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Jay Berkenbilt fabff0f3ec Limit token length during xref recovery
While scanning the file looking for objects, limit the length of
tokens we allow. This prevents us from getting caught up in reading a
file character by character while digging through large streams.
2017-08-22 14:13:10 -04:00

1209 lines
41 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Jay Berkenbilt
// This file is part of qpdf. This software may be distributed under
// the terms of version 2 of the Artistic License which may be found
// in the source distribution. It is provided "as is" without express
// or implied warranty.
#ifndef __QPDF_HH__
#define __QPDF_HH__
#include <qpdf/DLL.h>
#include <qpdf/Types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <qpdf/QPDFExc.hh>
#include <qpdf/QPDFObjGen.hh>
#include <qpdf/QPDFXRefEntry.hh>
#include <qpdf/QPDFObjectHandle.hh>
#include <qpdf/QPDFTokenizer.hh>
#include <qpdf/Buffer.hh>
#include <qpdf/InputSource.hh>
class QPDF_Stream;
class BitStream;
class BitWriter;
class QPDF
// Get the current version of the QPDF software
static std::string const& QPDFVersion();
// Associate a file with a QPDF object and do initial parsing of
// the file. PDF objects are not read until they are needed. A
// QPDF object may be associated with only one file in its
// lifetime. This method must be called before any methods that
// potentially ask for information about the PDF file are called.
// Prior to calling this, the only methods that are allowed are
// those that set parameters. If the input file is not
// encrypted,either a null password or an empty password can be
// used. If the file is encrypted, either the user password or
// the owner password may be supplied.
void processFile(char const* filename, char const* password = 0);
// Parse a PDF from a stdio FILE*. The FILE must be open in
// binary mode and must be seekable. It may be open read only.
// This works exactly like processFile except that the PDF file is
// read from an already opened FILE*. If close_file is true, the
// file will be closed at the end. Otherwise, the caller is
// responsible for closing the file.
void processFile(char const* description, FILE* file,
bool close_file, char const* password = 0);
// Parse a PDF file loaded into a memory buffer. This works
// exactly like processFile except that the PDF file is in memory
// instead of on disk. The description appears in any warning or
// error message in place of the file name.
void processMemoryFile(char const* description,
char const* buf, size_t length,
char const* password = 0);
// Parse a PDF file loaded from a custom InputSource. If you have
// your own method of retrieving a PDF file, you can subclass
// InputSource and use this method.
void processInputSource(PointerHolder<InputSource>,
char const* password = 0);
// Create a QPDF object for an empty PDF. This PDF has no pages
// or objects other than a minimal trailer, a document catalog,
// and a /Pages tree containing zero pages. Pages and other
// objects can be added to the file in the normal way, and the
// trailer and document catalog can be mutated. Calling this
// method is equivalent to calling processFile on an equivalent
// PDF file. See the pdf-create.cc example for a demonstration of
// how to use this method to create a PDF file from scratch.
void emptyPDF();
// Parameter settings
// By default, warning messages are issued to std::cerr and output
// messages printed by certain check calls are issued to
// std::cout. This method allows you to specify alternative
// streams for this purpose. Note that no normal QPDF operations
// generate output to std::cout, so for applications that just
// wish to avoid creating output and don't call any check
// functions, calling setSuppressWarnings(true) is sufficient.
// Applications that wish to present check or warning information
// to users may replace the output and error streams to capture
// the output and errors for other use. A null value for either
// stream will cause QPDF to use std::cout or std::cerr as
// appropriate.
void setOutputStreams(std::ostream* out_stream, std::ostream* err_stream);
// If true, ignore any cross-reference streams in a hybrid file
// (one that contains both cross-reference streams and
// cross-reference tables). This can be useful for testing to
// ensure that a hybrid file would work with an older reader.
void setIgnoreXRefStreams(bool);
// By default, any warnings are issued to std::cerr or the error
// stream specified in a call to setOutputStreams as they are
// encountered. If this is called with a true value, reporting of
// warnings is suppressed. You may still retrieve warnings by
// calling getWarnings.
