
258 lines
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2021-04-29 18:00:09 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Contract/PhpParser/Node/StmtsAwareInterface.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeAbstract.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeVisitor.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeVisitorAbstract.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/TokenEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/KeywordEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Comment.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/PrettyPrinterAbstract.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Parser.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/ParserAbstract.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/ErrorHandler.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/FunctionLike.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/ClassLike.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/TraitUseAdaptation.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/TraitUseAdaptation.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/ComplexType.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/CallLike.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Name.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/MagicConst.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverserInterface.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Declaration.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/FunctionLike.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/ClassConst.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Class_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/EnumCase.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Enum_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Function_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Interface_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Method.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Namespace_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Param.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Property.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/TraitUse.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Trait_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Builder/Use_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/BuilderFactory.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/BuilderHelpers.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Comment/Doc.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/ConstExprEvaluationException.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/ConstExprEvaluator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Error.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/ErrorHandler/Collecting.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/ErrorHandler/Throwing.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Internal/DiffElem.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Internal/Differ.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Internal/PrintableNewAnonClassNode.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Internal/TokenStream.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/JsonDecoder.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/Emulative.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/AttributeEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/CoaleseEqualTokenEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/EnumTokenEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/ExplicitOctalEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/FlexibleDocStringEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/FnTokenEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/MatchTokenEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/NullsafeTokenEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/NumericLiteralSeparatorEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/ReadonlyTokenEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Lexer/TokenEmulator/ReverseEmulator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NameContext.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Arg.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Attribute.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/AttributeGroup.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Const_.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/ArrayDimFetch.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/ArrayItem.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Array_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/ArrowFunction.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Assign.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/BitwiseAnd.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/BitwiseOr.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/BitwiseXor.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/Coalesce.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/Concat.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/Div.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/Minus.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/Mod.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/Mul.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/Plus.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/Pow.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/ShiftLeft.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignOp/ShiftRight.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/AssignRef.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/BitwiseAnd.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/BitwiseOr.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/BitwiseXor.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/BooleanAnd.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/BooleanOr.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Coalesce.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Concat.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Div.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Equal.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Greater.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/GreaterOrEqual.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Identical.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/LogicalAnd.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/LogicalOr.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/LogicalXor.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Minus.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Mod.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Mul.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/NotEqual.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/NotIdentical.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Plus.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Pow.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/ShiftLeft.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/ShiftRight.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Smaller.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/SmallerOrEqual.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BinaryOp/Spaceship.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BitwiseNot.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/BooleanNot.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Cast.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Cast/Array_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Cast/Bool_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Cast/Double.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Cast/Int_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Cast/Object_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Cast/String_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Cast/Unset_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/ClassConstFetch.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Clone_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Closure.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/ClosureUse.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/ConstFetch.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Empty_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Error.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/ErrorSuppress.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Eval_.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Exit_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/FuncCall.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Include_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Instanceof_.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Isset_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/List_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Match_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/MethodCall.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/New_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/NullsafeMethodCall.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/NullsafePropertyFetch.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/PostDec.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/PostInc.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/PreDec.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/PreInc.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Print_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/PropertyFetch.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/ShellExec.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/StaticCall.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/StaticPropertyFetch.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Ternary.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Throw_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/UnaryMinus.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/UnaryPlus.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Variable.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/YieldFrom.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Expr/Yield_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Identifier.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/IntersectionType.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/MatchArm.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Name/FullyQualified.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Name/Relative.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/NullableType.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Param.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/DNumber.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/Encapsed.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/EncapsedStringPart.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/LNumber.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/MagicConst/Class_.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/MagicConst/Dir.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/MagicConst/File.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/MagicConst/Function_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/MagicConst/Line.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/MagicConst/Method.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/MagicConst/Namespace_.