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Jay Berkenbilt 07edf96440 Remove methods of private classes from ABI
Prior to the cmake conversion, several private classes had methods
that were exported into the shared library so they could be tested
with libtests. With cmake, we build libtests using an object library,
so this is no longer necessary. The methods that are disappearing from
the ABI were never exposed through public headers, so no code should
be using them. Removal had to wait until the window for ABI-breaking
changes was open.
2022-04-09 17:33:29 -04:00

274 lines
10 KiB

#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// This is not a general-purpose argument parser. It is tightly
// crafted to work with qpdf. qpdf's command-line syntax is very
// complex because of its long history, and it doesn't really follow
// any kind of normal standard for arguments, but it's important for
// backward compatibility to ensure we don't break what constitutes a
// valid command. This class handles the quirks of qpdf's argument
// parsing, bash/zsh completion, and support for @argfile to read
// arguments from a file. For the qpdf CLI, setup of QPDFArgParser is
// done mostly by automatically-generated code (one-off code for
// qpdf), though the handlers themselves are hand-coded. See
// generate_auto_job at the top of the source tree for details.
class QPDFArgParser
// progname_env is used to override argv[0] when figuring out the
// name of the executable for setting up completion. This may be
// needed if the program is invoked by a wrapper.
QPDFArgParser(int argc, char const* const argv[], char const* progname_env);
// Calls exit(0) if a help option is given or if in completion
// mode. If there are argument parsing errors, QPDFUsage is
// thrown.
void parseArgs();
// Return the program name as the last path element of the program
// executable.
std::string getProgname();
// Methods for registering arguments. QPDFArgParser starts off
// with the main option table selected. You can add handlers for
// arguments in the current option table, and you can select which
// option table is current. The help option table is special and
// contains arguments that are only valid as the first and only
// option. Named option tables are for subparsers and always start
// a series of options that end with `--`.
typedef std::function<void()> bare_arg_handler_t;
typedef std::function<void(std::string const&)> param_arg_handler_t;
void selectMainOptionTable();
void selectHelpOptionTable();
void selectOptionTable(std::string const& name);
// Register a new options table. This also selects the option table.
void registerOptionTable(
std::string const& name, bare_arg_handler_t end_handler);
// Add handlers for options in the current table
void addPositional(param_arg_handler_t);
void addBare(std::string const& arg, bare_arg_handler_t);
void addRequiredParameter(
std::string const& arg,
char const* parameter_name);
void addOptionalParameter(std::string const& arg, param_arg_handler_t);
void addChoices(
std::string const& arg,
bool required,
char const** choices);
// The default behavior when an invalid choice is specified with
// an option that takes choices is to list all the choices. This
// may not be good if there are too many choices, so you can
// provide your own handler in this case.
void addInvalidChoiceHandler(std::string const& arg, param_arg_handler_t);
// The final check handler is called at the very end of argument
// parsing.
void addFinalCheck(bare_arg_handler_t);
// Help generation methods
// Help is available on topics and options. Options may be
// associated with topics. Users can run --help, --help=topic, or
// --help=--arg to get help. The top-level help tells the user how
// to run help and lists available topics. Help for a topic prints
// a short synopsis about the topic and lists any options that may
// be associated with the topic. Help for an option provides a
// short synopsis for that option. All help output is appended
// with a blurb (if supplied) directing the user to the full
// documentation. Help is not shown for options for which help has
// not been added. This makes it possible to have undocumented
// options for testing, backward-compatibility, etc. Also, it
// could be quite confusing to handle appropriate help for some
// inner options that may be repeated with different semantics
// inside different option tables. There is also no checking for
// whether an option that has help actually exists. In other
// words, it's up to the caller to ensure that help actually
// corresponds to the program's actual options. Rather than this
// being an intentional design decision, it is because this class
// is specifically for qpdf, qpdf generates its help and has other
// means to ensure consistency.
// Note about newlines:
// short_text should fit easily after the topic/option on the same
// line and should not end with a newline. Keep it to around 40 to
// 60 characters.
