#include <qpdf/QPDF.hh> #include <qpdf/FileInputSource.hh> #include <qpdf/Pl_Base64.hh> #include <qpdf/Pl_StdioFile.hh> #include <qpdf/QIntC.hh> #include <qpdf/QPDFObject_private.hh> #include <qpdf/QPDFValue.hh> #include <qpdf/QPDF_Null.hh> #include <qpdf/QTC.hh> #include <qpdf/QUtil.hh> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> // This chart shows an example of the state transitions that would occur in parsing a minimal file. // | st_initial // { | -> st_top // "qpdf": [ | -> st_qpdf // { | -> st_qpdf_meta // ... | ... // }, | ... // { | -> st_objects // "obj:1 0 R": { | -> st_object_top // "value": { | -> st_object // "/Pages": "2 0 R", | ... // "/Type": "/Catalog" | ... // } | <- st_object_top // }, | <- st_objects // "obj:2 0 R": { | -> st_object_top // "value": 12 | -> st_object // } | <- st_object_top // }, | <- st_objects // "obj:4 0 R": { | -> st_object_top // "stream": { | -> st_stream // "data": "cG90YXRv", | ... // "dict": { | -> st_object // "/K": true | ... // } | <- st_stream // } | <- st_object_top // }, | <- st_objects // "trailer": { | -> st_trailer // "value": { | -> st_object // "/Root": "1 0 R", | ... // "/Size": 7 | ... // } | <- st_trailer // } | <- st_objects // } | <- st_qpdf // ] | <- st_top // } | <- st_initial static char const* JSON_PDF = ( // force line break "%PDF-1.3\n" "xref\n" "0 1\n" "0000000000 65535 f \n" "trailer << /Size 1 >>\n" "startxref\n" "9\n" "%%EOF\n"); // Validator methods -- these are much more performant than std::regex. static bool is_indirect_object(std::string const& v, int& obj, int& gen) { char const* p = v.c_str(); std::string o_str; std::string g_str; if (!QUtil::is_digit(*p)) { return false; } while (QUtil::is_digit(*p)) { o_str.append(1, *p++); } if (*p != ' ') { return false; } while (*p == ' ') { ++p; } if (!QUtil::is_digit(*p)) { return false; } while (QUtil::is_digit(*p)) { g_str.append(1, *p++); } if (*p != ' ') { return false; } while (*p == ' ') { ++p; } if (*p++ != 'R') { return false; } if (*p) { return false; } obj = QUtil::string_to_int(o_str.c_str()); gen = QUtil::string_to_int(g_str.c_str()); return true; } static bool is_obj_key(std::string const& v, int& obj, int& gen) { if (v.substr(0, 4) != "obj:") { return false; } return is_indirect_object(v.substr(4), obj, gen); } static bool is_unicode_string(std::string const& v, std::string& str) { if (v.substr(0, 2) == "u:") { str = v.substr(2); return true; } return false; } static bool is_binary_string(std::string const& v, std::string& str) { if (v.substr(0, 2) == "b:") { str = v.substr(2); int count = 0; for (char c: str) { if (!QUtil::is_hex_digit(c)) { return false; } ++count; } return (count % 2 == 0); } return false; } static bool is_name(std::string const& v) { return ((v.length() > 1) && (v.at(0) == '/')); } static bool is_pdf_name(std::string const& v) { return ((v.length() > 3) && (v.substr(0, 3) == "n:/")); } bool QPDF::test_json_validators() { bool passed = true; auto check_fn = [&passed](char const* msg, bool expr) { if (!expr) { passed = false; std::cerr << msg << std::endl; } }; #define check(expr) check_fn(#expr, expr) int obj = 0; int gen = 0; check(!is_indirect_object("", obj, gen)); check(!is_indirect_object("12", obj, gen)); check(!is_indirect_object("x12 0 R", obj, gen)); check(!is_indirect_object("12 0 Rx", obj, gen)); check(!is_indirect_object("12 0R", obj, gen)); check(is_indirect_object("52 1 R", obj, gen)); check(obj == 52); check(gen == 1); check(is_indirect_object("53 20 R", obj, gen)); check(obj == 53); check(gen == 20); check(!is_obj_key("", obj, gen)); check(!is_obj_key("obj:x", obj, gen)); check(!is_obj_key("obj:x", obj, gen)); check(is_obj_key("obj:12 13 R", obj, gen)); check(obj == 12); check(gen == 13); std::string str; check(!is_unicode_string("", str)); check(!is_unicode_string("xyz", str)); check(!is_unicode_string("x:", str)); check(is_unicode_string("u:potato", str)); check(str == "potato"); check(is_unicode_string("u:", str)); check(str == ""); check(!is_binary_string("", str)); check(!is_binary_string("x:", str)); check(!is_binary_string("b:1", str)); check(!is_binary_string("b:123", str)); check(!is_binary_string("b:gh", str)); check(is_binary_string("b:", str)); check(is_binary_string("b:12", str)); check(is_binary_string("b:123aBC", str)); check(!is_name("")); check(!is_name("/")); check(!is_name("xyz")); check(is_name("/Potato")); check(is_name("/Potato