams
'hybrid-xref', # contains both xref tables and streams
'gen1', # has objects with generation > 0
'direct-outlines', # /Outlines is a direct object
@linearized_files, # we should be able to relinearize
$n_tests += @linearized_files + 6;
$n_tests += (3 * @to_linearize * 5) + 6;
foreach my $base (@linearized_files)
$td->runtest("dump linearization: $base",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-linearization $base.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$base.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Check normal modified and linearized modified files, making sure
# that their qdf files are identical. The next two tests have the
# same expected output files and different input files.
check_pdf($td, "modified",
"qpdf --static-id --qdf --no-original-object-ids" .
" delete-and-reuse.pdf", "delete-and-reuse.qdf",
check_pdf($td, "linearized and modified",
"qpdf --static-id --qdf --no-original-object-ids" .
" lin-delete-and-reuse.pdf", "delete-and-reuse.qdf", # same output
$td->runtest("check linearized and modified",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check lin-delete-and-reuse.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "lin-delete-and-reuse-check.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check multiple modifications",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check delete-and-reuse.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "delete-and-reuse-check.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
foreach my $base (@to_linearize)
foreach my $omode (qw(disable preserve generate))
my $oarg = "-object-streams=$omode";
my $sdarg = "";
if (($base eq 'lin-special') || ($base eq 'object-stream'))
$sdarg = "--stream-data=uncompress";
$td->runtest("linearize $base ($omode)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf -linearize $oarg $sdarg" .
" --static-id $base.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check linearization",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check-linearization a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "a.pdf: no linearization errors\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Relinearizing twice should produce identical results. We
# have to do it twice because, if objects changed ordering
# during the original linearization, the hint tables won't
# exactly match. This is because object identifiers are
# inserted into the hint table in their original order since
# we don't yet have renumbering information when we compute
# the table values.
$td->runtest("relinearize $base 1",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf -linearize $sdarg --static-id a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("relinearize $base 2",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf -linearize $sdarg --static-id b.pdf c.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("compare files ($omode)",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "c.pdf"});
if (($base eq 'lin-special') || ($base eq 'object-stream'))
$td->runtest("check $base ($omode)",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$base.$omode.exp"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('linearize_pass1');
my $n_tests = 3;
$td->runtest("linearize pass 1 file",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --linearize --static-id" .
" --linearize-pass1=b.pdf minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "minimal-linearized.pdf"});
$td->runtest("check pass1 file",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "minimal-linearize-pass1.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('merge_and_split');
my $n_tests = 28;
# Select pages from the same file multiple times including selecting
# twice from an encrypted file and specifying the password only the
# first time. The file 20-pages.pdf is specified with two different
# paths to duplicate a page.
my $pages_options = "--pages page-labels-and-outlines.pdf 1,3,5-7,z" .
" 20-pages.pdf --password=user z-15" .
" page-labels-and-outlines.pdf 12" .
" 20-pages.pdf 10" .
" ./20-pages.pdf --password=owner 10" .
" minimal.pdf 1 --";
$td->runtest("merge three files",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf page-labels-and-outlines.pdf a.pdf" .
" $pages_options --static-id --verbose --progress",
$td->FILTER => "perl filter-progress.pl"},
{$td->FILE => "verbose-merge.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Manually verified about this file: make sure that outline entries
# that pointed to pages that were preserved still work in the copy,
# and verify that all pages are as expected. page-labels-and-outlines
# as well as 20-pages have text on page n (from 1) that shows its page
# position from 0, so page 1 says it's page 0.
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "merge-three-files-1.pdf"});
# Select the same pages but add them to an empty file
$td->runtest("merge three files",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --empty a.pdf" .
" $pages_options --static-id"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
# Manually verified about this file: it has the same pages but does
# not contain outlines or other things from the original file.
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "merge-three-files-2.pdf"});
$td->runtest("avoid respecification of password",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --empty a.pdf --copy-encryption=20-pages.pdf" .
" --allow-weak-crypto" .
" --encryption-file-password=user" .
" --pages 20-pages.pdf 1,z -- --static-id"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "pages-copy-encryption.pdf"});
$td->runtest("merge with implicit ranges",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --empty a.pdf" .
" --pages minimal.pdf 20-pages.pdf --password=user" .
" page-labels-and-outlines.pdf --" .
" --static-id"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "merge-implicit-ranges.pdf"});
$td->runtest("merge with . and implicit ranges",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf minimal.pdf a.pdf --pages minimal.pdf . 1 --" .
" --static-id"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "merge-dot-implicit-ranges.pdf"});
$td->runtest("merge with multiple labels",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --empty a.pdf" .
" --pages 11-pages-with-labels.pdf 8-11" .
" minimal.pdf " .
" page-labels-and-outlines.pdf 17-19 --" .
" --static-id"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "merge-multiple-labels.pdf"});
$td->runtest("remove labels",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --empty a.pdf" .
" --remove-page-labels" .
" --pages 11-pages-with-labels.pdf 8-11" .
" minimal.pdf " .
" page-labels-and-outlines.pdf 17-19 --" .
" --static-id"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "remove-labels.pdf"});
$td->runtest("split with shared resources",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id" .
" --remove-unreferenced-resources=yes" .
" shared-images.pdf --pages . 1,3" .
" ./shared-images.pdf 1,2 -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-images-pages-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("split with really shared resources",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id" .
" --remove-unreferenced-resources=yes" .
" shared-images.pdf --pages . 1,3" .
" . 1,2 -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "really-shared-images-pages-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("shared resources relevant errors",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id" .
" shared-images-errors.pdf --pages . 2 -- a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-images-errors-2.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-images-errors-2-out.pdf"});
# This test used to generate warnings about images on pages we didn't
# care about, but qpdf was modified not to process those pages, so the
# "irrelevant" errors went away.
$td->runtest("shared resources irrelevant errors",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id" .
" shared-images-errors.pdf --pages . 1 -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-images-errors-1-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("don't remove shared resources",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --preserve-unreferenced-resources" .
" shared-images.pdf --pages . 1,3 -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-images-errors-1-3-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("duplicate pages",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id 11-pages-with-labels.pdf" .
" --pages . 6,5,6 . 5 minimal.pdf 1,1 minimal.pdf 1 --" .