void setSuppressWarnings(bool);
// By default, QPDF will try to recover if it finds certain types
// of errors in PDF files. If turned off, it will throw an
// exception on the first such problem it finds without attempting
// recovery.
void setAttemptRecovery(bool);
// Other public methods
// Return the list of warnings that have been issued so far and
// clear the list. This method may be called even if processFile
// throws an exception. Note that if setSuppressWarnings was not
// called or was called with a false value, any warnings retrieved
// here will have already been output.
std::vector<QPDFExc> getWarnings();
std::string getFilename() const;
std::string getPDFVersion() const;
int getExtensionLevel();
QPDFObjectHandle getTrailer();
QPDFObjectHandle getRoot();
// Install this object handle as an indirect object and return an
// indirect reference to it.
QPDFObjectHandle makeIndirectObject(QPDFObjectHandle);
// Retrieve an object by object ID and generation. Returns an
// indirect reference to it.
QPDFObjectHandle getObjectByObjGen(QPDFObjGen const&);
QPDFObjectHandle getObjectByID(int objid, int generation);
// Replace the object with the given object id with the given
// object. The object handle passed in must be a direct object,
// though it may contain references to other indirect objects
// within it. Calling this method can have somewhat confusing
// results. Any existing QPDFObjectHandle instances that point to
// the old object and that have been resolved (which happens
// automatically if you access them in any way) will continue to
// point to the old object even though that object will no longer
// be associated with the PDF file. Note that replacing an object
// with QPDFObjectHandle::newNull() effectively removes the object
// from the file since a non-existent object is treated as a null
// object. To replace a reserved object, call replaceReserved
// instead.
void replaceObject(QPDFObjGen const& og, QPDFObjectHandle);
void replaceObject(int objid, int generation, QPDFObjectHandle);
// Swap two objects given by ID. Calling this method can have
// confusing results. After swapping two objects, existing
// QPDFObjectHandle instances that reference them will still
// reference the same underlying objects, at which point those
// existing QPDFObjectHandle instances will have incorrect
// information about the object and generation number of those
// objects. While this does not necessarily cause a problem, it
// can certainly be confusing. It is therefore recommended that
// you replace any existing QPDFObjectHandle instances that point
// to the swapped objects with new ones, possibly by calling
// getObjectByID.
void swapObjects(QPDFObjGen const& og1, QPDFObjGen const& og2);
void swapObjects(int objid1, int generation1,
int objid2, int generation2);
// Replace a reserved object. This is a wrapper around
// replaceObject but it guarantees that the underlying object is a
// reserved object. After this call, reserved will be a reference
// to replacement.
replaceReserved(QPDFObjectHandle reserved,
QPDFObjectHandle replacement);
// Copy an object from another QPDF to this one. Please note that
// the QPDF object containing the object being copied must stick
// around because it is still used to retrieve any stream data
// referenced by the copied objects.
// The return value is an indirect reference to the copied object
// in this file. This method is intended to be used to copy
// non-page objects and will not copy page objects. To copy page
// objects, pass the foreign page object directly to addPage (or
// addPageAt). If you copy objects that contain references to
// pages, you should copy the pages first using addPage(At).
// Otherwise references to the pages that have not been copied
// will be replaced with nulls.
// When copying objects with this method, object structure will be
// preserved, so all indirectly referenced indirect objects will
// be copied as well. This includes any circular references that
// may exist. The QPDF object keeps a record of what has already
// been copied, so shared objects will not be copied multiple
// times. This also means that if you mutate an object that has
// already been copied and try to copy it again, it won't work
// since the modified object will not be recopied. Therefore, you
// should do all mutation on the original file that you are going
// to do before you start copying its objects to a new file.
QPDFObjectHandle copyForeignObject(QPDFObjectHandle foreign);
// Encryption support
enum encryption_method_e { e_none, e_unknown, e_rc4, e_aes, e_aesv3 };
class EncryptionData
// This class holds data read from the encryption dictionary.
