mirror of https://github.com/qpdf/qpdf.git synced 2024-06-11 14:42:28 +00:00

17 lines
802 B

potato: write progress: 0%
....other write progress....
potato: write progress: 100%
argv test passed
json test passed
WARNING: xref-with-short-size.pdf (xref stream, offset 16227): Cross-reference stream data has the wrong size; expected = 52; actual = 56
qpdfjob json: operation succeeded with warnings; resulting file may have some problems
json warn test passed
|custom|qpdfjob json|custom|: |custom|an output file name is required; use - for standard output|custom|
|custom|qpdfjob json|custom|: |custom|an output file name is required; use - for standard output|custom|
json error test passed
qpdfjob: d.pdf: write progress: 0%
....other write progress....
qpdfjob: d.pdf: write progress: 100%
qpdfjob: open m.pdf: No such file or directory
qpdfjob_create_qpdf and qpdfjob_write_qpdf test passed