" a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "duplicate-pages.pdf"});
# See https://github.com/qpdf/qpdf/issues/399 -- we don't want to
# break this, especially if we ever implement deduplication of
# identical streams.
$td->runtest("force full page duplication",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id minimal.pdf" .
" --pages . ./minimal.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "deep-duplicate-pages.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('merge_dictionary');
my $n_tests = 3;
$td->runtest("merge dictionary",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 50 merge-dict.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "merge-dict.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("unique resource name",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 60 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test60.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "unique-resources.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('multiple_indirection');
my $n_tests = 2;
# Handle file with object stream containing an unreferenced object
# that in turn contains an indirect scalar (bug 2974522).
$td->runtest("unreferenced indirect scalar",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --preserve-unreferenced" .
" --object-streams=preserve" .
" unreferenced-indirect-scalar.pdf a.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.qdf"},
{$td->FILE => "unreferenced-indirect-scalar.out"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('mutability');
my $n_tests = 5;
$td->runtest("no normalization",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 4 test4-1.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test4-1.qdf",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("object ordering",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 4 test4-4.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test4-4.qdf",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("make direct with allow_streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 4 test4-5.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test4-5.qdf",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("stream detected",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 4 test4-2.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test4-2.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("loop detected",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 4 test4-3.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test4-3.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('name_normalization');
my $n_tests = 6;
$td->runtest("check pound in name",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_driver 1 pound-in-name.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "pound-in-name.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("convert pound in name",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --qdf" .
" pound-in-name.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "pound-in-name-qdf.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "pound-in-name.qdf"});
$td->runtest("check pound in image names",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --check name-pound-images.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "name-pound-images.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("convert pound in image names",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --qdf" .
" name-pound-images.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "name-pound-images-qdf.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "name-pound-images.qdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('name_number_trees');
my $n_tests = 6;
$td->runtest("number trees",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 46 number-tree.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "number-tree.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("name trees",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 48 name-tree.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "name-tree.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("nntree split",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 74 split-nntree.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "split-nntree.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check file",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "split-nntree-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("nntree erase",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 75 erase-nntree.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "erase-nntree.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check file",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "erase-nntree-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('newline_before_endstream');
my $n_tests = 12;
# From issue 133, http://verapdf.org/software/ is an open source
# package that can verify PDF/A compliance. This could potentially be
# useful for manual or automated verification that qpdf doesn't break
# PDF/A compliance should that ever be desired.
foreach my $d (
['--qdf', 'qdf', 'qdf'],
['--newline-before-endstream', 'newline', 'nl'],
['--qdf --newline-before-endstream', 'newline and qdf', 'nl-qdf'],
['--object-streams=generate --newline-before-endstream',
'newline and object streams', 'nl-objstm'],
my ($flags, $description, $suffix) = @$d;
$td->runtest("newline before endstream: $description",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --stream-data=preserve" .
" $flags streams-with-newlines.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output ($description)",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "newline-before-endstream-$suffix.pdf"});
if ($flags =~ /qdf/)
{$td->COMMAND => "fix-qdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("newline before endstream (C)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 22 streams-with-newlines.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 22 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "newline-before-endstream-nl.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('numbers_and_strings');
my $n_tests = 3;
foreach (my $i = 1; $i <= 3; ++$i)
$td->runtest("numbers and strings",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 5 numeric-and-string-$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "numeric-and-string-$i.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('object_copying');
my $n_tests = 9;
$td->runtest("shallow copy an array",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 20 shallow_array.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 20 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shallow_array-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("shallow copy a stream",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 21 shallow_array.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shallow_stream.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("warn for unknown key in Pages",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 23 lin-special.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "pages-warning.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("reserved objects",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 24 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "reserved-objects.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "reserved-objects.pdf"});
$td->runtest("detect foreign object in write",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 29" .
" copy-foreign-objects-in.pdf minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "foreign-in-write.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("copy a stream",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 79 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 79 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test79.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('object_handle_api');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("dictionary keys",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 87 - -"},
{$td->STRING => "test 87 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("fluent interfaces",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 88 minimal.pdf -"},
{$td->FILE => "test88.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Copy;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('object_stream');
my $n_tests = 3 + (36 * 4) + (12 * 2);
my $n_compare_pdfs = 36;
for (my $n = 16; $n <= 19; ++$n)
my $in = "good$n.pdf";
foreach my $flags ('-object-streams=disable',
foreach my $qdf ('-qdf', '', '-allow-weak-crypto -encrypt "" x 128 --')
# 4 tests + 1 compare_pdfs * 36 cases
# 2 additional tests * 12 cases
$td->runtest("object stream mode",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id $flags $qdf $in a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
compare_pdfs($td, "good$n.pdf", "a.pdf");
if ($qdf eq '-qdf')
$td->runtest("fix-qdf identity check",
{$td->COMMAND => "fix-qdf a.pdf >| b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"});
$td->runtest("convert to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" -qdf -decrypt" .
" -object-streams=disable $in a.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("convert output to qdf",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --no-original-object-ids" .
" -qdf -object-streams=disable a.pdf b.qdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.qdf"},
{$td->FILE => "b.qdf"});
# The file override-compressed-object.pdf contains an object stream
# with four strings in it. The file is then appended. The appended
# section overrides one of the four strings with a string in another
# object stream and another one in an uncompressed object. The other
# two strings are left alone. The test case exercises that all four
# objects have the correct value.
$td->runtest("overridden compressed objects",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 38 override-compressed-object.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "override-compressed-object.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("generate object streams for gen > 0",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --qdf --static-id" .