EncryptionData(int V, int R, int Length_bytes, int P,
std::string const& O, std::string const& U,
std::string const& OE, std::string const& UE,
std::string const& Perms,
std::string const& id1, bool encrypt_metadata) :
int getV() const;
int getR() const;
int getLengthBytes() const;
int getP() const;
std::string const& getO() const;
std::string const& getU() const;
std::string const& getOE() const;
std::string const& getUE() const;
std::string const& getPerms() const;
std::string const& getId1() const;
bool getEncryptMetadata() const;
void setO(std::string const&);
void setU(std::string const&);
void setV5EncryptionParameters(std::string const& O,
std::string const& OE,
std::string const& U,
std::string const& UE,
std::string const& Perms);
EncryptionData(EncryptionData const&);
EncryptionData& operator=(EncryptionData const&);
int V;
int R;
int Length_bytes;
int P;
std::string O;
std::string U;
std::string OE;
std::string UE;
std::string Perms;
std::string id1;
bool encrypt_metadata;
bool isEncrypted() const;
bool isEncrypted(int& R, int& P);
bool isEncrypted(int& R, int& P, int& V,
encryption_method_e& stream_method,
encryption_method_e& string_method,
encryption_method_e& file_method);
// Encryption permissions -- not enforced by QPDF
bool allowAccessibility();
bool allowExtractAll();
bool allowPrintLowRes();
bool allowPrintHighRes();
bool allowModifyAssembly();
bool allowModifyForm();
bool allowModifyAnnotation();
bool allowModifyOther();
bool allowModifyAll();
// Helper function to trim padding from user password. Calling
// trim_user_password on the result of getPaddedUserPassword gives
// getTrimmedUserPassword's result.
static void trim_user_password(std::string& user_password);
static std::string compute_data_key(
std::string const& encryption_key, int objid, int generation,
bool use_aes, int encryption_V, int encryption_R);
static std::string compute_encryption_key(
std::string const& password, EncryptionData const& data);
static void compute_encryption_O_U(
char const* user_password, char const* owner_password,
int V, int R, int key_len, int P, bool encrypt_metadata,
std::string const& id1,
std::string& O, std::string& U);
static void compute_encryption_parameters_V5(
char const* user_password, char const* owner_password,
int V, int R, int key_len, int P, bool encrypt_metadata,
std::string const& id1,
std::string& encryption_key,
std::string& O, std::string& U,
std::string& OE, std::string& UE, std::string& Perms);
// Return the full user password as stored in the PDF file. For
// files encrypted with 40-bit or 128-bit keys, the user password
// can be recovered when the file is opened using the owner
// password. This is not possible with newer encryption formats.
// If you are attempting to recover the user password in a
// user-presentable form, call getTrimmedUserPassword() instead.
std::string const& getPaddedUserPassword() const;
// Return human-readable form of user password subject to same
// limitations as getPaddedUserPassword().
std::string getTrimmedUserPassword() const;
// Return the previously computed or retrieved encryption key for
// this file
std::string getEncryptionKey() const;
// Linearization support
// Returns true iff the file starts with a linearization parameter
// dictionary. Does no additional validation.
bool isLinearized();
// Performs various sanity checks on a linearized file. Return
// true if no errors or warnings. Otherwise, return false and
// output errors and warnings to std::cout or the output stream
// specified in a call to setOutputStreams.
bool checkLinearization();
// Calls checkLinearization() and, if possible, prints normalized
// contents of some of the hints tables to std::cout or the output
// stream specified in a call to setOutputStreams. Normalization
// includes adding min values to delta values and adjusting
// offsets based on the location and size of the primary hint
// stream.
void showLinearizationData();
// Shows the contents of the cross-reference table
void showXRefTable();
// Returns a list of indirect objects for every object in the xref
// table. Useful for discovering objects that are not otherwised
// referenced.
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> getAllObjects();
// Optimization support -- see doc/optimization. Implemented in
// QPDF_optimization.cc
// The object_stream_data map maps from a "compressed" object to
// the object stream that contains it. This enables optimize to
// populate the object <-> user maps with only uncompressed
// objects. If allow_changes is false, an exception will be
// thrown if any changes are made during the optimization process.
