#include // include first for large file support #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // This must be a fixed value. This API returns a const reference to it, and the C API relies on its // being static as well. std::string const QPDF::qpdf_version(QPDF_VERSION); namespace { class InvalidInputSource final: public InputSource { public: InvalidInputSource(std::string const& name) : name(name) { } ~InvalidInputSource() final = default; qpdf_offset_t findAndSkipNextEOL() final { throwException(); return 0; } std::string const& getName() const final { return name; } qpdf_offset_t tell() final { throwException(); return 0; } void seek(qpdf_offset_t offset, int whence) final { throwException(); } void rewind() final { throwException(); } size_t read(char* buffer, size_t length) final { throwException(); return 0; } void unreadCh(char ch) final { throwException(); } private: void throwException() { throw std::logic_error("QPDF operation attempted on a QPDF object with no input " "source. QPDF operations are invalid before processFile (or " "another process method) or after closeInputSource"); } std::string const& name; }; } // namespace QPDF::ForeignStreamData::ForeignStreamData( std::shared_ptr encp, std::shared_ptr file, QPDFObjGen const& foreign_og, qpdf_offset_t offset, size_t length, QPDFObjectHandle local_dict) : encp(encp), file(file), foreign_og(foreign_og), offset(offset), length(length), local_dict(local_dict) { } QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider::CopiedStreamDataProvider(QPDF& destination_qpdf) : QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider(true), destination_qpdf(destination_qpdf) { } bool QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider::provideStreamData( QPDFObjGen const& og, Pipeline* pipeline, bool suppress_warnings, bool will_retry) { std::shared_ptr foreign_data = foreign_stream_data[og]; bool result = false; if (foreign_data.get()) { result = destination_qpdf.pipeForeignStreamData( foreign_data, pipeline, suppress_warnings, will_retry); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF copy foreign with data", result ? 0 : 1); } else { auto foreign_stream = foreign_streams[og]; result = foreign_stream.pipeStreamData( pipeline, nullptr, 0, qpdf_dl_none, suppress_warnings, will_retry); QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF copy foreign with foreign_stream", result ? 0 : 1); } return result; } void QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider::registerForeignStream( QPDFObjGen const& local_og, QPDFObjectHandle foreign_stream) { this->foreign_streams[local_og] = foreign_stream; } void QPDF::CopiedStreamDataProvider::registerForeignStream( QPDFObjGen const& local_og, std::shared_ptr foreign_stream) { this->foreign_stream_data[local_og] = foreign_stream; } QPDF::StringDecrypter::StringDecrypter(QPDF* qpdf, QPDFObjGen const& og) : qpdf(qpdf), og(og) { } void QPDF::StringDecrypter::decryptString(std::string& val) { qpdf->decryptString(val, og); } std::string const& QPDF::QPDFVersion() { // The C API relies on this being a static value. return QPDF::qpdf_version; } QPDF::EncryptionParameters::EncryptionParameters() : encrypted(false), encryption_initialized(false), encryption_V(0), encryption_R(0), encrypt_metadata(true), cf_stream(e_none), cf_string(e_none), cf_file(e_none), user_password_matched(false), owner_password_matched(false) { } QPDF::Members::Members(QPDF& qpdf) : log(QPDFLogger::defaultLogger()), file_sp(new InvalidInputSource(no_input_name)), file(file_sp.get()), encp(new EncryptionParameters), objects(qpdf, this, file) { } QPDF::QPDF() : m(new Members(*this)) { m->tokenizer.allowEOF(); // Generate a unique ID. It just has to be unique among all QPDF objects allocated throughout // the lifetime of this running application. static std::atomic unique_id{0}; m->unique_id = unique_id.fetch_add(1ULL); } QPDF::~QPDF() = default; std::shared_ptr QPDF::create() { return std::make_shared(); } void QPDF::processFile(char const* filename, char const* password) { auto* fi = new FileInputSource(filename); processInputSource(std::shared_ptr(fi), password); } void QPDF::processFile(char const* description, FILE* filep, bool close_file, char const* password) { auto* fi = new FileInputSource(description, filep, close_file); processInputSource(std::shared_ptr(fi), password); } void