WARNING: issue-143.pdf: can't find PDF header WARNING: issue-143.pdf (xref stream: object 3 0, offset 654): stream keyword not followed by proper line terminator WARNING: issue-143.pdf (xref stream: object 3 0, offset 607): stream dictionary lacks /Length key WARNING: issue-143.pdf (xref stream: object 3 0, offset 654): attempting to recover stream length WARNING: issue-143.pdf (xref stream: object 3 0, offset 654): recovered stream length: 36 WARNING: issue-143.pdf: file is damaged WARNING: issue-143.pdf (object 1 0, offset 48): expected n n obj WARNING: issue-143.pdf: Attempting to reconstruct cross-reference table WARNING: issue-143.pdf (object 1 0, offset 24): expected dictionary key but found non-name object; inserting key /QPDFFake1 WARNING: issue-143.pdf (object 1 0, offset 24): expected dictionary key but found non-name object; inserting key /QPDFFake2 WARNING: issue-143.pdf (object 1 0, offset 24): expected dictionary key but found non-name object; inserting key /QPDFFake3 WARNING: issue-143.pdf (object 1 0, offset 24): expected dictionary key but found non-name object; inserting key /QPDFFake4 WARNING: issue-143.pdf (object 1 0, offset 21): stream dictionary lacks /Length key WARNING: issue-143.pdf (object 1 0, offset 84): attempting to recover stream length WARNING: issue-143.pdf (object 1 0, offset 84): recovered stream length: 606 WARNING: issue-143.pdf object stream 1 (object 2 0, offset 33): expected dictionary key but found non-name object; inserting key /QPDFFake1 WARNING: issue-143.pdf (object 2 0, offset 84): supposed object stream 12336 is not a stream qpdf: operation succeeded with warnings; resulting file may have some problems