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synced 2025-02-14 01:30:22 +00:00
With cmake, we are customizing the path for each test suite so we can ensure we get the right qpdf without having to use an environment variable.
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
require 5.008;
BEGIN { $^W = 1; }
use strict;
use File::Copy;
require TestDriver;
my $td = new TestDriver('pdf-mod-info');
my $prg = "pdf-mod-info";
$td->runtest("usage #1",
{$td->COMMAND => "$prg --in target.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "usage.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("usage #2",
{$td->COMMAND => "$prg --key abc --val def"},
{$td->FILE => "usage.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("usage #3",
{$td->COMMAND => "$prg --key abc --val def abc"},
{$td->FILE => "usage.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("usage #4",
{$td->COMMAND => "$prg --in source1.pdf --key date --val 01/01/01 --val 12/12/12"},
{$td->FILE => "usage.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 2},
$td->runtest("dump #1",
{$td->COMMAND => "$prg --dump files/source1.pdf"},
{$td->FILE => "dump.out",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("dump #2",
{$td->COMMAND => "$prg --dump files/no-info.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0},
$td->runtest("dump #3",
{$td->COMMAND => "$prg --dump files/empty-info.pdf"},
{$td->STRING => "",
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
run_and_cmp("modify Subject",
"$prg --in files/source1.pdf --out out.pdf --key Subject " .
"--val \"Export Business\"",
"", "out.pdf", "files/1.qdf");
run_and_cmp("add Subject, remove Producer, modify CreationDate",
"$prg --in files/source2.pdf --out out.pdf --key Subject " .
"--val \"Tammlin\" --key Producer --key CreationDate --val 12/12",
"", "out.pdf", "files/2.qdf");
run_and_cmp("add Subject (empty-info file)",
"$prg --in files/empty-info.pdf --out out.pdf --key Subject " .
"--val Tammlin",
"", "out.pdf", "files/3.qdf");
copy("files/no-info.pdf", "no-info.pdf") or die "can't copy no-info: $!";
run_and_cmp("in-place Producer added (no-info file)",
"$prg --in no-info.pdf --key Producer --val \"Obivan Kinobi\"",
"", "no-info.pdf", "files/4.qdf");
sub cleanup
unlink (<*.pdf>);
sub run_and_cmp
my ($dsc, $cmd, $out, $fout, $fexp) = @_;
{$td->COMMAND => "$cmd --static-id"},
{$td->STRING => $out,
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});
$td->runtest("$dsc output",
{$td->COMMAND => "qpdf --static-id" .
" --no-original-object-ids -qdf $fout -"},
{$td->FILE => $fexp,
$td->EXIT_STATUS => 0});