// long_text and footer should end with a single newline. They can
// have embedded newlines. Keep lines to under 80 columns.
// QPDFArgParser does reformat the text, but it may add blank
// lines in some situations. Following the above conventions will
// keep the help looking uniform.
// If provided, this footer is appended to all help, separated by
// a blank line.
void addHelpFooter(std::string const&);
// Add a help topic along with the text for that topic
void addHelpTopic(
std::string const& topic,
std::string const& short_text,
std::string const& long_text);
// Add help for an option, and associate it with a topic.
void addOptionHelp(
std::string const& option_name,
std::string const& topic,
std::string const& short_text,
std::string const& long_text);
// Return the help text for a topic or option. Passing a null
// pointer returns the top-level help information. Passing an
// unknown value returns a string directing the user to run the
// top-level --help option.
std::string getHelp(std::string const& topic_or_option);
// Convenience methods for adding member functions of a class as
// handlers.
template <class T>
static bare_arg_handler_t
bindBare(void (T::*f)(), T* o)
return std::bind(std::mem_fn(f), o);
template <class T>
static param_arg_handler_t
bindParam(void (T::*f)(std::string const&), T* o)
return std::bind(std::mem_fn(f), o, std::placeholders::_1);
// When processing arguments, indicate how many arguments remain
// after the one whose handler is being called.
int argsLeft() const;
// Indicate whether we are in completion mode.
bool isCompleting() const;
// Insert a completion during argument parsing; useful for
// customizing completion in the position argument handler. Should
// only be used in completion mode.
void insertCompletion(std::string const&);
// Throw a Usage exception with the given message. In completion
// mode, this just exits to prevent errors from partial commands
// or other error messages from messing up completion.
void usage(std::string const& message);
struct OptionEntry
OptionEntry() :
bool parameter_needed;
std::string parameter_name;
std::set<std::string> choices;
bare_arg_handler_t bare_arg_handler;
param_arg_handler_t param_arg_handler;
param_arg_handler_t invalid_choice_handler;
typedef std::map<std::string, OptionEntry> option_table_t;
struct HelpTopic
HelpTopic() = default;
HelpTopic(std::string const& short_text, std::string const& long_text) :
std::string short_text;
std::string long_text;
std::set<std::string> options;
OptionEntry& registerArg(std::string const& arg);
void completionCommon(bool zsh);
void argCompletionBash();
void argCompletionZsh();
void argHelp(std::string const&);
void invalidHelpArg(std::string const&);
void checkCompletion();
void handleArgFileArguments();
void handleBashArguments();
void readArgsFromFile(std::string const& filename);
void doFinalChecks();
void addOptionsToCompletions(option_table_t&);
void addChoicesToCompletions(
option_table_t&, std::string const&, std::string const&);
insertCompletions(option_table_t&, std::string const&, std::string const&);
void handleCompletion();
void getTopHelp(std::ostringstream&);
void getAllHelp(std::ostringstream&);
void getTopicHelp(
std::string const& name, HelpTopic const&, std::ostringstream&);
class Members
friend class QPDFArgParser;
~Members() = default;
Members(int argc, char const* const argv[], char const* progname_env);
Members(Members const&) = delete;
int argc;
char const* const* argv;
std::string whoami;
std::string progname_env;
int cur_arg;
bool bash_completion;
bool zsh_completion;
std::string bash_prev;
std::string bash_cur;
std::string bash_line;
std::set<std::string> completions;
std::map<std::string, option_table_t> option_tables;
option_table_t main_option_table;
option_table_t help_option_table;
option_table_t* option_table;
std::string option_table_name;
bare_arg_handler_t final_check_handler;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<char const>> new_argv;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<char const>> bash_argv;
std::shared_ptr<char const*> argv_ph;
std::shared_ptr<char const*> bash_argv_ph;
std::map<std::string, HelpTopic> help_topics;
std::map<std::string, HelpTopic> option_help;
std::string help_footer;
std::shared_ptr<Members> m;