Salad")); return passed; #undef check_arg } static std::function<void(Pipeline*)> provide_data(std::shared_ptr<InputSource> is, qpdf_offset_t start, qpdf_offset_t end) { return [is, start, end](Pipeline* p) { Pl_Base64 decode("base64-decode", p, Pl_Base64::a_decode); p = &decode; size_t bytes = QIntC::to_size(end - start); char buf[8192]; is->seek(start, SEEK_SET); size_t len = 0; while ((len = is->read(buf, std::min(bytes, sizeof(buf)))) > 0) { p->write(buf, len); bytes -= len; if (bytes == 0) { break; } } decode.finish(); }; } class QPDF::JSONReactor: public JSON::Reactor { public: JSONReactor(QPDF& pdf, std::shared_ptr<InputSource> is, bool must_be_complete) : pdf(pdf), is(is), must_be_complete(must_be_complete), descr(std::make_shared<QPDFValue::Description>( QPDFValue::JSON_Descr(std::make_shared<std::string>(is->getName()), ""))) { for (auto& oc: pdf.m->obj_cache) { if (oc.second.object->getTypeCode() == ::ot_reserved) { reserved.insert(oc.first); } } } ~JSONReactor() override = default; void dictionaryStart() override; void arrayStart() override; void containerEnd(JSON const& value) override; void topLevelScalar() override; bool dictionaryItem(std::string const& key, JSON const& value) override; bool arrayItem(JSON const& value) override; bool anyErrors() const; private: enum state_e { st_initial, st_top, st_qpdf, st_qpdf_meta, st_objects, st_trailer, st_object_top, st_stream, st_object, st_ignore, }; void containerStart(); void nestedState(std::string const& key, JSON const& value, state_e); void setObjectDescription(QPDFObjectHandle& oh, JSON const& value); QPDFObjectHandle makeObject(JSON const& value); void error(qpdf_offset_t offset, std::string const& message); void replaceObject(QPDFObjectHandle to_replace, QPDFObjectHandle replacement, JSON const& value); QPDF& pdf; std::shared_ptr<InputSource> is; bool must_be_complete{true}; std::shared_ptr<QPDFValue::Description> descr; bool errors{false}; bool parse_error{false}; bool saw_qpdf{false}; bool saw_qpdf_meta{false}; bool saw_objects{false}; bool saw_json_version{false}; bool saw_pdf_version{false}; bool saw_trailer{false}; state_e state{st_initial}; state_e next_state{st_top}; std::string cur_object; bool saw_value{false}; bool saw_stream{false}; bool saw_dict{false}; bool saw_data{false}; bool saw_datafile{false}; bool this_stream_needs_data{false}; std::vector<state_e> state_stack{st_initial}; std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> object_stack; std::set<QPDFObjGen> reserved; }; void QPDF::JSONReactor::error(qpdf_offset_t offset, std::string const& msg) { this->errors = true; std::string object = this->cur_object; if (is->getName() != pdf.getFilename()) { object += " from " + is->getName(); } this->pdf.warn(qpdf_e_json, object, offset, msg); } bool QPDF::JSONReactor::anyErrors() const { return this->errors; } void QPDF::JSONReactor::containerStart() { state_stack.push_back(state); state = next_state; } void QPDF::JSONReactor::dictionaryStart() { containerStart(); } void QPDF::JSONReactor::arrayStart() { containerStart(); if (state == st_top) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json top-level array"); throw std::runtime_error("QPDF JSON must be a dictionary"); } } void QPDF::JSONReactor::containerEnd(JSON const& value) { auto from_state = state; state = state_stack.back(); state_stack.pop_back(); if (state == st_initial) { if (!this->saw_qpdf) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json missing qpdf"); error(0, "\"qpdf\" object was not seen"); } else { if (!this->saw_json_version) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json missing json version"); error(0, "\"qpdf[0].jsonversion\" was not seen"); } if (must_be_complete && !this->saw_pdf_version) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json missing pdf version"); error(0, "\"qpdf[0].pdfversion\" was not seen"); } if (!this->saw_objects) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json missing objects"); error(0, "\"qpdf[1]\" was not seen"); } else { if (must_be_complete && !this->saw_trailer) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json missing trailer"); error(0, "\"qpdf[1].trailer\" was not seen"); } } } } else