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// Copyright (c) 2005-2023 Jay Berkenbilt
// This file is part of qpdf.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
// is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
// or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
// Versions of qpdf prior to version 7 were released under the terms of version 2.0 of the Artistic
// License. At your option, you may continue to consider qpdf to be licensed under those terms.
// Please see the manual for additional information.
#ifndef JSON_HH
#define JSON_HH
// This is a simple JSON serializer and parser, primarily designed for serializing QPDF Objects as
// JSON. While it may work as a general-purpose JSON parser/serializer, there are better options.
// JSON objects contain their data as smart pointers. When one JSON object is added to another, this
// pointer is copied. This means you can create temporary JSON objects on the stack, add them to
// other objects, and let them go out of scope safely. It also means that if a JSON object is added
// in more than one place, all copies share the underlying data. This makes them similar in
// structure and behavior to QPDFObjectHandle and may feel natural within the QPDF codebase, but it
// is also a good reason not to use this as a general-purpose JSON package.
#include <qpdf/DLL.h>
#include <qpdf/PointerHolder.hh> // unused -- remove in qpdf 12 (see #785)
#include <qpdf/Types.h>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Pipeline;
class InputSource;
class JSON
static int constexpr LATEST = 2;
JSON() = default;
std::string unparse() const;
// Write the JSON object through a pipeline. The `depth` parameter specifies how deeply nested
// this is in another JSON structure, which makes it possible to write clean-looking JSON
// incrementally.
void write(Pipeline*, size_t depth = 0) const;
// Helper methods for writing JSON incrementally.
// "first" -- Several methods take a `bool& first` parameter. The open methods always set it to
// true, and the methods to output items always set it to false. This way, the item and close
// methods can always know whether or not a first item is being written. The intended mode of
// operation is to start with a new `bool first = true` each time a new container is opened and
// to pass that `first` through to all the methods that are called to add top-level items to the
// container as well as to close the container. This lets the JSON object use it to keep track
// of when it's writing a first object and when it's not. If incrementally writing multiple
// levels of depth, a new `first` should be used for each new container that is opened.
// "depth" -- Indicate the level of depth. This is used for consistent indentation. When writing
// incrementally, whenever you call a method to add an item to a container, the value of `depth`
// should be one more than whatever value is passed to the container open and close methods.
// Open methods ignore the value of first and set it to false
static void writeDictionaryOpen(Pipeline*, bool& first, size_t depth = 0);
static void writeArrayOpen(Pipeline*, bool& first, size_t depth = 0);
// Close methods don't modify first. A true value indicates that we are closing an empty object.
static void writeDictionaryClose(Pipeline*, bool first, size_t depth = 0);
static void writeArrayClose(Pipeline*, bool first, size_t depth = 0);
// The item methods use the value of first to determine if this is the first item and always set
// it to false.
static void writeDictionaryItem(
Pipeline*, bool& first, std::string const& key, JSON const& value, size_t depth = 0);
// Write just the key of a new dictionary item, useful if writing nested structures. Calls
// writeNext.
static void
writeDictionaryKey(Pipeline* p, bool& first, std::string const& key, size_t depth = 0);
static void writeArrayItem(Pipeline*, bool& first, JSON const& element, size_t depth = 0);
// If writing nested structures incrementally, call writeNext before opening a new array or
// container in the midst of an existing one. The `first` you pass to writeNext should be the
// one for the parent object. The depth should be the one for the child object. Then start a new
// `first` for the nested item. Note that writeDictionaryKey and writeArrayItem call writeNext
// for you, so this is most important when writing subsequent items or container openers to an
// array.
static void writeNext(Pipeline* p, bool& first, size_t depth = 0);
// The JSON spec calls dictionaries "objects", but that creates too much confusion when
// referring to instances of the JSON class.
static JSON makeDictionary();
// addDictionaryMember returns the newly added item.
JSON addDictionaryMember(std::string const& key, JSON const&);
static JSON makeArray();
// addArrayElement returns the newly added item.
