mirror of https://github.com/qpdf/qpdf.git synced 2024-05-31 17:30:54 +00:00
Jay Berkenbilt ea96330bb6 QPDFJob json: flatten json structure
Flatten everything to make it easier to map command-line flags to
json. The old structure was an illusion anyway because there was no
mechanism to enforce that things were in the right place. This also
helps with future flexibility.
2022-01-31 18:16:09 -05:00

160 lines
6.6 KiB

static constexpr char const* JOB_SCHEMA_DATA = R"({
"inputFile": "input filename",
"password": "specify password",
"passwordFile": "read password from a file",
"empty": "empty input file",
"outputFile": "output filename",
"replaceInput": "replace input with output",
"qdf": "enable viewing PDF code in a text editor",
"preserveUnreferenced": "preserve unreferenced objects",
"newlineBeforeEndstream": "force a newline before endstream",
"normalizeContent": "fix newlines in content streams",
"streamData": "control stream compression",
"compressStreams": "compress uncompressed streams",
"recompressFlate": "uncompress and recompress flate",
"decodeLevel": "control which streams to uncompress",
"decrypt": "remove encryption from input file",
"deterministicId": "generate ID deterministically",
"staticAesIv": "use a fixed AES vector",
"staticId": "use a fixed document ID",
"noOriginalObjectIds": "omit original object IDs in qdf",
"copyEncryption": "copy another file's encryption details",
"encryptionFilePassword": "supply password for copyEncryption",
"linearize": "linearize (web-optimize) output",
"linearizePass1": "save pass 1 of linearization",
"objectStreams": "control use of object streams",
"minVersion": "set minimum PDF version",
"forceVersion": "set output PDF version",
"progress": "show progress when writing",
"splitPages": "write pages to separate files",
"encrypt": {
"userPassword": "user password",
"ownerPassword": "owner password",
"40bit": {
"annotate": "restrict document annotation",
"extract": "restrict text/graphic extraction",
"modify": "restrict document modification",
"print": "restrict printing"
"128bit": {
"accessibility": "restrict document accessibility",
"annotate": "restrict document annotation",
"assemble": "restrict document assembly",
"cleartextMetadata": "don't encrypt metadata",
"extract": "restrict text/graphic extraction",
"form": "restrict form filling",
"modifyOther": "restrict other modifications",
"modify": "restrict document modification",
"print": "restrict printing",
"forceV4": "force V=4 in encryption dictionary",
"useAes": "use AES with 128-bit encryption"
"256bit": {
"accessibility": "restrict document accessibility",
"annotate": "restrict document annotation",
"assemble": "restrict document assembly",
"cleartextMetadata": "don't encrypt metadata",
"extract": "restrict text/graphic extraction",
"form": "restrict form filling",
"modifyOther": "restrict other modifications",
"modify": "restrict document modification",
"print": "restrict printing",
"allowInsecure": "allow empty owner passwords",
"forceR5": "use unsupported R=5 encryption"
"check": "partially check whether PDF is valid",
"checkLinearization": "check linearization tables",
"filteredStreamData": "show filtered stream data",
"rawStreamData": "show raw stream data",
"showEncryption": "information about encrypted files",
"showEncryptionKey": "show key with showEncryption",
"showLinearization": "show linearization hint tables",
"showNpages": "show number of pages",
"showObject": "show contents of an object",
"showPages": "display page dictionary information",
"showXref": "show cross reference data",
"withImages": "include image details with showPages",
"listAttachments": "list embedded files",
"showAttachment": "export an embedded file",
"json": "show file in json format",
"jsonKey": [
"restrict which keys are in json output"
"jsonObject": [
"restrict which objects are in JSON"
"allowWeakCrypto": "allow insecure cryptographic algorithms",
"keepFilesOpen": "manage keeping multiple files open",
"keepFilesOpenThreshold": "set threshold for keepFilesOpen",
"noWarn": "suppress printing of warning messages",
"verbose": "print additional information",
"ignoreXrefStreams": "use xref tables rather than streams",
"passwordIsHexKey": "provide hex-encoded encryption key",
"passwordMode": "tweak how qpdf encodes passwords",
"suppressPasswordRecovery": "don't try different password encodings",
"suppressRecovery": "suppress error recovery",
"coalesceContents": "combine content streams",
"compressionLevel": "set compression level for flate",
"externalizeInlineImages": "convert inline to regular images",
"iiMinBytes": "set minimum size for externalizeInlineImages",
"removeUnreferencedResources": "remove unreferenced page resources",
"addAttachment": [
"file": "attachment to add",
"creationdate": "set attachment's creation date",
"description": "set attachment's description",
"filename": "set attachment's displayed filename",
"key": "specify attachment key",
"mimetype": "attachment mime type, e.g. application/pdf",
"moddate": "set attachment's modification date",
"replace": "replace attachment with same key"
"removeAttachment": "remove an embedded file",
"copyAttachmentsFrom": [
"file": "attachment source filename",
"password": "specify password",
"prefix": "key prefix for copying attachments"
"collate": "collate with pages",
"flattenAnnotations": "push annotations into content",
"flattenRotation": "remove rotation from page dictionary",
"generateAppearances": "generate appearances for form fields",
"keepInlineImages": "exclude inline images from optimization",
"oiMinArea": "minimum area for optimizeImages",
"oiMinHeight": "minimum height for optimizeImages",
"oiMinWidth": "minimum width for optimizeImages",
"optimizeImages": "use efficient compression for images",
"pages": [
"file": "source for for pages",
"password": "specify password",
"range": "page range"
"removePageLabels": "remove explicit page numbers",
"rotate": "rotate pages",
"overlay": {
"file": "source file for overlay",
"password": "specify password",
"from": "source pages for underlay/overlay",
"repeat": "overlay/underlay pages to repeat",
"to": "destination pages for underlay/overlay"
"underlay": {
"file": "source file for underlay",
"password": "specify password",
"from": "source pages for underlay/overlay",
"repeat": "overlay/underlay pages to repeat",
"to": "destination pages for underlay/overlay"
"warningExit0": "exit 0 even with warnings",
"jobJsonFile": "job JSON file",
"preserveUnreferencedResources": "use removeUnreferencedResourcesNo",
"requiresPassword": "silently test a file's password",
"isEncrypted": "silently test whether a file is encrypted"