" --object-streams=generate gen1.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check file",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "gen1.qdf"});
$td->report(calc_ntests($n_tests, $n_compare_pdfs));

qpdf/qtest/outlines.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('outlines');
my @outline_files = (
my $n_tests = scalar(@outline_files);
foreach my $f (@outline_files)
$td->runtest("outlines: $f",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 49 $f.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$f.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('output_redirection');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("error/output redirection to null",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 12 linearized-and-warnings.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "linearized-and-warnings-1.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("error/output redirection to strings",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 13 linearized-and-warnings.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "linearized-and-warnings-2.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('overwrite_self');
my $n_tests = 3;
copy("minimal.pdf", "a.pdf");
copy("minimal.pdf", "split-out.pdf");
# Also tests @- for reading args from stdin
$td->runtest("don't overwrite self",
{$td->COMMAND => "(echo a.pdf; echo a.pdf) | qpdf \@-"},
{$td->REGEXP => "input file and output file are the same.*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2});
$td->runtest("output is not really output for split",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --split-pages split-out.pdf split-out.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("don't overwrite self (split)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --split-pages split-out-1.pdf split-out.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP =>
".*split pages would overwrite.* split-out-1.pdf",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2});

qpdf/qtest/page_api.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('page_api');
my $n_tests = 11;
$td->runtest("basic page API",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 15 page_api_1.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 15 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page_api_1-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("manual page manipulation",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 16 page_api_1.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 16 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page_api_1-out2.pdf"});
$td->runtest("duplicate page",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 17 page_api_2.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page_api_2.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("delete and re-add a page",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 18 page_api_1.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 18 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page_api_1-out3.pdf"});
$td->runtest("duplicate page",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 19 page_api_1.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page_api_1.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("remove page we don't have",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 22 page_api_1.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page_api_1.out2", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("flatten rotation",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --qdf".
" --no-original-object-ids" .
" --flatten-rotation boxes.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "boxes-flattened.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('page_errors');
my $n_tests = 5;
$td->runtest("handle page no with contents",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-pages page-no-content.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page-no-content.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check no type key for page nodes",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check no-pages-types.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "no-pages-types.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("no type key for page nodes",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --split-pages no-pages-types.pdf a-split-out.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "no-pages-types-fix.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a-split-out-1.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "no-pages-types-fixed.pdf"});
$td->runtest("detect loops in pages structure",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check pages-loop.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "pages-loop.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('page_labels');
my $n_tests = 3;
$td->runtest("complex page labels",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 47 page-labels-num-tree.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page-labels-num-tree.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("no zero entry for page labels",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 47 page-labels-no-zero.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "page-labels-no-zero.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("no page labels",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 47 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "no-page-labels.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('page_without_contents');
my $n_tests = 7;
$td->runtest("check no contents",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check no-contents.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "no-contents-check.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
foreach my $arg ('--qdf', '--coalesce-contents', '')
$td->runtest("convert no contents ($arg)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf $arg --static-id no-contents.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
my $suf = $arg;
$suf =~ s/--//;
if ($suf eq '')
$suf = "none";
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "no-contents-$suf.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('pages_tree');
my $n_tests = 11;
$td->runtest("linearize duplicated pages",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --linearize" .
" page_api_2.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "linearize-duplicate-page.pdf"});
$td->runtest("extract duplicated pages",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id page_api_2.pdf" .
" --pages . -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compare files",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "extract-duplicate-page.pdf"});
$td->runtest("direct pages",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id direct-pages.pdf --pages . -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "direct-pages-fixed.pdf"});
$td->runtest("show direct pages",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --show-pages direct-pages.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "direct-pages.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Json mode for direct and duplicated pages illustrates that the
# "objects" section the original objects before correction when
# "pages" is not output but after correct when it is.# numbers.
foreach my $f (qw(page_api_2 direct-pages))
$td->runtest("json for $f (objects only)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --json=latest $f.pdf" .
" --json-key=qpdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$f-json-objects.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("json for $f (with pages)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --json=latest $f.pdf" .
" --json-key=qpdf --json-key=pages"},
{$td->FILE => "$f-json-pages.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('parsed_offset');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("parsed offset without object streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_parsedoffset minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "minimal-parsedoffset.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("parsed offset with object streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_parsedoffset digitally-signed.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "digitally-signed-parsedoffset.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

qpdf/qtest/parsing.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('parsing');
my $n_tests = 17;
$td->runtest("parse objects from string",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 31 minimal.pdf"}, # file not used
{$td->FILE => "parse-object.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("EOF terminating literal tokens",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check eof-terminates-literal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "eof-terminates-literal.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("EOF reading token",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check eof-reading-token.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "eof-reading-token.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("extra header text",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 32 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test-32.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "extra-header-no-newline.pdf"});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "b.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "extra-header-lin-no-newline.pdf"});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "c.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "extra-header-newline.pdf"});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "d.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "extra-header-lin-newline.pdf"});
# leading-junk also has a space instead of a newline after xref
$td->runtest("check file with leading junk",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check leading-junk.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "leading-junk.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("EOF inside inline image",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 37 eof-in-inline-image.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "eof-in-inline-image.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("tokenize content streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 37 tokenize-content-streams.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "tokenize-content-streams.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("terminate parsing",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 37 terminate-parsing.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "terminate-parsing.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("content stream errors",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check content-stream-errors.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "content-stream-errors.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("ensure arguments to R are direct",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check indirect-r-arg.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "indirect-r-arg.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("no trailing space in xref table",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check no-space-in-xref.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "no-space-in-xref.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# An array is split across multiple content streams starting object
# 42. This was reported in github issue 73. The file is modified from
# that example.
$td->runtest("parse split content stream",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check split-content-stream.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "split-content-stream.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("split content stream errors",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check split-content-stream-errors.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "split-content-stream-errors.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},

qpdf/qtest/pclm.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('pclm');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("write as PCLm",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 40 pclm-in.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 40 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "pclm-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('positive_p');
my $n_tests = 4;
# Files have been seen where /P in the encryption dictionary was an
# unsigned rather than a signed integer. To create
# encrypted-positive-P.pdf, I temporarily modified QPDFWriter.cc to
# introduce this error.
$td->runtest("decrypt positive P",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --decrypt --static-id encrypted-positive-P.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "decrypted-positive-P.pdf"});
$td->runtest("copy encryption positive P",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --static-aes-iv" .
" encrypted-positive-P.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "copied-positive-P.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('precheck_streams');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("bad stream",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id bad-data.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-data.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-data-out.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('preserve_unref');
my $n_tests = 6;
$td->runtest("drop unused objects",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id unreferenced-objects.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "unreferenced-dropped.pdf"});
$td->runtest("keep unused objects",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --preserve-unreferenced" .