// This is available so that the test suite can make sure that a
// linearized file is already optimized. When called in this way,
// optimize() still populates the object <-> user maps
void optimize(std::map<int, int> const& object_stream_data,
bool allow_changes = true);
// Convenience routines for common functions. See also
// QPDFObjectHandle.hh for additional convenience routines.
// Page handling API
// Traverse page tree return all /Page objects. Note that calls
// to page manipulation APIs will change the internal vector that
// this routine returns a pointer to. If you don't want that,
// assign this to a regular vector rather than a const reference.
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> const& getAllPages();
// This method synchronizes QPDF's cache of the page structure
// with the actual /Pages tree. If you restrict changes to the
// /Pages tree, including addition, removal, or replacement of
// pages or changes to any /Pages objects, to calls to these page
// handling APIs, you never need to call this method. If you
// modify /Pages structures directly, you must call this method
// afterwards. This method updates the internal list of pages, so
// after calling this method, any previous references returned by
// getAllPages() will be valid again. It also resets any state
// about having pushed inherited attributes in /Pages objects down
// to the pages, so if you add any inheritable attributes to a
// /Pages object, you should also call this method.
void updateAllPagesCache();
// The PDF /Pages tree allows inherited values. Working with
// the pages of a pdf is much easier when the inheritance is
// resolved by explicitly setting the values in each /Page.
void pushInheritedAttributesToPage();
// Add new page at the beginning or the end of the current pdf.
// The newpage parameter may be either a direct object, an
// indirect object from this QPDF, or an indirect object from
// another QPDF. If it is a direct object, it will be made
// indirect. If it is an indirect object from another QPDF, this
// method will call pushInheritedAttributesToPage on the other
// file and then copy the page to this QPDF using the same
// underlying code as copyForeignObject.
void addPage(QPDFObjectHandle newpage, bool first);
// Add new page before or after refpage. See comments for addPage
// for details about what newpage should be.
void addPageAt(QPDFObjectHandle newpage, bool before,
QPDFObjectHandle refpage);
// Remove page from the pdf.
void removePage(QPDFObjectHandle page);
// Writer class is restricted to QPDFWriter so that only it can
// call certain methods.
class Writer
friend class QPDFWriter;
static void getLinearizedParts(
QPDF& qpdf,
std::map<int, int> const& object_stream_data,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part4,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part6,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part7,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part8,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part9)
part4, part6, part7, part8, part9);
static void generateHintStream(
QPDF& qpdf,
std::map<int, QPDFXRefEntry> const& xref,
std::map<int, qpdf_offset_t> const& lengths,
std::map<int, int> const& obj_renumber,
PointerHolder<Buffer>& hint_stream,
int& S, int& O)
return qpdf.generateHintStream(xref, lengths, obj_renumber,
hint_stream, S, O);
static void getObjectStreamData(QPDF& qpdf, std::map<int, int>& omap)
static std::vector<QPDFObjGen> getCompressibleObjGens(QPDF& qpdf)
return qpdf.getCompressibleObjGens();
// Resolver class is restricted to QPDFObjectHandle so that only
// it can resolve indirect references.