if (state == st_objects) { if (parse_error) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json don't check object after parse error"); } else if (cur_object == "trailer") { if (!saw_value) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json trailer no value"); error(value.getStart(), "\"trailer\" is missing \"value\""); } } else if (saw_value == saw_stream) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json value stream both or neither"); error(value.getStart(), "object must have exactly one of \"value\" or \"stream\""); } object_stack.clear(); this->cur_object = ""; this->saw_dict = false; this->saw_data = false; this->saw_datafile = false; this->saw_value = false; this->saw_stream = false; } else if (state == st_object_top) { if (saw_stream) { if (!saw_dict) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json stream no dict"); error(value.getStart(), "\"stream\" is missing \"dict\""); } if (saw_data == saw_datafile) { if (this_stream_needs_data) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json data datafile both or neither"); error( value.getStart(), "new \"stream\" must have exactly one of \"data\" or " "\"datafile\""); } else if (saw_datafile) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json data and datafile"); error( value.getStart(), "existing \"stream\" may at most one of \"data\" or " "\"datafile\""); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json no stream data in update mode"); } } } } else if ((state == st_stream) || (state == st_object)) { if (!parse_error) { object_stack.pop_back(); } } else if ((state == st_top) && (from_state == st_qpdf)) { // Handle dangling indirect object references which the PDF spec says to treat as nulls. // It's tempting to make this an error, but that would be wrong since valid input files may // have these. for (auto& oc: pdf.m->obj_cache) { if (oc.second.object->getTypeCode() == ::ot_reserved && reserved.count(oc.first) == 0) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json non-trivial null reserved"); pdf.updateCache(oc.first, QPDF_Null::create(), -1, -1); } } } } void QPDF::JSONReactor::replaceObject( QPDFObjectHandle to_replace, QPDFObjectHandle replacement, JSON const& value) { auto og = to_replace.getObjGen(); this->pdf.replaceObject(og, replacement); auto oh = pdf.getObject(og); setObjectDescription(oh, value); } void QPDF::JSONReactor::topLevelScalar() { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json top-level scalar"); throw std::runtime_error("QPDF JSON must be a dictionary"); } void QPDF::JSONReactor::nestedState(std::string const& key, JSON const& value, state_e next) { // Use this method when the next state is for processing a nested dictionary. if (value.isDictionary()) { this->next_state = next; } else { error(value.getStart(), "\"" + key + "\" must be a dictionary"); this->next_state = st_ignore; this->parse_error = true; } } bool QPDF::JSONReactor::dictionaryItem(std::string const& key, JSON const& value) { if (state == st_ignore) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json ignoring in st_ignore"); // ignore } else if (state == st_top) { if (key == "qpdf") { this->saw_qpdf = true; if (!value.isArray()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json qpdf not array"); error(value.getStart(), "\"qpdf\" must be an array"); next_state = st_ignore; parse_error = true; } else { next_state = st_qpdf; } } else { // Ignore all other fields. QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json ignoring unknown top-level key"); next_state = st_ignore; } } else if (state == st_qpdf_meta) { if (key == "pdfversion") { this->saw_pdf_version = true; bool version_okay = false; std::string v; if (value.getString(v)) { std::string version; char const* p = v.c_str(); if (QPDF::validatePDFVersion(p, version) && (*p == '\0')) { version_okay = true; this->pdf.m->pdf_version = version; } } if (!version_okay) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json bad pdf version"); error(value.getStart(), "invalid PDF version (must be x.y)"); } } else if (key == "jsonversion") { this->saw_json_version = true; bool version_okay = false; std::string v; if (value.getNumber(v)) { std::string version; if (QUtil::string_to_int(v.c_str()) == 2) { version_okay = true; } } if (!version_okay) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json bad json version"); error(value.getStart(), "invalid JSON version (must be 2)"); } } else if (key == "pushedinheritedpageresources") { bool v; if (value.getBool(v)) { if ((!this->must_be_complete) && v) { this->pdf.pushInheritedAttributesToPage(); } } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json bad pushedinheritedpageresources"); error(value.getStart(), "pushedinheritedpageresources must be a boolean"); } } else if (key == "calledgetallpages") { bool v; if (value.getBool(v)) { if ((!this->must_be_complete) && v) { this->pdf.getAllPages(); } } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json bad calledgetallpages"); error(value.getStart(), "calledgetallpages must be a boolean"); } } else { // ignore unknown keys for forward compatibility and to skip keys we don't care about // like "maxobjectid". QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json ignore second-level key"); next_state = st_ignore; } } else if (state == st_objects) { int obj = 0; int gen = 0; if (key == "trailer") { this->saw_trailer = true; nestedState(key, value, st_trailer); this->cur_object = "trailer"; } else if (is_obj_key(key, obj, gen)) { this->cur_object = key; auto oh = pdf.reserveObjectIfNotExists(QPDFObjGen(obj, gen)); object_stack.push_back(oh); nestedState(key, value, st_object_top); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json bad object key"); error(value.getStart(), "object key should be \"trailer\" or \"obj:n n R\""); next_state = st_ignore; parse_error = true; } } else if (state == st_object_top) { if (object_stack.size() == 0) { throw std::logic_error("no object on stack in st_object_top"); } auto tos = object_stack.back(); QPDFObjectHandle replacement; if (key == "value") { // Don't use nestedState since this can have any type. this->saw_value = true; next_state = st_object; replacement = makeObject(value); replaceObject(tos, replacement, value); } else if (key == "stream") { this->saw_stream = true; nestedState(key, value, st_stream); this->this_stream_needs_data = false; if (tos.isStream()) { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json updating existing stream"); } else { this->this_stream_needs_data = true; replacement = pdf.reserveStream(tos.getObjGen()); replaceObject(tos, replacement, value); } } else { // Ignore unknown keys for forward compatibility QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json ignore unknown key in object_top"); next_state = st_ignore; } if (replacement.isInitialized()) { object_stack.pop_back(); object_stack.push_back(replacement); } } else if (state == st_trailer) { if (key == "value") { this->saw_value = true; // The trailer must be a dictionary, so we can use nestedState. nestedState("trailer.value", value, st_object); this->pdf.m->trailer = makeObject(value); setObjectDescription(this->pdf.m->trailer, value); } else if (key == "stream") { // Don't need to set saw_stream here since there's already an error. QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json trailer stream"); error(value.getStart(), "the trailer may not be a stream"); next_state = st_ignore; parse_error = true; } else { // Ignore unknown keys for forward compatibility QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json ignore unknown key in trailer"); next_state = st_ignore; } } else if (state == st_stream) { if (object_stack.size() == 0) { throw std::logic_error("no object on stack in st_stream"); } auto tos = object_stack.back(); if (!tos.isStream()) { throw std::logic_error("top of stack is not stream in st_stream"); } auto uninitialized = QPDFObjectHandle(); if (key == "dict") { this->saw_dict = true; // Since a stream dictionary must be a dictionary, we can use nestedState to transition // to st_value. nestedState("stream.dict", value, st_object); auto dict = makeObject(value); if (dict.isDictionary()) { tos.replaceDict(dict); } else { // An error had already been given by nestedState QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json stream dict not dict"); parse_error = true; } } else if (key == "data") { this->saw_data = true; std::string v; if (!value.getString(v)) { error(value.getStart(), "\"stream.data\" must be a string"); } else { // The range includes the quotes. auto start = value.getStart() + 1; auto end = value.getEnd() - 1; if (end < start) { throw std::logic_error("QPDF_json: JSON string length < 0"); } tos.replaceStreamData(provide_data(is, start, end), uninitialized, uninitialized); } } else if (key == "datafile") { this->saw_datafile = true; std::string filename; if (value.getString(filename)) { tos.replaceStreamData(QUtil::file_provider(filename), uninitialized, uninitialized); } else { error( value.getStart(), "\"stream.datafile\" must be a string containing a file " "name"); } } else { // Ignore unknown keys for forward compatibility. QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json ignore unknown key in stream"); next_state = st_ignore; } } else if (state == st_object) { if (!parse_error) { auto dict = object_stack.back(); if (dict.isStream()) { dict = dict.getDict(); } dict.replaceKey(key, makeObject(value)); } } else { throw std::logic_error("QPDF_json: unknown state " + std::to_string(state)); } return true; } bool QPDF::JSONReactor::arrayItem(JSON const& value) { if (state == st_qpdf) { if (!this->saw_qpdf_meta) { this->saw_qpdf_meta = true; nestedState("qpdf[0]", value, st_qpdf_meta); } else if (!this->saw_objects) { this->saw_objects = true; nestedState("qpdf[1]", value, st_objects); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json more than two qpdf elements"); error(value.getStart(), "\"qpdf\" must have two elements"); next_state = st_ignore; parse_error = true; } } if (state == st_object) { if (!parse_error) { auto tos = object_stack.back(); tos.appendItem(makeObject(value)); } } return true; } void QPDF::JSONReactor::setObjectDescription(QPDFObjectHandle& oh, JSON const& value) { auto j_descr = std::get<QPDFValue::JSON_Descr>(*descr); if (j_descr.object != cur_object) { descr = std::make_shared<QPDFValue::Description>( QPDFValue::JSON_Descr(j_descr.input, cur_object)); } oh.getObjectPtr()->setDescription(&pdf, descr, value.getStart()); } QPDFObjectHandle QPDF::JSONReactor::makeObject(JSON const& value) { QPDFObjectHandle result; std::string str_v; bool bool_v = false; if (value.isDictionary()) { result = QPDFObjectHandle::newDictionary(); object_stack.push_back(result); } else if (value.isArray()) { result = QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(); object_stack.push_back(result); } else if (value.isNull()) { result = QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(); } else if (value.getBool(bool_v)) { result = QPDFObjectHandle::newBool(bool_v); } else if (value.getNumber(str_v)) { if (QUtil::is_long_long(str_v.c_str())) { result = QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(QUtil::string_to_ll(str_v.c_str())); } else { // JSON allows scientific notation, but PDF does not. if (str_v.find('e') != std::string::npos || str_v.find('E') != std::string::npos) { try { auto v = std::stod(str_v); str_v = QUtil::double_to_string(v); } catch (std::exception&) { // Keep it as it was } } result = QPDFObjectHandle::newReal(str_v); } } else if (value.getString(str_v)) { int obj = 0; int gen = 0; std::string str; if (is_indirect_object(str_v, obj, gen)) { result = pdf.reserveObjectIfNotExists(QPDFObjGen(obj, gen)); } else if (is_unicode_string(str_v, str)) { result = QPDFObjectHandle::newUnicodeString(str); } else if (is_binary_string(str_v, str)) { result = QPDFObjectHandle::newString(QUtil::hex_decode(str)); } else if (is_name(str_v)) { result = QPDFObjectHandle::newName(str_v); } else if (is_pdf_name(str_v)) { result = QPDFObjectHandle::parse(str_v.substr(2)); } else { QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF_json unrecognized string value"); error(value.getStart(), "unrecognized string value"); result = QPDFObjectHandle::newNull(); } } if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw std::logic_error("JSONReactor::makeObject didn't initialize the object"); } if (!result.hasObjectDescription()) { setObjectDescription(result, value); } return result; } void QPDF::createFromJSON(std::string const& json_file) { createFromJSON(std::make_shared<FileInputSource>(json_file.c_str())); } void QPDF::createFromJSON(std::shared_ptr<InputSource> is) { processMemoryFile(is->getName().c_str(), JSON_PDF, strlen(JSON_PDF)); importJSON(is, true); } void QPDF::updateFromJSON(std::string