" unreferenced-objects.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "unreferenced-preserved.pdf"});
$td->runtest("keep unused objects (C)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf-ctest 21 unreferenced-objects.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "C test 21 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "unreferenced-preserved.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('progress_reporting');
my $n_tests = 1;
$td->runtest("progress report on small file",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --progress minimal.pdf a.pdf",
$td->FILTER => "perl filter-progress.pl"},
{$td->FILE => "small-progress.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
use File::Spec;
my $devNull = File::Spec->devnull();
my $compare_images = 0;
if ((exists $ENV{'QPDF_TEST_COMPARE_IMAGES'}) &&
$compare_images = 1;
sub calc_ntests
my ($n_tests, $n_compare_pdfs) = @_;
my $result = $n_tests;
if ($compare_images)
$result += 3 * ($n_compare_pdfs);
sub check_pdf
my ($td, $description, $command, $output, $status) = @_;
unlink "a.pdf";
{$td->COMMAND => "$command a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => $status});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => $output});
sub flush_tiff_cache
system("rm -rf tiff-cache");
sub compare_pdfs
return unless $compare_images;
# Each call to compare_pdfs generates three tests. This is known
# in calc_ntests.
my ($td, $f1, $f2, $exp) = @_;
$exp = 0 unless defined $exp;
system("rm -rf tif1 tif2");
mkdir "tiff-cache", 0777 unless -d "tiff-cache";
my $md5_1 = get_md5_checksum($f1);
my $md5_2 = get_md5_checksum($f2);
mkdir "tif1", 0777 or die;
mkdir "tif2", 0777 or die;
if (-f "tiff-cache/$md5_1.tif")
$td->runtest("get cached original file image",
{$td->COMMAND => "cp tiff-cache/$md5_1.tif tif1/a.tif"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
# We discard gs's stderr since it has sometimes been known to
# complain about files that are not bad. In particular, gs
# 9.04 can't handle empty xref sections such as those found in
# the hybrid xref cases. We don't really care whether gs
# complains or not as long as it creates correct images. If
# it doesn't create correct images, the test will fail, and we
# can run manually to see the error message. If it does, then
# we don't care about the warning.
$td->runtest("convert original file to image",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"(cd tif1;" .
" gs 2>$devNull -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiff24nc" .
" -sOutputFile=a.tif - < ../$f1)"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
copy("tif1/a.tif", "tiff-cache/$md5_1.tif");
if (-f "tiff-cache/$md5_2.tif")
$td->runtest("get cached new file image",
{$td->COMMAND => "cp tiff-cache/$md5_2.tif tif2/a.tif"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("convert new file to image",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"(cd tif2;" .
" gs 2>$devNull -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiff24nc" .
" -sOutputFile=a.tif - < ../$f2)"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
copy("tif2/a.tif", "tiff-cache/$md5_2.tif");
$td->runtest("compare images",
{$td->COMMAND => "tiffcmp -t tif1/a.tif tif2/a.tif"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => $exp});
system("rm -rf tif1 tif2");
sub check_metadata
my ($td, $file, $exp_encrypted, $exp_cleartext) = @_;
my $out = "encrypted=$exp_encrypted; cleartext=$exp_cleartext\n" .
"test 6 done\n";
$td->runtest("check metadata: $file",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 6 $file"},
{$td->STRING => $out, $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
sub get_md5_checksum
my $file = shift;
open(F, "<$file") or fatal("can't open $file: $!");
binmode F;
my $digest = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*F)->hexdigest;
sub cleanup
system("rm -rf a.json *.ps *.pnm ?.pdf ?.qdf *.enc* tif1 tif2 tiff-cache");
system("rm -rf *split-out* ???-kfo.pdf *.tmpout \@file.pdf auto-*");

qpdf/qtest/qpdfjob.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('qpdfjob');
open(F, ">auto-txt") or die;
print F "from file";
my @bad_json = (
my @good_json = (
my $n_tests = 10 + scalar(@bad_json) + (2 * scalar(@good_json));
foreach my $i (@bad_json)
$td->runtest("QPDFJob bad json: $i",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --job-json-file=bad-json-$i.json"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-$i-json.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
foreach my $i (@good_json)
if ($i eq 'replace-input')
copy("minimal.pdf", 'a.pdf');
$td->runtest("QPDFJob good json: $i",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --job-json-file=job-json-$i.json"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
if ($i =~ m/encrypt-256/)
$td->runtest("check encryption $i",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf a.pdf --password=u" .
" --job-json-file=job-show-encryption.json"},
{$td->FILE => "job-json-$i.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check good json $i output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "job-json-$i.pdf"});
$td->runtest("QPDFJob json partial",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 83 - job-partial.json"},
{$td->FILE => "job-partial-json.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("QPDFJob API",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 84 -"},
{$td->FILE => "job-api.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test84.pdf"});
$td->runtest("json output from job",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --job-json-file=job-json-output.json"},
{$td->FILE => "job-json-output.out.json", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("C job API",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdfjob-ctest"},
{$td->FILE => "qpdfjob-ctest.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
foreach my $i (['a.pdf', 1], ['b.pdf', 2], ['c.pdf', 3])
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => $i->[0]},
{$td->FILE => "qpdfjob-ctest$i->[1].pdf"});
my $wide_out = `qpdfjob-ctest wide`;
$td->runtest("qpdfjob-ctest wide",
{$td->STRING => "$?: $wide_out"},
{$td->REGEXP => "0: (wide test passed|skipped wide)\n"},
if ($wide_out =~ m/skipped/)
$td->runtest("skipped wide",
{$td->STRING => "yes"},
{$td->STRING => "yes"});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "qpdfjob-ctest-wide.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('renumber_objects');
my $n_tests = 8;
$td->runtest("w/o objstm",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_renumber minimal.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "succeeded\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("w/ objstm",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_renumber digitally-signed.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "succeeded\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("w/o objstm, --object-streams=generate",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_renumber --object-streams=generate minimal.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "succeeded\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("w/ objstm, --object-streams=generate",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_renumber --object-streams=generate digitally-signed.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "succeeded\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("w/o objstm, --linearize",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_renumber --linearize minimal.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "succeeded\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("w/ objstm, --linearize",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_renumber --linearize digitally-signed.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "succeeded\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("w/o objstm, --preserve-unreferenced",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_renumber --preserve-unreferenced minimal.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "succeeded\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("w/ objstm, --preserve-unreferenced",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"test_renumber --preserve-unreferenced digitally-signed.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => "succeeded\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('replace_input');
my $n_tests = 8;
# Use Unicode file names to test replace input so we can be sure it
# works for that case.
$td->runtest("create unicode filenames",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_unicode_filenames"},
{$td->STRING => "created Unicode filenames\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
foreach my $d (['auto-ü', 1], ['auto-öπ', 2])
my ($u, $n) = @$d;
$td->runtest("replace input $u",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --deterministic-id" .