class Resolver
friend class QPDFObjectHandle;
static PointerHolder<QPDFObject> resolve(
QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation)
return qpdf->resolve(objid, generation);
friend class Resolver;
// Warner class allows QPDFObjectHandle to create warnings
class Warner
friend class QPDFObjectHandle;
friend class QPDF_Stream;
static void warn(QPDF* qpdf, QPDFExc const& e)
friend class Warner;
// Pipe class is restricted to QPDF_Stream
class Pipe
friend class QPDF_Stream;
static bool pipeStreamData(QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int generation,
qpdf_offset_t offset, size_t length,
QPDFObjectHandle dict,
Pipeline* pipeline, bool suppress_warnings)
return qpdf->pipeStreamData(
objid, generation, offset, length, dict, pipeline,
friend class Pipe;
static std::string qpdf_version;
class ObjCache
ObjCache() :
ObjCache(PointerHolder<QPDFObject> object,
qpdf_offset_t end_before_space,
qpdf_offset_t end_after_space) :
PointerHolder<QPDFObject> object;
qpdf_offset_t end_before_space;
qpdf_offset_t end_after_space;
class ObjCopier
std::map<QPDFObjGen, QPDFObjectHandle> object_map;
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> to_copy;
std::set<QPDFObjGen> visiting;
class CopiedStreamDataProvider: public QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider
virtual ~CopiedStreamDataProvider()
virtual void provideStreamData(int objid, int generation,
Pipeline* pipeline);
void registerForeignStream(QPDFObjGen const& local_og,
QPDFObjectHandle foreign_stream);
std::map<QPDFObjGen, QPDFObjectHandle> foreign_streams;
class StringDecrypter: public QPDFObjectHandle::StringDecrypter
friend class QPDF;
StringDecrypter(QPDF* qpdf, int objid, int gen);
virtual ~StringDecrypter()
virtual void decryptString(std::string& val);
QPDF* qpdf;
int objid;
int gen;
class ResolveRecorder
ResolveRecorder(QPDF* qpdf, QPDFObjGen const& og) :
virtual ~ResolveRecorder()
QPDF* qpdf;
QPDFObjGen og;
friend class ResolveRecorder;
void parse(char const* password);
void warn(QPDFExc const& e);
void setTrailer(QPDFObjectHandle obj);
void read_xref(qpdf_offset_t offset);
void reconstruct_xref(QPDFExc& e);
bool parse_xrefFirst(std::string const& line,
int& obj, int& num, int& bytes);
bool parse_xrefEntry(std::string const& line,
qpdf_offset_t& f1, int& f2, char& type);
qpdf_offset_t read_xrefTable(qpdf_offset_t offset);
qpdf_offset_t read_xrefStream(qpdf_offset_t offset);
qpdf_offset_t processXRefStream(
qpdf_offset_t offset, QPDFObjectHandle& xref_stream);
void insertXrefEntry(int obj, int f0, qpdf_offset_t f1, int f2,
bool overwrite = false);
void setLastObjectDescription(std::string const& description,
int objid, int generation);
QPDFObjectHandle readObject(
PointerHolder<InputSource>, std::string const& description,
int objid, int generation, bool in_object_stream);
size_t recoverStreamLength(
PointerHolder<InputSource> input, int objid, int generation,
qpdf_offset_t stream_offset);
QPDFTokenizer::Token readToken(PointerHolder<InputSource>,
bool allow_bad = false,
size_t max_len = 0);
QPDFObjectHandle readObjectAtOffset(
bool attempt_recovery,
qpdf_offset_t offset, std::string const& description,
int exp_objid, int exp_generation,
int& act_objid, int& act_generation);
PointerHolder<QPDFObject> resolve(int objid, int generation);
void resolveObjectsInStream(int obj_stream_number);
void findAttachmentStreams();
// Calls finish() on the pipeline when done but does not delete it
bool pipeStreamData(int objid, int generation,
qpdf_offset_t offset, size_t length,
QPDFObjectHandle dict,
Pipeline* pipeline,
bool suppress_warnings);
// For QPDFWriter:
// Get lists of all objects in order according to the part of a
// linearized file that they belong to.
void getLinearizedParts(
std::map<int, int> const& object_stream_data,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part4,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part6,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part7,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part8,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part9);
void generateHintStream(std::map<int, QPDFXRefEntry> const& xref,
std::map<int, qpdf_offset_t> const& lengths,
std::map<int, int> const& obj_renumber,
PointerHolder<Buffer>& hint_stream,
int& S, int& O);
// Map object to object stream that contains it
void getObjectStreamData(std::map<int, int>&);
// Get a list of objects that would be permitted in an object
// stream.