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/MagicConst/Trait_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Scalar/String_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Break_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Case_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Catch_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/ClassConst.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/ClassMethod.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Class_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Const_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Continue_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/DeclareDeclare.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Declare_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Do_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Echo_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/ElseIf_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Else_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/EnumCase.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Enum_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Expression.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Finally_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/For_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Foreach_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Function_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Global_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Goto_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/GroupUse.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/HaltCompiler.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/If_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/InlineHTML.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Interface_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Label.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Namespace_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Nop.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Property.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/PropertyProperty.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Return_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/StaticVar.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Static_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Switch_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Throw_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/TraitUse.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/TraitUseAdaptation/Alias.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/TraitUseAdaptation/Precedence.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Trait_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/TryCatch.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Unset_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/UseUse.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/Use_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/Stmt/While_.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/UnionType.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/VarLikeIdentifier.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Node/VariadicPlaceholder.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeDumper.php';
Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 (#904) * Update to nikic/php-parser 4.13.0 * check Arg on PregMatchTypeCorrector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Aeg on NodeTransformer * check arg on RegexPatternArgumentManipulator * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * check Arg on FuncCallManipulator * check Arg on ClassMethodAssignManipulator * check Arg on StringifyStrNeedlesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * Arg check on CompactFuncCallAnalyzer * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * check Arg on CallableInMethodCallToVariableRector * Arg check on BeConstructedWithAssignFactory * Add ArgsAnalyzer to check Arg instance in in Args position * Arg check on SubstrMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on NewArgToMethodCallRector * check Arg on ConsistentImplodeRector * Arg check on DuringMethodCallFactory * Arg check on CountOnNullRector * Arg check on ExportToReflectionFunctionRector * Arg check on ImplodeAnalyzer * Arg check on WhileEachToForeachRector * Arg check on DowngradeIsCountableRector * Arg check on VariableNaming * Arg check on ConditionResolver * Arg check on DirNameFileConstantToDirConstantRector * Arg check on NewFluentChainMethodCallNodeAnalyzer * Arg check on MbStrrposEncodingArgumentPositionRector * Arg check on UnwrapFutureCompatibleIfFunctionExistsRector * Arg check on JsonArrayFactory * Arg check on RemoveFuncCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsOnPropertyRector * Arg check on FunctionExistsFunCallAnalyzer * Arg check on SetTypeToCastRector * Arg check on ReplaceEachAssignmentWithKeyCurrentRector * Arg check on PregMatchTypeCorrector * Arg check on SwapFuncCallArgumentsRector * Arg check on FilterVarToAddSlashesRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on ClassOnObjectRector * Arg check on CallerParamMatcher * Arg check on ArgumentFuncCallToMethodCallRector * add ArgsAnalyzer::isArgsInstanceInArgsPositions() for multi check directly * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on GetDebugTypeRector * Arg check on StringifyDefineRector * Arg check on DowngradeArrayKeyFirstLastRector * Arg check on IsArrayAndDualCheckToAble * Arg check on CreateFunctionToAnonymousFunctionRector * Arg check on AddArrayDefaultToArrayPropertyRector * Arg check on IsObjectOnIncompleteClassRector * Arg check on ForToForeachRector * Arg check on ClassMethodNodeRemover * Arg check on CompactConverter * Arg check on IsAWithStringWithThirdArgumentRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncArrayToVariadicRector * Arg check on MysqlPConnectToMysqliConnectRector * Arg check on MysqlAssignToMysqliRector * Arg check on InArrayAndArrayKeysToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on VersionCompareFuncCallToConstantRector * fix test * Arg check on StrEndsWithRector * Arg check on TokenManipulator * Arg check on StrStartsWithFactory * Arg check on DowngradeIsIterableRector * Arg check on DowngradeStripTagsCallWithArrayRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ChangeDiffForHumansArgsRector * Arg check on ThrowWithPreviousExceptionRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on StrposMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix * Arg check on PhpSpecClassToPHPUnitClassRector * Arg check on CallTypesResolver * Arg check on NonVariableToVariableOnFunctionCallRector * Arg check on DispatchStringToObjectRector * Arg check on GetClassToInstanceOfRector * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on StrncmpMatchAndRefactor * Arg check on ArraySpreadInsteadOfArrayMergeRector * Arg check on ArrayKeysAndInArrayToArrayKeyExistsRector * Arg check on DowngradeSessionStartArrayOptionsRector * Arg check on CountArrayToEmptyArrayComparisonRector * Arg check on DowngradeClosureFromCallableRector * Arg check on EregToPregMatchRector * Arg check on GetClassOnNullRector * Arg check on use RemoveSoleValueSprintfRector * Arg check on UnSpreadOperatorRector * Arg check on DowngradeStrContainsRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Arg check on ArrayMergeOfNonArraysToSimpleArrayRector * Arg check on IntvalToTypeCastRector * Arg check on RemoveUnusedVariableAssignRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CountManipulator * Arg check on DowngradeDefineArrayConstantRector * Arg check on RemoveReferenceFromCallRector * Arg check on SimplifyInArrayValuesRector * Arg check on SingleInArrayToCompareRector * Arg check on SimplifyIfIssetToNullCoalescingRector * Arg check on StrlenZeroToIdenticalEmptyStringRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * Add ComplexType check * Arg check on UnwrapSprintfOneArgumentRector * Arg check on CurrentAndParentClassMethodComparator * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * ComplexType check * Arg check on MockVariableCollector * re-generate preload.php * [ci-review] Rector Rectify * fix phpstan ignore error * Arg check on FormerNullableArgumentToScalarTypedRector * ComplexType check on MakeTypedPropertyNullableIfCheckedRector * Arg check on ArgumentRemoverRector * using getArgs() on PhpSpecPromisesToPHPUnitAssertRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on PhpSpecMocksToPHPUnitMocksRector * Arg check on SetCookieRector * Arg check on StringsAssertNakedRector * Arg check on PregReplaceEModifierRector * using getArgs() on multiple count() usage * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on MysqlFuncCallToMysqliRector * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * using getArgs() on args using in method call args * Arg check on DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector * Arg check on SetCookieOptionsArrayToArgumentsRector * using getArgs() on too complex check * Arg check on DowngradeNegativeStringOffsetToStrlenRector * ensure preload always used when file exists * Arg check on SimplifyFuncGetArgsCountRector * set back reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors as different between local and github * Arg check on ArgumentDefaultValueReplacer * fix test of getArgs() on MysqlQueryMysqlErrorWithLinkRector * Arg check on SymmetricArrayDestructuringToListRector * Arg check on UseMessageVariableForSprintfInSymfonyStyleRector * Arg check on ConsistentPregDelimiterRector * Arg check on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector * Arg check on ArrayKeyExistsTernaryThenValueToCoalescingRector * Arg check on SimplifyStrposLowerRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on CompactToVariablesRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on ChangeArrayPushToArrayAssignRector * Arg check on CompactConverter * final touch: Arg check on CallUserFuncWithArrowFunctionToInlineRector * fix Co-authored-by: GitHub Action <>
2021-09-27 15:29:16 +00:00
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeFinder.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeTraverser.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeVisitor/CloningVisitor.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeVisitor/FindingVisitor.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeVisitor/FirstFindingVisitor.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeVisitor/NameResolver.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeVisitor/NodeConnectingVisitor.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/NodeVisitor/ParentConnectingVisitor.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Parser/Multiple.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Parser/Php5.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Parser/Php7.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/Parser/Tokens.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/ParserFactory.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/nikic/php-parser/lib/PhpParser/PrettyPrinter/Standard.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Loader/Configurator/AbstractConfigurator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Loader/Configurator/ContainerConfigurator.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/symfony/contracts/Deprecation/function.php';