" --object-streams=generate --replace-input ./$u.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output ($u)",
{$td->FILE => "$u.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "replace-input.pdf"},
system("cp xref-with-short-size.pdf auto-warn.pdf") == 0 or die;
$td->runtest("replace input with warnings",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --deterministic-id --replace-input ./auto-warn.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "replace-warn.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "auto-warn.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "warn-replace.pdf"});
$td->runtest("check orig output",
{$td->FILE => "auto-warn.pdf.~qpdf-orig"},
{$td->FILE => "xref-with-short-size.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('rotate_pages');
my $n_tests = 18;
# Do absolute, positive, and negative on ranges that include
# inherited and non-inherited.
# Pages 11-15 inherit /Rotate 90
# Pages 1 and 2 have explicit /Rotate 270
# Pages 16 and 17 have explicit /Rotate 180
$td->runtest("page rotation",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id to-rotate.pdf a.pdf" .
" --rotate=+90:1,4,11,16" .
" --rotate=180:2,5,12-13" .
" --rotate=-90:3,15,17,18"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "rotated.pdf"});
$td->runtest("remove rotation",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id rotated.pdf a.pdf" .
" --qdf --no-original-object-ids --rotate=0"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "unrotated.pdf"});
$td->runtest("rotate all pages",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --rotate=180 minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "minimal-rotated.pdf"});
$td->runtest("flatten with inherited rotate",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --flatten-rotation" .
" inherited-rotate.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "inherited-flattened.pdf"});
foreach my $angle (qw(90 180 270))
$td->runtest("rotate annotations",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --qdf --rotate=$angle" .
" --flatten-rotation --no-original-object-ids" .
" form-fields-and-annotations.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output (flatten $angle)",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "annotations-rotated-$angle.pdf"});
# The file form-fields-and-annotations-shared.pdf contains some
# annotations that appear in multiple pages /Annots, some non-shared
# things that share appearance streams, some form fields appear on
# multiple pages, and an indirect /Annotations array. It is out of
# spec in several ways but still works in most viewers. These test
# make sure we don't make anything worse and also end up exercising
# some cases of things being copied more than once, though we also
# exercise that with legitimate test cases using overlay.
$td->runtest("shared annotations 1 page",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --no-original-object-ids --static-id" .
" --rotate=90:1 form-fields-and-annotations-shared.pdf" .
" a.pdf --flatten-rotation"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "rotated-shared-annotations-1.pdf"});
$td->runtest("shared annotations 2 pages",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --no-original-object-ids --static-id" .
" --rotate=90:1,2 form-fields-and-annotations-shared.pdf" .
" a.pdf --flatten-rotation"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "rotated-shared-annotations-2.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('signature_dictionary');
my $n_tests = 0;
$n_tests += 6;
foreach my $i (qw(preserve disable generate))
$td->runtest("sig dict contents hex (object-streams=$i)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --object-streams=$i digitally-signed.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
# Use grep -f rather than writing something in test_driver because
# the point of the test is to ensure that the contents appears in
# the output file in the correct format.
$td->runtest("find desired contents (object-streams=$i)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"grep -f digitally-signed-sig-dict-contents.out a.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$n_tests += 4;
foreach my $i (qw(preserve disable))
$td->runtest("non sig dict contents text string (object-streams=$i)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --object-streams=$i comment-annotation.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("find desired contents as non hex (object-streams=$i)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"grep \"/Contents (Salad)\" a.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$n_tests += 2;
$td->runtest("non sig dict contents text string (object-streams=generate)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --object-streams=generate comment-annotation.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("plain text not found due to compression (object-streams=generate)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"grep \"/Contents (Salad)\" a.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 1});
$n_tests += 12;
foreach my $i (qw(40 128 256))
my $x = "";
if ($i < 256)
$x = "--allow-weak-crypto";
$td->runtest("encrypt $i",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf $x --encrypt '' o $i --" .
" digitally-signed.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("find desired contents (encrypt $i)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"grep -f digitally-signed-sig-dict-contents.out a.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --decrypt a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("find desired contents (decrypt $i)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"grep -f digitally-signed-sig-dict-contents.out b.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$n_tests += 15;
foreach my $i (qw(40 128 256))
my $x = "";
if ($i < 256)
$x = "--allow-weak-crypto";
$td->runtest("non sig dict encrypt $i",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf $x --encrypt '' o $i --" .
" comment-annotation.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("plain text not found due to encryption (non sig dict encrypt $i)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"grep \"/Contents (Salad)\" a.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 1});
$td->runtest("find encrypted contents (non sig dict encrypt $i)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"grep \"/Contents <.*>\" a.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("non sig dict decrypt",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --decrypt a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("find desired contents (non sig dict decrypt $i)",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"grep \"/Contents (Salad)\" b.pdf"},
{$td->REGEXP => ".*",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Copy;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('specialized_filter');
my $n_tests = 3;
my $n_compare_pdfs = 1;
# The PDF file was submitted on bug #83 on github. All the PNG filters
# are exercised. The test suite does not exercise PNG predictors with
# LZW because I don't have a way to create such a file, but it's very
# likely that it will work since the handling of the PNG filters is
# separate from the regular decompression.
$td->runtest("decode png-filtering",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id" .
" --compress-streams=n --decode-level=generalized" .
" png-filters.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "png-filters-decoded.pdf"});
compare_pdfs($td, "png-filters.pdf", "a.pdf");
$td->runtest("stream with tiff predictor",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check tiff-predictor.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "tiff-predictor.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->report(calc_ntests($n_tests, $n_compare_pdfs));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('specific_bugs');