std::vector<QPDFObjGen> getCompressibleObjGens();
// methods to support page handling
void getAllPagesInternal(QPDFObjectHandle cur_pages,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& result);
void getAllPagesInternal2(QPDFObjectHandle cur_pages,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& result,
std::set<QPDFObjGen>& visited);
void insertPage(QPDFObjectHandle newpage, int pos);
int findPage(QPDFObjGen const& og);
int findPage(QPDFObjectHandle& page);
void flattenPagesTree();
void insertPageobjToPage(QPDFObjectHandle const& obj, int pos,
bool check_duplicate);
// methods to support encryption -- implemented in QPDF_encryption.cc
encryption_method_e interpretCF(QPDFObjectHandle);
void initializeEncryption();
std::string getKeyForObject(int objid, int generation, bool use_aes);
void decryptString(std::string&, int objid, int generation);
static std::string compute_encryption_key_from_password(
std::string const& password, EncryptionData const& data);
static std::string recover_encryption_key_with_password(
std::string const& password, EncryptionData const& data);
static std::string recover_encryption_key_with_password(
std::string const& password, EncryptionData const& data,
bool& perms_valid);
void decryptStream(
Pipeline*& pipeline, int objid, int generation,
QPDFObjectHandle& stream_dict,
std::vector<PointerHolder<Pipeline> >& heap);
// Methods to support object copying
QPDFObjectHandle copyForeignObject(
QPDFObjectHandle foreign, bool allow_page);
void reserveObjects(QPDFObjectHandle foreign, ObjCopier& obj_copier,
bool top);
QPDFObjectHandle replaceForeignIndirectObjects(
QPDFObjectHandle foreign, ObjCopier& obj_copier, bool top);
// Linearization Hint table structures.
// Naming conventions:
// HSomething is the Something Hint Table or table header
// HSomethingEntry is an entry in the Something table
// delta_something + min_something = something
// nbits_something = number of bits required for something
// something_offset is the pre-adjusted offset in the file. If >=
// H0_offset, H0_length must be added to get an actual file
// offset.
// PDF 1.4: Table F.4
struct HPageOffsetEntry
HPageOffsetEntry() :
int delta_nobjects; // 1
qpdf_offset_t delta_page_length; // 2
int nshared_objects; // 3
// vectors' sizes = nshared_objects
std::vector<int> shared_identifiers; // 4
std::vector<int> shared_numerators; // 5
qpdf_offset_t delta_content_offset; // 6
qpdf_offset_t delta_content_length; // 7
// PDF 1.4: Table F.3
struct HPageOffset
HPageOffset() :
int min_nobjects; // 1
qpdf_offset_t first_page_offset; // 2
int nbits_delta_nobjects; // 3
int min_page_length; // 4
int nbits_delta_page_length; // 5
int min_content_offset; // 6
int nbits_delta_content_offset; // 7
int min_content_length; // 8
int nbits_delta_content_length; // 9
int nbits_nshared_objects; // 10
int nbits_shared_identifier; // 11
int nbits_shared_numerator; // 12
int shared_denominator; // 13
// vector size is npages
std::vector<HPageOffsetEntry> entries;
// PDF 1.4: Table F.6
struct HSharedObjectEntry
HSharedObjectEntry() :
// Item 3 is a 128-bit signature (unsupported by Acrobat)
int delta_group_length; // 1
int signature_present; // 2 -- always 0
int nobjects_minus_one; // 4 -- always 0
// PDF 1.4: Table F.5
struct HSharedObject
HSharedObject() :
int first_shared_obj; // 1
qpdf_offset_t first_shared_offset; // 2
int nshared_first_page; // 3
int nshared_total; // 4
int nbits_nobjects; // 5
int min_group_length; // 6
int nbits_delta_group_length; // 7
// vector size is nshared_total
std::vector<HSharedObjectEntry> entries;
// PDF 1.4: Table F.9
struct HGeneric
HGeneric() :
int first_object; // 1
qpdf_offset_t first_object_offset; // 2
int nobjects; // 3
int group_length; // 4
// Other linearization data structures
// Initialized from Linearization Parameter dictionary
struct LinParameters
LinParameters() :
qpdf_offset_t file_size; // /L
int first_page_object; // /O
qpdf_offset_t first_page_end; // /E
int npages; // /N
qpdf_offset_t xref_zero_offset; // /T
int first_page; // /P
qpdf_offset_t H_offset; // offset of primary hint stream
qpdf_offset_t H_length; // length of primary hint stream
// Computed hint table value data structures. These tables
// contain the computed values on which the hint table values are
// based. They exclude things like number of bits and store
// actual values instead of mins and deltas. File offsets are
// also absolute rather than being offset by the size of the
// primary hint table. We populate the hint table structures from
// these during writing and compare the hint table values with
// these during validation. We ignore some values for various
// reasons described in the code. Those values are omitted from
// these structures. Note also that object numbers are object
// numbers from the input file, not the output file.
