#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import argparse import subprocess import re whoami = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) whereami = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def warn(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) class Main: def main(self, args=sys.argv[1:], prog=whoami): options = self.parse_args(args, prog) if options.action == 'dump': self.dump(options) elif options.action == 'check-sizes': self.check_sizes(options) elif options.action == 'compare': self.compare(options) else: exit(f'{whoami}: unknown action') def parse_args(self, args, prog): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=prog, # formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description='Check ABI for changes', ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest='action', help='specify subcommand; run action with --help for details', required=True) lib_arg = ('--lib', {'help': 'library file', 'required': True}) p_dump = subparsers.add_parser( 'dump', help='dump qpdf symbols in a library') p_dump.add_argument(lib_arg[0], **lib_arg[1]) p_check_sizes = subparsers.add_parser( 'check-sizes', help='check consistency between library and sizes.cc') p_check_sizes.add_argument(lib_arg[0], **lib_arg[1]) p_compare = subparsers.add_parser( 'compare', help='compare libraries and sizes') p_compare.add_argument('--new-lib', help='new library file', required=True) p_compare.add_argument('--old-lib', help='old library file', required=True) p_compare.add_argument('--old-sizes', help='output of old sizes', required=True) p_compare.add_argument('--new-sizes', help='output of new sizes', required=True) return parser.parse_args(args) def get_versions(self, path): p = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(path)) m = re.match(r'^libqpdf.so.(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)$', p) if not m: exit(f'{whoami}: {path} does end with libqpdf.so.x.y.z') major = int(m.group(1)) minor = int(m.group(2)) patch = int(m.group(3)) return (major, minor, patch) def get_symbols(self, path): symbols = set() p = subprocess.run( ['nm', '-D', '--demangle', '--with-symbol-versions', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if p.returncode: exit(f'{whoami}: failed to get symbols from {path}') for line in p.stdout.decode().split('\n'): # The LIBQPDF_\d+ comes from the version tag in # libqpdf.map.in. m = re.match(r'^[0-9a-f]+ (.) (.+)@@LIBQPDF_\d+\s*$', line) if not m: continue symbols.add(m.group(2)) return symbols def dump(self, options): # This is just for manual use to investigate surprises. for i in sorted(self.get_symbols(options.lib)): print(i) def check_sizes(self, options): # Make sure that every class with methods in the public API # appears in sizes.cc either explicitly ignored or in a # print_size call. This enables us to reliably test whether # any object changed size by following the ABI checking # procedures outlined in README-maintainer. # To keep things up to date, whenever we add or remove # objects, we have to update sizes.cc. The check-sizes option # can be run at any time on an up-to-date build. lib = self.get_symbols(options.lib) classes = set() for i in sorted(lib): # Find a symbol that looks like a class method. m = re.match( r'(((?:^\S*?::)?(?:[^:\s]+))::([^:\s]+))(?:\[[^\]]+\])?\(', i) if m: full = m.group(1) clas = m.group(2) method = m.group(3) if full.startswith('std::') or method.startswith('~'): # Sometimes std:: template instantiations make it # into the library. Ignore those. Also ignore # classes whose only exported method is a # destructor. continue # Otherwise, if the class exports a method, we # potentially care about changes to its size, so add # it. classes.add(clas) in_sizes = set() # Read the sizes.cc to make sure everything's there. with open(os.path.join(whereami, 'qpdf/sizes.cc'), 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): m = re.search(r'^\s*(?:ignore_class|print_size)\((.*?)\)', line) if m: in_sizes.add(m.group(1)) sizes_only = in_sizes - classes classes_only = classes - in_sizes if sizes_only or classes_only: if sizes_only: print("classes in sizes.cc but not in the library:") for i in sorted(sizes_only): print(' ', i) if classes_only: print("classes in the library but not in sizes.cc:") for i in sorted(classes_only): print(' ', i) exit(f'{whoami}: mismatch between library and sizes.cc') else: print(f'{whoami}: sizes.cc is consistent with the library') def read_sizes(self, filename): sizes = {} with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() m = re.match(r'^(.*) (\d+)$', line) if not m: exit(f'{filename}: bad sizes line: {line}') sizes[m.group(1)] = m.group(2) return sizes def compare(self, options): old_version = self.get_versions(options.old_lib) new_version = self.get_versions(options.new_lib) old = self.get_symbols(options.old_lib) new = self.get_symbols(options.new_lib) if old_version > new_version: exit(f'{whoami}: old version is newer than new version') allow_abi_change = new_version[0] > old_version[0] allow_added = allow_abi_change or (new_version[1] > old_version[1]) removed = sorted(old - new) added = sorted(new - old) if removed: print('INTERFACES REMOVED:') for i in removed: print(' ', i) else: print('No interfaces were removed') if added: print('INTERFACES ADDED') for i in added: print(' ', i) else: print('No interfaces were added') if removed and not allow_abi_change: exit(f'{whoami}: **ERROR**: major version must be bumped') elif added and not allow_added: exit(f'{whoami}: **ERROR**: minor version must be bumped') else: print(f'{whoami}: ABI check passed.') old_sizes = self.read_sizes(options.old_sizes) new_sizes = self.read_sizes(options.new_sizes) size_errors = False for k, v in old_sizes.items(): if k in new_sizes and v != new_sizes[k]: size_errors = True print(f'{k} changed size from {v} to {new_sizes[k]}') if size_errors: if not allow_abi_change: exit(f'{whoami}:' 'size changes detected; this is an ABI change.') else: print(f'{whoami}: no size changes detected') if __name__ == '__main__': try: Main().main() except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(130)