# There is a FindLATEX module, but it does some things we don't care # about and doesn't do everything we need. find_program(LATEX latex) find_program(PDFLATEX pdflatex) find_program(LATEXMK latexmk) find_program(SPHINX sphinx-build) # *** NOTE: Never check BUILD_DOC_PDF if BUILD_DOC is not set. See # *** comments in top-level CMakeLists.txt. if(BUILD_DOC) if(SPHINX STREQUAL SPHINX-NOTFOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "sphinx-build is required for building documentation") endif() if(BUILD_DOC_PDF AND ((LATEX STREQUAL LATEX-NOTFOUND) OR (LATEXMK STREQUAL LATEXMK-NOTFOUND) OR (PDFLATEX STREQUAL PDFLATEX-NOTFOUND))) message(FATAL_ERROR "latex, latexmk, and pdflatex are required to build PDF documentation") endif() endif() set(MANUAL_SRC ${qpdf_SOURCE_DIR}/manual) foreach(F qpdf.1 fix-qdf.1 zlib-flate.1) configure_file( ${MANUAL_SRC}/${F}.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${F} NEWLINE_STYLE UNIX) endforeach() SET(MANUAL_DEPS conf.py _ext/qpdf.py acknowledgement.rst cli.rst design.rst download.rst encryption.rst index.rst installation.rst json.rst contributing.rst library.rst license.rst linearization.rst object-streams.rst overview.rst packaging.rst qdf.rst qpdf-job.rst release-notes.rst weak-crypto.rst) # Prevent targets that run ${SPHINX} from running in parallel by using # dependencies. This avoids clashes in temporary files that cause the # build to fail with the error "_pickle.UnpicklingError: pickle data # was truncated". It would be better if we could use order-only # dependencies like gnu make to make it possible to build the targets # independently. set(DOC_HTML_OUTPUT html/index.html) set(DOC_SINGLEHTML_OUTPUT singlehtml/index.html) set(DOC_PDF_OUTPUT latex/qpdf.pdf) if(BUILD_DOC) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${DOC_HTML_OUTPUT} COMMAND ${SPHINX} -M html ${MANUAL_SRC} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COMMAND touch ${DOC_HTML_OUTPUT} DEPENDS ${MANUAL_DEPS}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${DOC_SINGLEHTML_OUTPUT} COMMAND ${SPHINX} -M singlehtml ${MANUAL_SRC} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COMMAND touch ${DOC_SINGLEHTML_OUTPUT} DEPENDS ${MANUAL_DEPS}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${DOC_PDF_OUTPUT} COMMAND ${SPHINX} -M latexpdf ${MANUAL_SRC} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COMMAND touch ${DOC_PDF_OUTPUT} DEPENDS ${MANUAL_DEPS}) add_custom_target(doc_html DEPENDS ${DOC_HTML_OUTPUT}) add_custom_target(doc_singlehtml DEPENDS ${DOC_SINGLEHTML_OUTPUT}) add_dependencies(doc_singlehtml doc_html) add_custom_target(doc_pdf DEPENDS ${DOC_PDF_OUTPUT}) add_custom_target(doc ALL) if(BUILD_DOC_PDF) add_dependencies(doc doc_pdf) if(BUILD_DOC_HTML) add_dependencies(doc_pdf doc_singlehtml) endif() elseif(BUILD_DOC_HTML) add_dependencies(doc doc_singlehtml) endif() if(BUILD_DOC_DIST) set(DOC_DIST_HTML doc-dist/manual-html) set(DOC_DIST_SINGLEHTML doc-dist/manual-single-page-html) set(DOC_DIST_PDF doc-dist/qpdf-manual.pdf) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${DOC_DIST_HTML} ${DOC_DIST_SINGLEHTML} ${DOC_DIST_PDF} COMMAND rm -rf doc-dist COMMAND mkdir -p doc-dist COMMAND cp -r html ${DOC_DIST_HTML} COMMAND cp -r singlehtml ${DOC_DIST_SINGLEHTML} COMMAND cp -r ${DOC_PDF_OUTPUT} ${DOC_DIST_PDF} DEPENDS ${DOC_HTML_OUTPUT} ${DOC_SINGLEHTML_OUTPUT} ${DOC_PDF_OUTPUT}) add_custom_target(doc_dist ALL DEPENDS ${DOC_DIST_HTML} ${DOC_DIST_SINGLEHTML} ${DOC_DIST_PDF}) add_dependencies(doc_dist doc) endif() endif() # INSTALL_MANUAL is not dependent on building doc -- we sometimes drop in # pre-built doc when creating distributions. if(INSTALL_MANUAL) install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doc-dist/ TYPE DOC COMPONENT ${COMPONENT_DOC}) else() install(FILES ${qpdf_SOURCE_DIR}/README-doc.txt TYPE DOC COMPONENT ${COMPONENT_DOC}) endif() if(NOT WIN32) # There's no reason to install manual pages in a Windows # environment, especially when all they do is refer people to the # manual. install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qpdf.1 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fix-qdf.1 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zlib-flate.1 DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}/man1 COMPONENT ${COMPONENT_DOC}) endif()