JSON addArrayElement(JSON const&);
static JSON makeString(std::string const& utf8);
static JSON makeInt(long long int value);
static JSON makeReal(double value);
static JSON makeNumber(std::string const& encoded);
static JSON makeBool(bool value);
static JSON makeNull();
// A blob serializes as a string. The function will be called by JSON with a pipeline and should
// write binary data to the pipeline but not call finish(). JSON will call finish() at the right
// time.
static JSON makeBlob(std::function<void(Pipeline*)>);
bool isArray() const;
bool isDictionary() const;
// If the key is already in the dictionary, return true. Otherwise, mark it as seen and return
// false. This is primarily intended to be used by the parser to detect duplicate keys when the
// reactor blocks them from being added to the final dictionary.
bool checkDictionaryKeySeen(std::string const& key);
// Accessors. Accessor behavior:
// - If argument is wrong type, including null, return false
// - If argument is right type, return true and initialize the value
bool getString(std::string& utf8) const;
bool getNumber(std::string& value) const;
bool getBool(bool& value) const;
bool isNull() const;
bool forEachDictItem(std::function<void(std::string const& key, JSON value)> fn) const;
bool forEachArrayItem(std::function<void(JSON value)> fn) const;
// Check this JSON object against a "schema". This is not a schema according to any standard.
// It's just a template of what the JSON is supposed to contain. The checking does the
// following:
// * The schema is a nested structure containing dictionaries, single-element arrays, and
// strings only.
// * Recursively walk the schema. In the items below, "schema object" refers to an object in
// the schema, and "checked object" refers to the corresponding part of the object being
// checked.
// * If the schema object is a dictionary, the checked object must have a dictionary in the
// same place with the same keys. If flags contains f_optional, a key in the schema does not
// have to be present in the object. Otherwise, all keys have to be present. Any key in the
// object must be present in the schema.
// * If the schema object is an array of length 1, the checked object may either be a single
// item or an array of items. The single item or each element of the checked object's
// array is validated against the single element of the schema's array. The rationale behind
// this logic is that a single element may appear wherever the schema allows a
// variable-length array. This makes it possible to start allowing an array in the future
// where a single element was previously required without breaking backward compatibility.
// * If the schema object is an array of length > 1, the checked object must be an array of
// the same length. In this case, each element of the checked object array is validated
// against the corresponding element of the schema array.
// * Otherwise, the value must be a string whose value is a description of the object's
// corresponding value, which may have any type.
// QPDF's JSON output conforms to certain strict compatibility rules as discussed in the manual.
// The idea is that a JSON structure created manually in qpdf.cc doubles as both JSON help
// information and a schema for validating the JSON that qpdf generates. Any discrepancies are a
// bug in qpdf.
// Flags is a bitwise or of values from check_flags_e.
enum check_flags_e {
f_none = 0,
f_optional = 1 << 0,
bool checkSchema(JSON schema, unsigned long flags, std::list<std::string>& errors);
// Same as passing 0 for flags
bool checkSchema(JSON schema, std::list<std::string>& errors);
// A pointer to a Reactor class can be passed to parse, which will enable the caller to react
// to incremental events in the construction of the JSON object. This makes it possible to
// implement SAX-like handling of very large JSON objects.
class QPDF_DLL_CLASS Reactor
virtual ~Reactor() = default;
// The start/end methods are called when parsing of a dictionary or array is started or
// ended. The item methods are called when an item is added to a dictionary or array. When
// adding a container to another container, the item method is called with an empty
// container before the lower container's start method is called. See important notes in
// "Item methods" below.
// During parsing of a JSON string, the parser is operating on a single object at a time.
