mirror of https://github.com/qpdf/qpdf.git synced 2025-03-27 03:42:24 +00:00
Jay Berkenbilt a6d7b79e65 Bump AppImage to Ubuntu 20.04
18.04 is out of security support, and cmake for 18.04 is no longer
available via kitware's debian repository (or at least fetching it
failed for one build).
2023-05-05 06:47:59 -04:00

211 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Jay Berkenbilt and Kurt Pfeifle
# This script is used to build an 'AppImage' from GitHub sources of
# QPDF (see https://appimage.org/). It is used in CI, but it also
# allows Linux users to build such an AppImage on their own systems.
# Please read 'README.md' from the top level Git sources to see what
# preconditions you must meet to build QPDF in general. The same apply
# to build an AppImage. Then follow these three steps:
# 1. Clone Git sources: `git clone https://github.com/qpdf/qpdf.git git.qpdf`
# 2. Change into git dir: `cd git.qpdf`
# 3. Run this script: `bash appimage/build-appimage`
# The resulting AppImage will be placed in
# './appimage/build/QPDF-x86_64.AppImage'. Read the output of the
# script for hints in case something goes wrong.
# You may pass custom options for the configure step by setting them
# into the 'CUSTOM_CONFIGURE' environment variable and exporting it
# before running this script. For example:
# 1. To build the AppImage you should have a working internet
# connection. Reason: the script downloads the most recent
# 'linuxdeployqt' utility for building the AppImage.
# 2. If you build the AppImage on a too recent Linux distribution,
# it may only work on the exact distribution you build it on. For
# an AppImage to work on a wide range of different distributions
# from the last 3-4 years if should be built on the oldest
# supported Ubuntu LTS release.
set -ex
# Support for signing the AppImage (only by original maintainer):
if [ "x$1" == "x--sign" ]; then
# Check Ubuntu Distribution
_osversion=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | sed 's#"##g')
# Warn users building the AppImage locally:
if [[ ! $_osversion =~ Ubuntu\ 20.04.*\ LTS ]]; then
set +x
echo ""
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
echo "+===========================================================================+"
echo "|| WARNING: You are about to build a QPDF AppImage on a system which is ||"
echo "|| NOT Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. ||"
echo "|| ||"
echo "|| It is recommended that you use a distribution that is at least a ||"
echo "|| few years old to maximize the number of Linux distributions the ||"
echo "|| resulting AppImage will work on. AppImages often don't work on ||"
echo "|| distributions older than the one they were built on because of ||"
echo "|| standard library differences. The oldest supported Ubuntu LTS is ||"
echo "|| a good option. ||"
echo "+===========================================================================+"
echo ""
set -x
# From where do we run this script?
here="$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))"
top=$(dirname $here)
# Move to root of GitHub sources:
cd $top
# Set 'appdir' environment variable name:
# Clean up stuff from previous build attempts:
rm -rf $here/build
# Prepare build of QPDF from sources:
rm -rf build.appimage
mkdir build.appimage
cd build.appimage
# Build!
cmake --build . -j$(nproc)
if [ "$SKIP_TESTS" = "" ]; then
# Run built-in QPDF checks:
ctest --verbose
# Prepare AppDir which is the basis for the AppImage:
mkdir -p $appdir
# Install build result into AppDir:
for i in lib cli doc; do
DESTDIR=$appdir cmake --install . --prefix /usr --component $i
find $appdir
# Change into build directory:
cd $here/build
# Copy icon which is needed for desktop integration into place:
for width in 64 128 256 512; do
mkdir -p $dir
inkscape -z -e qpdf-tmp.png -w $width -b white $top/logo/qpdf.svg
convert qpdf-tmp.png -gravity center -background white -extent ${width}x${width} $dir/qpdf.png
rm qpdf-tmp.png
# Copy .desktop and .appdata.xml metadata for desktop integration into place:
for i in appdir/usr/share/applications; do
mkdir -p $i
cp $top/appimage/qpdf.desktop $i
for i in appdir/usr/share/metainfo; do
mkdir -p $i
cp $top/appimage/qpdf.appdata.xml $i
for i in appdir/usr/share/doc/qpdf; do
mkdir -p $i
cp $top/README* $i
cp $top/NOTICE.md $i/README-notice.md
cp $top/LICENSE.txt $i
cp $top/Artistic-2.0 $i/Artistic-LICENSE.txt
cp $top/ChangeLog $i/README-ChangeLog
cp $top/TODO $i/README-todo
# The following lines are experimental (for debugging; and to test
# support for unexpected future binaries added to QPDF):
for i in /usr/bin/env /bin/less /bin/busybox; do
cp $i appdir/usr/bin/
ls -l /usr/bin/env /bin/less /bin/busybox
# Fetch 'linuxdeployqt' which will transform the AppDir into an AppImage:
wget -c "https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/releases/download/continuous/linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage"
chmod a+x linuxdeployqt*.AppImage
# Set up a clean environment:
# Since cmake strips runpath information for executables and we are
# installing with DESTDIR, we need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or else ldd
# will fail on the resulting executables
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(dirname $(find $appdir -type l -name 'libqpdf.so.*'))
# Let 'linuxdeployqt' do its first stage of work:
./linuxdeployqt*.AppImage appdir/usr/share/applications/*.desktop -bundle-non-qt-libs
# In addition to the main executable, we have additional ones to process
./linuxdeployqt*.AppImage appdir/usr/bin/zlib-flate -bundle-non-qt-libs
# To eventually generate the AppImage we extract the linuxdeployqt
# AppImage to get access to the embedded 'appimagetool':
./linuxdeployqt*.AppImage --appimage-extract
# We want to run our custom AppRun script.
# Replace symlink with custom script
rm appdir/AppRun; cp $top/appimage/AppRun appdir; chmod a+x appdir/AppRun
# If we are not on Ubuntu Trusty, we need to disable 'appstreamcli' validation:
if [[ $_osversion =~ Ubuntu\ 14.04.*\ LTS ]]; then
set +x
echo ""
echo " Running 'appimagetool' with '-n' parameter..."
echo " Reason: this does not seem to be a build running on"
echo " Ubuntu Trusty 14.04."
echo " '-n' disables checking of AppStream data by the 'appstreamcli'"
echo " utility since post-Trusty versions have incompatible changes."
echo ""
set -x
# Set up a version string to include in the AppImage name
MAJOR_QPDF_VERSION=$( ./appdir/usr/bin/qpdf --version | grep "qpdf version" | awk '{print $3}' )
declare -a UPDATE_INFO
UPDATE_INFO=(-u "gh-releases-zsync|qpdf|qpdf|latest|qpdf-*x86_64.AppImage.zsync")
# Remove the default AppRun/symlink and use our own custom AppRun script
rm appdir/AppRun; cp $top/appimage/AppRun appdir; chmod a+x appdir/AppRun
# Finally, generate the AppImage:
PATH=./squashfs-root/usr/bin:$PATH ./squashfs-root/usr/bin/appimagetool $sign $UPDATE_FLAG ${UPDATE_INFO[*]} $appimagetool_param appdir qpdf-$VERSION-x86_64.AppImage
set +x
# Tell everyone where our result is stored:
echo ""
echo "============================================================================="
echo " === AppImage is ready in $top/appimage/build ==="
echo "============================================================================="
echo ""