QPDF::processMemoryFile( char const* description, char const* buf, size_t length, char const* password) { processInputSource( std::shared_ptr( // line-break new BufferInputSource( description, new Buffer(QUtil::unsigned_char_pointer(buf), length), true)), password); } void QPDF::processInputSource(std::shared_ptr source, char const* password) { m->file_sp = source; m->file = source.get(); parse(password); } void QPDF::closeInputSource() { m->no_input_name = "closed input source"; m->file_sp = std::shared_ptr(new InvalidInputSource(m->no_input_name)); m->file = m->file_sp.get(); } void QPDF::setPasswordIsHexKey(bool val) { m->provided_password_is_hex_key = val; } void QPDF::emptyPDF() { m->pdf_version = "1.3"; m->no_input_name = "empty PDF"; m->objects.xref_table().initialize_empty(); } void QPDF::registerStreamFilter( std::string const& filter_name, std::function()> factory) { QPDF_Stream::registerStreamFilter(filter_name, factory); } void QPDF::setIgnoreXRefStreams(bool val) { m->objects.xref_table().ignore_streams(val); } std::shared_ptr QPDF::getLogger() { return m->log; } void QPDF::setLogger(std::shared_ptr l) { m->log = l; } void QPDF::setOutputStreams(std::ostream* out, std::ostream* err) { setLogger(QPDFLogger::create()); m->log->setOutputStreams(out, err); } void QPDF::setSuppressWarnings(bool val) { m->suppress_warnings = val; } void QPDF::setMaxWarnings(size_t val) { m->max_warnings = val; } void QPDF::setAttemptRecovery(bool val) { m->attempt_recovery = val; m->objects.xref_table().attempt_recovery(val); } void QPDF::setImmediateCopyFrom(bool val) { m->immediate_copy_from = val; } std::vector QPDF::getWarnings() { std::vector result = m->warnings; m->warnings.clear(); return result; } bool QPDF::anyWarnings() const { return !m->warnings.empty(); } size_t QPDF::numWarnings() const { return m->warnings.size(); } bool QPDF::validatePDFVersion(char const*& p, std::string& version) { bool valid = QUtil::is_digit(*p); if (valid) { while (QUtil::is_digit(*p)) { version.append(1, *p++); } if ((*p == '.') && QUtil::is_digit(*(p + 1))) { version.append(1, *p++); while (QUtil::is_digit(*p)) { version.append(1, *p++); } } else { valid = false; } } return valid; } bool QPDF::findHeader() { qpdf_offset_t global_offset = m->file->tell(); std::string line = m->file->readLine(1024); char const* p = line.c_str(); if (strncmp(p, "%PDF-", 5) != 0) { throw std::logic_error("findHeader is not looking at %PDF-"); } p += 5; std::string version; // Note: The string returned by line.c_str() is always null-terminated. The code below never // overruns the buffer because a null character always short-circuits further advancement. bool valid = validatePDFVersion(p, version); if (valid) { m->pdf_version = version; if (global_offset != 0) { // Empirical evidence strongly suggests that when there is leading material prior to the // PDF header, all explicit offsets in the file are such that 0 points to the beginning // of the header. QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF global offset"); m->file_sp = std::shared_ptr(new OffsetInputSource(m->file_sp, global_offset)); m->file = m->file_sp.get(); } } return valid; } void QPDF::parse(char const* password) { if (password) { m->encp->provided_password = password; } // Find the header anywhere in the first 1024 bytes of the file. PatternFinder hf(*this, &QPDF::findHeader); if (!m->file->findFirst("%PDF-", 0, 1024, hf)) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF not a pdf file"); warn(damagedPDF("", 0, "can't find PDF header")); // QPDFWriter writes files that usually require at least version 1.2 for /FlateDecode m->pdf_version = "1.2"; } m->objects.xref_table().initialize(); initializeEncryption(); if (m->objects.xref_table().size() > 0 && !getRoot().getKey("/Pages").isDictionary()) { // QPDFs created from JSON have an empty xref table and no root object yet. throw damagedPDF("", 0, "unable to find page tree"); } } void QPDF::inParse(bool v) { if (m->in_parse == v) { // This happens if QPDFParser::parse tries to resolve an indirect object while it is // parsing. throw std::logic_error("QPDF: re-entrant parsing detected. This is a qpdf bug." " Please report at https://github.com/qpdf/qpdf/issues."); } m->in_parse = v; } void QPDF::warn(QPDFExc const& e) { if (m->max_warnings > 0 && m->warnings.size() >= m->max_warnings) { stopOnError("Too many warnings - file is too badly damaged"); } m->warnings.push_back(e); if (!m->suppress_warnings) { *m->log->getWarn() << "WARNING: " << m->warnings.back().what() << "\n"; } } void QPDF::warn( qpdf_error_code_e error_code, std::string const& object, qpdf_offset_t offset, std::string const& message) { warn(QPDFExc(error_code, getFilename(), object, offset, message)); } void QPDF::showXRefTable() { m->objects.xref_table().show(); } // Ensure all objects in the pdf file, including those in indirect references, appear in the object // cache. void QPDF::fixDanglingReferences(bool force) { if (m->fixed_dangling_refs) { return; } if (!m->objects.xref_table().resolve()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF fix dangling triggered xref reconstruction"); m->objects.xref_table().resolve(); } m->fixed_dangling_refs = true; } size_t QPDF::getObjectCount() { // This method returns the next available indirect object number. makeIndirectObject uses it for // this purpose. After fixDanglingReferences is called, all objects in the xref table will also // be in obj_cache. return toS(m->objects.next_id().getObj() - 1); } std::vector QPDF::getAllObjects() { return m->objects.all(); } void QPDF::setLastObjectDescription(std::string const& description, QPDFObjGen const& og) { m->last_object_description.clear(); if (!description.empty()) { m->last_object_description += description; if (og.isIndirect()) { m->last_object_description += ": "; } } if (og.isIndirect()) { m->last_object_description += "object " + og.unparse(' '); } } QPDFTokenizer::Token QPDF::readToken(InputSource& input, size_t max_len) { return m->tokenizer.readToken(input, m->last_object_description, true, max_len); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::newIndirect(QPDFObjGen const& og, std::shared_ptr const& obj) { obj->setDefaultDescription(this, og); return {obj}; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::makeIndirectObject(QPDFObjectHandle oh) { if (!oh) { throw std::logic_error("attempted to make an uninitialized QPDFObjectHandle indirect"); } return m->objects.make_indirect(oh.getObj()); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::newReserved() { return m->objects.make_indirect(QPDF_Reserved::create()); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::newIndirectNull() { return m->objects.make_indirect(QPDF_Null::create()); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::newStream() { return m->objects.make_indirect( QPDF_Stream::create(this, m->objects.next_id(), QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(), 0, 0)); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::newStream(std::shared_ptr data) { auto result = newStream(); result.replaceStreamData(data, QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); return result; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::newStream(std::string const& data) { auto result = newStream(); result.replaceStreamData(data, QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(), QPDFObjectHandle::newNull()); return result; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::getObject(QPDFObjGen const& og) { return m->objects.get(og); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::getObject(int id, int gen) { return m->objects.get(id, gen); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::getObjectByObjGen(QPDFObjGen const& og) { return m->objects.get(og); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::getObjectByID(int id, int gen) { return m->objects.get(id, gen); } void QPDF::replaceObject(int id, int gen, QPDFObjectHandle replacement) { m->objects.replace(QPDFObjGen(id, gen), replacement); } void QPDF::replaceObject(QPDFObjGen const& og, QPDFObjectHandle replacement) { m->objects.replace(og, replacement); } void QPDF::replaceReserved(QPDFObjectHandle reserved, QPDFObjectHandle replacement) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF replaceReserved"); auto tc = reserved.getTypeCode(); if (!