#include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void check(JSON const& j, std::string const& exp) { if (exp != j.unparse()) { std::cout << "Got " << j.unparse() << "; wanted " << exp << "\n"; } } static void test_main() { JSON jstr = JSON::makeString("<1>\xcf\x80<2>\xf0\x9f\xa5\x94\\\"<3>\x03\t\b\r\n<4>"); check( jstr, "\"<1>\xcf\x80<2>\xf0\x9f\xa5\x94\\\\\\\"<3>" "\\u0003\\t\\b\\r\\n<4>\""); JSON jnull = JSON::makeNull(); check(jnull, "null"); assert(jnull.isNull()); std::string value; assert(!jnull.getNumber(value)); JSON jarr = JSON::makeArray(); check(jarr, "[]"); JSON jstr2 = JSON::makeString("a\tb"); assert(jstr2.getString(value)); assert(value == "a\tb"); assert(!jstr2.getNumber(value)); /* cSpell: ignore jbool xavalue dvalue xdvalue */ JSON jint = JSON::makeInt(16059); JSON jdouble = JSON::makeReal(3.14159); JSON jexp = JSON::makeNumber("2.1e5"); JSON jbool1 = JSON::makeBool(true); JSON jbool2 = JSON::makeBool(false); bool bvalue = false; assert(jbool1.getBool(bvalue)); assert(bvalue); assert(jbool2.getBool(bvalue)); assert(!bvalue); jarr.addArrayElement(jstr2); jarr.addArrayElement(jnull); jarr.addArrayElement(jint); jarr.addArrayElement(jdouble); jarr.addArrayElement(jexp); check( jarr, "[\n" " \"a\\tb\",\n" " null,\n" " 16059,\n" " 3.14159,\n" " 2.1e5\n" "]"); std::vector avalue; assert(jarr.forEachArrayItem([&avalue](JSON j) { avalue.push_back(j.unparse()); })); std::vector xavalue = { "\"a\\tb\"", "null", "16059", "3.14159", "2.1e5", }; assert(avalue == xavalue); JSON jmap = JSON::makeDictionary(); check(jmap, "{}"); jmap.addDictionaryMember("b", jstr2); jmap.addDictionaryMember("a", jarr); jmap.addDictionaryMember("c\r\nd", jnull); jmap.addDictionaryMember("yes", JSON::makeBool(false)); jmap.addDictionaryMember("no", JSON::makeBool(true)); jmap.addDictionaryMember("empty_dict", JSON::makeDictionary()); jmap.addDictionaryMember("empty_list", JSON::makeArray()); jmap.addDictionaryMember("single", JSON::makeArray()).addArrayElement(JSON::makeInt(12)); std::string jm_str; assert(jmap.getDictItem("b").getString(jm_str)); assert(!jmap.getDictItem("b2").getString(jm_str)); assert(!jstr2.getDictItem("b").getString(jm_str)); assert(jm_str == "a\tb"); check( jmap, "{\n" " \"a\": [\n" " \"a\\tb\",\n" " null,\n" " 16059,\n" " 3.14159,\n" " 2.1e5\n" " ],\n" " \"b\": \"a\\tb\",\n" " \"c\\r\\nd\": null,\n" " \"empty_dict\": {},\n" " \"empty_list\": [],\n" " \"no\": true,\n" " \"single\": [\n" " 12\n" " ],\n" " \"yes\": false\n" "}"); for (int i = 1; i <= JSON::LATEST; ++i) { check(QPDFObjectHandle::newReal("0.12").getJSON(i), "0.12"); check(QPDFObjectHandle::newReal(".34").getJSON(i), "0.34"); check(QPDFObjectHandle::newReal("-0.56").getJSON(i), "-0.56"); check(QPDFObjectHandle::newReal("-.78").getJSON(i), "-0.78"); check(QPDFObjectHandle::newReal("-78.").getJSON(i), "-78.0"); } JSON jmap2 = JSON::parse(R"({"a": 1, "b": "two", "c": [true]})"); std::map dvalue; assert(jmap2.forEachDictItem( [&dvalue](std::string const& k, JSON j) { dvalue[k] = j.unparse(); })); std::map xdvalue = { {"a", "1"}, {"b", "\"two\""}, {"c", "[\n true\n]"}, }; assert(dvalue == xdvalue); auto blob_data = [](Pipeline* p) { *p << "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\xff\xfe\xfd\xfc\xfb"; }; JSON jblob = JSON::makeDictionary(); jblob.addDictionaryMember("normal", JSON::parse(R"("string")")); jblob.addDictionaryMember("blob", JSON::makeBlob(blob_data)); // cSpell:ignore AQIDBAX check( jblob, "{\n" " \"blob\": \"AQIDBAX//v38+w==\",\n" " \"normal\": \"string\"\n" "}"); try { JSON::parse("\""); assert(false); } catch (std::runtime_error&) { } // Check default constructed JSON object (order as per JSON.hh). JSON uninitialized; std::string ws; auto pl = Pl_String("", nullptr, ws); uninitialized.write(&pl); assert(ws == "null"); assert(uninitialized.unparse() == "null"); try { uninitialized.addDictionaryMember("key", jarr); assert(false); } catch (std::runtime_error&) { } assert(jmap.addDictionaryMember("42", uninitialized).isNull()); try { uninitialized.addArrayElement(jarr); assert(false); } catch (std::runtime_error&) { } assert(jarr.addArrayElement(uninitialized).isNull()); assert(!uninitialized.isArray()); assert(!uninitialized.isDictionary()); try { uninitialized.checkDictionaryKeySeen("key"); assert(false); } catch (std::logic_error&) { } std::string st_out = "unchanged"; assert(!uninitialized.getString(st_out)); assert(!uninitialized.getNumber(st_out)); bool b_out = true; assert(!uninitialized.getBool(b_out)); assert(b_out && st_out == "unchanged"); assert(!uninitialized.isNull()); assert(uninitialized.getDictItem("42").isNull()); assert(!uninitialized.forEachDictItem([](auto k, auto v) {})); assert(!uninitialized.forEachArrayItem([](auto v) {})); std::list e; assert(!uninitialized.checkSchema(JSON(), 0, e)); assert(!uninitialized.checkSchema(JSON(), e)); assert(e.empty()); uninitialized.setStart(0); uninitialized.setEnd(0); assert(uninitialized.getStart() == 0); assert(uninitialized.getEnd() == 0); } static void check_schema(JSON& obj, JSON& schema, unsigned long flags, bool exp, std::string const& description) { std::list errors; std::cout << "--- " << description << std::endl; assert(exp == obj.checkSchema(schema, flags, errors)); for (auto const& error: errors) { std::cout << error << std::endl; } std::cout << "---" << std::endl; } static void test_schema() { /* cSpell: ignore ptional ebra */ JSON schema = JSON::parse(R"( { "one": { "a": { "q": "queue", "r": { "x": "ecks" }, "s": [ { "ss": "esses" } ] } }, "two": [ { "goose": "gander", "glarp": "enspliel" } ], "three": { "": { "z": "ebra", "o": "ptional" } }, "four": [ { "first": "first element" }, { "second": "second element" } ] } )"); JSON a = JSON::parse(R"(["not a", "dictionary"])"); check_schema(a, schema, 0, false, "top-level type mismatch"); JSON b = JSON::parse(R"( { "one": { "a": { "t": "oops", "r": [ "x", "ecks", "y", "why" ], "s": { "z": "esses" } } }, "two": [ { "goose": "0 gander", "glarp": "0 enspliel" }, { "goose": "1 gander", "flarp": "1 enspliel" }, 2, [ "three" ], { "goose": "4 gander", "glarp": 4 } ], "three": { "anything": { "x": "oops", "o": "okay" }, "else": { "z": "okay" } }, "four": [ {"first": "missing second"} ] } )"); check_schema(b, schema, 0, false, "missing items"); JSON bad_schema = JSON::parse(R"({"a": true, "b": "potato?"})"); check_schema(bad_schema, bad_schema, 0, false, "bad schema field type"); JSON c = JSON::parse(R"( { "four": [ { "first": 1 }, { "oops": [2] } ] } )"); check_schema(c, schema, JSON::f_optional, false, "array element mismatch"); // "two" exercises the case of the JSON containing a single // element where the schema has an array. JSON good = JSON::parse(R"( { "one": { "a": { "q": "potato", "r": { "x": [1, null] }, "s": [ {"ss": null}, {"ss": "anything"} ] } }, "two": { "glarp": "enspliel", "goose": 3.14 }, "three": { "": { "z": "ebra" } }, "four": [ { "first": 1 }, { "second": [2] } ] } )"); check_schema(good, schema, 0, false, "not optional"); check_schema(good, schema, JSON::f_optional, true, "pass"); } int main() { test_main(); test_schema(); assert(QPDF::test_json_validators()); std::cout << "end of json tests\n"; return 0; }