# The number is the github issue number in which the bug was reported.
my @bug_tests = (
["51", "resolve loop", 3],
["99", "object 0", 2],
["99b", "object 0", 2],
["100", "xref reconstruction loop", 2],
["101", "resolve for exception text", 2],
["117", "other infinite loop", 3],
["118", "other infinite loop", 2],
["119", "other infinite loop", 3],
["120", "other infinite loop", 3],
["106", "zlib data error", 3],
["141a", "/W entry size 0", 2],
["141b", "/W entry size 0", 2],
["143", "self-referential ostream", 3, "--preserve-unreferenced"],
["146", "very deeply nested array", 2],
["147", "previously caused memory error", 2],
["148", "free memory on bad flate", 2],
["149", "xref prev pointer loop", 3],
["150", "integer overflow", 2],
["202", "even more deeply nested dictionary", 2],
["263", "empty xref stream", 2],
["335a", "ozz-fuzz-12152", 2],
["335b", "ozz-fuzz-14845", 2],
["fuzz-16214", "stream in object stream", 3, "--preserve-unreferenced"],
# When adding to this list, consider adding to CORPUS_FROM_TEST in
# fuzz/CMakeLists.txt and updating the count in
# fuzz/qtest/fuzz.test.
my $n_tests = scalar(@bug_tests);
foreach my $d (@bug_tests)
my ($n, $description, $exit_status, $xargs) = @$d;
if (! defined $xargs)
$xargs = "";
if (-f "issue-$n.obfuscated")
# Some of the PDF files in the test suite trigger anti-virus
# warnings (MAL/PDFEx-H) and are quarantined or deleted by
# some antivirus software. These files are not actually
# infected files with malicious intent. They are present in
# the test suite to ensure that qpdf does not crash when
# process those files. Base64-encode them and pass them to
# stdin to prevent anti-virus programs from messing up the
# extracted sources. Search for "obfuscated" in test_driver.cc
# for instructions on how to obfuscate input files.
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 45 issue-$n"},
{$td->FILE => "issue-$n.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => $exit_status},
my $base = (-f "issue-$n.pdf") ? "issue-$n" : "$n";
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf $xargs $base.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$base.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => $exit_status},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('specific_file');
my $n_tests = 11;
# Special PDF files that caused problems at some point
$td->runtest("damaged stream",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check damaged-stream.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "damaged-stream.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("damaged stream (C)",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf-ctest 2 damaged-stream.pdf '' a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "damaged-stream-c-check.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compress objstm and xref",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --stream-data=compress".
" --object-streams=generate minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "compress-objstm-xref.pdf"});
$td->runtest("qdf + preserved-unreferenced + xref streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --qdf --preserve-unreferenced" .
" --static-id compress-objstm-xref.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "compress-objstm-xref-qdf.pdf"});
$td->runtest("check fix-qdf idempotency",
{$td->COMMAND => "fix-qdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("pages points to page",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --linearize pages-is-page.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "pages-is-page.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "pages-is-page-out.pdf"});
$td->runtest("Acroform /DR with indirect subkey",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --empty" .
" --pages dr-with-indirect-item.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "dr-with-indirect-item-out.pdf"});

qpdf/qtest/split_pages.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Copy;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('split_pages');
my $n_tests = 42;
my $n_compare_pdfs = 2;
# sp = split-pages
my @sp_cases = (
[11, '%d at beginning', '', '%d_split-out.zdf'],
[11, '%d at end', '--qdf', 'split-out.zdf_%d'],
[11, '%d in middle', '--allow-weak-crypto --encrypt u o 128 --',
[11, 'pdf extension', '', 'split-out.Pdf'],
[4, 'fallback', '--pages 11-pages.pdf 1-3 minimal.pdf --', 'split-out'],
[1, 'broken data', '--pages broken-lzw.pdf --', 'split-out.pdf',
{$td->FILE => "broken-lzw.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3}],
for (@sp_cases)
$n_tests += 1 + $_->[0];
$td->runtest("split page group > 1",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --split-pages=5 11-pages.pdf" .
" --verbose split-out-group.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "split-pages-group.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
foreach my $f ('01-05', '06-10', '11-11')
$td->runtest("check out group $f",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-group-$f.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "split-exp-group-$f.pdf"});
$td->runtest("no split-pages to stdout",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --split-pages 11-pages.pdf -"},
{$td->FILE => "split-pages-stdout.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("split page with shared resources",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --qdf --static-id --split-pages=4".
" shared-images.pdf split-out-shared.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
foreach my $i (qw(01-04 05-08 09-10))
$td->runtest("check output ($i)",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-shared-$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-split-$i.pdf"});
$td->runtest("split page with labels",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --qdf --static-id --split-pages=6".
" 11-pages-with-labels.pdf split-out-labels.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
foreach my $i (qw(01-06 07-11))
$td->runtest("check output ($i)",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-labels-$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "labels-split-$i.pdf"});
# See comments in TODO about these expected failures. Search for
# "split page with outlines".
$td->runtest("split page with outlines",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --qdf --static-id --split-pages=10".
" outlines-with-actions.pdf split-out-outlines.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
foreach my $i (qw(01-10 11-20 21-30))
$td->runtest("check output ($i)",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-outlines-$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "outlines-split-$i.pdf"},
foreach my $d (@sp_cases)
my ($n, $description, $xargs, $out, $exp) = @$d;
if (! defined $exp)
$exp = {$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0};
$td->runtest("split pages " . $description,
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --split-pages 11-pages.pdf" .
" $xargs $out"},
my $pattern = $out;
my $nlen = length($n);
if ($pattern =~ m/\%d/)
$pattern =~ s/\%d/\%0${nlen}d/;
elsif ($pattern =~ m/\.pdf$/i)
$pattern =~ s/(\.pdf$)/-%0${nlen}d$1/i;
$pattern .= "-%0${nlen}d";
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $n; ++$i)
my $actual = sprintf($pattern, $i);
my $expected = $actual;
$expected =~ s/split-out/split-exp/;
$td->runtest("check output page $i ($description)",
{$td->FILE => $actual},
{$td->FILE => $expected});
$td->runtest("split shared font, xobject",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --static-id --qdf --no-original-object-ids" .
" --split-pages shared-font-xobject.pdf" .
" split-out-shared-font-xobject.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
foreach my $i (qw(1 2 3 4))
$td->runtest("check output ($i)",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-shared-font-xobject-$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-font-xobject-split-$i.pdf"});
$td->runtest("unreferenced resources with bad token",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --split-pages=2" .
" --remove-unreferenced-resources=yes" .
" split-tokens.pdf split-out-bad-token.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "split-tokens-split.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-bad-token-1-2.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "split-tokens-split-1-2.pdf"});
$td->runtest("--no-warn with proxied warnings during split",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id --split-pages=2" .
" --no-warn --remove-unreferenced-resources=yes" .
" split-tokens.pdf split-out-bad-token.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("shared images in form xobject",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --qdf --static-id --split-pages".