// Naming convention: CHSomething is analogous to HSomething
// above. "CH" is computed hint.
struct CHPageOffsetEntry
CHPageOffsetEntry() :
int nobjects;
int nshared_objects;
// vectors' sizes = nshared_objects
std::vector<int> shared_identifiers;
struct CHPageOffset
// vector size is npages
std::vector<CHPageOffsetEntry> entries;
struct CHSharedObjectEntry
CHSharedObjectEntry(int object) :
int object;
// PDF 1.4: Table F.5
struct CHSharedObject
CHSharedObject() :
int first_shared_obj;
int nshared_first_page;
int nshared_total;
// vector size is nshared_total
std::vector<CHSharedObjectEntry> entries;
// No need for CHGeneric -- HGeneric is fine as is.
// Data structures to support optimization -- implemented in
// QPDF_optimization.cc
class ObjUser
enum user_e
// type is set to ou_bad
// type must be ou_root
ObjUser(user_e type);
// type must be one of ou_page or ou_thumb
ObjUser(user_e type, int pageno);
// type must be one of ou_trailer_key or ou_root_key
ObjUser(user_e type, std::string const& key);
bool operator<(ObjUser const&) const;
user_e ou_type;
int pageno; // if ou_page;
std::string key; // if ou_trailer_key or ou_root_key
class PatternFinder: public InputSource::Finder
PatternFinder(QPDF& qpdf, bool (QPDF::*checker)()) :
virtual ~PatternFinder()
virtual bool check()
return (this->qpdf.*checker)();
QPDF& qpdf;
bool (QPDF::*checker)();
// Methods to support pattern finding
bool findHeader();
bool findStartxref();
bool findEndstream();
// methods to support linearization checking -- implemented in
// QPDF_linearization.cc
void readLinearizationData();
bool checkLinearizationInternal();
void dumpLinearizationDataInternal();
QPDFObjectHandle readHintStream(
Pipeline&, qpdf_offset_t offset, size_t length);
void readHPageOffset(BitStream);
void readHSharedObject(BitStream);
void readHGeneric(BitStream, HGeneric&);
qpdf_offset_t maxEnd(ObjUser const& ou);
qpdf_offset_t getLinearizationOffset(QPDFObjGen const&);
QPDFObjectHandle getUncompressedObject(
QPDFObjectHandle&, std::map<int, int> const& object_stream_data);
int lengthNextN(int first_object, int n,
std::list<std::string>& errors);
void checkHPageOffset(std::list<std::string>& errors,
std::list<std::string>& warnings,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> const& pages,
std::map<int, int>& idx_to_obj);
void checkHSharedObject(std::list<std::string>& warnings,
std::list<std::string>& errors,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> const& pages,
std::map<int, int>& idx_to_obj);
void checkHOutlines(std::list<std::string>& warnings);
void dumpHPageOffset();
void dumpHSharedObject();
void dumpHGeneric(HGeneric&);
int adjusted_offset(int offset);
QPDFObjectHandle objGenToIndirect(QPDFObjGen const&);
void calculateLinearizationData(
std::map<int, int> const& object_stream_data);
void pushOutlinesToPart(
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& part,
std::set<QPDFObjGen>& lc_outlines,
std::map<int, int> const& object_stream_data);
int outputLengthNextN(
int in_object, int n,
std::map<int, qpdf_offset_t> const& lengths,
std::map<int, int> const& obj_renumber);
void calculateHPageOffset(
std::map<int, QPDFXRefEntry> const& xref,
std::map<int, qpdf_offset_t> const& lengths,
std::map<int, int> const& obj_renumber);
void calculateHSharedObject(
std::map<int, QPDFXRefEntry> const& xref,
std::map<int, qpdf_offset_t> const& lengths,
std::map<int, int> const& obj_renumber);
void calculateHOutline(
std::map<int, QPDFXRefEntry> const& xref,
std::map<int, qpdf_offset_t> const& lengths,
std::map<int, int> const& obj_renumber);
void writeHPageOffset(BitWriter&);
void writeHSharedObject(BitWriter&);
void writeHGeneric(BitWriter&, HGeneric&);