// When a dictionary or array is started, a new context begins, and when that dictionary or
// array is ended, the previous context is resumed. So, for
// example, if you have `{"a": [1]}`, you will receive the
// following method calls
// dictionaryStart -- current object is the top-level dictionary
// dictionaryItem -- called with "a" and an empty array
// arrayStart -- current object is the array
// arrayItem -- called with the "1" object
// containerEnd -- now current object is the dictionary again
// containerEnd -- current object is undefined
// If the top-level item in a JSON string is a scalar, the topLevelScalar() method will be
// called. No argument is passed since the object is the same as what is returned by
// parse().
virtual void dictionaryStart() = 0;
virtual void arrayStart() = 0;
virtual void containerEnd(JSON const& value) = 0;
virtual void topLevelScalar() = 0;
// Item methods:
// The return value of the item methods indicate whether the item has been "consumed". If
// the item method returns true, then the item will not be added to the containing JSON
// object. This is what allows arbitrarily large JSON objects
// to be parsed and not have to be kept in memory.
// NOTE: When a dictionary or an array is added to a container, the dictionaryItem or
// arrayItem method is called when the child item's start delimiter is encountered, so the
// JSON object passed in at that time will always be in its initial, empty state.
// Additionally, the child item's start method is not called until after the parent item's
// item method is called. This makes it possible to keep track of the current depth level by
// incrementing level on start methods and decrementing on end methods.
virtual bool dictionaryItem(std::string const& key, JSON const& value) = 0;
virtual bool arrayItem(JSON const& value) = 0;
// Create a JSON object from a string.
static JSON parse(std::string const&);
// Create a JSON object from an input source. See above for information about how to use the
// Reactor.
static JSON parse(InputSource&, Reactor* reactor = nullptr);
// parse calls setOffsets to set the inclusive start and non-inclusive end offsets of an object
// relative to its input string. Otherwise, both values are 0.
void setStart(qpdf_offset_t);
void setEnd(qpdf_offset_t);
qpdf_offset_t getStart() const;
qpdf_offset_t getEnd() const;
static std::string encode_string(std::string const& utf8);
static void writeClose(Pipeline* p, bool first, size_t depth, char const* delimeter);
enum value_type_e {
struct JSON_value
JSON_value(value_type_e type_code) :
virtual ~JSON_value() = default;
virtual void write(Pipeline*, size_t depth) const = 0;
const value_type_e type_code{vt_none};
struct JSON_dictionary: public JSON_value
JSON_dictionary() :
~JSON_dictionary() override = default;
void write(Pipeline*, size_t depth) const override;
std::map<std::string, JSON> members;
std::set<std::string> parsed_keys;
struct JSON_array;
struct JSON_string: public JSON_value
JSON_string(std::string const& utf8);
~JSON_string() override = default;
void write(Pipeline*, size_t depth) const override;
std::string utf8;
std::string encoded;
struct JSON_number: public JSON_value
JSON_number(long long val);
JSON_number(double val);
JSON_number(std::string const& val);
~JSON_number() override = default;
void write(Pipeline*, size_t depth) const override;
std::string encoded;
struct JSON_bool: public JSON_value
JSON_bool(bool val);
~JSON_bool() override = default;
void write(Pipeline*, size_t depth) const override;
bool value;
struct JSON_null: public JSON_value
JSON_null() :
~JSON_null() override = default;
void write(Pipeline*, size_t depth) const override;
struct JSON_blob: public JSON_value
JSON_blob(std::function<void(Pipeline*)> fn);
~JSON_blob() override = default;
void write(Pipeline*, size_t depth) const override;
std::function<void(Pipeline*)> fn;
static bool checkSchemaInternal(
JSON_value* this_v,
JSON_value* sch_v,
unsigned long flags,
std::list<std::string>& errors,
std::string prefix);
class Members
friend class JSON;
~Members() = default;
Members(Members const&) = delete;
std::unique_ptr<JSON_value> value;
// start and end are only populated for objects created by parse
qpdf_offset_t start{0};
qpdf_offset_t end{0};
std::shared_ptr<Members> m;
struct JSON::JSON_array: public JSON_value
JSON_array() :
~JSON_array() override = default;
void write(Pipeline*, size_t depth) const override;
std::vector<JSON> elements;
#endif // JSON_HH