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# This makefile is inspired by abuild (http://www.abuild.org), which
# was used during the development of qpdf. The goal here is to have a
# non-recursive build with all the proper dependencies so we can start
# the build from anywhere and get the right stuff. Each directory has
# a build.mk that is included from here and is written from this
# directory's perspective. Each directory also has a proxy Makefile
# that allows you to start the build from any directory and get
# reasonable semantics for the all, check, and clean targets.
# Our "build items" are directories. They are listed here such that
# no item precedes any item it depends on. Therefore, each item can
# safely reference variables set in its predecessors.
# For each build item B, you can run make build_B, make check_B, or
# make clean_B to build, test, or clean B. Full dependencies are
# represented across all the items, so it is possible to start
# anywhere. From the top level, the "all", "check", and "clean"
# targets build, test, or clean everything.
# To run test suites without rebuilding, pass NO_REBUILD=1 to the
# build. This can be useful for testing binary interface compatibility
# as it enables you to rebuild libraries and rerun tests without
# relinking.
# Although this is not a GNU package and does not use automake, you
# can still run make clean to remove everything that is compiled, make
# distclean to remove everything that is generated by the end user,
# and make maintainer-clean to remove everything that is generated
# including things distributed with the source distribution. You can
# pass CLEAN=1 to prevent this Makefile from complaining if
# ./configure has not been run.
# The install target works as usual and obeys --prefix and so forth
# passed to ./configure. You can also pass DESTDIR=/dir to make
# install to install in a separate location. This is useful for
# packagers.
BUILD_ITEMS := manual libqpdf zlib-flate libtests qpdf fuzz examples
OUTPUT_DIR = build
.PHONY: default
default: all
ifneq ($(CLEAN),1)
ifeq ($(words $(wildcard autoconf.mk)),0)
DUMMY := $(shell echo 1>&2)
DUMMY := $(shell echo 1>&2 Please run ./configure before running $(MAKE))
DUMMY := $(shell echo 1>&2)
$(error unable to continue with build)
include autoconf.mk
# Prevent gnu make from trying to rebuild .dep files
$(foreach B,$(BUILD_ITEMS),$(eval \
$(B)/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.dep: ;))
# Prevent gnu make from trying to rebuild .mk files
$(foreach B,$(BUILD_ITEMS),$(eval \
$(B)/%.mk: ;))
%.mk: ;
make/%.mk: ;
BUILDRULES ?= libtool
include make/rules.mk
DUMMY := $(shell mkdir $(foreach B,$(BUILD_ITEMS),$(B)/$(OUTPUT_DIR)) 2>/dev/null)
include $(foreach B,$(BUILD_ITEMS),$(B)/build.mk)
TEST_ITEMS = $(foreach D,\
$(wildcard $(foreach B,$(BUILD_ITEMS),$(B)/qtest)),\
$(subst /,,$(dir $(D))))
TEST_TARGETS = $(foreach B,$(TEST_ITEMS),check_$(B))
CLEAN_TARGETS = $(foreach B,$(BUILD_ITEMS),clean_$(B))
# For test suites
export QPDF_BIN = $(abspath qpdf/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/qpdf)
clean:: $(CLEAN_TARGETS)
$(RM) -r appimage/build
$(foreach B,$(BUILD_ITEMS),$(eval \
clean_$(B): ; \
$(RM) -r $(B)/$(OUTPUT_DIR)))
DISTFILES = doc/qpdf-manual.html doc/qpdf-manual.pdf
distfiles.zip: $(DISTFILES)
$(RM) distfiles.zip
zip distfiles.zip $(DISTFILES)
distclean: clean
$(RM) -r autoconf.mk autom4te.cache config.log config.status libtool
$(RM) libqpdf/qpdf/qpdf-config.h
$(RM) manual/html.xsl
$(RM) manual/print.xsl
$(RM) doc/*.1
$(RM) libqpdf.pc libqpdf.map
maintainer-clean: distclean
$(RM) doc/qpdf-manual.*
$(RM) -r install-mingw* install-msvc* external-libs
$(RM) distfiles.zip
ifneq ($(NO_REBUILD),1)
$(foreach B,$(TEST_ITEMS),$(eval \
check_$(B): $(TARGETS_$(B))))
.PHONY: $(foreach B,$(BUILD_ITEMS),build_$(B))
$(foreach B,$(BUILD_ITEMS),$(eval \
build_$(B): $(TARGETS_$(B))))
.PHONY: all
all: $(ALL_TARGETS) ;
check: $(TEST_TARGETS)
# Install targets are in the make directory in the rules-specific make
# fragments.
QTEST=$(abspath qtest/bin/qtest-driver)
$(call run_qtest,$(subst check_,,$@))