" shared-form-images.pdf split-out-shared-form.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
foreach my $i (qw(1 2 3 4 5 6))
$td->runtest("check output ($i)",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-shared-form-$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-form-split-$i.pdf"});
$td->runtest("merge for compare",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id --empty --pages" .
" split-out-shared-form*.pdf -- a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-form-images-merged.pdf"});
compare_pdfs($td, "shared-form-images.pdf", "a.pdf");
$td->runtest("shared form xobject subkey",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --qdf --static-id --split-pages".
" shared-form-images-xobject.pdf" .
" split-out-shared-form-xobject.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
foreach my $i (qw(1 2))
$td->runtest("check output ($i)",
{$td->FILE => "split-out-shared-form-xobject-$i.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "shared-form-xobject-split-$i.pdf"});
my @fo_resources = (['form-xobjects-no-resources', 1],
['form-xobjects-some-resources1', 0],
['form-xobjects-some-resources2', 0]);
foreach my $d (@fo_resources)
my ($f, $compare) = @$d;
$td->runtest("split $f",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --empty --static-id --pages $f.pdf 1 --" .
" --remove-unreferenced-resources=yes a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output ($f)",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "$f-out.pdf"});
if ($compare)
compare_pdfs($td, "$f.pdf", "a.pdf");
$td->report(calc_ntests($n_tests, $n_compare_pdfs));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('stream_data');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("get stream data",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 11 stream-data.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test11.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("get stream data fails on jpeg",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 68 jpeg-qstream.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test68.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('stream_line_terminators');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("odd terminators for stream keyword",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --qdf --static-id" .
" stream-line-enders.pdf a.qdf"},
{$td->FILE => "stream-line-enders.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 3},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.qdf"},
{$td->FILE => "stream-line-enders.qdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('stream_replacements');
my $n_tests = 10;
$td->runtest("replace stream data",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 7 qstream.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 7 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "replaced-stream-data.pdf"});
$td->runtest("replace stream data compressed",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 8 qstream.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test8.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "replaced-stream-data-flate.pdf"});
$td->runtest("new streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 9 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test9.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("new stream",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "new-streams.pdf"});
$td->runtest("add page contents",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 10 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 10 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("new stream",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "add-contents.pdf"});
$td->runtest("functional replace stream data",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 78 minimal.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test78.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test78.pdf"});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('swap_and_replace');
my $n_tests = 3;
$td->runtest("swap and replace",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 14 test14-in.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test14.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "test14-out.pdf"});
# Most of the test suite uses static or deterministic ID. This test
# case exercises regular ID generation. Test 14 also exercises writing
# to memory without static ID.
$td->runtest("check non-static ID version",
{$td->COMMAND => "sh ./diff-ignore-ID-version a.pdf b.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "okay\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('token_filters');
my $n_tests = 2;
$td->runtest("token filter",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 41 coalesce.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 41 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("check output",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "token-filters-out.pdf"});

qpdf/qtest/tokenizer.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('tokenizer');
my $n_tests = 4;
$td->runtest("tokenizer with no ignorable",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_tokenizer -no-ignorable tokens.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "tokens-no-ignorable.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
{$td->COMMAND => "test_tokenizer tokens.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "tokens.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("tokenizer with max_len",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_tokenizer -maxlen 50 tokens.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "tokens-maxlen.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("ignore bad token",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --show-xref bad-token-startxref.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bad-token-startxref.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('type_checks');
my $n_tests = 5;
# Whenever object-types.pdf is edited, object-types-os.pdf should be
# regenerated.
$td->runtest("ensure object-types-os is up-to-date",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf" .
" --object-streams=generate" .
" --deterministic-id" .
" --stream-data=uncompress" .
" object-types.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("check file",
{$td->FILE => "a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "object-types-os.pdf"});
$td->runtest("type checks",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 42 object-types.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "object-types.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("type checks with object streams",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 42 object-types-os.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "object-types-os.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("compound type checks",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_driver 82 object-types-os.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "test 82 done\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('unicode_filenames');
my $n_tests = 3;
$td->runtest("create unicode filenames",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_unicode_filenames"},
{$td->STRING => "created Unicode filenames\n",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
foreach my $d (['auto-ü', 1], ['auto-öπ', 2])
my ($u, $n) = @$d;
$td->runtest("unicode filename $u",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --check $u.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "check-unicode-filename-$n.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('unicode_password');
my $n_tests = 0;
# $n_tests incremented below
# Files with each of these passwords when properly encoded have been
# tested manually with multiple PDF viewers. Adobe Reader, chrome,
# xpdf, and gv can open all of them except R3 with "single-byte",
# which can be opened by xpdf and gv but not the others. As of
# 2019-01-19, okular and atril (evince) are not able to open R=6 files
# with Unicode passwords as generated by qpdf but can open the R=3
# files.
# [bits, password-or-password-name, write-encoding, actual-encoding, xargs,
# [[read-encoding, strict?, fail?, tried-others, xargs]]]
my @unicode_pw_cases = (
[128, 'simple', 'pdf-doc', 'pdf-doc', '',
[['utf8', 0, 0, 1, ''],
['utf8', 1, 1, 0, ''],
['pdf-doc', 1, 0, 0, ''],
[128, 'simple', 'utf8', 'utf8', '--password-mode=bytes',
[['pdf-doc', 0, 0, 1, ''],
['pdf-doc', 1, 1, 0, ''],
['utf8', 1, 0, 0, ''],
[128, 'simple', 'utf8', 'pdf-doc', '--password-mode=unicode',
[['pdf-doc', 1, 0, 0, ''],
[128, 'simple', 'utf8', 'pdf-doc', '--password-mode=auto',
[['pdf-doc', 1, 0, 0, ''],
[128, 'single-byte', 'utf8', 'pdf-doc', '',
[['pdf-doc', 1, 0, 0, ''],
['win-ansi', 0, 0, 1, ''],
[128, 'single-byte', 'utf8', 'pdf-doc', '--password-mode=unicode',
[['pdf-doc', 1, 0, 0, ''],
['win-ansi', 0, 0, 1, ''],
[128, 'single-byte', 'win-ansi', '', '--password-mode=unicode',
"supplied password is not valid UTF-8\n",
[128, 'single-byte', 'win-ansi', 'win-ansi', '',
[['win-ansi', 1, 0, 0, ''],
[128, 'single-byte', 'pdf-doc', 'pdf-doc', '',
[['pdf-doc', 1, 0, 0, ''],
['win-ansi', 0, 0, 1, ''],
['pdf-doc-hex', 1, 0, 0, '--password-mode=hex-bytes'],
[128, 'complex', 'utf8', '', '--password-mode=unicode',
"supplied password cannot be encoded for 40-bit or" .