// Methods to support optimization
void pushInheritedAttributesToPage(bool allow_changes,
bool warn_skipped_keys);
void pushInheritedAttributesToPageInternal(
std::map<std::string, std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> >&,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& all_pages,
bool allow_changes, bool warn_skipped_keys);
void pushInheritedAttributesToPageInternal2(
std::map<std::string, std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> >&,
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle>& all_pages,
bool allow_changes, bool warn_skipped_keys,
std::set<QPDFObjGen>& visited);
void updateObjectMaps(ObjUser const& ou, QPDFObjectHandle oh);
void updateObjectMapsInternal(ObjUser const& ou, QPDFObjectHandle oh,
std::set<QPDFObjGen>& visited, bool top);
void filterCompressedObjects(std::map<int, int> const& object_stream_data);
class Members
friend class QPDF;
Members(Members const&);
QPDFTokenizer tokenizer;
PointerHolder<InputSource> file;
std::string last_object_description;
bool encrypted;
bool encryption_initialized;
bool ignore_xref_streams;
bool suppress_warnings;
std::ostream* out_stream;
std::ostream* err_stream;
bool attempt_recovery;
int encryption_V;
int encryption_R;
bool encrypt_metadata;
std::map<std::string, encryption_method_e> crypt_filters;
encryption_method_e cf_stream;
encryption_method_e cf_string;
encryption_method_e cf_file;
std::string provided_password;
std::string user_password;
std::string encryption_key;
std::string cached_object_encryption_key;
int cached_key_objid;
int cached_key_generation;
std::string pdf_version;
std::map<QPDFObjGen, QPDFXRefEntry> xref_table;
std::set<int> deleted_objects;
std::map<QPDFObjGen, ObjCache> obj_cache;
std::set<QPDFObjGen> resolving;
QPDFObjectHandle trailer;
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> all_pages;
std::map<QPDFObjGen, int> pageobj_to_pages_pos;
bool pushed_inherited_attributes_to_pages;
std::vector<QPDFExc> warnings;
std::map<QPDF*, ObjCopier> object_copiers;
PointerHolder<QPDFObjectHandle::StreamDataProvider> copied_streams;
// copied_stream_data_provider is owned by copied_streams
CopiedStreamDataProvider* copied_stream_data_provider;
std::set<QPDFObjGen> attachment_streams;
bool reconstructed_xref;
// Linearization data
qpdf_offset_t first_xref_item_offset; // actual value from file
bool uncompressed_after_compressed;
// Linearization parameter dictionary and hint table data: may be
// read from file or computed prior to writing a linearized file
QPDFObjectHandle lindict;
LinParameters linp;
HPageOffset page_offset_hints;
HSharedObject shared_object_hints;
HGeneric outline_hints;
// Computed linearization data: used to populate above tables
// during writing and to compare with them during validation.
// c_ means computed.
LinParameters c_linp;
CHPageOffset c_page_offset_data;
CHSharedObject c_shared_object_data;
HGeneric c_outline_data;
// Object ordering data for linearized files: initialized by
// calculateLinearizationData(). Part numbers refer to the PDF
// 1.4 specification.
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> part4;
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> part6;
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> part7;
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> part8;
std::vector<QPDFObjectHandle> part9;
// Optimization data
std::map<ObjUser, std::set<QPDFObjGen> > obj_user_to_objects;
std::map<QPDFObjGen, std::set<ObjUser> > object_to_obj_users;
// Keep all member variables inside the Members object, which we
// dynamically allocate. This makes it possible to add new private
// members without breaking binary compatibility.
PointerHolder<Members> m;
#endif // __QPDF_HH__