const& json_file) { updateFromJSON(std::make_shared<FileInputSource>(json_file.c_str())); } void QPDF::updateFromJSON(std::shared_ptr<InputSource> is) { importJSON(is, false); } void QPDF::importJSON(std::shared_ptr<InputSource> is, bool must_be_complete) { JSONReactor reactor(*this, is, must_be_complete); try { JSON::parse(*is, &reactor); } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { throw std::runtime_error(is->getName() + ": " + e.what()); } if (reactor.anyErrors()) { throw std::runtime_error(is->getName() + ": errors found in JSON"); } } void QPDF::writeJSONStream( int version, Pipeline* p, bool& first, std::string const& key, QPDFObjectHandle& obj, qpdf_stream_decode_level_e decode_level, qpdf_json_stream_data_e json_stream_data, std::string const& file_prefix) { Pipeline* stream_p = nullptr; FILE* f = nullptr; std::shared_ptr<Pl_StdioFile> f_pl; std::string filename; if (json_stream_data == qpdf_sj_file) { filename = file_prefix + "-" + std::to_string(obj.getObjectID()); f = QUtil::safe_fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb"); f_pl = std::make_shared<Pl_StdioFile>("stream data", f); stream_p = f_pl.get(); } auto j = JSON::makeDictionary(); j.addDictionaryMember( "stream", obj.getStreamJSON(version, json_stream_data, decode_level, stream_p, filename)); JSON::writeDictionaryItem(p, first, key, j, 3); if (f) { f_pl->finish(); f_pl = nullptr; fclose(f); } } void QPDF::writeJSONObject( int version, Pipeline* p, bool& first, std::string const& key, QPDFObjectHandle& obj) { auto j = JSON::makeDictionary(); j.addDictionaryMember("value", obj.getJSON(version, true)); JSON::writeDictionaryItem(p, first, key, j, 3); } void QPDF::writeJSON( int version, Pipeline* p, qpdf_stream_decode_level_e decode_level, qpdf_json_stream_data_e json_stream_data, std::string const& file_prefix, std::set<std::string> wanted_objects) { bool first = true; writeJSON(version, p, true, first, decode_level, json_stream_data, file_prefix, wanted_objects); } void QPDF::writeJSON( int version, Pipeline* p, bool complete, bool& first_key, qpdf_stream_decode_level_e decode_level, qpdf_json_stream_data_e json_stream_data, std::string const& file_prefix, std::set<std::string> wanted_objects) { int const depth_outer = 1; int const depth_top = 1; int const depth_qpdf = 2; int const depth_qpdf_inner = 3; if (version != 2) { throw std::runtime_error("QPDF::writeJSON: only version 2 is supported"); } bool first = true; if (complete) { JSON::writeDictionaryOpen(p, first, depth_outer); } else { first = first_key; } JSON::writeDictionaryKey(p, first, "qpdf", depth_top); bool first_qpdf = true; JSON::writeArrayOpen(p, first_qpdf, depth_top); JSON::writeNext(p, first_qpdf, depth_qpdf); bool first_qpdf_inner = true; JSON::writeDictionaryOpen(p, first_qpdf_inner, depth_qpdf); JSON::writeDictionaryItem( p, first_qpdf_inner, "jsonversion", JSON::makeInt(version), depth_qpdf_inner); JSON::writeDictionaryItem( p, first_qpdf_inner, "pdfversion", JSON::makeString(getPDFVersion()), depth_qpdf_inner); JSON::writeDictionaryItem( p, first_qpdf_inner, "pushedinheritedpageresources", JSON::makeBool(everPushedInheritedAttributesToPages()), depth_qpdf_inner); JSON::writeDictionaryItem( p, first_qpdf_inner, "calledgetallpages", JSON::makeBool(everCalledGetAllPages()), depth_qpdf_inner); JSON::writeDictionaryItem( p, first_qpdf_inner, "maxobjectid", JSON::makeInt(QIntC::to_longlong(getObjectCount())), depth_qpdf_inner); JSON::writeDictionaryClose(p, first_qpdf_inner, depth_qpdf); JSON::writeNext(p, first_qpdf, depth_qpdf); JSON::writeDictionaryOpen(p, first_qpdf_inner, depth_qpdf); bool all_objects = wanted_objects.empty(); for (auto& obj: getAllObjects()) { std::string key = "obj:" + obj.unparse(); if (all_objects || wanted_objects.count(key)) { if (obj.isStream()) { writeJSONStream( version, p, first_qpdf_inner, key, obj, decode_level, json_stream_data, file_prefix); } else { writeJSONObject(version, p, first_qpdf_inner, key, obj); } } } if (all_objects || wanted_objects.count("trailer")) { auto trailer = getTrailer(); writeJSONObject(version, p, first_qpdf_inner, "trailer", trailer); } JSON::writeDictionaryClose(p, first_qpdf_inner, depth_qpdf); JSON::writeArrayClose(p, first_qpdf, depth_top); if (complete) { JSON::writeDictionaryClose(p, first, 0); *p << "\n"; p->finish(); } first_key = false; }