" 128-bit encryption formats\n"
[128, 'complex', 'utf8', 'utf8', '--password-mode=bytes',
[['utf8', 1, 0, 0, ''],
[256, 'single-byte', 'win-ansi', '', '--password-mode=unicode',
"supplied password is not valid UTF-8\n",
[256, 'single-byte', 'win-ansi', '', '--password-mode=auto',
"supplied password is not a valid Unicode password, which is" .
" required for 256-bit encryption; to really use this password," .
" rerun with the --password-mode=bytes option\n",
[256, 'single-byte', 'win-ansi', 'win-ansi', '--password-mode=bytes',
[['utf8', 0, 0, 1, ''],
['utf8', 1, 1, 0, ''],
['win-ansi', 1, 0, 0, ''],
['win-ansi', 0, 0, 0, ''],
['pdf-doc', 0, 0, 1, ''],
['pdf-doc-hex', 0, 0, 1, '--password-mode=hex-bytes'],
[256, 'complex', 'utf8', 'utf8', '',
[['utf8', 1, 0, 0, ''],
['utf8-hex', 1, 0, 0, '--password-mode=hex-bytes'],
[256, 'complex', 'utf8-hex', 'utf8', '--password-mode=hex-bytes',
[['utf8', 1, 0, 0, ''],
['utf8-hex', 1, 0, 0, '--password-mode=hex-bytes'],
[256, 'complex', 'utf8', 'utf8', '--password-mode=unicode',
[['utf8', 1, 0, 0, ''],
['password-arg-simple-utf8', 0, 1, 1, ''],
for my $d (@unicode_pw_cases)
my $decode_cases = $d->[5];
$n_tests += 1;
if (ref($decode_cases) eq 'ARRAY')
$n_tests += scalar(@$decode_cases);
foreach my $d (@unicode_pw_cases)
my ($bits, $pw, $w_encoding, $a_encoding, $xargs, $decode_cases) = @$d;
my $w_pfile = "password-bare-$pw-$w_encoding";
my $upass;
if (-f $w_pfile)
$upass = '@' . $w_pfile;
$upass = "$pw";
my $outbase = "unicode-pw-$bits-$pw-$w_encoding-$xargs";
my $exp = '';
if (ref($decode_cases) ne 'ARRAY')
$exp = "qpdf: $decode_cases";
$decode_cases = [];
$td->runtest("encode $bits, $pw, $w_encoding",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf $xargs --static-id --static-aes-iv" .
" --allow-weak-crypto" .
" --encrypt $upass o $bits -- minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => $exp, $td->EXIT_STATUS => ($exp ? 2 : 0)},
foreach my $d2 (@$decode_cases)
my ($r_encoding, $strict, $xfail, $tried_others, $r_xargs) = @$d2;
my $r_pfile = "password-arg-$pw-$r_encoding";
if (! -f $r_pfile)
$r_pfile = $r_encoding;
my $r_output = "";
$r_output .= "trying other\n" if $tried_others;
if ($xfail)
$r_output .= "qpdf: a.pdf: invalid password\n";
$r_output .= "R = " . ($bits == 128 ? '3' : '6') . "\n";
open(F, "<password-bare-$pw-$a_encoding") or die;
chomp (my $apw = <F>);
$r_output .= "User password = $apw\n";
$r_xargs .= $strict ? ' --suppress-password-recovery' : '';
$td->runtest("decrypt $pw, $r_encoding, strict=$strict",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --show-encryption --verbose" .
" $r_xargs a.pdf \@$r_pfile",
$td->FILTER => "perl show-unicode-encryption.pl"},
{$td->STRING => "$r_output",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => ($xfail ? 2 : 0)},
$n_tests += 5;
$td->runtest("bytes fallback warning",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --allow-weak-crypto" .
" --encrypt \@password-bare-complex-utf8 o 128 --" .
" minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "bytes-fallback.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
{ # local scope
my $r_output = "";
$r_output .= "R = 3\n";
open(F, "<password-bare-complex-utf8") or die;
chomp (my $apw = <F>);
$r_output .= "User password = $apw\n";
$td->runtest("decrypt bytes fallback",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --show-encryption --verbose" .
" a.pdf \@password-arg-complex-utf8" .
" --password-mode=bytes",
$td->FILTER => "perl show-unicode-encryption.pl"},
{$td->STRING => "$r_output", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
# Exercise passing Unicode passwords via the command line. This tests
# wmain for Windows and assumes a UTF-8 locale for other platforms.
$td->runtest("Unicode at CLI",
{$td->COMMAND =>
"qpdf --encrypt π ʬ 256 --" .
" minimal.pdf a.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("Decrypt using user password",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption a.pdf --password=π"},
{$td->FILE => "unicode-up.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("Decrypt using owner password",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --show-encryption a.pdf --password=ʬ"},
{$td->FILE => "unicode-op.out", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('weak_cryptography_cryptography');
my $n_tests = 4;
$td->runtest("256-bit: no warning",
{$td->COMMAND => 'qpdf --encrypt "" "" 256 -- minimal.pdf a.pdf'},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("128-bit with AES: no warning",
{$td->COMMAND => 'qpdf --encrypt "" "" 128 --use-aes=y --' .
' minimal.pdf a.pdf'},
{$td->STRING => "", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("128-bit without AES: error",
{$td->COMMAND => 'qpdf --encrypt "" "" 128 -- minimal.pdf a.pdf'},
{$td->REGEXP => "Pass --allow-weak-crypto to enable",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("40-bit: error",
{$td->COMMAND => 'qpdf --encrypt "" "" 40 -- minimal.pdf a.pdf'},
{$td->REGEXP => "Pass --allow-weak-crypto to enable",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift(@INC, '.');
require qpdf_test_helpers;
chdir("qpdf") or die "chdir testdir failed: $!\n";
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('windows_shell_globbing');
my $n_tests = 1;
$td->runtest("shell wildcard expansion",
{$td->COMMAND => "test_shell_glob 'good*.pdf'"},
{$td->STRING => "PASSED\n", $td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More