(tc == ::ot_reserved || tc == ::ot_null)) { throw std::logic_error("replaceReserved called with non-reserved object"); } m->objects.replace(reserved.getObjGen(), replacement); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::copyForeignObject(QPDFObjectHandle foreign) { // Here's an explanation of what's going on here. // // A QPDFObjectHandle that is an indirect object has an owning QPDF. The object ID and // generation refers to an object in the owning QPDF. When we copy the QPDFObjectHandle from a // foreign QPDF into the local QPDF, we have to replace all indirect object references with // references to the corresponding object in the local file. // // To do this, we maintain mappings from foreign object IDs to local object IDs for each foreign // QPDF that we are copying from. The mapping is stored in an ObjCopier, which contains a // mapping from the foreign ObjGen to the local QPDFObjectHandle. // // To copy, we do a deep traversal of the foreign object with loop detection to discover all // indirect objects that are encountered, stopping at page boundaries. Whenever we encounter an // indirect object, we check to see if we have already created a local copy of it. If not, we // allocate a "reserved" object (or, for a stream, just a new stream) and store in the map the // mapping from the foreign object ID to the new object. While we // do this, we keep a list of objects to copy. // // Once we are done with the traversal, we copy all the objects that we need to copy. However, // the copies will contain indirect object IDs that refer to objects in the foreign file. We // need to replace them with references to objects in the local file. This is what // replaceForeignIndirectObjects does. Once we have created a copy of the foreign object with // all the indirect references replaced with new ones in the local context, we can replace the // local reserved object with the copy. This mechanism allows us to copy objects with circular // references in any order. // For streams, rather than copying the objects, we set up the stream data to pull from the // original stream by using a stream data provider. This is done in a manner that doesn't // require the original QPDF object but may require the original source of the stream data with // special handling for immediate_copy_from. This logic is also in // replaceForeignIndirectObjects. // Note that we explicitly allow use of copyForeignObject on page objects. It is a documented // use case to copy pages this way if the intention is to not update the pages tree. if (!foreign.isIndirect()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF copyForeign direct"); throw std::logic_error("QPDF::copyForeign called with direct object handle"); } QPDF& other = foreign.getQPDF(); if (&other == this) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF copyForeign not foreign"); throw std::logic_error("QPDF::copyForeign called with object from this QPDF"); } ObjCopier& obj_copier = m->object_copiers[other.m->unique_id]; if (!obj_copier.visiting.empty()) { throw std::logic_error("obj_copier.visiting is not empty" " at the beginning of copyForeignObject"); } // Make sure we have an object in this file for every referenced object in the old file. // obj_copier.object_map maps foreign QPDFObjGen to local objects. For everything new that we // have to copy, the local object will be a reservation, unless it is a stream, in which case // the local object will already be a stream. reserveObjects(foreign, obj_copier, true); if (!obj_copier.visiting.empty()) { throw std::logic_error("obj_copier.visiting is not empty after reserving objects"); } // Copy any new objects and replace the reservations. for (auto& to_copy: obj_copier.to_copy) { QPDFObjectHandle copy = replaceForeignIndirectObjects(to_copy, obj_copier, true); if (!to_copy.isStream()) { QPDFObjGen og(to_copy.getObjGen()); replaceReserved(obj_copier.object_map[og], copy); } } obj_copier.to_copy.clear(); auto og = foreign.getObjGen(); if (!obj_copier.object_map.count(og)) { warn(damagedPDF("unexpected reference to /Pages object while copying foreign object; " "replacing with null")); return QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(); } return obj_copier.object_map[foreign.getObjGen()]; } void QPDF::reserveObjects(QPDFObjectHandle foreign, ObjCopier& obj_copier, bool top) { auto foreign_tc = foreign.getTypeCode(); if (foreign_tc == ::ot_reserved) { throw std::logic_error("QPDF: attempting to copy a foreign reserved object"); } if (foreign.isPagesObject()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF not copying pages object"); return; } if (foreign.isIndirect()) { QPDFObjGen foreign_og(foreign.getObjGen()); if (!obj_copier.visiting.add(foreign_og)) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF loop reserving objects"); return; } if (obj_copier.object_map.count(foreign_og) > 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF already reserved object"); if (!