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#include <qpdf/QPDF.hh>
#include <assert.h>
#include <qpdf/QTC.hh>
#include <qpdf/QUtil.hh>
#include <qpdf/QPDFExc.hh>
// In support of page manipulation APIs, these methods internally
// maintain state about pages in a pair of data structures: all_pages,
// which is a vector of page objects, and pageobj_to_pages_pos, which
// maps a page object to its position in the all_pages array.
// Unfortunately, the getAllPages() method returns a const reference
// to all_pages and has been in the public API long before the
// introduction of mutation APIs, so we're pretty much stuck with it.
// Anyway, there are lots of calls to it in the library, so the
// efficiency of having it cached is probably worth keeping it.
// The goal of this code is to ensure that the all_pages vector, which
// users may have a reference to, and the pageobj_to_pages_pos map,
// which users will not have access to, remain consistent outside of
// any call to the library. As long as users only touch the /Pages
// structure through page-specific API calls, they never have to worry
// about anything, and this will also stay consistent. If a user
// touches anything about the /Pages structure outside of these calls
// (such as by directly looking up and manipulating the underlying
// objects), they can call updatePagesCache() to bring things back in
// sync.
// If the user doesn't ever use the page manipulation APIs, then qpdf
// leaves the /Pages structure alone. If the user does use the APIs,
// then we push all inheritable objects down and flatten the /Pages
// tree. This makes it easier for us to keep /Pages, all_pages, and
// pageobj_to_pages_pos internally consistent at all times.
// Responsibility for keeping all_pages, pageobj_to_pages_pos, and the
// Pages structure consistent should remain in as few places as
// possible. As of initial writing, only flattenPagesTree,
// insertPage, and removePage, along with methods they call, are
// concerned with it. Everything else goes through one of those
// methods.
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> const&
// Note that pushInheritedAttributesToPage may also be used to
// initialize this->m->all_pages.
if (this->m->all_pages.empty())
std::set<QPDFObjGen> visited;
std::set<QPDFObjGen> seen;
QPDFObjectHandle pages = getRoot().getKey("/Pages");
bool warned = false;
bool changed_pages = false;
while (pages.isDictionary() && pages.hasKey("/Parent"))
if (seen.count(pages.getObjGen()))
// loop -- will be detected again and reported later
// Files have been found in the wild where /Pages in the
// catalog points to the first page. Try to work around
// this and similar cases with this heuristic.
if (! warned)
"document page tree root (root -> /Pages) doesn't point"
" to the root of the page tree; attempting to correct");
warned = true;
changed_pages = true;
pages = pages.getKey("/Parent");
if (changed_pages)
getRoot().replaceKey("/Pages", pages);
getAllPagesInternal(pages, this->m->all_pages, visited, seen);
return this->m->all_pages;
QPDF::getAllPagesInternal(QPDFObjectHandle cur_node,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& result,
std::set<QPDFObjGen>& visited,
std::set<QPDFObjGen>& seen)
QPDFObjGen this_og = cur_node.getObjGen();
if (visited.count(this_og) > 0)
throw QPDFExc(
qpdf_e_pages, this->m->file->getName(),
this->m->last_object_description, 0,
"Loop detected in /Pages structure (getAllPages)");
std::string wanted_type;
if (cur_node.hasKey("/Kids"))
wanted_type = "/Pages";
QPDFObjectHandle kids = cur_node.getKey("/Kids");
int n = kids.getArrayNItems();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
QPDFObjectHandle kid = kids.getArrayItem(i);
if (! kid.isIndirect())
QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF handle direct page object");
kid = makeIndirectObject(kid);
kids.setArrayItem(i, kid);
else if (seen.count(kid.getObjGen()))
// Make a copy of the page. This does the same as
// shallowCopyPage in QPDFPageObjectHelper.
QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF resolve duplicated page object");
kid = makeIndirectObject(QPDFObjectHandle(kid).shallowCopy());
kids.setArrayItem(i, kid);
getAllPagesInternal(kid, result, visited, seen);
wanted_type = "/Page";
QPDFObjectHandle type_key = cur_node.getKey("/Type");
if (! (type_key.isName() && (type_key.getName() == wanted_type)))
warn(QPDFExc(qpdf_e_damaged_pdf, this->m->file->getName(),
"page tree node",
"/Type key should be " + wanted_type +
" but is not; overriding"));
cur_node.replaceKey("/Type", QPDFObjectHandle::newName(wanted_type));
// Force regeneration of the pages cache. We force immediate
// recalculation of all_pages since users may have references to
// it that they got from calls to getAllPages(). We can defer
// recalculation of pageobj_to_pages_pos until needed.
QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF updateAllPagesCache");
this->m->pushed_inherited_attributes_to_pages = false;
// If not already done, flatten the /Pages structure and
// initialize pageobj_to_pages_pos.
if (! this->m->pageobj_to_pages_pos.empty())
// Push inherited objects down to the /Page level. As a side
// effect this->m->all_pages will also be generated.
pushInheritedAttributesToPage(true, true);
QPDFObjectHandle pages = getRoot().getKey("/Pages");
size_t const len = this->m->all_pages.size();
for (size_t pos = 0; pos < len; ++pos)
// populate pageobj_to_pages_pos and fix parent pointer
insertPageobjToPage(this->m->all_pages.at(pos), toI(pos), true);
this->m->all_pages.at(pos).replaceKey("/Parent", pages);
pages.replaceKey("/Kids", QPDFObjectHandle::newArray(this->m->all_pages));
// /Count has not changed
if (pages.getKey("/Count").getUIntValue() != len)
throw std::runtime_error("/Count is wrong after flattening pages tree");
QPDF::insertPageobjToPage(QPDFObjectHandle const& obj, int pos,
bool check_duplicate)
QPDFObjGen og(obj.getObjGen());
if (check_duplicate)
if (! this->m->pageobj_to_pages_pos.insert(
std::make_pair(og, pos)).second)
QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF duplicate page reference");
setLastObjectDescription("page " + QUtil::int_to_string(pos) +
" (numbered from zero)",
og.getObj(), og.getGen());
throw QPDFExc(qpdf_e_pages, this->m->file->getName(),
this->m->last_object_description, 0,
"duplicate page reference found;"
" this would cause loss of data");
this->m->pageobj_to_pages_pos[og] = pos;
QPDF::insertPage(QPDFObjectHandle newpage, int pos)
// pos is numbered from 0, so pos = 0 inserts at the beginning and
// pos = npages adds to the end.
if (! newpage.isIndirect())
QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF insert non-indirect page");
newpage = makeIndirectObject(newpage);
else if (newpage.getOwningQPDF() != this)
QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF insert foreign page");
newpage = copyForeignObject(newpage);
QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF insert indirect page");
QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF insert page",
(pos == 0) ? 0 : // insert at beginning
(pos == QIntC::to_int(this->m->all_pages.size())) ? 1 : // at end
2); // insert in middle
QPDFObjectHandle pages = getRoot().getKey("/Pages");
QPDFObjectHandle kids = pages.getKey("/Kids");
assert ((pos >= 0) && (QIntC::to_size(pos) <= this->m->all_pages.size()));
newpage.replaceKey("/Parent", pages);
kids.insertItem(pos, newpage);
int npages = kids.getArrayNItems();
pages.replaceKey("/Count", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(npages));
this->m->all_pages.insert(this->m->all_pages.begin() + pos, newpage);
assert(this->m->all_pages.size() == QIntC::to_size(npages));
for (int i = pos + 1; i < npages; ++i)
insertPageobjToPage(this->m->all_pages.at(toS(i)), i, false);
insertPageobjToPage(newpage, pos, true);
assert(this->m->pageobj_to_pages_pos.size() == QIntC::to_size(npages));
QPDF::removePage(QPDFObjectHandle page)
int pos = findPage(page); // also ensures flat /Pages
QTC::TC("qpdf", "QPDF remove page",
(pos == 0) ? 0 : // remove at beginning
(pos == QIntC::to_int(this->m->all_pages.size() - 1)) ? 1 : // end
2); // remove in middle
QPDFObjectHandle pages = getRoot().getKey("/Pages");
QPDFObjectHandle kids = pages.getKey("/Kids");
int npages = kids.getArrayNItems();
pages.replaceKey("/Count", QPDFObjectHandle::newInteger(npages));
this->m->all_pages.erase(this->m->all_pages.begin() + pos);
assert(this->m->all_pages.size() == QIntC::to_size(npages));
assert(this->m->pageobj_to_pages_pos.size() == QIntC::to_size(npages));
for (int i = pos; i < npages; ++i)
insertPageobjToPage(this->m->all_pages.at(toS(i)), i, false);
QPDF::addPageAt(QPDFObjectHandle newpage, bool before,
QPDFObjectHandle refpage)
int refpos = findPage(refpage);
if (! before)
insertPage(newpage, refpos);
QPDF::addPage(QPDFObjectHandle newpage, bool first)
if (first)
insertPage(newpage, 0);
QPDF::findPage(QPDFObjectHandle& page)
return findPage(page.getObjGen());
QPDF::findPage(QPDFObjGen const& og)
std::map<QPDFObjGen, int>::iterator it =
if (it == this->m->pageobj_to_pages_pos.end())
setLastObjectDescription("page object", og.getObj(), og.getGen());
throw QPDFExc(qpdf_e_pages, this->m->file->getName(),
this->m->last_object_description, 0,
"page object not referenced in /Pages tree");
return (*it).second;