mirror of https://github.com/qpdf/qpdf.git synced 2025-02-07 14:18:24 +00:00
Jay Berkenbilt e4ef3d1540 Remove original qpdf fuzz seed corpus from tests
Since the introduction of fuzz testing, there has never been a problem
found because of a failure of a file in the fuzzer seed corpus. As the
fuzzer has found problems, they have been added to the test suite, and
that should be adequate to exercise the fuzzers in the tesing
environment as well as providing adequate regression testing.

Removing these original files shaves many minutes off the builds in CI.
2021-12-16 15:53:24 -05:00

154 lines
4.9 KiB

# This directory contains support for Google's oss-fuzz project. See
# https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/tree/master/projects/qpdf
qpdf_fuzzer \
ascii85_fuzzer \
dct_fuzzer \
flate_fuzzer \
hex_fuzzer \
lzw_fuzzer \
pngpredictor_fuzzer \
runlength_fuzzer \
DEFAULT_FUZZ_RUNNER := standalone_fuzz_target_runner
BINS_fuzz = $(foreach B,$(FUZZERS),fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(call binname,$(B)))
TARGETS_fuzz = $(OBJ_DEFAULT_FUZZ) $(BINS_fuzz) fuzz_corpus
# Fuzzers test private classes too, so we need libqpdf in the include path
INCLUDES_fuzz = include libqpdf
# LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE is overridden by oss-fuzz
# Depend on OBJ_DEFAULT_FUZZ to ensure that it is always compiled.
# Don't depend on LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE, which we can't build. When used
# by oss-fuzz, it will be there.
$(BINS_fuzz): $(TARGETS_libqpdf) $(OBJ_DEFAULT_FUZZ)
# Files from the test suite that are good for seeding the fuzzer.
# Update $qpdf_n_test_files in qtest/fuzz.test if you change this list.
stream-data.pdf \
lin5.pdf \
field-types.pdf \
image-streams-small.pdf \
need-appearances.pdf \
outlines-with-actions.pdf \
outlines-with-old-root-dests.pdf \
page-labels-and-outlines.pdf \
page-labels-num-tree.pdf \
dr-with-indirect-item.pdf \
fuzz-16214.pdf \
issue-99b.pdf \
issue-99.pdf \
issue-100.pdf \
issue-101.pdf \
issue-106.pdf \
issue-117.pdf \
issue-119.pdf \
issue-120.pdf \
issue-141a.pdf \
issue-141b.pdf \
issue-143.pdf \
issue-146.pdf \
issue-147.pdf \
issue-148.pdf \
issue-149.pdf \
issue-150.pdf \
issue-202.pdf \
issue-263.pdf \
issue-335a.pdf \
# Any file that qpdf_fuzzer should be tested with can be named
# something.fuzz and dropped into this directory.
CORPUS_OTHER = $(wildcard fuzz/qpdf_extra/*.fuzz)
# -----
CORPUS_EXTRA := $(foreach F,$(CORPUS_FROM_TEST),qpdf/qtest/qpdf/$F) \
CORPUS_DIR := fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/qpdf_fuzzer_seed_corpus
.PHONY: fuzz_corpus
fuzz_corpus:: fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/fuzz_corpus.stamp
$(foreach F,$(CORPUS_EXTRA),$(eval \
SHA1_$(notdir $(F)) := $(shell perl fuzz/get_sha1 < $F)))
$(foreach F,$(CORPUS_EXTRA),$(eval \
fuzz_corpus:: $(CORPUS_DIR)/$(SHA1_$(notdir $(F)))))
$(foreach F,$(CORPUS_EXTRA),$(eval \
$(CORPUS_DIR)/$(SHA1_$(notdir $(F))): $(F) ; \
mkdir -p $(CORPUS_DIR); \
cp $(F) $(CORPUS_DIR)/$(SHA1_$(notdir $(F)))))
fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/fuzz_corpus.stamp: $(CORPUS_EXTRA)
mkdir -p $(CORPUS_DIR)
touch $@
$(foreach B,$(FUZZERS),$(eval \
OBJS_$(B) = $(call src_to_obj,fuzz/$(B).cc)))
ifeq ($(GENDEPS),1)
-include $(foreach B,$(FUZZERS),$(call obj_to_dep,$(OBJS_$(B))))
$(foreach B,$(DEFAULT_FUZZ_RUNNER),$(eval \
fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.$(OBJ): fuzz/$(B).cc ; \
$(call compile,fuzz/$(B).cc,$(INCLUDES_fuzz))))
$(foreach B,$(FUZZERS),$(eval \
$(OBJS_$(B)): fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.$(OBJ): fuzz/$(B).cc ; \
$(call compile,fuzz/$(B).cc,$(INCLUDES_fuzz))))
ifeq ($(suffix $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE)),.$(OBJ))
FUZZ_as_lib :=
FUZZ_as_obj :=
$(foreach B,$(FUZZERS),$(eval \
fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(call binname,$(B)): $(OBJS_$(B)) ; \
$(call makebin,$(OBJS_$(B)) $(FUZZ_as_obj),$$@,$(LDFLAGS_libqpdf) $(LDFLAGS),$(FUZZ_as_lib) $(LIBS_libqpdf) $(LIBS))))
ifeq ($(OSS_FUZZ),1)
# Build fuzzers linked with static libraries and installed into a
# location provided by oss-fuzz. This is specifically to support the
# oss-fuzz project. These rules won't on systems that don't allow main
# to be in a library or don't name their libraries libsomething.a.
STATIC_BINS_fuzz := $(foreach B,$(FUZZERS),fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/static/$(call binname,$(B)))
# OUT is provided in the oss-fuzz environment
OUT ?= $(CURDIR)/fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/fuzz-install
# These are not fully static, but they statically link with qpdf and
# our external dependencies other than system libraries.
$(foreach B,$(FUZZERS),$(eval \
fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/static/$(call binname,$(B)): $(OBJS_$(B)) ; \
$(call makebin,$(OBJS_$(B)),$$@,$(LDFLAGS_libqpdf) $(LDFLAGS),$(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) $(patsubst -l%,-l:lib%.a,$(LIBS_libqpdf) $(LIBS)))))
# The install_fuzz target is used by build.sh in oss-fuzz's qpdf project.
install_fuzz: $(STATIC_BINS_fuzz)
mkdir -p $(OUT)
cp fuzz/pdf.dict $(STATIC_BINS_fuzz) $(OUT)/
for B in $(FUZZERS); do \
if test -f fuzz/$${B}.options; then \
cp fuzz/$${B}.options $(OUT)/$${B}.options; \
fi; \
if test -d fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/$${B}_seed_corpus; then \
(cd fuzz/$(OUTPUT_DIR)/$${B}_seed_corpus; zip -q -r $(OUT)/$${B}_seed_corpus.zip .); \
elif test -d fuzz/$${B}_seed_corpus; then \
(cd fuzz/$${B}_seed_corpus; zip -q -r $(OUT)/$${B}_seed_corpus.zip .); \
fi; \
endif # OSS_FUZZ