(top && foreign.isPageObject() && obj_copier.object_map[foreign_og].isNull())) { obj_copier.visiting.erase(foreign); return; } } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF copy indirect"); obj_copier.object_map[foreign_og] = foreign.isStream() ? newStream() : newIndirectNull(); if ((!top) && foreign.isPageObject()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF not crossing page boundary"); obj_copier.visiting.erase(foreign_og); return; } } obj_copier.to_copy.push_back(foreign); } if (foreign_tc == ::ot_array) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF reserve array"); int n = foreign.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { reserveObjects(foreign.getArrayItem(i), obj_copier, false); } } else if (foreign_tc == ::ot_dictionary) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF reserve dictionary"); for (auto const& key: foreign.getKeys()) { reserveObjects(foreign.getKey(key), obj_copier, false); } } else if (foreign_tc == ::ot_stream) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF reserve stream"); reserveObjects(foreign.getDict(), obj_copier, false); } obj_copier.visiting.erase(foreign); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::replaceForeignIndirectObjects(QPDFObjectHandle foreign, ObjCopier& obj_copier, bool top) { auto foreign_tc = foreign.getTypeCode(); QPDFObjectHandle result; if ((!top) && foreign.isIndirect()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF replace indirect"); auto mapping = obj_copier.object_map.find(foreign.getObjGen()); if (mapping == obj_copier.object_map.end()) { // This case would occur if this is a reference to a Pages object that we didn't // traverse into. QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF replace foreign indirect with null"); result = QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(); } else { result = mapping->second; } } else if (foreign_tc == ::ot_array) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF replace array"); result = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); int n = foreign.getArrayNItems(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { result.appendItem( // line-break replaceForeignIndirectObjects(foreign.getArrayItem(i), obj_copier, false)); } } else if (foreign_tc == ::ot_dictionary) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF replace dictionary"); result = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); std::set keys = foreign.getKeys(); for (auto const& iter: keys) { result.replaceKey( iter, replaceForeignIndirectObjects(foreign.getKey(iter), obj_copier, false)); } } else if (foreign_tc == ::ot_stream) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF replace stream"); result = obj_copier.object_map[foreign.getObjGen()]; result.assertStream(); QPDFObjectHandle dict = result.getDict(); QPDFObjectHandle old_dict = foreign.getDict(); std::set keys = old_dict.getKeys(); for (auto const& iter: keys) { dict.replaceKey( iter, replaceForeignIndirectObjects(old_dict.getKey(iter), obj_copier, false)); } copyStreamData(result, foreign); } else { foreign.assertScalar(); result = foreign; result.makeDirect(); } if (top && (!result.isStream()) && result.isIndirect()) { throw std::logic_error("replacement for foreign object is indirect"); } return result; } void QPDF::copyStreamData(QPDFObjectHandle result, QPDFObjectHandle foreign) { // This method was originally written for copying foreign streams, but it is used by // QPDFObjectHandle to copy streams from the same QPDF object as well. QPDFObjectHandle dict = result.getDict(); QPDFObjectHandle old_dict = foreign.getDict(); if (m->copied_stream_data_provider == nullptr) { m->copied_stream_data_provider = new CopiedStreamDataProvider(*this); m->copied_streams = std::shared_ptr(m->copied_stream_data_provider); } QPDFObjGen local_og(result.getObjGen()); // Copy information from the foreign stream so we can pipe its data later without keeping the // original QPDF object around. QPDF& foreign_stream_qpdf = foreign.getQPDF("unable to retrieve owning qpdf from foreign stream"); auto stream = foreign.getObjectPtr()->as(); if (stream == nullptr) { throw std::logic_error("unable to retrieve underlying" " stream object from foreign stream"); } std::shared_ptr stream_buffer = stream->getStreamDataBuffer(); if ((foreign_stream_qpdf.m->immediate_copy_from) && (stream_buffer == nullptr)) { // Pull the stream data into a buffer before attempting the copy operation. Do it on the // source stream so that if the source stream is copied multiple times, we don't have to // keep duplicating the memory. QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF immediate copy stream data"); foreign.replaceStreamData( foreign.getRawStreamData(), old_dict.getKey("/Filter"), old_dict.getKey("/DecodeParms")); stream_buffer = stream->getStreamDataBuffer(); } std::shared_ptr stream_provider = stream->getStreamDataProvider(); if (stream_buffer.get()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF copy foreign stream with buffer"); result.replaceStreamData( stream_buffer, dict.getKey("/Filter"), dict.getKey("/DecodeParms")); } else if (stream_provider.get()) { // In this case, the remote stream's QPDF must stay in scope. QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF copy foreign stream with provider"); m->copied_stream_data_provider->registerForeignStream(local_og, foreign); result.replaceStreamData( m->copied_streams, dict.getKey("/Filter"), dict.getKey("/DecodeParms")); } else { auto foreign_stream_data = std::make_shared( foreign_stream_qpdf.m->encp, foreign_stream_qpdf.m->file_sp, foreign.getObjGen(), stream->getParsedOffset(), stream->getLength(), dict); m->copied_stream_data_provider->registerForeignStream(local_og, foreign_stream_data); result.replaceStreamData( m->copied_streams, dict.getKey("/Filter"), dict.getKey("/DecodeParms")); } } void QPDF::swapObjects(int objid1, int generation1, int objid2, int generation2) { m->objects.swap(QPDFObjGen(objid1, generation1), QPDFObjGen(objid2, generation2)); } void QPDF::swapObjects(QPDFObjGen const& og1, QPDFObjGen const& og2) { m->objects.swap(og1, og2); } unsigned long long QPDF::getUniqueId() const { return m->unique_id; } std::string QPDF::getFilename() const { return m->file->getName(); } PDFVersion QPDF::getVersionAsPDFVersion() { int major = 1; int minor = 3; int extension_level = getExtensionLevel(); std::regex v("^[[:space:]]*([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)"); std::smatch match; if (std::regex_search(m->pdf_version, match, v)) { major = QUtil::string_to_int(match[1].str().c_str()); minor = QUtil::string_to_int(match[2].str().c_str()); } return {major, minor, extension_level}; } std::string QPDF::getPDFVersion() const { return m->pdf_version; } int QPDF::getExtensionLevel() { int result = 0; QPDFObjectHandle obj = getRoot(); if (obj.hasKey("/Extensions")) { obj = obj.getKey("/Extensions"); if (obj.isDictionary() && obj.hasKey("/ADBE")) { obj = obj.getKey("/ADBE"); if (obj.isDictionary() && obj.hasKey("/ExtensionLevel")) { obj = obj.getKey("/ExtensionLevel"); if (obj.isInteger()) { result = obj.getIntValueAsInt(); } } } } return result; } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::getTrailer() { return m->objects.trailer(); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::getRoot() { auto root = m->objects.trailer().getKey("/Root"); if (!root.isDictionary()) { throw damagedPDF("", 0, "unable to find /Root dictionary"); } else if ( // Check_mode is an interim solution to request #810 pending a more comprehensive review of // the approach to more extensive checks and warning levels. m->check_mode && !root.getKey("/Type").isNameAndEquals("/Catalog")) { warn(damagedPDF("", 0, "catalog /Type entry missing or invalid")); root.replaceKey("/Type", "/Catalog"_qpdf); } return root; } std::map QPDF::getXRefTable() { if (!m->objects.xref_table().initialized()) { throw std::logic_error("QPDF::getXRefTable called before parsing."); } return m->objects.xref_table().as_map(); } bool QPDF::pipeStreamData( std::shared_ptr encp, std::shared_ptr file, QPDF& qpdf_for_warning, QPDFObjGen const& og, qpdf_offset_t offset, size_t length, QPDFObjectHandle stream_dict, Pipeline* pipeline, bool suppress_warnings, bool will_retry) { std::unique_ptr to_delete; if (encp->encrypted) { decryptStream(encp, file, qpdf_for_warning, pipeline, og, stream_dict, to_delete); } bool attempted_finish = false; try { file->seek(offset, SEEK_SET); auto buf = std::make_unique(length); if (auto read = file->read(buf.get(), length); read != length) { throw damagedPDF(*file, "", offset + toO(read), "unexpected EOF reading stream data"); } pipeline->write(buf.get(), length); attempted_finish = true; pipeline->finish(); return true; } catch (QPDFExc& e) { if (!suppress_warnings) { qpdf_for_warning.warn(e); } } catch (std::exception& e) { if (!suppress_warnings) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF decoding error warning"); qpdf_for_warning.warn( // line-break damagedPDF( *file, "", file->getLastOffset(), ("error decoding stream data for object " + og.unparse(' ') + ": " + e.what()))); if (will_retry) { qpdf_for_warning.warn( // line-break damagedPDF( *file, "", file->getLastOffset(), "stream will be re-processed without filtering to avoid data loss")); } } } if (!attempted_finish) { try { pipeline->finish(); } catch (std::exception&) { // ignore } } return false; } bool QPDF::pipeStreamData( QPDFObjGen const& og, qpdf_offset_t offset, size_t length, QPDFObjectHandle stream_dict, Pipeline* pipeline, bool suppress_warnings, bool will_retry) { return pipeStreamData( m->encp, m->file_sp, *this, og, offset, length, stream_dict, pipeline, suppress_warnings, will_retry); } bool QPDF::pipeForeignStreamData( std::shared_ptr foreign, Pipeline* pipeline, bool suppress_warnings, bool will_retry) { if (foreign->encp->encrypted) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF pipe foreign encrypted stream"); } return pipeStreamData( foreign->encp, foreign->file, *this, foreign->foreign_og, foreign->offset, foreign->length, foreign->local_dict, pipeline, suppress_warnings, will_retry); } // Throw a generic exception when we lack context for something more specific. New code should not // use this. This method exists to improve somewhat from calling assert in very old code. void QPDF::stopOnError(std::string const& message) { throw damagedPDF("", message); } // Return an exception of type qpdf_e_damaged_pdf. QPDFExc QPDF::damagedPDF( InputSource& input, std::string const& object, qpdf_offset_t offset, std::string const& message) { return {qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, input.getName(), object, offset, message}; } // Return an exception of type qpdf_e_damaged_pdf. The object is taken from // m->last_object_description. QPDFExc QPDF::damagedPDF(InputSource& input, qpdf_offset_t offset, std::string const& message) { return damagedPDF(input, m->last_object_description, offset, message); } // Return an exception of type qpdf_e_damaged_pdf. The filename is taken from m->file. QPDFExc QPDF::damagedPDF(std::string const& object, qpdf_offset_t offset, std::string const& message) { return {qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, m->file->getName(), object, offset, message}; } // Return an exception of type qpdf_e_damaged_pdf. The filename is taken from m->file and the // offset from .m->file->getLastOffset(). QPDFExc QPDF::damagedPDF(std::string const& object, std::string const& message) { return damagedPDF(object, m->file->getLastOffset(), message); } // Return an exception of type qpdf_e_damaged_pdf. The filename is taken from m->file and the object // from .m->last_object_description. QPDFExc QPDF::damagedPDF(qpdf_offset_t offset, std::string const& message) { return damagedPDF(m->last_object_description, offset, message); } // Return an exception of type qpdf_e_damaged_pdf. The filename is taken from m->file, the object // from m->last_object_description and the offset from m->file->getLastOffset(). QPDFExc QPDF::damagedPDF(std::string const& message) { return damagedPDF(m->last_object_description, m->file->getLastOffset(), message); } bool QPDF::everCalledGetAllPages() const { return m->ever_called_get_all_pages; } bool QPDF::everPushedInheritedAttributesToPages() const { return m->ever_pushed_inherited_attributes_to_pages; } void QPDF::removeSecurityRestrictions() { auto root = getRoot(); root.removeKey("/Perms"); auto acroform = root.getKey("/AcroForm"); if (acroform.isDictionary() && acroform.hasKey("/SigFlags")) { acroform.replaceKey("/SigFlags", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(0)); } }